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sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye; E524; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye, E524; sodyum florit; sodyum karbonat; sodyum sülfat; caustic soda; sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye; E524; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye, E524; sodyum florit; sodyum karbonat; sodyum sülfat; caustic soda; sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye; E524; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye, E524; sodyum florit; sodyum karbonat; sodyum sülfat; caustic soda; sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; SODIUM HYDROKSIT; SODYUM HDROKSIT; sodium hydroksit; sodum diosit; sodum hidroksit boncut; payet; sodum hidroksit payet; SODYUM HDROKST; sodium hydroxide payet; sodium hydroxide boncuk; kostik soda; sodum hydroksit ar; sodum hydroksit hafif; sodium hydroxide heavy; sodum hidroksit; caustic soda; boncuk kostik; sud kostik; Sodyum hidroksit (Boncuk); Lye; sodium hydrate; white caustic; caustic soda; soda lye; soda ash; ascarite; Sodium Hydroxide – Sodyum Hidroksit (Boncuk Kostik) – PEARL; boncuk kostk; boncu kostik soda; boncuk sodyum hidroksit; boncuk; hidroksit sodyum; sodyum hidroksit boncuk; sodyum peroksit; Caustic soda lye; lye; LYE; CAUSTIC SODA; Sodium hydroxide pellets; BETZ 0234; IODINE SOLUTION; POTASSIUM IODIDE; causticsoda,solid(dot); causticsoda,solution; Sodium hydroxide(1310-73-2); sodium hidroksit; sodyum hidroksit; sodyum hydroxde; sodium hidrooksit; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye; E524; lye; acidity regulator; caustic soda; soda lye, E524; sodyum florit; sodyum karbonat; sodyum sülfat; caustic soda; BONCUK KOSTK;

Kimyasal ad
Sodyum hidroksit, Kostik
Kimyasal formül
Molekül arl
39.9971 g/mol
CAS numaras
2.1 g/cm³
Erime noktas
318 °C (591 K)
Kaynama noktas
1.390 °C (1.663 K)

Sodyum hidroksit, beyaz renkte nem çekici bir maddedir. NaOH formülüyle gösterilir. Suda kolaylkla çözünür ve yumuak kaygan ve sabun hissi veren bir çözelti oluturur. nsan dokusuna kandrc bir etkisi vardr. Sodyum hidroksit (kostik soda veya sud kostik te denir), lâboratuvarda CO2 gibi asidik gazlar yakalamak için kullanlr. Endüstride birçok kimyasal maddenin yapmnda, yapay ipek, sabun, kât, boya, deterjan endüstrisinde ve petrol rafinelerinde kullanlr. Ayrca serigrafide pozitif20 ile beraber kullanlr. Bir bazdr. Su ile tepkimeye girdiinde yaklak 5 dakika içinde scakl 50 Santigrat dereceye çkar ve yaklak 15 dakika scak kalr. Özellikle inaat laboratuvarlarnda organik madde tayini için kullanlmaktadr. Suyun içerisine % 3 orannnda NaOH eklenerek iyice çalkalanr ve bir eprüvetin içerisine 100 çizgisine kadar agrega konulur. Bunun üzerine 160’a gelene kadar çözeltiden eklenir ve çalkalanarak 24 saat suda bekletilir. Bu beklemenin sonunda agregann rengindeki deiiklik bize agrega içindeki organik madde miktar hakknda bilgi vermektedir. Sodyum Hidroksit, Sodyum Hidroksit kimya birçok endüstride kullanlan önemli temel