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METATAGS:magnesium dihydroxide; magnesium(II) hydroxide; magnesium(2+) hydroxide; Magnesia, [Milk of]; magnesium hydrate ; Magnesium hydroxide; Magnesiumhydroxid Deutsch; ; Mg(OH)2; Milk of magnesia; milk of magnesia; magnesium;dihydroxide; InChI=1S/Mg.2H2O/h;2*1H2/q+2;;/p-2; Dihydroxyde de magnésium [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Magnesium dihydroxide [ACD/IUPAC Name], Magnesiumdihydroxid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; 1309-42-8 [RN]; 1909-42-8 [RN]; 215-170-3 [EINECS]; Magnesium hydroxide [JAN]; Versamag; Reachim; Kudrox; Milmag; Duhor;Magnesium dihydroxide; Milk of magnesia; Magnesium hydroxide suspension; Magnesium Hydroxide (GILUMAG); Magmex; Magnesiumhydroxid; Pedia-lax; Magnesia Tablets; Phillips Chewable; Milk Of Magnesia Mint; Mint Milk Of Magnesia; Milk Of Magnesia USP; Humco Milk Of Magnesia; ACMC-1BQGA; Equate Milk Of Magnesia; Leader Milk Of Magnesia; Milk Of Magnesia Cherry; Milk Of Magnesia Liquid; magnesium(2+) hydroxide; Careone Milk Of Magnesia; Sunmark Milk Of Magnesia;Topcare Milk Of Magnesia; Magnesium Hydroxide powder, Equaline Milk Of Magnesia; Milk Of Magnesia Original; Shoprite Milk Of Magnesia; Mg(OH)2; Dg Health Milk Of Magnesia; NBZ3QY004S; Good Sense Milk Of Magnesia; Stratuscare Milk Of Magnesia; KSC175A6B; Milk Of Magnesia Wild Cherry; magnesium(2+) ion dioxidanide; Sunmark Milk Of Magnesia Mint; Magnesium Hydroxide Powder USP; Harris Teeter Milk Of Magnesia; Dermagran II Ointment 0.25%; CHEMBL1200718; DTXSID4049662; CTK0H5060, Healthy Accents Milk Of Magnesia; Milk Of Magnesia Tablets 300mg; VTHJTEIRLNZDEV-UHFFFAOYSA-L; Milk Of Magnesia 7% To 8.5%; Milk Of Magnesia-sus 400mg/5ml; Dermagran II Ointment – 0.25%; Phillips Original Milk Of Magnesia; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D211; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D212; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D213; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D214; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D611; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D661; Magnesium Hydroxide GILUMAG D671; Stratuscare Milk Of Magnesia Cherry; Phillips Fresh Mint Milk Of Magnesia; AKOS015904092; Phillips Milk Of Magnesia Wild Cherry; DB09104; Dermagran II Ointment-ont Top 0.25%; Milk Of Magnesia Sus 440mg/5ml USP; Milk Of Magnesia USP Sus 440mg/5ml; RL01445; RTR-004229; Good Neighbor Pharmacy Milk Of Magnesia; Leader Milk Of; Magnesia Saline Laxative; Milk Of Magnesia Mint Flav Tab 385mg; Stratuscare Milk Of Magnesia Sugar Free; TRA-0176413; Sunmark Milk Of Magnesia Saline Laxative; Good Sense Milk Of Magnesia Stimulant Free; Milk Of Magnesia U.S.P. – Sus 400mg; Milk Of Magnesia U.S.P. – Sus ; Phillip’s Milk Of Magnesia Liq 80mg/ml Plain; Pharmaceutical Grade Magnesium Hydroxide HD ~ USP; Phillips Milk Of Magnesia Concentrated Fresh Strawberry; MAGNEZYUM DHDROKST; magnezyum dihidroksit; magnezyum, dihidroksit; magnezyum dihydroxide; magnezyum dhydroxide.





Magnesium dihydroxide is an inorganic compound that occurs in nature as the mineral brucite. It acts as an antacid with cathartic effects.

Milk of Magnesium is a solution of magnesium hydroxide with antacid and laxative properties. Milk of magnesium exerts its antacid activity in low doses such that all hydroxide ions that enter the stomach are used to neutralize stomach acid. This agent exerts its laxative effect in higher doses so that hydroxide ions are able to move from the stomach to the intestines where they attract and retain water, thereby increasing intestinal movement (peristalsis) and inducing the urge to defecate.

