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O-isopropyl xanthate; o-izopropil ksantat; o-izopropilksantat; o-isopropil ksantat; o-isopropilksantat; O-isopropyl xanthate, potassium salt; O-isopropyl xanthate, sodium salt; O-isopropyl xanthate, zinc salt; Proxan; 108-25-8; Sodium isopropylxanthate; sodyum izopropilksantat; sodyum isopropilksantat; sodyum izopropil ksantat; sodyum isopropil ksantat; sodyumizopropil ksantat; sodyumisopropil ksantat; sodyumizopropilksantat; sodyumisopropilksantat; propan-2-yloxymethanedithioic acid; Isopropylxanthic acid; 1-methylethyl xanthic acid; 1-metil ksantik asit; 1-metilksantik asit; 1-metilksantikasit; Dithiocarbonic acid O-isopropyl; O-propan-2-yl hydrogen carbonodithioate


It has a wide range of uses in the flotation of metal sulfides, sulfidised ores. It may alsobe used as a vulcanization accelerator for the rubber industry and a precipitant in thewetting metallurgical industry.

Sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX) and sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX) are typically used when the collector needs to be stronger than SEX without compromising too much on selectivity, for instance in some copper-gold, copper-zinc and nickel operations. 


Sodyum izopropil ksantat metal sülfidlerin ve sülfid cevherlerinin flotasyonundan kullanlr. Ayn zamanda SIBX kauçuk endüstrisinde vulkanizasyon ivmelendirici olarak ve metalurjide çöktürücü olarak kullanlr.

Sodyum izopropil ksantat (SIPX) ve sodyum izobütik ksantat (SIBX) bakr-altn, bakr-çinko ve nikel uygulamalar gibi sodyum etil ksantat’tan daha güçlü seçicilie ihtiyaç duyulan uygulamalarda kullanlr. 
