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cas no: 8002-33-3
ec no: 232-306-7

metatags: SULFATED CASTOR OIL (TURKEY RED OIL); sulfated castor oil; sulfonated castor oil; sulphonated castor oil; sulfonated castor ol; sulphonated castor ol; castor oil; castor oil; sülfatl castor ol; sülfatl castor oil; sülfatlanm castor oil; sülfatlanm castor ol; sülfatl hint ya; sülfatl hint hag; sülfatlanm hint ya; sülfatlanm hint yag; Aquasol; Turkey red oil; Turkey-red oil; Castor oil, sulfated; Caswell No. 899; UNII-75T1HFY189; trisodium;[(Z)-18-[1,3-bis[[(Z)-12-sulfonatooxyoctadec-9-enoyl]oxy]propan-2-yloxy]-18-oxooctadec-9-en-7-yl] sulfate; CASTOR OIL; HINY YAGI; HNT YAI; hint ya; hnt yag; sulfated castro oil; sulfated castro ol; sulfonated castro oil, sulphonated castro ol; krmz ya; krmz yag; türkiye krmz ya; türkiyekrmz yag; türkiye krmz yag; turkey krmz ya; turkey krmz yag; Sulfated Ricinus communis (Castor) Oil; ricinus communis.


Türkiye-krmz ya hazrlamann geleneksel yöntemi, birkaç saatlik bir süre boyunca, 25-30 ° C’lik bir scakln muhafaza edilmesi için reaksiyon kütlesinin sabit soutulmas ve çalkalanmas ile, hintyaya kontrollü bir oranda konsantre sülfürik asit ilave etmektir. Asit ilavesi tamamlandktan sonra reaksiyon kütlesi ykanr, daha sonra bir alkali çözelti veya bir amin kullanlarak nötralize edilir.

Sülfatlanm hintya Uygulamalar:

· Sülfatl hint ya sradan sabunlardan sonraki ilk sentetik deterjandr. Yalayclar, yumuatclar ve boyama yardmclarn formüle etmekte de kullanlr.

· Sülfatlanm hint ya Bir anyonik sürfaktan olmas, aktif bir slatma maddesidir (eritildii bir svnn yüzey gerilimini azaltabilen bir kimyasal madde). Bu nedenle, pamuk ve ketenlerin boyanmasnda ve kaplanmasnda yaygn olarak kullanlr. Genel olarak, hintya ve baz türevlerinin slak yüzeylere kazandrma özellii, pigmentlerin ve boyalarn mükemmel tayclar olarak yararl olmasn salar.

· Sülfolanm hint ya, orta viskozitededir ve genellikle banyo ya tariflerinde koku veya uçucu yalarla birlikte veya ampuanlarda kullanlr.

· Sülfatlanm hint ya, suda tamamen dalm tek yadr. Sülfonatl hint ya bir yüzey aktif cismidir ve bu nedenle, banyo ya için su ile iyi karan, süt banyosu üreten harika bir temel oluturur.

· Sülfonatl hintya, tarmda organik gübre olarak, köpük giderici kat sanayiinde, ilaçlarda undesilenat, boya, mürekkep, yumuatc ve yalayc olarak da kullanlr.
Türkiye Krmz ya tarmda organik gübre, tekstillerde yüzey aktif maddeler ve slatma maddeleri, köpük giderici kat endüstrisinde, emülgatörler olarak kozmetiklerde, undesilenat olarak, boya mürekkeplerinde ve kayganlatrc olarak farmasötiklerde kullanlr.
Bu ya, sradan hintyana sülfürik asit tuzu ilavesiyle elde edilir ve genellikle Türkiye Krmz Ya olarak adlandrlr. Sülfürik asit ilavesi bu ya tamamen suda çözünür yapar, bu nedenle suya ilave edildiinde süspansiyon ajanna ihtiyaç duymadan eit dalr. Bu nedenle genellikle çiçeklenme banyo ya tariflerinde veya yalarn su formülasyonlarna e emülsiyon yapc olarak kullanlr.

Sülfatlanm hint ya, renk olarak derhal krmzdr ve standart hint ya benzeri dokuda kalndr. Bu ya, cilt kullanmnn yararna göre görü farkllklar gösterir, baz aratrmalar, belli bir süre dorudan cilt temasnn deriyi hafifçe tahri edebildiini gösterir. Dier çalmalar toksisite ya da cilt ile ilgili herhangi bir sorun olmadn göstermektedir ve dier bulgular cildin yararna olduunu göstermektedir.

Kozmetik derece. Sadece D Kullanm.

