CAS NUMBER:98-29-3
EC Number:202-653-9
SYNONYMS:4-tert-Butylpyrocatechol; ≥99.0%; 4-tert-Butylcatechol; 98-29-3; P-tert-Butylcatechol; 4-tert-Butylpyrocatechol; P-tert-Butyl catechol; 4-(tert-butyl)benzene-1,2-diol;TBC;PTBC;4-tbc;synoxtbc;Synox tbc;p-Tert-Butyl;4-tert-Butyl-1;4-tert-Butylca;T-BUTYL CATECHOL;P-T-BUTYLCATECHOL;4-tert-Butyl-pyrocatechol; 4-tert-Butylbenzene-1,2-diol; 4-(2-Methyl-2-propanyl)-1,2-benzoldiol;4-(2-Méthyl-2-propanyl)-1,2-benzènediol;p-tert-butyl catechol; 4-tert- butyl pyrocatechol; 4-tert-butyl-1,2-benzenediol; 4-tert- butyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene; 4-tert-butyl-benzene-1,2-diol; 4-tert-butyl-pyrocatechol; 4-(tert-butyl)benzene-1,2-diol;4-tert- butylbenzene-1,2-diol;4-tert-butylcatechin;4-t-butylcatechol;4-tertbutylcatechol p-tert- butylcatechol;4-t-butylpyrocatechol;4-tert-butylpyrocatechol;p-t-butylpyrocatechol;p-tert-butylpyrocatechol; catechol; 4-tert-butyl-1,2-dihydroxy-4-tert-butylbenzene;4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,2-benzenediol;4-(2-methyl-2-propanyl)-1,2-benzenediol;4-(2-methyl-2-propanyl)-1,2-benzoldiol;pyrocatechol; 4-tert-butyl-4; TBC; para-tert-butyl catechol 85%; 1, 2 Benzenediol, 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-; 4-tert-butyl-;p-tert-Butylcatechol;p-tert-Butylpyrocate; 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-; Pyrocatechol, 4-tert-butyl-; p-tert-Butylcatechol; p-tert-Butylpyrocatechol; 1,2-Dihydroxy-4-tertbutylbenzene; 4-tert-Butyl-1,2-benzenediol; 4-tert-Butyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene; 4-tert-Butylcatechin; 4-tert-Butylcatechol; 4-tert-Butylpyrocatechol; p-t-Butyl catechol; 4-t-Butylcatechol; p-t-Butylpyrocatechol; 4-t-Butylpyrocatechol; 4-tert-Butylpyrokatechin; Synox TBC; 4-t-Butyl-1,2-benzenediol; 4-TBC; NSC 5310;Pyrocatechol, 4-tert-butyl-; 4-(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-1,2-BENZENEDIOL; p-tert.-Butylcatechol; 4-tert-Butylcatechin; p-tert-Butylpyrocatechol; 4-TBC; 4-t-Butylbenzene-1,2-diol; t-Butylcatechol; p-tert-Butylcatechol; TBC; p-t-Butylcatechol 4-t-Butyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene; 4-tert-Butylpyrokatechin; 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-; PTBC Pyrocatechol, 4-t-butyl-; Synox TBC; 4-TERT-BUTYL-1,2-DIHYDROXYBENZENE; 4-TERT-BUTYLCATECHOL; 1,2-Dihydroxy-4-tert-butylbenzene; 4-t-Butyl-1,2-benzenediol; 4-t-Butylcatechol; NSC 5310; 4-TERT-BUTYLPYROCATECHOL; p-t-Butylpyrocatechol; 4-T-BUTYLPYROCATECHOL; T-BUTYL CATECHOL; p-t-Butyl catechol; 4-tert-Butyl-1,2-benzenediol;
Tertiarybutylcathecol has a broad range of applications including being used as a polymerization inhibitor for styrene, butadiene, and other polymerizable monomers, an antioxidant for polymers and oils, and a stabilizer for various organic compounds.TertButylcatechol (TBC) is an organic chemical compound which is a derivative of catechol. It is available in solid crystal form and in aqueous solution. It is 25 times better than hydroquinone at 60 °C for polymerization inhibitory effect.Tert-Butylcatechol (TBC) It is added as a stabilizer and an inhibitor of polymerization to butadiene, styrene, vinyl acetate and other reactive monomer streams. It can also be used as a stabilizer in the manufacture of polyurethane foam. Tert-Butyl Catechol (TBC) is commonly used in industry to stabilize monomers, preventing them from spontaneous self polymerization. At room temperature, the Tertiarybutylcathecol is solid crystalline powder having melting point around 50C and Boiling point around 280-290C. From the Industrial Hygiene