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CAS NO: 68424-45-3

METATAGS:Linseed Oil Fatty Acid; Linseed acid, distilled; C11H11NO2S; LOFA; Linum Usitatissimum L; L 75;TRLA 50;ALPHA-LNN;Emery 644;L 75 (acid);Toenol 8183;Toenol LOFA;LINSEED ACID;Toenol 1140A;Nouracid LE 80; ; Acids, linseed; Fatty acids, linseed oil; Linseed acid; EINECS 270-304-8; Linseed oil fatty acids; Linseed oil, acidulated; Fatty acids, linseed-oil; Fatty acids, linseed-oil; LNSEED YA; linseed ya; keten tohumu; KETEN TOHUMU, KETEN TOHUMU YAI; keten tohumu ya; keten ya; keten yag; keten yagi; KETEN YAGI; KETEN YAG; TOHUM YAI; KETEN TOHUMU YAGI; lofa; toenol lofa; linum; lnum; LNUM; LINUM,LNOLEK AST; LINOLEIK ASIT; LINOLEIK ACID; LNOLEIC ACID.






APPEARANCE: Light Yellow liquid with characteristic odor
Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil, is a colourless to yellowish oil obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). The oil is obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction. Linseed oil is a drying oil, meaning it can polymerize into a solid form. Due to its polymer-forming properties, linseed oil can be used on its own or blended with combinations of other oils, resins or solvents as an impregnator, drying oil finish or varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty, and in the manufacture of linoleum. Linseed oil use has declined over the past several decades with increased availability of synthetic alkyd resins-which function similarly but resist yellowing.

Linseed oil is an edible oil in demand as a nutritional supplement, as a source of α-Linolenic acid, (an omega-3 fatty acid). In parts of Europe, it is traditionally eaten with potatoes and quark. It is regarded as a delicacy due to its hearty taste, that enhances the flavour of quark, which is otherwise bland.

Most applications of linseed oil exploit its drying properties, i.e., the initial material is liquid or at least pliable and the aged material is rigid but not brittle. The water-repelling (hydrophobic) nature of the resulting hydrocarbon-based material is advantageous.

Paint binder

“Your country needs flax ..” U.S. WWII poster soliciting linseed oil for use in paint.
Linseed oil is a common carrier used in oil paint. It can also be used as a painting medium, making oil paints more fluid, transparent and glossy. It is available in varieties such as cold pressed, alkali refined, sun bleached, sun thickened, and polymerised (stand oil). The introduction of linseed oil was a significant advance in the technology of oil painting.

Traditional glazing putty, consisting of a paste of chalk powder and linseed oil, is a sealant for glass windows that hardens within a few weeks of application and can then be painted over. The utility of putty is owed to the drying properties of linseed oil.

Wood finish
When used as a wood finish, linseed oil dries slowly and shrinks little upon hardening. Linseed oil does not cover the surface as varnish does, but soaks into the (visible and microscopic) pores, leaving a shiny but not glossy surface that shows off the grain of the wood. A linseed oil finish is easily repaired, but it provides no significant barrier against scratching. Only wax finishes are less protective. Liquid water penetrates a linseed oil finish in mere minutes, and water vapour bypasses it almost completely. Garden furniture treated with linseed oil may develop mildew. Oiled wood may be yellowish and is likely to darken with age. Because it fills the pores, linseed oil partially protects wood from denting by compression.

Linseed oil is a traditional finish for gun stocks, though very fine finish may require months to obtain. Several coats of linseed oil is the traditional protective coating for the raw willow wood of cricket bats; it is used so that the wood retains some moisture. New cricket bats are coated with linseed oil and knocked-in to perfection so they last longer. Linseed oil is also often used by billiards or pool cue-makers for cue shafts, as a lubricant/protectant for wooden recorders, and used in place of epoxy to seal modern wooden surfboards. Additionally, a luthier may use linseed oil when reconditioning a guitar, mandolin, or other stringed instrument’s fret board; lemon-scented mineral oil is commonly used for cleaning, then a light amount of linseed oil (or other drying oil) is applied to protect it from grime that might otherwise result in accelerated deterioration of the wood.

Boiled linseed oil is used as sizing in traditional oil gilding to adhere sheets of gold leaf to a substrate (parchment, canvas, Armenian bole, etc.) It has a much longer working time than water-based size and gives a firm smooth surface which is adhesive enough in the first 12-24 hours after application to cause the gold to attach firmly to the intended surface.

