METATAGS:HYDROCARBON RESIN, HDROKARBON RENE; DCPD RG;DCPD UPR; DCPD HP; RO80; EscorezTM tackifying resins; P-90; P-100; P-115; P-125; P-140; M-90; M-100; M-115; M-135; NOVARES TC; T 140 M; TC 145 M; NOVARES TM; DP 100; P-90S; P-90HS; P-90I; P-110S; P-120; P-120S; P-120P; P-120H; P-120HS; P-140; P-150; C-90; C-120;Wingtack; Cleartack; Ricon; Ricobond; Poly bd; Krasol; SMA; Dymalink; Hydrogenated C5; C9, Aromatic Resins; Pure Monomer C9; Hydrogenated C9 C5/C9; HDROKARBON RENE; hidrokarbon reine; hydrokarbon resin; hydrokarbon reine.
Hydrocarbon Resins are made from petroleum based feedstocks either aliphatic (C5), aromatic (C9), DCPD (dicyclopentadiene), or mixtures of these. There are three basic categories of hydrocarbon tackifier resins, some with several sub-categories.
C5, Aliphatic Resins are so named because they are generally polymers of monomers with five carbons. Basic C5 aliphatic resins have Gardner colors between 1.5 and 6 (from light yellow to light brown) and are mostly used to tackify aliphatic polymers, especially natural rubber, EVA, SIS and APO.
Hydrogenated C5, Aliphatic Resins are basic C5 hydrocarbon tackifers that have been hydrogenated to improve their color and thermal stability.
C9, Aromatic Resins are so named because they are generally polymers of nine-carbon aromatic monomers. They are based on aromatic feedstocks that undergo very little refining prior to the polymerization of the resin. They are usually dark in color within typical Gardner color of 6 to 10 (dark yellow to dark brown). They are used mainly in EVA-based adhesives, contact adhesive for footwear, printing inks, sealants, and paints. C9 liquid resins are especially useful in flooring adhesives. As a class, C9 resins have a distinctive aromatic odor. There are two sub-categories of C9 aromatic tackifiers, each with distinctive properties.
Pure Monomer C9, Aromatic Resins are based on aromatic feedstocks that have been highly purified prior to polymerization. These are usually water-white with excellent stability. The lower softening point (
Hydrogenated C9, Aromatic Resins are produced through the controlled hydrogenation of basic or pure monomer aromatic resins. A hydrogenated hydrocarbon tackifer resin is the best choice when color and stability are overriding concerns. Usually these resins are colorless (water-white) and are very stable to heat, weathering, and oxidation. Most are hypo-allergenic, with no skin-sensitization properties and are ideally suited for adhesives used in the medical industry where these considerations are critical.
C5/C9, Aliphatic/Aromatic Resins are C5 tackifiers co-polymerized with aromatic monomers. They are excellent tackifiers for use in EVA, SBS, and natural rubber polymers. They can also be used in SIS-based HMPSA to provide low melt viscosities with an optimum balance between cohesion and adhesion. Sometimes the slightly aromatic modified C5 resins are used in APO to provide limited compatibility resulting in shorter open times. Darker colored, lower cost types are often used in packaging HMA based on EVA. These resins are mostly C9-based co-polymerized with C5 aliphatic monomers.
Hydrocarbon-based resins are used in applications such as print inks, adhesives, (polymer-) additives and coatings. Following are the main groups of hydrocarbon resins:
Aliphatic resins, based on C5 or dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) as raw materials
Aromatic resins, based on C9 aromatic components such as vinyltoluenes or indenes
Combinations of C5/C9 feedstocks
Hydrocarbon resins that are either completely aliphatic (C5) (like Wingtack 98) or near-completely aliphatic (C5/C9) (like Wingtack ET) are the best choice for compatibility with the mid-block portion of a SBC. The use of aliphatic resins at low levels can dramatically increase the % Elongation of a SBC while high levels of aliphatic resin can cause the SBC to be pressure sensitive, that-is, have tack and provide auto-adhesion by just pressing on the adhesive. As one moves to higher aromatic-containing C5 resins the resins do have an impact on the styrene domains and can reduce the effectiveness of the physical crosslinking of the Styrenic domains.
To enhance the performance of the Styrenic Domains of a SBC use a highly Aromatic (C9) resins. A pure Aromatic Monomer resin with a Tg lower than 100 C (like Norsolene W100) will soften the end-blocks slightly; this will also act as a processing aid and reduce the viscosity of the polymer. Choosing an aromatic resin with a Tg close to or above the Tg of the Styrenic Domains (like Norsolene W140) will reinforce the domains resulting in significantly increased Tensile Strength.
Hydrocarbon resins are used to improve people`s quality of life in a number of places in everyday life. Hydrocarbon resins made by KOLON Industries, Inc. can be used in road marking paint, which ensures safe vehicle/human traffic, adhesive tape used for office uses, adhesives, printer ink and other applications that need bonding.