bir birleiktir. Sodyum Hidroksit’in dier ad kostik tir. Beyaz renkte olup nem çekici özellii olan bir maddedir. Suda kolaylkla çözülmektedir. Yumuak, kaygan ve sabun hissi veren bir yapdadr. Sv ve kat halde bulunmaktadr. Herhangi bir kokusu da yoktur. Kat olan payet, boncuk gibi ekillerde olurken sv olan, sulu çözelti eklinde bulunmaktadr. Sodyum Hidroksit 1807 ylnda ngiltere de Humphrey Day tarafndan kefedilmi olup, kefin nasl gerçekletii tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Sodyum Hidroksit kendiliinde doal bir ekilde meydana gelmez, fakat üretimi çok kolaydr. Basit sofra tuzunun elektrolizi sonucunda %50 lik bir çözelti eklinde üretilmektedir. Klor gaz bu esnada ortaya çkar. çözeltideki suyun buharlamas sonucunda kat haldeki kostik elde edilir. 25 kg paketli ambalajlarda olarak ticareti yaplmaktadr. Sodyum Hidroksit endüstride bir çok alanda kullanlmaktadr. Kat, boya, yapay ipek, deterjan sanayinde petrol rafinelerinde kullanlmaktadr. En büyük kullanm alan kimyasal endüstridir, deterjan ve boya daha sonra kat sektöründe kullanlr. lüminyum üretiminde de kullanlr. Kat yapmnda Sodyum hidroksit ve sülfit temel maddelerdir. Bu maddeler Kraft projesi esnasnda serilöz fiberden lingini ayrmak için çözeltinin ana maddeleridir. Üretilen kahve rengi kad beyazlatrmak için Sodyum hidroksit kullanlr. Sodyum hidroksit sabun yapmnda ve petrol sanayinde biodizel üretiminde kullanlmaktadr. Meyve ve sebzelerin kimyasal yollarla soyma ileminde, çikolata ve kakao ilemede kullanlr. Sodyum Hidroksit temizleme malzemesi olarak kullanlr, en yaygn olan lavabo açclardr. Güçlü ya alma özellii sayesinde paslanmaz çeliklerde kullanlr. Kanalizasyon atk su borularnn temizliinde kullanlr. Gres ve ar yalar çözebilmektedir. Lavabo,Wc Ve Pvc Boru Açc , Pimaa Zarar Vermez Eriterek Açar Pimanz Sökmeden, Fayansnz Krmadan, Ev Düzeninizi Bozmadan Günlerce Uramadan Dökün Açlsn! Tkanm Banyonuz Tuvaletiniz Ve Lavabonuz Varsa Sadece 3 Dakikada Açyor! Mutfak çin: Yemek Artklar,Ya Kalntlar ,Bulak Ve Çeitli Türlerden Oluan Lavabo Tkanklklarnda. Banyo çin:Banyo Lavabolar Ve Banyonun Dier Boru,Pima Giderlerinde Bez,Kl,Tüy,Yün,Ya,Çerçöp Vs.Tkanklklarda. Tuvalet çin : Tuvalet Giderleri Tahliye Borularnda Pislik, Tuvalet Kad, Bez, Hijyenik Ped, Peçete, zmarit, Çerçöp Vs. Tkanklklarda. Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlar El, Yüz, Vücut Ve Gda Temizliinde Kullanmaynz. Kendi Ambalaj Dnda Baka Ambalaja Boaltmaynz. Azn Kapal Tutunuz. Cilt le Temas Halinde Bol Suyla Ykaynz. Gerektiinde Doktorunuza Bavurunuz. Ürünün Çok Kullanld Yerlerde Maske Taknz.Ürünü Baka Kimyasallarla Kartrmaynz.Özellikle Toz Halindeki Lavabo Açclarla Kartrmaynz Ve Birliktekullanmaynz. Ürünü Mermer, Granit, Ahap Vb. Yerlere Dökmeyiniz. Zarar Verebilir. Galvaniz Borularda Karatma Yapar.
2Na + 2H2O –> 2NaOH +H2 + tepkime sonucu oluan alev -s

CAS Number: 1310-73-2

appearance: NaOH is a white, odorless, deliquescent material sold as pellets, flakes, lumps, or sticks. Aqueous solutions are known as soda lye. White solid.
