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CAS NO:6419-19-8

Molekl formul:C3H12NO9P3
Molekl arl:299.048 g/mol

6419-19-8;(Nitrilotris(methylene))triphosphonic acid;Tris(phosphonomethyl)amine;Ferrofos 509;Aminotrimethylene phosphonic acid;Dowell L 37;Dequest 2000;Nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid;Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid;ATMP;UNII-1Y702GD0FG;NITRILOTRIS(METHYLENE)TRIPHOSPHONIC ACID;1Y702GD0FG;Sodium (nitrilotris(methylene))triphosphonate;Aminotris(methylphosphonic acid), sodium salts;Aminotri(methylene phosphonic acid), sodium salt;Aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid);;Sodium (nitrilotris(methylene))tris(phosphonate);Nitrilotris(methylene phosphonic acid), sodium salt;(Nitrilotris(methylene))trisphosphonic acid, sodium salt;7611-50-9 (tri-hydrochloride salt);Phosphonic acid, (nitrilotris(methylene))tri-, sodium salt;2235-43-0 (penta-hydrochloride salt);NTPH;[Nitrilotris(methylene)]trisphosphonic acid;[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris(phosphonic acid);[bis(phosphonomethyl)amino]methylphosphonic acid;Phosphonic acid, (nitrilotris(methylene))tris-;Phosphoric acid, (nitrilotris-(methylene))tris-;W-104858;6419-19-8 (Parent);103333-74-0;(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-Phosphonic acid;[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris-Phosphonic acid;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris-;Sequion OA;EINECS 243-900-0;Briquest 301;NTMP;Sequion 20H45;Dequest 2001;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-, sodium salt (1:?);DSSTox_CID_7624;EC 229-146-5;EC 243-900-0;AC1Q6RR3;DSSTox_RID_78532;DSSTox_GSID_27624;SCHEMBL21434;4-01-00-03070 (Beilstein Handbook Reference);AC1L28I3;CHEMBL260191;DTXSID2027624;KS-00000WIQ;Amino trimethylene Phoshonic Acid;Aminotris(methylenephosphonicacid);YDONNITUKPKTIG-UHFFFAOYSA-N;Sym-Trimethylaminetriphosphonic acid;WSI 3310;ZINC3861121;Tox21_202753;SBB037836;nitrilotris (methylenephosphonic acid);72333-13-2 (tri-ammonium salt);AKOS003599784;94021-28-0 (hexa-ammonium salt);MCULE-9610981851;RL04446;RTR-031917;40588-62-3 (hexa-potassium salt);94021-26-8 (penta-potassium salt);94021-27-9 (tetra-ammonium salt);68413-74-1 (unspecified zinc salt);Aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid);ATMP;NCGC00164342-01;NCGC00260300-01;AJ-77775;AK110920;AN-18533;AN-19188;CC-32892;Nitrilo-N,N,N-trimethylenephosphonic Acid;Nitrilotri(methylphosphonic acid) solution;SC-18354;ST011997;1,1,1-Nitrilotris(methylphosphonic Acid);CAS-6419-19-8;(nitrilotris(methylene))tri-Phosphonic acid;34274-28-7 (unspecified ammonium salt);AX8144872;KB-209336;LS-106711;TR-031917;27794-93-0 (unspecified potassium salt);FT-0622276;N0474;ST24026363;(nitrilotris-(methylene))tris-Phosphoric acid;20592-85-2 (unspecified hydrochloride salt);Nitrilotris(methylene)triphosphonic acid solution;{[bis(phosphonomethyl)amino]methyl}phosphonic acid;C-33368;Nitrilotri(methylphosphonic acid), >=97.0% (T);p,p`,p“-(Nitrilotris(methylene))tris-Phosphonic acid;Nitrilotris(methylene)triphosphonic acid solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;275797-11-0;39470-48-9;57515-65-8;80209-58-1;90735-66-3;99719-52-5;P,P inverted exclamation mark ,P inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark -[nitrilotris(methylene)]trisphosphonic Acid