Non-toxic resins like hydrogenated DCPD resins witness increasing demand with increasing interest in the quality of life and the environment.
Including SUKOREZ, KOLON Industries, Inc., the leader in the global resin industry, provides a number of hydrocarbon resins using world-class technology.
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Resins
TT resins are produced by polymerisation of aromatic C9-fractions. They incorporate the whole range of unsaturated constituents.
TL resins have a feedstock based on petroleum-derived C9-fractions. TL resins exhibit markedly good light resistance compared to the standard aromatic grades.
TN resins are produced from special petrochemical aromatic raw materials. These resins are distinguished by excellent EVA-compatibility and superior solubility in a wide range of solvents.
Escorez tackifiers are amorphous, glassy, low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon polymers that promote adhesion and tack in hot-melt and pressure-sensitive adhesives. They are compatible with most base polymers, polymer modifiers and antioxidants that you may add to your adhesive formulation.
Tackifiers can influence the color, odor and stability of the adhesive. Selection depends primarily on softening point, composition, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. The tackifiers can also be used to improve the compatibility of other adhesive additives.
As well as offering flexibility to formulators, Escorez tackifiers promote trouble-free operations for manufacturers of tapes, labels, hygiene, packaging and other adhesive products.
With the world`s largest installed capacity of hydrocarbon resins for the adhesives industry, our Escorez tackifiers offer consistent quality, thermal stability, light color, polymer compatibility and low odor properties to our customers around the world.
Hidrokarbon Reineler ya alifatik (C5), aromatik (C9), DCPD (disiklopentadien) ya da bunlarn karmlar olan petrol bazl hammaddelerden yaplr. Birka alt kategoriye sahip olan temel hidrokarbon yapkan reinesi kategorisi vardr.
C5, Alifatik Reineler, genellikle be karbonlu monomerlerin polimerleri olduklar iin adlandrlmtr. Temel C5 alifatik reineler 1.5 ila 6 arasnda (hafif sardan ak kahverengiye kadar) Gardner renklerine sahiptir ve alifatik polimerlerin, zellikle de doal kauuk, EVA, SIS ve APO`nun yapkanlatrlmas iin ounlukla kullanlrlar.
Hidrojene C5, Alifatik Reineler, renklerini ve termal kararlln gelitirmek iin hidrojenletirilen bazik C5 hidrokarbon yapkanlardr.
C9, Aromatik Reineler genellikle dokuz karbonlu aromatik monomerler polimerleri olduklar iin adlandrlmtr. Bunlar, reinenin polimerizasyonu ncesinde ok az rafine tabi tutulan aromatik hammaddeler zerine kurulmutur. Tipik Gardner rengi 6 ila 10 arasnda (koyu sardan koyu kahverengiye kadar) genellikle koyu renktedirler. Bunlar arlkl olarak EVA esasl yaptrclar, ayakkab iin yaptrc temas, bask mrekkepleri, szdrmazlk macunlar ve boyalarda kullanlrlar. C9 sv reineler deme yaptrclarnda zellikle yararldr. Bir snf olarak, C9 reinelerinin ayrc bir aromatik kokusu vardr. Her biri ayrc zelliklere sahip C9 aromatik yapkanlatrclarn iki alt kategorisi vardr.
Saf Monomer C9, Aromatik Reineleri, polimerizasyondan nce yksek oranda saflatrlm aromatik hammaddeler zerine kurulmutur. Bunlar genellikle mkemmel beyaz renktedirler. Daha dk yumuama noktas (
Hidrojene C9, Aromatik Reineler, bazik veya saf monomer aromatik reinelerin kontroll hidrojenasyonu yoluyla retilir. Renkli ve istikrarl endieleri ortadan kaldran bir hidrojenli hidrokarbon yapkan reine en iyi seimdir. Genellikle bu reineler renksizdir (su-beyaz) ve sya, havaya ve oksitlenmeye kar ok kararldrlar. ou hipoalerjeniktir ve cilt hassasiyet zelliklerine sahip deildir ve bu hususlarn kritik olduu tbbi endstride kullanlan yapkanlar iin idealdir.
C5 / C9, Alifatik / Aromatik Reineler, aromatik monomerler ile kopolimerleen C5 yapkanlatrclardr. Bunlar EVA, SBS ve doal kauuk polimerleri iin mkemmel yapkanlatrclardr. Ayrca, kaynama viskozitesinin dk olmas iin yapma ve yapma arasnda optimum denge salamak iin SIS tabanl HMPSA`da da kullanlabilirler. Bazen hafif aromatik modifiye C5 reineleri, snrl alma sreleri ile sonulanan snrl uyumluluk salamak iin APO`da kullanlrlar. EVA temelli HMA ambalajnda daha koyu renkli, dk maliyetli tipler sklkla kullanlr. Bu reineler ounlukla C5 alifatik monomerler ile birlikte kopolimerletirilen C9 bazllardr.
