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METATAGS: BRUCITE; ICSD 64722; Nemalite; alabaster; asphalt; mineral;; Magnesium minerals; Hydroxide minerals; Cement; Concrete; Trigonal minerals; brucite; brucide; nemalit; NEMALTE; NEMALITE; BRUCTE; BRUCDE; magnezyum mineral; hidroksit mineral; magnezyum hidroksit; Nemalite; Milmag; Magnesia, [Milk of]; Magnesiamaito; Reachim; Versamag; Duhor; Magnesia Magma; Magmesia hydrate; Kyowamag F; Hydrofy N; Marinco H; Duhor N; Ebson RF; FloMag H; Hydro-mag MA; MagneClear 58; FloMag HUS; Kisuma 5; Combustrol 500; Haley’s MO; Kisuma 4AF; Kisuma 5A; Kisuma 5B; Kisuma 5BG; Kisuma 5E; Mint-O-Mag, Baschem 12; Magnifin H 10; Kisuma 5B-N; Kisuma 78; Kisuma S 4; Alcanex NHC 25; Hydrofy G 1.5; Hydrofy G 2.5; Lycal 96 HSE; Mag Chem MH 10; Magnesium hydroxide gel; Marinco H 1241; Martinal VPF 8812; Magnesium(II) hydroxide; Phillips magnesia tablets; Star 200; Magnesium hydroxide slurry; Asahi Glass 200-06; Magnesium hydroxide [JAN]; Magnesium oxide (Mg(OH)2); magnezium hydroxide; magnesium hydroxide; magnesium hidroksit; magnezyum hidroksit; magnezyum hydroxide; magnezium hydroksit; MAGNEZYUM HDROKST;Magnesia 5OH; Magnesium dihydroxide; Magnesium (II) hydroxide; Magnifin A; Magnifin H 10; Milk of magnesia; Magnesia magma.








Comments: Crystal cluster of brucite.
Color: Blue, Gray, Gray blue, Yellow, White.
Density:2.39 – 2.4, Average = 2.39

Named in 1824 by Francois Sulpice Beudant in honor of Archibald Bruce (February 1777 New York, New York, USA – February 22, 1818 New York, New York, USA), physician, early American mineralogist, editor of American Mineralogical Journal, and who first described the species.
Brucite is most often in crude, uninteresting form, but several localities produce distinct and interesting crystals which are highly desirable to collectors. Brucite may form as a standalone mineral, but it can also form as layers within minerals of the chlorite group and clay minerals such as Montmorillonite and Smectite. It forms a component of certain types of marbles, which are commercially known as pearl grey marble.

Brucite is named in honor of Archibald Bruce (1777-1818), a mineralogist who first described this mineral.

Brucite is the mineral form of magnesium hydroxide, with the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. It is a common alteration product of periclase in marble; a low-temperature hydrothermal vein mineral in metamorphosed limestones and chlorite schists; and formed during serpentinization of dunites. Brucite is often found in association with serpentine, calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite, hydromagnesite, artinite, talc and chrysotile.

It adopts a layered CdI2-like structure with hydrogen-bonds between the layers.

Brucite is a mineral that is not often used as a mineral specimen but does have some important industrial uses. It is a minor ore of magnesium metal and a source of magnesia. It is also used as an additive in certain refractories.
It is brucite’s structure that is interesting. The basic structure forms stacked sheets of octahedrons of magnesium hydroxide. The octahedrons are composed of magnesium ions with a +2 charge bonded to six octahedrally coordinated hydroxides with a -1 charge. Each hydroxide is bonded to three magnesiums. The result is a neutral sheet since +2/6 = +1/3 (+2 charge on the magnesiums divided among six hydroxide bonds) and -1/3 = -1/3 (-1 charge on the hydroxides divided among three magnesiums); thus the charges cancel.

The lack of a charge on the brucite sheets means that there is no charge to retain ions between the sheets and act as a “glue” to keep the sheets together. The sheets are only held together by weak residual bonds and this results in a very soft easily cleaved mineral. Brucite is closely related to gibbsite, Al(OH)3. However the extra charge in gibbsite’s aluminum (+3) as opposed to brucite’s magnesium (+2) requires that one third of the octahedrons to be vacant of a central ion in order to maintain a neutral sheet.

Brucite, Mg(OH)2, is an uncommon mineral primarily known to mineral collectors, and to specialists studying contact metamorphic and ultramafic rocks. It is an environmentally friendly flame-retardant and is in commercial demand; it also represents a potential ore source for the metal, magnesium, which is itself in great demand. The present brucite market for flame-retardants is less than 50 000 tonnes annually, but it is increasing exponentially. Brucite has the advantage of not containing CO2; hence none is released during calcination, a positive feature in today’s society concerned with climate change. This review paper summarises the topic for scientists studying the thermodynamic properties of brucite, geologists studying its contact meta-morphic characteristics, exploration geologists and potential end-users. Given the demand for the mineral and metal, high-grade brucite deposits may become hot exploration targets within the next few years.

Industrial applications

Structure of Mg(OH)2.
Synthetic brucite is mainly consumed as a precursor to magnesia (MgO), a useful refractory insulator. It finds some use as a flame retardant because it thermally decomposes to release water in a similar way to aluminium hydroxide and mixtures of huntite and hydromagnesite. It also constitutes a significant source of magnesium for industry.