perspective, Tertiarybutylcathecol is a semi volatile compound, where both TBC dust and vapour can be detected in air. Melted Tertiarybutylcathecol may build up elevated concentration of hot Tertiarybutylcathecol vapour. When the hot air cools down, the Tertiarybutylcathecol may form a fume (respirable dust) in equilibrium with Tertiarybutylcathecol vapour. To the best of our knowledge (2016), there is no official exposure limit of Tertiarybutylcathecol. It is likely that it exposure limit should be similar to the one of Catechol, which is chemically and structurally similar to Tert-Butyl Catechol. ACGIH WEEL (2011) recommends 2 mg/m³ as a short-time exposure limit for Tertiarybutylcathecol. 4-tert-Butylcatechol (TBC) is an organic chemical compound which is a derivative of catechol. It is added as a stabilizer and an inhibitor of polymerization to butadiene, styrene, vinyl acetate and other reactive monomer streams. It is 25 times better than hydroquinone at 60 °C for polymerization inhibitory effect. Also used as a stabilizer in the manufacture of polyurethane foam. It also can be used as an antioxidant for synthetic rubber, polymers and oil derivatives. It can be used as purification agent for aminoformate catalysts. Tertiarybutylcathecol is available in a form of a solid crystal and 85% solution in methanol or water.The present invention discloses a method for synthesizing high purity tert-butyl catechol, the method is NKC-9 catalyst, catechol, methyl tert-butyl ether as a raw material, at a temperature of 100-160 deg.] C, under a reaction pressure of less than 0.04MPa, the reaction is 3-9 hours, and separating the methanol by-product during the reaction, the product was prepared. Synthetic method of the present invention has the following advantages: 1, raw materials used as raw materials as compared with isobutylene, isobutene security transportation or production process does not exist. 2, a small amount of catalyst, of only 0.5 to 5% by weight of catechol, can be recycled to reduce the loss of material. 3, 3-Tertiarybutylcathecol-free reaction mixture and 3,5-Tertiarybutylcathecol, high purity, up to 99%, and only a small pot residue, and the washing process without neutralization, no waste water. 4, the method of the invention the synthesis reaction conditions are mild, simple process, low production cost.
Monitoring tert-Butyl Catechol (TBC) in Butadeine
Tertiarybutylcathecol is usually added as a polymerization inhibitor to monomers like butadiene and styrene. The concentration of Tertiarybutylcathecol in the monomer needs to be regulated at approximately 100 ppm to avoid spontaneous polymerization as well as waste. Tertiarybutylcathecol has a distinct UV absorbance curve which allows the OMA system to easily monitor its real-time concentration. The fullspectrum analysis is critical for differentiating Tertiarybutylcathecol absorbance from other absorbing impurities like toluene. Since pure liquid butadeine is very difficult to prepare for system blanking purposes (i.e. at normal temperatures and pressures), pure isopropanol is used to zero the instrument. The full-spectrum analysis allows for normalization of the discrepancy between the butadeine spectrum and the isopropanol spectrum. The OMA continuously outputs the Tertiarybutylcathecol reading to the plant’s main computer, providing new measurements at a 1 second interval – much faster than the traditional HPLC used for this application (15 minute interval). Response time is critical in order to respond quickly to sudden changes in Tertiarybutylcathecol concentration.