NaOH, adhesives, agrochemicals, chemicals in animal husbandry, crop protection & fertilizers, building & construction, construction adhesives, CASE, adhesives, detergents, food industry, cleaning products for installations in food industry, fuel industry, I&I cleaning, metallurgical industry, metalworking, paints & coatings, personal care, pharmaceuticals, pulp & paper, raw materials and intermediates, water & wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment, water treatment. bleaching agents, cleansing agents, degreasing agents, metal working fluids, pH regulators, raw materials & intermediates, solvents. Sodium hydroxide is an inorganic chemical compound of the hydroxide group, belonging to the strongest alkali. In liquid form it is a colourless, odourless and non-flammable product called caustic soda liquid. It belongs to a group of basic raw materials, so it is used almost in every industry. Sodium hydroxide in the PCC Group is produced in the process of membrane electrolysis and delivered to the market in a 49% to 51% solution. The resulting product is characterised by high quality and purity, thanks to which it has obtained the PZH certificate. The product also fulfils the requirements of the latest edition of European Pharmacopoeia, which defines basic quality requirements and research methods, among which are pharmaceutical raw materials.fulfills the requirements of the latest edition of European Pharmacopoeia; used for the production of aluminium in the steel and metallurgical industries;paper production; refining of crude oil, mineral oils in the petrochemical industry; in the cosmetics industry – production of hard (sodium) soap, washing detergents, exfoliating masks; industrial cleaning;component of several plasticisers in the construction industry; pH regulation in water treatment processes;raw material in the manufacture of pigments and dyes for paints, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries, cleaning and disinfection in animal breeding and beekeeping, combating diseases and protecting plants in fruit growing, NaOH is a strongly basic versatile inorganic compound often referred to as caustic soda, lye, or sodium hydrate. This common laboratory alkali is used for general cleaning of equipment, buffer solutions, and titrations, among other uses. In the home, NaOH is found in soaps, cleaning agents, and even foodstuffs like wine. Use the links below to buy NaOH as powder, pellets, or in solution for luminescence, molecular biology, cell culture, semiconductors, and ion chromatography. Choose from common concentration values, purities from 97%, and grades from to meet your commercial, educational, food, drug, or medicinal applications. Available grades include ACS reagent, analytical, Ph. Eur., Puriss, Puriss P.A., BioUltra, BioXtra, and Purum. Product detail pages provide full information, including documentation, safety data, and lists of common trace anion and cations or impurities. Get sodium hydroxide in amounts from 25 g to 50 kg (25 mL to 650 L) or request a bulk order for sodium hydroxide from any product page. Our team will review your request for bulk critical raw materials along with any unique or large package size requirements to ensure you a smooth single order or a customized local supply chain with lot-to-lot consistency, in-house quality testing, and comprehensive documentation. Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye and caustic soda,is an inorganic compound with the formula NaOH. It is a white solid ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na+and hydroxide anions OH-Sodium hydroxide is a highly caustic base and alkali that decomposes proteins at ordinary ambient temperatures and may cause severe chemical burns. It is highly soluble in water, and readily absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. It forms a series of hydrates NaOH·nH2O.The monohydrate NaOH·H2O crystallizes from water solutions between 12.3 and 61.8 °C. The commercially available “sodium hydroxide” is often this monohydrate, and published data may refer to it instead of the anhydrous compound. As one of the simplest hydroxides,it is frequently utilized alongside neutral water and acidic hydrochloric acid to demonstrate the pH scale to chemistry students. Sodium hydroxide is used in many industries: in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, drinking water, soaps and detergents, and as a drain cleaner. Worldwide production in 2004 was approximately 60 million tonnes, while demand was 51 million tonnes. Pure sodium hydroxide is a colorless crystalline solid that melts at 318 °C (604 °F) without decomposition, and with a boiling point of 1,388 °C (2,530 °F). It is highly soluble in water, with a lower solubility in polar solvents such as ethanol and methanol.NaOH is insoluble in ether and other non-polar solvents. Similar to the hydration of sulfuric acid, dissolution of solid sodium hydroxide in water is a highly exothermic reaction where a large amount of heat is liberated, posing a threat to safety through the possibility of splashing. The resulting solution is usually colorless and odorless. As with other alkaline solutions, it feels slippery with skin contact due to the process of saponification that occurs between NaOH and natural skin oils. Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, as a fluid solution, demonstrates a characteristic viscosity, 78 mPa·s that is much greater than water (1.0 mPa·s) and near that of olive oil (85 mPa·s) at room temperature. The viscosity of NaOH, as with any chemical, is inversely related to its service temperature; meaning viscosity decreases as temperature increases, and vice versa. The viscosity of sodium hydroxide plays a direct role in its application as well as its storage.Sodium hydroxide can form several hydrates NaOH·nH2O, which result in a complex solubility diagram that was described in detail by S. U. Pickering in 1893.The known hydrates and the approximate ranges of temperature and concentration (mass percent of NaOH) of their saturated water solutions are.The only hydrates with stable melting points are NaOH·2O (65.10 °C) and NaOH·3.5H2O (15.38 °C). The other hydrates, except the metastables NaOH·3H2O and NaOH·4H2Oβ) can be crystallized from solutions of the proper composition, as listed above. However, solutions of NaOH can be easily supercooled by many degrees, which allows the formation of hydrates (including the metastable ones) from solutions with different concentrations For example, when a solution of NaOH and water with 1:2 mole ratio (52.6% NaOH by mass) is cooled, the monohydrate normally starts to crystallize (at about 22 °C) before the dihydrate. However, the solution can easily be supercooled down to -15 °C, at which point it may quickly crystallize as the dihydrate. When heated, the solid dihydrate might melt directly into a solution at 13.35 °C; however, once the temperature exceeds 12.58 °C. it often decomposes into solid monohydrate and a liquid solution. Even the n = 3.5 hydrate is difficult to crystallize, because the solution supercools so much that other hydrates become more stable NaOH and its monohydrate form orthorhombic crystals with the space groups Cmcm (oS8) and Pbca (oP24), respectively. The monohydrate cell dimensions are a = 1.1825, b = 0.6213, c = 0.6069 nm. The atoms are arranged in a hydrargillite-like layer structure /O Na O O Na O/… Each sodium atom is surrounded by six oxygen atoms, three each from hydroxyl anions HO-and three from water molecules. The hydrogen atoms of the hydroxyls form strong bonds with oxygen atoms within each O layer. Adjacent O layers are held together by hydrogen bonds between water molecules Glass reacts slowly with aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions at ambient temperatures to form soluble silicates. Because of this, glass joints and stopcocks exposed to sodium hydroxide have a tendency to “freeze”. Flasks and glass-lined chemical reactors are damaged by long exposure to hot sodium hydroxide, which also frosts the glass. Sodium hydroxide does not attack iron at room temperatures, since iron does not have amphoteric properties (i.e., it only dissolves in acid, not base). Nevertheless, at high temperatures (e.g. above 500 °C), iron can react endothermically with sodium hydroxide to form iron(III) oxide, sodium metal, and hydrogen gas.This is due to the lower enthalpy of formation of iron(III) oxide (-824.2kJ/mol compared to sodium hydroxide (500kJ/mol), thus the reaction is thermodynamically favorable, although its endothermic nature indicates non-spontaneity. Consider the following reaction between molten sodium hydroxide and finely divided iron filings Sodium hydroxide can be used for the base-driven hydrolysis of esters (as in saponification), amides and alkyl halides.However, the limited solubility of sodium hydroxide in organic solvents means that the more soluble potassium hydroxide (KOH) is often preferred. Touching sodium hydroxide solution with the bare hands, while not recommended, produces a slippery feeling. This happens because oils on the skin such as sebum are converted to soap. Despite solubility in propylene glycol it is unlikely to replace water in saponificaction due to propylene glycol primary reaction with fat before reaction between sodium hydroxide and fat. Sodium hydroxide is industrially produced as a 50% solution by variations of the electrolytic chloralkali process.Chlorine gas is also produced in this process.Solid sodium hydroxide is obtained from this solution by the evaporation of water. Solid sodium hydroxide is most commonly sold as flakes, prills, and cast blocks.Sodium hydroxide is a popular strong base used in industry. Around 56% of sodium hydroxide produced is used by industry, 25% of which is used in the paper industry. Sodium hydroxide is also used in the manufacture of sodium salts and detergents, pH regulation, and organic synthesis. It is used in the Bayer process of aluminium production.In bulk, it is most often handled as an aqueous solution,since solutions are cheaper and easier to handle. sodium hydroxide is used in many scenarios where it is desirable to increase the alkalinity of a mixture, or to neutralize acids.Poor quality crude oil can be treated with sodium hydroxide to remove sulfurous impurities in a process known as caustic washing. As above, sodium hydroxide reacts with weak acids such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans to yield non-volatile sodium salts, which can be removed. The waste which is formed is toxic and difficult to deal with, and the process is banned in many countries because of this. In 2006, Trafigura used the process and then dumped the waste in Africa. Strong bases attack aluminium. Sodium hydroxide reacts with aluminium and water to release hydrogen gas. The aluminium takes the oxygen atom from sodium hydroxide, which in turn takes the oxygen atom from the water, and releases the two hydrogen atoms, The reaction thus produces hydrogen gas and sodium aluminate. In this reaction, sodium hydroxide acts as an agent to make the solution alkaline, which aluminium can dissolve in. This reaction can be useful in etching, removing anodizing, or converting a polished surface to a satin-like finish, but without further passivation such as anodizing or alodining the surface may become degraded, either under normal use or in severe atmospheric conditions. n the Bayer process, sodium hydroxide is used in the refining of alumina containing ores (bauxite) to produce alumina (aluminium oxide) which is the raw material used to produce aluminium metal via the electrolytic Hall-Héroult process. Since the alumina is amphoteric, it dissolves in the sodium hydroxide, leaving impurities less soluble at high pH such as iron oxides behind in the form of a highly alkaline red mud. Food uses of sodium hydroxide include washing or chemical peeling of fruits and vegetables, chocolate and cocoa processing, caramel coloring production, poultry scalding, soft drink processing, and thickening ice cream.