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CAS NO: 25322-69-4
EC NO: 500-039-8

METATAGS:2-(2-hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol; POLYPROPYLENE GLYCOL; C6H14O3;Polypropylene glycol; Polyoxypropylene; Emkapyl; Poly(propylene oxide); Polyoxypropylene glycol; 2-(2-hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol; Lineartop E; Niax ppg; Methyloxirane homopolymer; Polymer 2; Propylene oxide homopolymer; Desmophen 360C; 2-(2-HYDROXYPROPOXY)-1-PROPANOL; Polyglycol P 400; Pluracol 1010; Pluracol 2010; Pluracol P 410; Propylan 8123; Caswell No. 680; Glycols, polypropylene; Niax ppg 425; Pluracol P 2010; Jeffox PPG 400; Polyglycol P-2000; Polyglycol P-4000; Voranol P 1010; Voranol P 2000; Voranol P 4000; Laprol 2002; Niax ppg 1025; Niax ppg 3025; Polyglycol type P250; Polyglycol type P400; Polyglycol type P750; Alkapal PPG-1200; Alkapal PPG-2000; Alkapal PPG-4000; Actocol 51-530; Napter E 8075; Niax polyol ppg 4025; P 4000 (polymer); Polyglycol type P1200; Polyglycol type P2000; Polyglycol type P3000; Polypropylenglykol [Czech]; Niax 1025; Oopg 1000; Polypropylene glycol #400; Polypropylene glycol #425; Polypropylene glycol #750; Polypropylene glycol 1025; Polypropylene glycol 2000; Niax 11-27; PPG-9; 1-Propanol, 2-(2-hydroxypropoxy)-; Polypropylene glycol #1200; Niax 61-582; Oxirane, methyl-, homopolymer; PPG-12; PPG-15; PPG-17; PPG-20; PPG-26; PPG-30; PPG-34; Propylene oxide, propylene glycol polymer; Laprol 702; Polyoxypropylene (9); alpha-Hydro-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene); HSDB 1266; Polyoxypropylene (12);Polyoxypropylene (15); Polyoxypropylene (17); Polyoxypropylene (20); Polyoxypropylene (26); Polyoxypropylene (30); Polyoxypropylene (34);LUBRIMET P600, P900
PLURACOL; P410, P1010, P2010, P4010 Pluriol; P600, P2000, Polyglycol P425, P1200, P2000, P4000 Polypropylene glycol (9); Polypropylene glycol 150; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 068602; P.P.G 2025; Polypropylene glycol (12); Polypropylene glycol (15); Polypropylene glycol (17); Polypropylene glycol (20); Polypropylene glycol (26); Polypropylene glycol (30); Polypropylene glycol (34); Polypropylene glycol 2025; Polypropylene glycol 3025; Polypropylene glycol 4000; Polypropylene glycol 4025; P.P.G. 1000; P.P.G. 1025; P.P.G. 1200; P.P.G. 1800; Polypropylene glycol #1000; Polypropylene glycol #1800; P 400; 2-Methyl-3-oxahexane-1,5-diol; polypropylene oxide; EINECS 203-416-2; Polypropylene glycol (m w 1,200-3,000); POLPROPLEN GLKOL; POLPROPLEN GLKOL; POLPROPLEN GLYCOL; POLYPROPYLENE GLKOL; POLYPROPLEN GLKOL; polipropilen glikol; polipropylene glycol; polypropilen glukol.






Polypropylene glycol or polypropylene oxide is the polymer of propylene glycol. Chemically it is a polyether. The term polypropylene glycol or PPG is reserved for low to medium range molar mass polymer when the nature of the end-group, which is usually a hydroxyl group, still matters. The term “oxide” is used for high molar mass polymer when end-groups no longer affect polymer properties. In 2003, 60% of the annual production of propylene oxide of 6.6×106 tonnes was converted into the polymer.

PPG has many properties in common with polyethylene glycol. The polymer is a liquid at room temperature. Solubility in water decreases rapidly with increasing molar mass. Secondary hydroxyl groups in PPG are less reactive than primary hydroxyl groups in polyethylene glycol. PPG is less toxic than PEG, so biotechnologicals are now produced in PPG.

PPG is used in many formulations for polyurethanes. It is used as a rheology modifier.
PPG is used as a surfactant, wetting agent, dispersant in leather finishing.
PPG is also employed as a tuning reference and calibrant in mass spectrometry.
PPG is used as a primary ingredient in the manufacture of paintballs.

