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CAS NO:96-18-4
EC NO:202-486-1

METATAGS:NCIC60220;TRICHLOROHYDRIN; TRICHLOROPROPANE; allyltrichloride; Allyl trichloride;3-trichloropropane; 1,2,3-Trichlorpropan; 1,2,3-Trichloropropa; 1,2,3-trichloro-propan; Glycerintrichlorhydrin; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane | 123TCPA; TCP; 1,2,3-trichloropropane; InChI=1S/C3H5Cl3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h3H,1-2H2; C3H5Cl3; CH2ClCHClCH2Cl; trichlorohydrin; 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE; Trichlorohydrin; 96-18-4; Allyl trichloride; Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro-; Glycerol trichlorohydrin; Glyceryl trichlorohydrin, NCI-C60220; NSC 35403; CCRIS 5874; HSDB 1340; EINECS 202-486-1; BRN 1732068; AI3-26040; CHEBI:34036; CFXQEHVMCRXUSD-UHFFFAOYSA-N; DSSTox_CID_1390; DSSTox_RID_76132; DSSTox_GSID_21390; CAS-96-18-4; UNII-3MJ7QCK0Z0; Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- glyceroltrichlorohydrin; 1,3-Trichloropropane; Glycerin trichlorohydrin; AC1L1OFA; Propane,2,3-trichloro-; 1,2,3-Trichloro-propane; ACMC-209s6o; WLN: G1YG1G; 3MJ7QCK0Z0; SCHEMBL19623; KSC494G0L; 47794_SUPELCO; BIDD:ER0690; morpholino(4-pyridyl)methanone; 110124_ALDRICH; 46269_RIEDEL; CHEMBL346933; DTXSID9021390; CTK3J4305; MolPort-002-507-723; BB_SC-0499; LS-29; BB_SC-00499; NSC35403; ZINC1667602; Tox21_202023; Tox21_302963; NCGC00259572-01; AN-42778; KB-09978; OR001108; TR-030126; FT-0606227; FT-0636537; S0655; ST51047067; C14400; 28417-EP2380568A1; I14-8060; FISH PROJECT 1 (1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE) (1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE);1,2,3-Trichloropropane , 0.97; 1,2,3 Trichloropropane , 99.58%; 1,2,3 trichloropropane; 1,2,3 tr,chloro propane; 1,2,3 triklorpropan; 1,2,3 triklor propan; tcp; triklorpropan; triklor propan; tri, chloro, propane; tri klor, propan; triklor, propan; triklor propane.





1,2,3-Trichloropropane can be produced via the chlorination of propylene. Other reported methods for producing 1,2,3-trichloropropane include the addition of chlorine to allyl chloride, reaction of thionyl chloride with glycerol, and the reaction of phosphorus pentachloride with either 1,3- or 2,3-dichloropropanol. TCP also may be produced as a byproduct of processes primarily used to produce chemicals such as dichloropropene (a soil fumigant), propylene chlorohydrin, propylene oxide, dichlorohydrin, and glycerol.

Historically, TCP has been used as a paint or varnish remover, a cleaning and degreasing agent, and was an impurity in certain pesticides. It is also used as a chemical intermediate in the process of making chemicals, such as hexafluoropropylene and polysulfides, and as an industrial solvent.

1,2,3-TCP had purportedly been used in the past as a solvent for paint and varnish removal, as a cleaning and degreasing agent, and as a cleaning and maintenance solvent. No current information is available to indicate that it continues to be used for these purposes.

Soil fumigants
Pre-1980s, agricultural use of chloropropane-containing soil fumigants for use as pesticides and nematicides was prevalent in the United States. Some soil fumigants, which contained a mixture of primarily 1,3-dichloropropene and 1,2-dichloropropane, and in which 1,2,3-TCP was a minor component, e.g., trade name of D-D, were marketed for the cultivation of various crops including citrus fruits, pineapples, soy beans, cotton, tomatoes,and potatoes. D-D was first marketed in 1943, but is no longer available in the United States, and has been replaced with Telone II, which was first available in 1956. Telone II reportedly contains as much as 99 percent 1,3-dichloropropene and up to 0.17 percent by weight 1,2,3-TCP (Zebarth et al., 1998). Before 1978, approximately 55 million pounds/year of 1,3-dichloropropene were produced annually in the United States, and approximately 20 million pounds/year of 1,2-dichloropropane and 1,2,3-TCP were produced as by-products in the production of 1,3-dichloropropene. Over 2 million pounds of pesticides containing 1,3-dichloropropene were used in California alone in 1978. Telone II is still used for vegetables, field crops, fruit and nut trees, grapes, nursery crops, and cotton.