Linseed oil is used to bind wood dust, cork particles, and related materials in the manufacture of the floor covering linoleum. After its invention in 1860 by Frederick Walton, linoleum, or ‘lino’ for short, was a common form of domestic and industrial floor covering from the 1870s until the 1970s when it was largely replaced by PVC (‘vinyl’) floor coverings. However, since the 1990s, linoleum is on the rise again, being considered more environmentally sound than PVC. Linoleum has given its name to the printmaking technique linocut, in which a relief design is cut into the smooth surface and then inked and used to print an image. The results are similar to those obtained by woodcut printing.
Nutritional supplement and food
Flax seed oil is easily oxidized, and rapidly becomes rancid, with an unpleasant odour, unless refrigerated. Even when kept under cool conditions, it has a shelf life of only a few weeks.dubious – discuss] Oil with an unpleasant or rancid odor should be discarded. Oxidation of flax seed oil is a major commercial concern, and antioxidants may be added to prevent rancidification.[10] Linseed oil is not generally recommended for use in cooking, yet one study does show that the alpha linolenic acid (ALA) while bound in flaxseed was found to be stable for cooking. When bound to flaxseed ALA can withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees F (176.67 C) for two hours.

Food-grade flaxseed oil is cold-pressed, obtained without solvent extraction, in the absence of oxygen, and marketed as edible flaxseed oil. Fresh, refrigerated and unprocessed, linseed oil is used as a nutritional supplement and is a traditional European ethnic food, highly regarded for its hearty taste. It contains the highest level of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA among vegetable oils.[need quotation to verify] Regular flaxseed oil contains between 52% and 63% ALA (C18:3 n-3). Plant breeders have developed flaxseed with both higher ALA (70%) and very low ALA content (< 3%). The USFDA granted generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status for high alpha linolenic flaxseed oil.

Additional uses
Animal care products
Bicycle maintenance as a thread fixative, rust inhibitor and lubricant
Composition ornament for moulded decoration
Earthen floors
Animal feeds
Industrial lubricant
Leather treatment
Particle Detectors
Wood preservation
Cookware seasoning






GÖRÜNÜMÜ: Ik Sar sv karakteristik koku ile
Keten tohumu ya, keten tohumu ya olarak da bilinir, keten bitkisinin kurutulmu, olgunlam tohumlarndan (Linum usitatissimum) elde edilen renksiz ila sarmtrak bir yadr. Ya preslenerek, bazen de solvent özütlenerek elde edilir. Keten tozu ya, kat bir formda polimerize edebildii anlamna gelir. Polyester oluturucu özelliklere bal olarak, keten tohumu ya kendi bana kullanlabilir veya ya emülgatörü olarak dier yalarn, reçinelerin veya çözücülerin kombinasyonlaryla, ahap kaplamada vernik, yal boya pigment birletirici olarak Plastikletirici ve sertletirici macun ve linolyum imalat. Keten tohumu ya kullanm, benzer ekilde ilev gören ancak sararmaya dirençli olan sentetik alkid reçinelerinin artan mevcudiyeti ile son on yllar boyunca düü göstermitir.

Keten tohumu ya, α-Linolenik asit (bir omega-3 ya asidi) kayna olarak besin takviyesi olarak talep gören yenilebilir bir yatr. Avrupa’nn bir bölümünde, geleneksel olarak patates ve kuark ile yenilir. Yumuak tad nedeniyle lezzet olarak kabul edilir, aksi takdirde yumuak olan kuarkn lezzetini arttrr.

Kullanm Alanlar
Pek çok keten ya uygulamas, kurutma özelliklerinden yararlanr, yani, balangçtaki malzeme sv veya en az yumuaktr ve eskitilmi malzeme serttir ancak krlgan deildir. Ortaya çkan hidrokarbon esasl malzemenin su itici (hidrofobik) doas avantajldr.

Boya balayc

“Ülken ketene ihtiyaç duyuyor ..” kinci Dünya Sava posteri, keten tohumu ya istiyor ve boya kullanmak istiyor.
Keten tohumu ya, yal boya kullanlan ortak bir taycdr. Ayn zamanda, yalboya svlar daha akkan, effaf ve parlak hale getiren bir boyama ortam olarak da kullanlabilir. Souk preslenmi, alkali artlm, günele kaplanm, güne kvamnda ve polimerize (stand ya) gibi çeitler mevcuttur. Keten tohumu ya, yal boya teknolojisinde önemli bir gelimeydi.

Tebeir tozu ve keten tohumu ya içeren macunlardan oluan geleneksel cam macunu, birkaç hafta içinde sertleen ve daha sonra boyanabilen cam pencereler için bir szdrmazlk maddesidir. Macunun faydas, keten tohumu ya kurutma özelliklerine baldr.