[39] Olives are often soaked in sodium hydroxide for softening; Pretzels and German lye rolls are glazed with a sodium hydroxide solution before baking to make them crisp. Owing to the difficulty in obtaining food grade sodium hydroxide in small quantities for home use, sodium carbonate is often used in place of sodium hydroxide.It is known as E number E524. Sodium hydroxide is frequently used as an industrial cleaning agent where it is often called “caustic”. It is added to water, heated, and then used to clean process equipment, storage tanks, etc. It can dissolve grease, oils, fats and protein-based deposits. It is also used for cleaning waste discharge pipes under sinks and drains in domestic properties. Surfactants can be added to the sodium hydroxide solution in order to stabilize dissolved substances and thus prevent redeposition. A sodium hydroxide soak solution is used as a powerful degreaser on stainless steel and glass bakeware. It is also a common ingredient in oven cleaners. A common use of sodium hydroxide is in the production of parts washer detergents. Parts washer detergents based on sodium hydroxide are some of the most aggressive parts washer cleaning chemicals. The sodium hydroxide-based detergents include surfactants, rust inhibitors and defoamers. A parts washer heats water and the detergent in a closed cabinet and then sprays the heated sodium hydroxide and hot water at pressure against dirty parts for degreasing applications. Sodium hydroxide used in this manner replaced many solvent-based systems in the early 1990s[citation needed] when trichloroethane was outlawed by the Montreal Protocol. Water and sodium hydroxide detergent-based parts washers are considered to be an environmental improvement over the solvent-based cleaning methods. Sodium hydroxide is used in the home as a type of drain opener to unblock clogged drains, usually in the form of a dry crystal or as a thick liquid gel. The alkali dissolves greases to produce water soluble products. It also hydrolyzes the proteins such as those found in hair which may block water pipes. These reactions are sped by the heat generated when sodium hydroxide and the other chemical components of the cleaner dissolve in water. Such alkaline drain cleaners and their acidic versions are highly corrosive and should be handled with great caution. Sodium hydroxide is used in some relaxers to straighten hair. However, because of the high incidence and intensity of chemical burns, manufacturers of chemical relaxers use other alkaline chemicals in preparations available to average consumers. Sodium hydroxide relaxers are still available, but they are used mostly by professionals. A solution of sodium hydroxide in water was traditionally used as the most common paint stripper on wooden objects. Its use has become less common, because it can damage the wood surface, raising the grain and staining the colour. Sodium hydroxide is sometimes used during water purification to raise the pH of water supplies. Increased pH makes the water less corrosive to plumbing and reduces the amount of lead, copper and other toxic metals that can dissolve into drinking water. Like other corrosive acids and alkalis, drops of sodium hydroxide solutions can readily decompose proteins and lipids in living tissues via amide hydrolysis and ester hydrolysis, which consequently cause chemical burns and may induce permanent blindness upon contact with eyes. Solid alkali can also express its corrosive nature if there is water, such as water vapor. Thus, protective equipment, like rubber gloves, safety clothing and eye protection, should always be used when handling this chemical or its solutions. The standard first aid measures for alkali spills on the skin is, as for other corrosives, irrigation with large quantities of water. Washing is continued for at least ten to fifteen minutes. Careful storage is needed when handling sodium hydroxide for use, especially bulk volumes. Following proper NaOH storage guidelines and maintaining worker/environment safety is always recommended given the chemical’s burn hazard. Sodium hydroxide is often stored in bottles-as in laboratories, small-scale use-within intermediate bulk containers-medium volume containers for cargo handling and transport-or within large stationary storage tanks with volumes up to 100,000 gallons-as in manufacturing or waste water plants with extensive NaOH use. Common materials that are compatible with sodium hydroxide and often utilized for NaOH storage include: polyethylene (HDPE, usual, XLPE, less common), carbon steel, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), stainless steel, and fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP, with a resistant liner). (inorganic chemistry) A strong, caustic alkali (NaOH) used in the manufacture of soap, detergents, paper, textiles and having many other industrial applications.