ATMP, mkemmel elatlama yetenei, dk eik inhibisyonu ve kafes bozulma sreci ile polifosfattan daha iyi bir antiskansif performansa sahiptir. Su sistemlerinde kire oluumunu nleyebilir. ATMP, nitrilotriasetik asidin fosfonat analogudur.
ATMP mkemmel elasyon, dk eik inhibisyonu ve kafes bozulma yeteneine sahiptir. zellikle su sisteminde kire oluumunu, kalsiyum karbonat nleyebilir. ATMP iyi kimyasal stabiliteye sahiptir ve su sisteminde hidrolize edilmesi zordur. Yksek konsantrasyonda, iyi bir korozyon inhibisyonuna sahiptir.
ATMP, termik santral ve petrol rafineri tesisi alanlarnda endstriyel sirklasyonlu souk su sistemi ve petrol sahas su boru hattnda kullanlmaktadr. ATMP, kire oluumunu azaltabilir ve metal ekipmann ve boru hattnn korozyonunu engelleyebilir. ATMP, dokuma ve boyama endstrilerinde ve metal yzey ileme maddesi olarak kenetleme maddesi olarak kullanlabilir.
ATMP`nin kat hali, suda znebilen, kolayca znebilen, kn ve donma blgelerinde kullanma uygun, kristal tozdur. Yksek safl nedeniyle, dokuma ve boya endstrilerinde ve metal yzey ileme maddesi olarak kullanlabilir.
ATMP veya aminotris (metilenfosfonik asit) kimyasal forml N (CH2PO3H2) 3 olan bir fosfonik asittir. elatlaycdr. Kabachnik-Fields reaksiyonuna benzer bir ekilde, amonyak, formaldehit ve fosfor asidinin Mannich tipi reaksiyonundan sentezlenebilir. Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit) sklkla farkl su kalitesi koullar altnda soutma suyu sistemlerini dolatrmak iin organik su artma maddeleri oluturmak zere dier organik asit, polilaktik asit veya tuzla birlikte kullanlr. 1 ~ 20mg / L miktar tercih edilir; Bir korozyon inhibitr olarak kullanldnda 20-60 mg / L`lik bir miktarda.
Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit) asidiktir, iinin korunmasna dikkat edin, bir kez temas ettikten sonra gz ve cilt ile temas nleyin, bol su ile ykayn.

Kimyasal zellikler
renksiz sv

ATMP genellikle tm organik alkali su artma maddesini oluturmak iin organofosforik asit, polikarboksilik asit ve tuz ile birlikte kullanlr. ATMP birok farkl sirklasyonlu souk su sisteminde kullanlabilir. 1-20mg / L doz tavsiye edilir. Korozyon inhibitr olarak 20-60 mg / L`lik dozaj tercih edilir.
G santralleri, rafineriler, petrokimyasallar, gbre fabrikas soutma suyu, petrol sahas enjeksiyon su sistemi, zellikle yksek sertlik, yksek sertlik, yksek su sertlii, yksek su sertlii ve yksek sertlik gibi dk konsantrasyonlu oklu sistemler iin uygundur. petrol boru hatt inhibitrleri, metal ekipman ve boru hattnn korozyon ve leklenme riskini azaltabilir. Tekstil bask ve boyama endstrisinde, metal yzey ilem maddesi olan metal iyonu kenetleme maddesi olarak Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit) kullanlr.
Yukardaki bilgiler Tian Ye`nin kimyasal kitab tarafndan dzenlenmitir.
Soutma suyu sistemi, petrol boru hatt ve kazann leinin nlenmesi iin kullanlr; Yksek sertlik, yksek tuzluluk ve kt su kalitesi ile petrol boru hatt iin kire nleyici olarak kullanlr; Soutma suyu, kazan suyu, petrol sahas suyu artm iin kire nleyici ve korozyon nleyici olarak kullanlr; Termik santral ve bir petrol rafinerisi soutma suyu iin kullanlr. Gl bir kompleks ajan. Gl bir asit sfingomiyelinaz inhibitr.

Deterjan ve temizlik maddeleri
Su artma
lekleme inhibisyonu

ATMP sv: 200L plastik bidon, IBC (1000L), mterilerin gereksinimi.
ATMP kat: 25kg / bag, mterilerin gereksinimi.

Glgeli odada ve kuru yerde on ay boyunca depolama.
Asit, Gz ve cilt ile temasndan saknn, temas ettikten sonra, suyla ykayn.

GHS Snflamas
GHS Tehlike fadeleri
ECHA C & L Envanterine, 25 bildirimden 530 irket tarafndan salanan toplu GHS bilgileri. Her bildirim birden ok irketle ilikilendirilebilir.

GHS tehlike kriterlerini yerine getirmedii bildirilen 530 irketten 57 tanesi.