The influence of magnesium dihydroxide (MDH) nanoparticles on thermal degradation and fire behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), cone calorimeter, and pyrolysis-combustion flow calorimeter (PCFC) tests, respectively. MDH nanoparticles with either lamellar or fibrous shape have been synthesized via a sol-gel technique and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. PMMA-MDH nanocomposites have been prepared by melt blending the recovered MDH nanoparticles within PMMA at different loadings (5, 10, and 20 wt% MDH). According to TGA results, the incorporation of lamellar or fibrous MDH nanoparticles into PMMA leads to a significant improvement in PMMA thermal stability, both under air and inert atmosphere. The results obtained by PCFC and cone calorimeter tests show an important decrease in the peak of heat release rate (pHRR) concomitant with charring during the combustion. Lamellar MDH nanoparticles were found to be more efficient than fibrous MDH nanoparticles.
This medication is used for a short time to treat occasional constipation. It is a laxative (osmotic-type) that is thought to work by drawing water into the intestines, an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines.

This medication is also used to treat symptoms caused by too much stomach acid such as heartburn, upset stomach, or indigestion. It is an antacid that works by lowering the amount of acid in the stomach.

How to use Milk of Magnesia
Take this product by mouth as directed. For the chewable form, chew thoroughly before swallowing. For the liquid form, shake the bottle well before each dose. Carefully measure the dose using a special measuring device/spoon. Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose. If you are taking this medication for constipation, drink a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters) with each dose. Follow all directions on the product package, or use as directed by your doctor. If you are uncertain about any of the information, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.






Magnezyum dihidroksit doada mineral brucite olarak bulunan inorganik bir bileiktir. Katartik etkilere sahip bir antasit gibi davranr.

Magnezyum Sütü, antasit ve müshil özelliklere sahip bir magnezyum hidroksit çözeltisidir. Magnezyum sütü antasit aktivitesini düük dozlarda uygular, böylece mideye giren tüm hidroksit iyonlar mide asidinin nötralize edilmesinde kullanlr. Bu madde, müshil etkisini daha yüksek dozlarda uygular, böylece hidroksit iyonlar karnndan barsaklara hareket ederek su çeker ve tutar, böylece barsak hareketi (peristaltizm) artar ve dklama istei uyandrr.

Magnezyum dihidroksit (MDH) nanoparçacklarnn termal bozunum ve yangn davran üzerine etkisi srasyla termogravimetrik analiz (TGA), koni kalorimetre ve piroliz-yanma akl kalorimetre (PCFC) testleri ile aratrlmtr. Tabakal veya elyaf ekilli MDH nanopartikülleri, bir sol-jel teknii ile sentezlendi ve transmisyon elektron mikroskobu (TEM) ve X-n krnm analizi ile karakterize edildi. PMMA-MDH nanokompozitleri PMMA içinde farkl yüklemelerde (arlkça% 5, 10 ve% 20 MDH) kurutulmu MDH nanoparçacklarnn eritilerek kartrlmasyla hazrlanmtr. TGA sonuçlarna göre, tabakal veya elyafl MDH nanoparçacklarnn PMMA’ya dahil edilmesi hem hava hem de atl atmosfer altnda PMMA termal stabilitesinde belirgin bir iyilemeye yol açmaktadr. PCFC ve koni kalorimetre testleri ile elde edilen sonuçlar, yanma esnasnda karbonhidrat ile birlikte s salnm orannn (pHRR) tepe noktasnda önemli bir düü olduunu göstermektedir. Lameller MDH nanoparçacklarnn fibröz MDH nanopartiküllerinden daha etkili olduu bulunmutur.
Kullanm Alanlar
Bu ilaç ara sra konstipasyonu tedavi etmek için ksa bir süre kullanlr. Barsaklara su çekerek ie yarad düünülen bir müshil (ozmotik tip), barsan harekete neden olmasna yardmc olan bir etki.

Bu ilaç ayn zamanda mide ekimesi, mide bulants veya hazmszlk gibi ar miktarda mide asidinin neden olduu belirtileri tedavi etmek için de kullanlr. Midede asit miktarn düürerek i gören bir antasittir.

Magnezyum Sütü nasl kullanlr?
Bu ürünü yönlendirildii gibi az yoluyla aln. Çineme biçimi için, yutmadan önce iyice çineme. Sv form için, her dozdan önce ieyi iyice çalkalayn. Dozu özel bir ölçüm cihaz / kak kullanarak dikkatlice ölçün. Doru doz almadnz için ev ka kullanmayn. Eer bu ilaçlar kabzlk için kullanyorsanz, her dozda bir bardak su (8 ons veya 240 mililitre) içirin. Ürün paketindeki tüm yönergeleri takip edin veya doktorunuzun talimatlarna uyarak kullann. Herhangi bir bilgiden emin deilseniz, doktorunuza veya eczacnza dann.

Dozaj, tbbi durumunuza ve tedaviye yantnza dayanr.