Polypropylene glycols are polymers of propylene oxide. They are clear, viscous liquids with low pour points. Viscosity increases and water solubility decreases with increasing molecular weight.

Uses: PPGs are used as additives in metal-working fluids , as plasticizers , antifoaming agents, as additives in the rubber and paint industries , as starting materials for the synthesis of urethane foams and resins, surfactants, polypropylene ethers and esters ; PPGs with molecular weights above 1200 are used in the production of cosmetic preparations

Chemical Properties
Viscous colourless liquid (whose viscosity depends upon the average
ChEBI: A macromolecule composed of repeating propyleneoxy units.
General Description
Colorless liquid that is odorless or has a mild sweet odor. May float or sink in water.
Reactivity Profile
Poly(propylene glycol) is an alcohol. Flammable and/or toxic gases are generated by the combination of alcohols with alkali metals, nitrides, and strong reducing agents. They react with oxoacids and carboxylic acids to form esters plus water. Oxidizing agents convert them to aldehydes or ketones. Alcohols exhibit both weak acid and weak base behavior. They may initiate the polymerization of isocyanates and epoxides.
Health Hazard
The compound has a very low toxicity; few, if any, symptoms will be observed. Contact of liquid with eyes causes slight transient pain and irritation similar to that caused by a mild soap






Polipropilen glikol veya polipropilen oksit, propilen glikolün polimeridir. Kimyasal olarak bir polieterdir. Polipropilen glikol veya PPG terimi, genellikle bir hidroksil grubu olan uç grubun doas hala önemli olduu zaman, düük ila orta molar kütle polimerleri için ayrlmtr. “Oksit” terimi, uç gruplar artk polimer özelliklerini etkilemediinde yüksek molar kütle polimeri için kullanlr. 2003 ylnda, yllk 6.6 × 106 ton propilen oksit üretiminin% 60′ polimer haline dönütürülmütür.

PPG’nin polietilen glikolle ortak birçok özellii vardr. Polimer, oda scaklnda bir svdr. Sudaki çözünürlük molar kütle arttkça hzla azalr. PPG’deki sekonder hidroksil gruplar polietilen glikolün birincil hidroksil gruplarna göre daha az reaktiftir. PPG, PEG’den daha az toksiktir, bu nedenle imdi biyoteknolojik maddeler PPG’de üretilmektedir.

Kullanm Alanlar
PPG birçok formülasyonda poliüretanlar için kullanlr. Reoloji deitirici olarak kullanlr.
PPG, sürfaktan, slatc ajan, datc deri finisajnda ​​kullanlr.
PPG ayrca, kütle spektrometrisinde bir ayar referans ve kalibrant olarak kullanlr.
PPG, paintballs üretiminde birincil bileen olarak kullanlr.

Polipropilen glikoller propilen oksidin polimerleridir. Düük akma noktalarna sahip, berrak, viskoz svlardr. Viskozite artar ve suda çözünürlük molekül arl arttkça azalr.

Kullanm Alanlar: PPG’ler, plastik köpükler ve reçineler, sürfaktanlar, polipropilen eterler ve esterlerin sentezi için balangç ​​maddeleri olarak plastik ve köpük giderici ajanlar, kauçuk ve boya endüstrisinde katk maddesi olarak metal ileyen svlardaki katk maddeleri olarak kullanlr; 1200’den fazla molekül arlna sahip PPG’ler kozmetik preparatlarn üretiminde kullanlr

Kimyasal özellikler
Viskoz renksiz sv (viskozitesi ortalama
ChEBI: Tekrar eden propilenoksi birimlerinden oluan makromolekül.
Genel açklama
Kokusuz veya hafif bir tatl kokusu olan renksiz sv. Yüzebilir veya suya batabilir.
Reaktivite Profili
Poli (propilen glikol) bir alkoldür. Yanc ve / veya zehirli gazlar, alkollerin alkali metaller, nitritler ve kuvvetli indirgeyici ajanlar ile kombinasyonuyla üretilir. Esterleri art su oluturmak için oksoasitler ve karboksilik asitler ile reaksiyona girer. Oksitleyici maddeler onlar aldehitlere veya ketonlara dönütürür. Alkoller, zayf asit ve zayf baz davranlar sergiler. zosiyanatlarn ve epoksitlerin polimerizasyonunu balatabilirler.
Salk tehlikesi
Bileik çok düük toksisiteye sahiptir; Az sayda, varsa belirtiler görülür. Svnn gözlerle temas, hafif bir sabunun neden olduu hafif geçici arya ve iritasyona neden olur