Tehlike bildirimi koduna sahip 530 firmann 473` tarafndan salanan 24 bildirim (ler):

H290 (% 43.13): Metaller iin andrc olabilir [Uyar Andrc Metaller]
H315 (% 42.71): Ciltte tahrie neden olur [Uyar Cilt anmas / tahrii]
H319 (% 83.3): Ciddi gz tahriine neden olur [Uyar Ciddi gz hasar / gz tahrii]

Bilgiler, kirliliklere, katk maddelerine ve dier faktrlere bal olarak bildirimler arasnda deiebilir. Parantez iindeki yzde deeri, tehlike kodlar salayan firmalardan bildirilen snflandrma orann gsterir. Sadece% 10`un zerindeki yzde deerlerine sahip tehlike kodlar gsterilir.

nlem fadesi Kodlar
P234, P264, P280, P302 + P352, P305 + P351 + P338, P321, P332 + P313, P337 + P313, P362, P390 ve P404

EPA Gvenli Kimyasal
Aminotrimetilen fosfonik asit – Sar gen – Kimyasal, fonksiyonel ierik snf iin Gvenli Seim Kriterleri ile bir araya geldi ancak baz tehlike profili sorunlar var. Spesifik olarak, bu yasaya sahip bir kimyasal, tm insan sal ve evresel son noktalar iin dk bir tehlike kaygs ile ilikili deildir. Snfnn en iyisi kimyasal olan ve belirli bir fonksiyon iin mevcut olan en gvenli olanlar arasndayken, kimyasaln yerine getirdii ilev, daha gvenli kimya yenilikilii iin bir alan olarak dnlmelidir.

nsan Metaboliti Bilgisi
Metabolit Aklamas
Korozyon inhibitr, kompleksletirici madde, e. g. lek kontrol ve araplarn demetallizasyonu iin. [Nitrilotris (metilen)] trisfosfonik asit et ve kmes hayvan rnleri iin soutma ve imbik suyunun artlmasna izin verilir.

Sanayi Kullanmlar
Metallerin giderilmesi iin elatlama
Metaller iin entikler
Korozyon inhibitrleri ve anti-lekleme maddeleri
Yalayclar ve yalayc katklar
Bilinmiyor veya makul bir ekilde kesin deil
Baka trl listelenmeyen ileme yardmclar
Yzey aktif maddeler

Tketici Kullanmlar
Otomotiv bakm rnleri
Temizlik ve bakm rnleri
Sondaj yardm
amar ve bulak ykama rnleri
Baka yerde olmayan metal rnler
Bilinmiyor veya makul bir ekilde kesin deil
Petrol sahas artma kimyasallar
Kat rnleri
Su artma rnleri

Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit), kat formu kristalin tozdur, suda znr, higroskopik, mkemmel elasyon, dk eik inhibisyonu ve kafes distorsiyonu vardr. 200 ℃, dk toksisite, iyi termal stabilite, Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit) altnda mkemmel lek inhibisyonu, su iinde alt pozitif ve negatif iyonlar ayrlabilir ve gibi eitli metal iyonlar ile istikrarl bir elat oluturabilir demir, bakr, alminyum, inko, kalsiyum, magnezyum vb. Karbonat zerinde daha ok tercih edilen bir lek inhibisyon etkisine sahiptir. Ve polifosfat, polikarboksilat, nitrit ile iyi bir sinerjiye sahiptir. 40mg / L`de iyi inhibisyon vardr.
Referans kalite standartlar
HG / T2841-2005 ile uyumlu olarak HG / T 2841-1997 ile uyumlu
Grnm renksiz veya ak sar effaf sv beyaz kristal toz
Aktif ierik (ATMP dolar)% ≥ 50.0 50.0 95.0
Amino tris (metilen fosfonik asit) ierii% ≥-40.0 88.0
Fosfit (PO33 – cinsinden)% ≤ 5.0 3.5-
Fosfat (PO43-saym)% ≤ 1.0 0.8 0.8
Klorr (Cl-dolar)% ≤ 3.5 2.0 1.0
Demir (Fe2 + ile) ierii mg / L ≤-20.0 20.0
Younluk (20 ℃) ​​g / cm3 ≥ 1.28 1.30- pH (% 1 sulu zelti) 1.5-2.5 1.5-2.5 2.0

ATMP ya da amino trimetilen fosfonik asit, kimyasal forml N (CHpOOh) ile fosfonik asittir. elatlama zellikleri vardr. Amonyak, formaldehit ve fosfor asidinin Mannich tipi reaksiyonundan sentezlenebilir.
ATMP Hakknda Uygulama Nedir?
Ayrca, amino trimetilen fosfonik asit olarak adlandrlan ATMP, elektrik santrali, petrol sahas, merkezi klima vb. in sirklasyonlu soutma suyu sistemlerinde geni apta uygulanr. Ayrca dokuma ve boya endstrisinde de kullanlr. Antiskalant ve elatlayc ajan olarak nerilen doz 1-20mg / l`dir. Bu, korozyon inhibitr olarak kullanldnda 20-60 mg / l`ye ykselecektir.