Tersiyerbütilkatekol, stiren, bütadien ve dierlerinin polimerizasyon inhibitörü olarak kullanlmasn içeren geni bir uygulama alanna sahiptir. Polimerize edilebilir monomerler, polimerler ve yalar için bir antioksidan ve çeitli organikler için bir stabilizatör compound.Tersiyerbütilkatekol (TBC), bir katekol türevi olan organik kimyasal bir bileiktir. Bu mevcuttur kat kristal form ve sulu çözelti içinde. Polimerizasyon inhibitörü için 60 ° C’de hidrokinondan 25 kat daha iyidir etkisi.Tersiyerbütilkatekol (TBC) Butadien, stiren, vinil bir stabilizatör ve bir polimerizasyon inhibitörü olarak eklenir asetat ve dier reaktif monomer aklar. Poliüretan köpük üretiminde de stabilizatör olarak kullanlabilir. Tersiyerbütilkatekol (TBC), monomerlerin stabilize edilmesi ve kendiliinden kendiliinden korunmalar için endüstride yaygn olarak kullanlr. Polimerizasyon. Oda scaklnda, Tersiyerbütilkatekol, erime noktas 50 ° C ve Kaynama noktas olan kat kristal tozdur.Yaklak 280-290C. Endüstriyel Hijyen açsndan bakldnda, Tersiyerbütilkatekol, hem TBC tozunun hem de buharn bulunduu yar uçucu bir bileiktir havada tespit edilebilir. Eritilmi Tersiyer bütil kaatekol, yüksek konsantrasyonda scak TBC buhar biriktirebilir. Scak hava souduunda, TBC, TBC buhar ile dengede bir duman (solunabilir toz) oluturabilir. Bildiimiz kadaryla (2016), hayr Tersiyerbütilkatekol’nin resmi maruz kalma snr. Maruz kalma snrnn Catechol’e benzer olmas muhtemeldir, Tersiyer bütil katekol’a kimyasal ve yapsal olarak benzer. ACGIH WEEL (2011), ksa süreli pozlama olarak 2 mg / m³ önerir. Tersiyerbütilkatekol için limit. 4-tert-Bütilkatekol (TBC), bir katekol türevi olan organik bir kimyasal bileiktir. Olarak eklenir butadien, stiren, vinil asetat ve dier reaktif monomer akmlarna bir stabilizatör ve bir polimerizasyon inhibitörü. O Polimerizasyon inhibitör etkisi için 60 ° C’de hidrokinondan 25 kat daha iyidir. Ayrca bir stabilizatör olarak kullanlr poliüretan köpük imalat. Ayrca sentetik kauçuk, polimerler ve ya türevleri için bir antioksidan olarak kullanlabilir. Aminoformat katalizörleri için saflatrma maddesi olarak kullanlabilir. Tersiyerbütilkatekol bir kat kristal ve% 85 orannda mevcuttur. Metanol veya su içinde çözelti Mevcut bulu, yüksek saflkta tert-bütil katekol sentezlemek için bir metot ifa eder, yöntem, 100-160 ° C’lik bir scaklkta hammadde olarak NKC-9 katalizörü, katekol, metil tert-butil eterdir. 0.04 MPa’dan daha düük bir reaksiyon basnc altnda, reaksiyon 3-9 saattir ve metanol yan ürünü srasnda reaksiyon, ürün hazrland. Mevcut buluun sentetik usulü aadaki avantajlara sahiptir: 1, ham zobutilen, isobutene güvenlik tamacl veya üretim süreci ile karlatrldnda hammadde olarak kullanlan malzemeler mevcut deil 2, arlkça sadece% 0.5 ila% 5 orannda katekol içeren az miktarda katalizörün kaybn azaltmak için geri dönütürülebilir.
Butadeine’de Tersiyerbütil Katekol (TBC) zleme
Tersiyer bütil katekol genellikle butadien ve stiren gibi monomerlere bir polimerizasyon inhibitörü olarak eklenir. Tersiyerbütilkatekol konsantrasyonu Monomer, spontan polimerizasyonun yan sra atktan kaçnmak için yaklak 100 ppm’de ayarlanmaldr. Tersiyerbütilkatekol’de bir OMA sisteminin gerçek zamanl konsantrasyonunu kolayca izleyebilmesini salayan farkl UV absorbans erisi. Tam spektrum Analiz, TBC absorbansnn toluen gibi dier emici safszlklardan ayrt edilmesi için kritik öneme sahiptir. Saf sv beri Butadein, sistem boluu amaçlar için (yani normal scaklklarda ve basnçlarda) hazrlamak için çok zordur. Aleti sfrlamak için izopropanol kullanlr. Tam spektrum analizi, normallemeye izin verir. Butadein spektrumu ve izopropanol spektrumu arasndaki uyumsuzluk. OMA sürekli olarak Tersiyerbütilkatekol okumasn çkt Santralin ana bilgisayar, 1 saniyelik aralklarla yeni ölçümler salar – kullanlan geleneksel HPLC’den çok daha hzldr. Bu uygulama için (15 dakikalk aralk). Tersiyerbütilkatekol’deki ani deiikliklere hzl bir ekilde cevap vermek için tepki süresi kritikkonsantrasyonu.