Hidrokarbon bazl reineler, bask mrekkepleri, yapkanlar, (polimer) katk maddeleri ve kaplamalar gibi uygulamalarda kullanlr. Aada ana hidrokarbon reineleri gruplar verilmitir:
Hammadde olarak C5 veya disiklopentadien (DCPD) bazl alifatik reineler
Vinil tolen veya inden gibi C9 aromatik bileenlere dayanan aromatik reineler
C5 / C9 besleme stoklarnn kombinasyonlar
Tamamen alifatik (C5) (Wingtack 98 gibi) veya hemen hemen tamamen alifatik olan (C5 / C9) (Wingtack ET gibi) hidrokarbon reineler, bir SBC`nin orta blok ksm ile uyumluluk iin en iyi seimdir. Dk seviyelerde alifatik reinelerin kullanlmas bir SBC`nin% Uzamasn arpc bir ekilde artrabilirken, yksek seviyedeki alifatik reine SBC`nin basnca duyarl olmasna, yani yapkana sahip olmas ve sadece yapkana basarak yapkan salamasna neden olabilir. Biri daha yksek aromatik ieren C5 reinelerine getiinde, reineler stiren blgeleri zerinde bir etkiye sahiptir ve Stirenik alanlarn fiziksel apraz balanmasnn etkinliini azaltabilir.
Bir SBC`nin Stirenik Domains`in performansn arttrmak iin olduka Aromatik (C9) reineler kullann. 100 C`den dk Tg`ye sahip (Norsolene W100 gibi) saf bir Aromatik Monomer reinesi, u bloklar hafife yumuatr; Bu ayn zamanda bir ileme yardmcs olarak davranr ve polimerin viskozitesini drr. Stirenik Domains`in Tg`sine yakn veya zerinde bir Tg`ye sahip bir aromatik reine (Norsolene W140 gibi) seilmesi, etki alanlarn glendirecek ve ekme mukavemetinde art salayacaktr.
Hidrokarbon reineler, gnlk hayatn bir ok yerinde insanlarn yaam kalitesini iyiletirmek iin kullanlr. KOLON Industries, Inc. tarafndan retilen hidrokarbon reineler, gvenli ara / insan trafii, ofis kullanmlar iin kullanlan yapkan bant, yapkanlar, yazc mrekkebi ve balanmaya ihtiya duyan dier uygulamalar salayan yol iaretleme boyalarnda kullanlabilir.
Hidrojene DCPD reineleri gibi toksik olmayan reineler, yaam kalitesine ve evreye olan ilgiyle artan talebe tank olur.
SUKOREZ dahil, kresel reine endstrisinde lider olan KOLON Industries, Inc., dnya standartlarnda bir teknoloji kullanarak bir dizi hidrokarbon reinesi sunmaktadr.
Aromatik Hidrokarbon Reineler
TT reineleri aromatik C9 fraksiyonlarnn polimerizasyonu ile retilir. Btn doymam bileenleri ierirler.
TL reinelerinin, petrolden tretilen C9 fraksiyonlarna dayanan bir hammadde vardr. TL reineler standart aromatik kalitelere kyasla belirgin derecede iyi k direnci sergiler.
TN reineler, zel petrokimyasal aromatik hammaddelerden retilmektedir. Bu reineler, geni bir solvent yelpazesinde mkemmel EVA uyumluluuna ve stn znrlk zelliklerine sahiptir.
Escorez yapkanlatrclar, amorf, cams, dk molekler arlkl hidrokarbon polimerleri olup, scakta eriyen ve basnca duyarl yapkanlarda yapmay ve yapmay arttrr. Yapkan formlasyonuna ekleyebileceiniz baz polimer, polimer modifiye edici ve antioksidanlarla uyumludurlar.
Yapkanlatrclar yapkann rengini, kokusunu ve stabilitesini etkileyebilir. Seim arlkl olarak yumuama noktas, bileim, molekl arl ve molekler arlk dalmna baldr. Yapkanlatrclar ayrca dier yapkan katklarn uyumluluunu gelitirmek iin kullanlabilir.
Formlatrlerde esneklik sunmann yan sra Escorez yapkanlatrclar bantlar, etiketler, hijyen, paketleme ve dier yapkan rnler reticileri iin sorunsuz operasyonlar tevik eder.
Yapkan endstrisi iin hidrokarbon reinelerinin dnyadaki en byk kurulu gc olan Escorez yaptrclarmz, dnya apndaki mterilerimize tutarl kalite, termal stabilite, hafif renk, polimer uyumluluu ve dk koku zellikleri sunar.