Magnesian attack of cement and concrete
When cement or concrete are exposed to Mg2+. The neoformation of brucite, an expansive material, induces mechanical stress in the hardened cement paste and is responsible for the formation of cracks and fissures in concrete. This kind of failure occurs upon prolonged contact between sea water or brines and concrete.

The use of dolomite as aggregate in concrete can also cause the magnesian attack and should be avoided.






Mg (OH) 2

Yorumlar: brucite Kristal kümesi.
Renk: Mavi, Gri, Gri mavi, Sar, Beyaz.
Younluk: 2.39 – 2.4, Ortalama = 2.39

Archibald Bruce’a (ubat 1777 New York, New York, ABD – ubat 22, 1818 New York, New York, ABD) erefine, Francois Sulpice Beudant tarafndan 1824’te adlandrlan doktor, erken Amerikan mineralojist, American Mineralogical Journal’n editörü ve Ilk önce türleri tanmlad.
Brucite çou zaman kaba, ilgi çekmeyen formdadr, ancak birçok lokalite, toplayclar için oldukça arzu edilen belirgin ve ilginç kristaller üretir. Brucite bamsz bir mineral olarak oluabilir, ancak klorit grubunun mineralleri ve Montmorillonit ve Smectite gibi kil mineralleri içerisinde tabakalar olarak da oluabilir. Ticari olarak inci gri mermer olarak bilinen baz mermer çeitlerinin bir bileenini oluturmaktadr.

Brucite, bu minerali tanmlayan bir mineralojist olan Archibald Bruce’un (1777-1818) onuruna verilir.

Brucite, Mg (OH) 2 kimyasal formülü ile magnezyum hidroksitin mineral formudur. Bu mermer periklazn ortak bir tadilat ürünüdür; Metamorfizma kireçtalarnda ve klorit istlerde düük scaklkta bir hidrotermal damar minerali; Ve dunitlerin serpantinlemesi srasnda olumutur. Brucite genellikle serpantin, kalsit, aragonit, dolomit, manyezit, hidromagnezit, artinit, talk ve krizotil ile birlikte bulunur.

Tabakalar arasnda hidrojen balaryla katmanl bir CdI2 benzeri yap benimser.

Brucite, mineral numunesi olarak skça kullanlmayan, ancak önemli baz endüstriyel kullanmlar olan bir mineraldir. Bu, magnezyum metalinin minör bir cevheridir ve bir magnezyum kaynadr. Ayrca baz refrakterlerde bir katk maddesi olarak kullanlr.
lginç olan brucite’n yaps budur. Temel yap, oktahedronlarn magnezyum hidroksit yn tabakalarn oluturur. Oktahedronlar, magnezyum iyonlarndan oluur ve +2 yükü, alt yüklü, sekizgenli olarak koordine edilmi hidroksitlere -1 yük ile balanr. Her bir hidroksit üç manyetiyoma balanr. Sonuç +2 / 6 = +1/3 (magnezyumlarda +6 yük alt hidroksit bana bölünmü +2 yük) ve -1 / 3 = -1/3 (-1 yük, üç manyezyum arasnda bölünen hidroksitler üzerinde nötr bir tabaka eklindedir. ); Dolaysyla masraflar iptal olur.

Brusit tabakalar üzerinde bir arj olmamas, katmanlar arasnda iyonlar tutmak için hiçbir yük bulunmad anlamna gelir ve yapraklar bir arada tutmak için bir “tutkal” görevi görür. Tabakalar sadece zayf artk balarla bir araya getirilir ve bu, çok yumuak kolaylkla parçalanm bir mineral oluturur. Brucite, gibbsite, Al (OH) 3 ile yakndan ilikilidir. Bununla birlikte, brusit magnezyumuna (+2) göre, gibbsite alüminyumunda (+3) ekstra yük, nötr bir tabaka korumak için sekizyüzlülerin üçte birinin merkezi bir iyonun bo olmasn gerektirir.

Brucite, Mg (OH) 2, mineral toplayclarla ve kontakt metamorfik ve ultramafik kayalar inceleyen uzmanlara göre bilinen nadir bir mineraldir. Çevre dostu bir alev geciktirici ve ticari talep görüyor; Ayn zamanda büyük talep gören metal, magnezyum için potansiyel bir cevher kaynan temsil eder. Alev geciktiriciler için mevcut brucite pazar ylda 50 000 tondan daha azdr ancak katlanarak artmaktadr. Brucite’nin CO2 içermemesi avantaj vardr; Dolaysyla hiçbiri kalsinasyon srasnda serbest braklr, bugünün toplumunda iklim deiiklii ile ilgili olumlu bir özelliktir. Bu inceleme belgesi, brusitin termodinamik özelliklerini inceleyen bilim insanlar, iletiim meta-morfik özelliklerini inceleyen jeologlar, arama jeologlar ve potansiyel son kullanclar özetlemektedir. Mineral ve metal talebi göz önüne alndnda, yüksek dereceli brusit yataklar önümüzdeki birkaç yl içinde scak arama hedefi haline gelebilir.

Endüstriyel uygulamalar

Mg (OH) 2’nin yaps.
Sentetik brusit esas olarak, refrakter yaltkan olarak kullanlan magnezyumun (MgO) öncülü olarak tüketilmektedir. Biraz alev geciktirici olarak bulunur çünkü alüminyum hidroksit ve huntit ile hidromagnezit karmlarna benzer ekilde suyu serbest brakmak için termal olarak ayrr. Ayrca endüstri için önemli bir magnezyum kayna oluturmaktadr.