Aircraft fuel tank sealers
Another documented use of 1,2,3-TCP was as a “branching” or curing agent in polysulfide polymers (Kirk Othmer Chemical Encyclopedia, 2001). Polysulfide polymers have been used as the “standard sealant for virtually all aircraft fuel tanks and bodies” since the 1950s. Also, “one of the first large-scale applications of the liquid polysulfides was as a binder for rocket fuel,” from 1946 until 1958. Summary tables published by Kirk Othmer (2001) list the properties of a number of Morton Thiokol LP series of polysulfide polymer-based sealers, with concentrations of the branching agent (1,2,3-TCP) ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 percent. Liquid polysulfide polymers are used mainly as sealants in manufacturing applications, including applications related to double-paned windows, boat hulls and decks, printing rolls, integral aircraft fuel tanks, and aircraft bodies.

Chemical intermediates
By the early 1980s, approximately 95 percent of chloropropanes were being used as chemical intermediates. Chemical intermediates are industrial chemicals that are used as the starting point to produce other chemicals. 1,2,3-TCP is currently used as an intermediate in the production of polysulfone liquid polymers, the synthesis of hexafluoropropylene, and as a cross-linking agent in the synthesis of polysulfides. Polysulfone liquid polymers are used in the following industries: aerospace, automotive,consumer goods, electrical and electronic, health care, and in industrial equipment, such as compressor and pump valve components. Hexafluoropropylene is a fluorointermediate that is a key building block required to produce Teflon fluoropolymers; it has applications in the agrochemical, electronics, dyes/pigments, pharmaceutical, and specialty polymermarkets. Polysulfides are used as catalyst sulfidation agents and in the formulation of lubricant additives created for use in high-pressure environments or applications.

1,2,3-TCP is manufactured as a stand-alone product in the United States. It also is produced in significant quantities as an unwanted by-product of the production of other chlorinated compounds such as epichlorohydrin, and is used internally by manufacturers as an intermediate in the production of other chemicals such as polysulfone and epoxy resins.

What is TCP?
– TCP is a chlorinated hydrocarbon with high chemical stability (Samin and Janssen 2012).
– Synonyms include allyl trichloride, glycerol trichlorohydrin and trichlorohydrin (OSHA 2013).
– TCP is exclusively a man-made chemical, typically found at industrial or hazardous waste sites (Dombeck and Borg 2005; ATSDR 1992).
– TCP has been used as an industrial solvent and as a cleaning and degreasing agent; it has been found as an impurity resulting from the production of soil fumigants (DHHS 2011; HSDB 2009).
– TCP is currently used as a chemical intermediate in the production of other chemicals (including polysulfone liquid polymers and dichloropropene), and in the synthesis of hexafluoropropylene. In addition, it is used as a crosslinking agent in the production of polysulfides (DHHS 2011; HSDB 2009).

What are the environmental impacts of TCP?
– TCP is not likely to sorb to soil based on its low soil organic carbonwater partition coefficient; therefore, it is likely to either leach from soil into groundwater or evaporate from soil surfaces (ATSDR 1992; HSDB 2009).





1,2,3-Trichloropropane, propilenin klorlanmas yoluyla üretilebilir. 1,2,3-trikloropropann üretimi için bildirilen dier yöntemler arasnda klordan allil klorür ilavesi, tionil klorürün gliserol ile reaksiyona sokulmas ve fosfor pentaklorürün 1,3 ya da 2,3-dikloropropanol ile reaksiyonu bulunmaktadr. TCP ayn zamanda öncelikle dikloropropen (bir toprak fumigant), propilen klorohidrin, propilen oksit, diklorohidrin ve gliserol gibi kimyasallarn üretilmesi için kullanlan ilemlerin bir yan ürünü olarak üretilebilir.

Kullanm Alanlar
Tarihsel olarak, TCP bir boya veya vernik sökücü, bir temizlik ve ya giderme maddesi olarak kullanlmtr ve baz zirai ilaçlardaki bir safszlktr. Ayn zamanda, hekzafloropropilen ve polisülfitler gibi kimyasallarn yapm sürecinde bir kimyasal ara madde olarak ve bir endüstriyel çözücü olarak kullanlr.

1,2,3-TCP geçmite, bir temizleme ve ya giderme maddesi olarak ve temizleme ve bakm solventi olarak, boya ve vernik uzaklatrma için bir çözücü olarak kullanlmtr. Bu amaçlar için kullanlmaya devam ettiini gösteren mevcut bilgi mevcut deildir.

Toprak fümigantlar
1980 öncesinde, pestisitler ve nematisitler olarak kullanlmak üzere kloropropan içeren toprak fumigantlarnn tarmsal kullanm, Birleik Devletlerde yaygnt. Bata 1,3-dikloropropen ve 1,2-dikloropropann bir karmn ihtiva eden ve 1,2,3-TCP’nin küçük bir bileen olduu baz toprak fumigantlar, örnein DD ticari ad, Narenciye, ananas, soya fasulyesi, pamuk, domates ve patates de dahil olmak üzere çeitli bitkiler. DD, 1943’te piyasaya sürülmü ancak artk Amerika Birleik Devletleri’nde mevcut deildir ve yerine 1956’da ilk giren Telone II yerini almtr. Telone II’nin bildirildiine göre% 99 1,3-dikloropropen ve 0,17 Arlk itibariyle 1,2,3-TCP (Zebarth ve dierleri, 1998). 1978 öncesinde, ylda yaklak 55 milyon lira 1,3-dikloropropen üretildi ve yaklak 20 milyon pound / yl 1,2-dikloropropan ve 1,2,3-TCP, yan ürünler olarak üretildi. 1,3-dikloropropen üretiminde. 1,3-dikloropropen içeren 2 milyon pound’tan fazla pestisit 1978 ylnda California’da tek bana kullanld. Telone II halen sebze, tarla bitkileri, meyve ve fstk aaçlar, üzümler, fidanlk bitkileri ve pamuk için kullanlmaktadr.

