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CAS NUMBER:77-93-0

EC NUMBER:201-070-7



SYNONYMS:1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID, 2-HYDROXY-, TRIETHYL ESTER; 1,2,3PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID, 2HYDROXY, TRIETHYLESTER; 2-HYDROXY- TRIETHYL ESTER 1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID; 2-HYDROXY-1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID, TRIETHYLESTER; CITRIC ACID, TRIETHYL ESTER; TRIETHYL CITRATE; TRIETHYL CITRATE; TRIETHYL ESTER 1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID, 2-HYDROXY-; TRIETHYL ESTER 2-HYDROXY-1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLIC ACID; TRIETHYL ESTER CITRIC ACID; 1,2,3-PROPANETRICARBOXYLICACID, 2-HYDROXY-, TRIETHYL ESTER (9CI) ; CITROFLEX 2;citric acid triethyl ester;citroflex 2;diethyl 3-(ethoxycarbonyl)-3-hydroxypentane-1,5-dioate;ethyl citrate;eudraflex;hydragen cat;2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylic acid triethyl ester;triethyl 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylate;triethyl 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane- tricarboxylate;triethyl 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate;triethyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate;1,2,3-triethyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate;triethyl cirtrate;nat.triethyl citrate;triethyl citrate BP pharmaceutical grade;triethyl citrate FCC grade;triethyl citrateN.F. grade;triethyl citrate natural;triethyl citrate regular grade;triethyl citrate synthetic;triethyl citrate, natural; triethyl ctirate BP/EP pharmaceutical grade; uniplex 80;Ethyl citrate;Citric acid triethyl ester;citric acid triethyl ester: citroflex 2 : ethyl citrate : eudraflex : hydragen cat : 2- hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylic acid triethyl ester :triethyl 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylate : triethyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate : Aceto : Triethyl Citrate: Advanced Biotech : triethyl citrate 99pc min. natural;TRIETHYL CITRATE NATURAL TRIETHYL 2-HYDROXY-1,2,3-PROPANE-TRICARBOXYLATE, ETHYL CITRATE;1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, triethyl ester;1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-,triethylester;2,3-propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-triethylester;2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid,triethyl ester;2-hydroxy-propane-1,2,3-tricarboxylicacidtriethylester;Citroflex 2;citroflex2;Crodamol TC;1,2,3-triethyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate;Ethyl citrate; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid 1,2,3-Triethyl Ester; Citric Acid Triethyl Ester; Citroflex 2; Citroflex C 2; Citroflex EC; Citroflex SC 60; Citrofol AI; Ethyl citrate; Eudraflex; Hydragen CAT; Morflex C 2; Morflex TEC; NSC 8907; Naugalube 810;Ethyl citrate; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl ester; TEC; Triethyl-2-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 1,2,3-triethyl ester; Triethyl citrate;triethyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, triethyl ester; 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, triethyl ester; 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-,triethylester; 2,3-propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-triethylester; 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl ester; 2-hydroxy-propane-1,2,3-tri;1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, triethyl ester;1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-,triethylester ;2,3-propanetricarboxylicacid,2-hydroxy-triethylester ;2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, triethyl ester;2-hydroxy-propane 1,2,3 tricarboxylicacidtriethylester ;Citroflex 2;citroflex2 ;Crodamol TC;TRETL STRAT; TR ETL STRAT; TRETLSTRAT; tri etil sitrat; trietil sitrat; trietilsitrat; Trietil sitrat; Tri etil sitrat;





Triethyl citrate is an ester of citric acid. It is a colorless, odorless liquid used as a food additive (E number E1505) to stabilize foams, especially as whipping aid for egg white. It is also used in pharmaceutical coatings and plastics.Triethyl citrate is also used as a plasticizer for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and similar plastics.Triethyl Citrate (C12H20O7) is a triester of ethyl alcohol and citric acid. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry for coating and in plastics. According to the FDA Select Committee on Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) food substances, citrate salts, including triethyl citrate, are generally regarded as safe when used in normal quantities. Triethyl citrate was not an irritant to the skin of humans and laboratory animals. In dilute form, it showed no sensitizing potential in humans. Acute toxicity was low by the oral, dermal and inhalation routes in laboratory animals. Single oral treatment caused kidney damage in rats, and central nervous system (CNS) effects were seen following oral or injection administration to various species of laboratory animal. In limited studies, repeated oral doses were tolerated by rats but caused liver damage in dogs and CNS effects in cats. Rats exposed repeatedly to the vapour showed lung damage. Triethyl citrate was non-carcinogenic when given orally to rats in a limited study and was non-mutagenic in an Ames bacterial test and in yeast. Its hydrolysis products are citric acid and ethanol.A continuous reactive distillation process is proposed for the synthesis of triethyl citrate from citric acid and ethanol in the presence of macroporous Amberlyst 15 ion-exchange resin catalyst. The process design, developed using ASPEN Plus simulation software, is based on laboratory kinetic and thermodynamic studies and pilot-scale reactive distillation experiments. Pilot-scale experiments were carried out in a 5-m glass reactive distillation column; catalyst effectiveness was then determined from ASPEN Plus simulation of pilot-scale experiments using a user-written reaction kinetic module based on activity coefficients. Because citric acid esterification kinetics are slow, complete conversion could not be obtained in the pilot-scale column. Using parameters determined from simulation of a pilot-scale column experiment, design of a reactive distillation column to completely convert citric acid to triethyl citrate was carried out. Optimum column performance occurs at low reflux ratios (L/D < 0.1) to avoid water reintroduction and at moderately elevated pressure (2.5 bar) to increase temperature and enhance kinetic rates without leading to product degradation. The effect of ethanol feed position and values of reflux and boilup ratios were also examined. A large number of reactive stages is required because of the slow reaction of diethyl citrate to triethyl citrate. As a final step, the design of a complete commercial-scale process to produce 25 million lbs/y triethyl citrate, with the reactive distillation column as the core component, was carried out. Three different process schemes were examined. In the first scheme, only a reactive distillation column is used. The second uses a prereactor followed by a reactive distillation column. In the third and preferred scheme, a prereactor followed by a simple distillation column to remove water is placed ahead of the reactive distillation column. In each configuration, triethyl citrate product yield is maintained above 98.5 wt %, with the main byproduct being diethyl citrate. Comparison of stream compositions and equipment design parameters is provided for the three schemes considered.