INCI: Sülfatl Ricinus communis (Castor) Ya
Baz sabun yapm tariflerinde zenginletirici olarak kullanlan, yalanamaz ya. Viskoz krmzms kahverengi ya. Ana sabun üreten ya olarak uygun deildir, sabunlamaz hale gelir. Boyanan deri ve baz kumalarda ilave kullanmlar vardr. Yalayclar ve yumuatclarn formülasyonunda da kullanlr. Suda tamamen dalm tek yadr. Sülfatlanm hint ya, hintyana sülfürik asit ilavesiyle oluturulur ve ilk sentetik deterjandr. Türkiye Krmz Ya bilindii gibi, farkl ve ar bir kokusu vardr. Bir sürfaktan ve bu nedenle, su ile iyi kart için bir banyo ya için harika bir temel oluturarak bir süt banyosu üretiyor.

Sülfatlanm hint ya tama ve depolama
Güvenli Kullanm:
yi imalat uygulamalar ve endüstriyel hijyen uygular.
Uygulamalar, havalandrmay uygun ekilde salayn. Yemeyin, içmeyin veya sigara içmeyin
Kullanm srasnda. Yangndan ve alevlerden uzak tutun. Koruyun
Depolama Alanlar ve
Serin, kuru bir yerde, kapal bir kapta saklayn. Simge durumuna küçült
Hava ile temas ve k maruziyeti. Kaçnlmas için önlem aln
Çalma alannda statik dearjlar.





Sulfated/Sulfonated Castor Oil
Sulfated or Sulfonated castor oil is a castor oil that has been treated so that it is fully dispersible in water, thus making it perfect for bath oil products. It is also called Turkey Red Oil.

The traditional method of preparing turkey-red oil is to add concentrated sulfuric acid at a controlled rate to castor oil over a period of several hours with constant cooling and agitation of the reaction mass to maintain a temperature of 25-30oC. After acid addition is complete, the reaction mass is washed then neutralized using an alkali solution or an amine.

sulfated castor oil Applications:

· Sulfated Castor Oil was the first synthetic detergent after ordinary soap. It is also used in formulating lubricants, softeners, and dyeing assistants.

· sulfated castor oil Being an anionic surfactant, it is an active wetting agent (a chemical agent capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved). As such, it is used extensively in dyeing and in finishing of cotton and linen. Generally, the ability of castor oil and some of its derivatives to wet surfaces make them useful as excellent carriers of pigments and dyes.

· Sulfonated castor oil is of medium viscosity and is usually used in bath oil recipes along with fragrance or essential oils, or in shampoos.

· sulfated castor oil is the only oil that will completely disperse in water. sulfonated castor oil is a surfactant and therefore makes a wonderful base for bath oil as it mixes well with water, producing a milk bath.

· Sulfonated castor oil is also used in agriculture as organic manure, in paper industry for defoaming, in pharmaceuticals as undecylenate, in paints, inks, softeners and in lubricants.
This oil is obtained thru the process of adding salt of sulfuric acid to ordinary castor oil, creating what is often called Turkey Red Oil. The addition of the sulfuric acid makes this oil completely water soluble, thus when added to water it will disperse evenly without needing a suspension agent. For this reason it’s often used in blooming bath oil recipes, or as a co-emulsifier for oils into water formulations.
Turkey Red oil is used in agriculture as organic manure, in textiles as surfactants and wetting agents, in paper industry for defoaming, in cosmetics as emulsifiers, in pharmaceuticals as undecylenate, in paints inks and as lubricants.

sulfated castor oil is deeply red in color, and thick in texture, similar to standard castor oil. This oil holds differences of opinions as to the benefit for skin use, some studies show that direct skin contact over a period of time can mildly irritate the skin. Other studies show no toxicity or skin related issues, and other findings show it benefits the skin.

Cosmetic grade. External Use Only.

INCI: Sulfated Ricinus communis (Castor) Oil
Unsaponifiable oil used in some soapmaking recipes as an enrichment. Viscous reddish-brown oil. Not suitable as a main soap-making oil, being unsaponifiable. Has additional uses in dying leather and certain fabrics. Also used in formulating lubricants and softeners. Turkey Red Oil as it is known, has a distinct and heavy scent. It is a surfactant and therefore makes a wonderful base for a bath oil as it mixes well with water, producing a milk bath.

sulfated castor oil handling and storage
Safe Handling:
Apply good manufacturing practice and industrial hygiene
practices, ensure proper ventilation. Do not eat, drink or smoke
during handling. Keep away from fire and open flames. Protect
from freezing.
Requirements for Storage Areas and
Store in a cool, dry location, in a sealed container. Minimize
contact with air and exposure to light. Take precautions to avoid
static discharges in working area.