Uçak yakt tank contalar
1,2,3-TCP’nin belgelenmi bir baka kullanm, polisülfid polimerlerde “dallanma” veya sertletirme maddesi olarak görülmütür (Kirk Othmer Chemical Encyclopedia, 2001). Polisülfür polimerler, 1950’lerden beri “neredeyse tüm uçak yakt tanklar ve bünyeleri için standart szdrmazlk maddesi” olarak kullanlmtr. Ayrca, 1946’dan 1958’e kadar “sv polisülfitlerin ilk büyük ölçekli uygulamalardan biri roket yakt için bir balaycyd”. Kirk Othmer (2001) tarafndan yaynlanan özet tablolar, Morton Thiokol LP serisinin özelliklerini listeliyor. Dallanma maddesinin (1,2,3-TCP) konsantrasyonlar yüzde 0,5 ila 2,0 arasnda deien polisülfür polimer esasl mühürleyiciler. Sv polisülfür polimerler, çift caml pencereler, tekne gövdeleri ve güverteleri, bask rulolar, entegre uçak yakt tanklar ve uçak gövdeleri ile ilgili uygulamalar da dahil olmak üzere imalat uygulamalarnda esasen dolgu macunlar olarak kullanlr.

Kimyasal ara ürünler
1980’lerin banda, kloropropann yaklak yüzde 95’i kimyasal ara ürünler olarak kullanlyordu. Kimyasal ara ürünler, dier kimyasallar üretmek için balangç ​​noktas olarak kullanlan endüstriyel kimyasallardr. 1,2,3-TCP u anda polisülfon sv polimerlerin üretimi, heksafluoropropilen sentezi ve polisülfid sentezinde bir çapraz balama maddesi olarak bir ara madde olarak kullanlmaktadr. Polisülfon sv polimerleri aadaki endüstrilerde kullanlr: havaclk, otomotiv, tüketici ürünleri, elektrikli ve elektronik, salk hizmetleri ve kompresör ve pompa vana bileenleri gibi endüstriyel ekipmanlarda. Heksafluoropropilen, Teflon floropolimerleri üretmek için gerekli olan anahtar bir yap blou olan bir floro ara maddesi; Ziraat kimyas, elektronik, boya / pigmentler, ilaç ve özel polimermarketlerdeki uygulamalara sahiptir. Polisülfitler, katalizör sülfidasyon ajanlar olarak ve yüksek basnçl ortamlarda veya uygulamalarda kullanlmak üzere üretilen yalayc katk maddelerinin formülasyonunda kullanlr.

1,2,3-TCP Birleik Devletlerde tek bana bir ürün olarak üretilmektedir. Ayn zamanda, epichlorohydrin gibi dier klorlu bileiklerin üretiminin istenmeyen bir yan ürünü olarak önemli miktarda üretilir ve dahili olarak polisülfon ve epoksi reçineler gibi dier kimyasallarn üretiminde ara ürün olarak üreticiler tarafndan kullanlr.

TCP Nedir?
– TCP, yüksek kimyasal kararlla sahip klorlanm hidrokarbondur (Samin ve Janssen 2012).
– Eanlamllar allil triklorür, gliserol triklorohidrin ve triklorohidrin (OSHA 2013) içerir.
– TCP, sadece endüstriyel veya tehlikeli atk sahalarnda bulunan, genellikle insan yapm bir kimyasaldr (Dombeck and Borg 2005; ATSDR 1992).
– TCP endüstriyel bir solvent ve bir temizlik ve ya giderme ajan olarak kullanlmtr; Toprak fumigantlarnn üretilmesinden kaynaklanan bir safszlk olarak bulunmutur (DHHS 2011; HSDB 2009).
– TCP u anda dier kimyasallarn (polisülfon sv polimerler ve dikloropropen dahil) üretiminde bir kimyasal ara madde olarak ve heksafluoropropilen sentezinde kullanlmaktadr. Buna ek olarak, polisülfidlerin (DHHS 2011; HSDB 2009) üretiminde çapraz balayc bir madde olarak kullanlr.

TCP’nin çevresel etkileri nelerdir?
– TCP, düük toprak organik karbon suyunu ayrma katsaysna dayal olarak topraa sindirir. Bu nedenle topraktan yeralt sularna sznt yapabilir veya toprak yüzeylerinden buharlaabilir. (ATSDR 1992; HSDB 2009).