Trietil sitrat, sitrik asitin bir esteridir. Gda katks olarak kullanlan renksiz, kokusuz bir svdr (E1505). Özellikle yumurta ak için çrpma yardmcs olarak köpükleri stabilize eder. Ayrca, farmasötik kaplamalarda ve plastiklerde de kullanlr.Trietil sitrat da polivinil klorür (PVC) ve benzeri plastikler için bir plastikletirici olarak kullanlr.Trietil Sitrat (C12H20O7) bir etil alkol ve sitrik asit dengesi. laç endüstrisinde kaplama ve plastiklerde kullanlr. Göre genel olarak Güvenli (GRAS) gda maddeleri olarak tannan FDA Select Komitesine, trietil dahil sitrat tuzlarna sitrat, normal miktarlarda kullanldnda genellikle güvenli kabul edilir. Trietil sitrat, insan ve laboratuar hayvanlarnn cildi için tahri edici deildi. Seyreltik formda, insanlarda duyarllk potansiyeli göstermedi. Akut toksisite laboratuar hayvanlarnda oral, dermal ve inhalasyon yollar ile düüktü. Tek oral tedavi sçanlarda böbrek hasarna neden oldu ve çeitli türlerde hayvanlara oral veya enjeksiyon uygulamasndan sonra merkezi sinir sistemi (CNS) etkileri görüldü. Snrl çalmalarda, tekrarlanan oral dozlar sçanlar tarafndan tolere edildi, ancak köpeklerde karacier hasarna ve kedilerde CNS etkilerine neden oldu. Tekrar tekrar buhara maruz kalan sçanlar akcier hasar gösterdi. Trietil sitrat, snrl bir çalmada sçanlara azdan verildiinde kanserojen deildir ve bir Ames bakteriyel testinde ve mayada mutajenik deildir. Hidroliz ürünleri sitrik asit ve etanoldur.Makro gözenekli Amberlyst 15 iyon deiim reçinesi katalizörünün mevcudiyetinde sitrik asit ve etanolden trietil sitrat sentezi için sürekli reaktif bir damtma ilemi önerilmitir. ASPEN Plus simülasyon yazlm kullanlarak gelitirilen süreç tasarm, laboratuvar kinetik ve termodinamik çalmalara ve pilot ölçekli reaktif damtma deneylerine dayanmaktadr. Pilot ölçekli deneyler 5 m cam reaktif damtma kolonunda gerçekletirilmitir; Daha sonra katalizör etkinlii, aktivite katsaylarna dayal bir kullanc tarafndan yazlan reaksiyon kinetik modülü kullanlarak pilot ölçekli deneylerin ASPEN Plus simülasyonundan belirlendi. Sitrik asit esterifikasyon kinetikleri yava olduundan, pilot ölçekli kolonda tam dönüüm elde edilememitir. Pilot ölçekli bir kolon deneyinin simülasyonundan belirlenen parametreler kullanlarak, sitrik asidin trietil sitrat tamamen dönütürmek için reaktif bir damtma kolonunun tasarm gerçekletirilmitir. Optimum kolon performans, suyun yeniden giriini önlemek için düük reflü oranlarnda (L / D <0.1) ve scakl yükseltmek ve ürün bozulmasna yol açmadan kinetik hzlar arttrmak için orta derecede yükseltilmi basnçta (2.5 bar) oluur. Etanol besleme pozisyonunun ve reflü ve kaynama oranlarnn etkileri de incelenmitir. Dietil sitratn trietil sitrat’a yava reaksiyonu nedeniyle çok sayda reaktif aama gereklidir. Son adm olarak, çekirdek bileen olarak reaktif damtma kolonu ile 25 milyon lbs / y trietil sitrat üretmek için tam ticari ölçekli bir ilemin tasarm gerçekletirilmitir. Üç farkl süreç emas incelenmitir. lk emada sadece reaktif bir damtma kolonu kullanlr. kincisi bir reaktör ve ardndan reaktif bir damtma kolonunu kullanr. Üçüncü ve tercih edilen emada, suyu çkarmak için basit bir damtma kolonu ile takip edilen bir ön-reaktör, reaktif damtma kolonunun önüne yerletirilir. Her konfigürasyonda, trietil sitrat ürünü verimi, arlkça% 98.5’in üzerinde tutulur ve ana yan ürün, dietil sitrattr. Aktarm bileimlerinin ve ekipman tasarm parametrelerinin karlatrlmas, dikkate alnan üç ema için salanmtr.