Ahap kaplama
Ahap bitimi olarak kullanldnda, keten tohumu ya yavaça kurur ve sertleme üzerine az miktarda küçültür. Keten tozu ya, cila verdii gibi yüzeyini örtmemekte, ancak gözle görülür ve mikroskobik gözenekleri içine çekilmekte ve ahab tahrip eden parlak fakat parlak olmayan bir yüzey brakmaktadr. Bir keten tohumu ya kaplamas kolayca onarlr, ancak çizilmeye kar önemli bir engel oluturmaz. Sadece balmumu macunlar daha az koruyucu olur. Sv su, yalnzca birkaç dakika içinde keten tohumu ya yüzeyine nüfuz eder ve su buhar, neredeyse tamamen atlar. Mayonez ya ile ilenmi bahçe mobilyalar küf olumasna neden olabilir. Yal ahap sarms olabilir ve yala birlikte kararabilir. Gözenekleri doldurduu için, keten tohumu ya, odun sktrma ile oyulmasn ksmen korur.

Keten tohumu ya, tabanca stoklar için geleneksel bir kaplama olmasna ramen, çok ince kaplama elde etmek aylar sürebilir. Birkaç tane keten tohumu yünü, kriket sopalarnn ham yeillik aac için geleneksel koruyucu kaplamadr; Ahap baz nemi koruyacak ekilde kullanlr. Yeni kriket yarasalar keten tohumu ya ile kaplanr ve mükemmellik için el ele verirler böylece daha uzun sürer. Keten ya genellikle bilardo veya havuz iaretçileri tarafndan ipucu milleri için, ahap kaydediciler için bir yalayc / koruyucu olarak kullanlr ve modern ahap sörf tahtalarn kapatmak için epoksi yerine kullanlr. Buna ek olarak, bir luthier, bir gitar, mandolin veya baka telli enstrümann perde tahtasn yenilediinde keten tohumu ya kullanabilir; Limon kokulu madeni ya genellikle temizlik için kullanlr, aksi takdirde ahabn hzlanarak bozulmasna neden olabilecek kirlerden korumak için hafif miktarda keten tohumu ya (veya baka bir kurutma ya) uygulanr.

Altn kaplama [deitir]
Halanm keten tohumu ya, altn tabakann yapraklarna (parömen, kanvas, Ermeni baca vb.) Yaptrmak için geleneksel ya yaldznda boyut olarak kullanlr. Su bazl boyadan daha uzun bir çalma süresine sahiptir ve Uygulamann ardndan ilk 12-24 saatte yaptrlarak altnlarn istenen yüzeye skca yapmasna neden olun.

Linyum ya, zemin kaplama linolyum imalatnda ahap tozu, mantar parçacklar ve ilgili malzemeleri balamak için kullanlr. 1860’da Frederick Walton tarafndan yaplan icatndan sonra, linolyum ya da ksacas ‘lino’, yerli ve endüstriyel yer döemelerinin 1870’lerden 1970’lere kadar büyük oranda PVC (‘vinil’) yer kaplamalar ile kapland ortak bir formdu. Bununla birlikte, 1990’l yllardan beri, linolyum tekrar yükselite ve PVC’den çevreye daha fazla ses çkyor. Linolyum, kabartma deseninin pürüzsüz yüzeye kesildii ve daha sonra mürekkeplenip bir görüntü basmak için kulland bask yapm teknii linocut’u adn vermitir. Sonuçlar ahap bask ile elde edilen sonuçlara benzer.
Besin takviyesi ve gdalar
Keten tohumu ya kolayca oksitlenir ve soutulmad sürece ho olmayan bir koku ile hzla kokarca gelir. Serin koullar altnda tutulduunda bile raf ömrü sadece birkaç haftadr. üpheli – tartn] Tatsz veya kokulu bir kokuya sahip yalar atlmaldr. Keten tohumu ya oksidasyonu büyük bir ticaret endie kaynadr ve antioksidanlar kokainlenmeyi önlemek için eklenebilir. [10] Keten tohumu ya piirme srasnda genellikle tavsiye edilmez, ancak bir çalma, keten tohumu ile bal iken alfa linolenik asitin (ALA) piirme için kararl olduu gösterilmitir. Keten tohumu ile balandnda, ALA, iki saat boyunca 350 ° F (176.67 ° C) scakla dayanabilir.

Gda snf keten tohumu ya souk preslenir, çözücü ekstraksiyonu yaplmadan oksijen olmadan elde edilir ve yenilebilir keten tohumu ya olarak pazarlanr. Taze, soutulmu ve ilenmemi, keten tohumu yemi bir besin takviyesi olarak kullanlr ve doyurucu tatyla büyük beeni toplayan geleneksel bir Avrupa etnik gdasdr. Bitkisel yalar arasnda omega-3 yal asit ALA’nn en yüksek seviyesini içerir. [Dorulamas gereken trnak iareti] Düzenli keten tohumu ya% 52-63 ALA (C18: 3 n-3) içerir. Bitki yetitiricileri daha yüksek ALA (% 70) ve çok düük ALA içerii (<% 3) ile keten tohumu gelitirdiler. USFDA, yüksek alfa linolenik keten tohumu ya için genellikle güvenli (GRAS) statüsü almtr.

Ek kullanmlar
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Endüstriyel yalayc
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