CAS NO:6419-19-8

Molecular Formula:C3H12NO9P3
Molecular Weight:299.048 g/mol

6419-19-8;(Nitrilotris(methylene))triphosphonic acid;Tris(phosphonomethyl)amine;Ferrofos 509;Aminotrimethylene phosphonic acid;Dowell L 37;Dequest 2000;Nitrilotrimethylphosphonic acid;Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid;ATMP;UNII-1Y702GD0FG;NITRILOTRIS(METHYLENE)TRIPHOSPHONIC ACID;1Y702GD0FG;Sodium (nitrilotris(methylene))triphosphonate;Aminotris(methylphosphonic acid), sodium salts;Aminotri(methylene phosphonic acid), sodium salt;Aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid);;Sodium (nitrilotris(methylene))tris(phosphonate);Nitrilotris(methylene phosphonic acid), sodium salt;(Nitrilotris(methylene))trisphosphonic acid, sodium salt;7611-50-9 (tri-hydrochloride salt);Phosphonic acid, (nitrilotris(methylene))tri-, sodium salt;2235-43-0 (penta-hydrochloride salt);NTPH;[Nitrilotris(methylene)]trisphosphonic acid;[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris(phosphonic acid);[bis(phosphonomethyl)amino]methylphosphonic acid;Phosphonic acid, (nitrilotris(methylene))tris-;Phosphoric acid, (nitrilotris-(methylene))tris-;W-104858;6419-19-8 (Parent);103333-74-0;(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-Phosphonic acid;[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris-Phosphonic acid;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris-;Sequion OA;EINECS 243-900-0;Briquest 301;NTMP;Sequion 20H45;Dequest 2001;Phosphonic acid, P,P`,P“-(nitrilotris(methylene))tris-, sodium salt (1:?);DSSTox_CID_7624;EC 229-146-5;EC 243-900-0;AC1Q6RR3;DSSTox_RID_78532;DSSTox_GSID_27624;SCHEMBL21434;4-01-00-03070 (Beilstein Handbook Reference);AC1L28I3;CHEMBL260191;DTXSID2027624;KS-00000WIQ;Amino trimethylene Phoshonic Acid;Aminotris(methylenephosphonicacid);YDONNITUKPKTIG-UHFFFAOYSA-N;Sym-Trimethylaminetriphosphonic acid;WSI 3310;ZINC3861121;Tox21_202753;SBB037836;nitrilotris (methylenephosphonic acid);72333-13-2 (tri-ammonium salt);AKOS003599784;94021-28-0 (hexa-ammonium salt);MCULE-9610981851;RL04446;RTR-031917;40588-62-3 (hexa-potassium salt);94021-26-8 (penta-potassium salt);94021-27-9 (tetra-ammonium salt);68413-74-1 (unspecified zinc salt);Aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid);ATMP;NCGC00164342-01;NCGC00260300-01;AJ-77775;AK110920;AN-18533;AN-19188;CC-32892;Nitrilo-N,N,N-trimethylenephosphonic Acid;Nitrilotri(methylphosphonic acid) solution;SC-18354;ST011997;1,1,1-Nitrilotris(methylphosphonic Acid);CAS-6419-19-8;(nitrilotris(methylene))tri-Phosphonic acid;34274-28-7 (unspecified ammonium salt);AX8144872;KB-209336;LS-106711;TR-031917;27794-93-0 (unspecified potassium salt);FT-0622276;N0474;ST24026363;(nitrilotris-(methylene))tris-Phosphoric acid;20592-85-2 (unspecified hydrochloride salt);Nitrilotris(methylene)triphosphonic acid solution;{[bis(phosphonomethyl)amino]methyl}phosphonic acid;C-33368;Nitrilotri(methylphosphonic acid), >=97.0% (T);p,p`,p“-(Nitrilotris(methylene))tris-Phosphonic acid;Nitrilotris(methylene)triphosphonic acid solution, 50 wt. % in H2O;275797-11-0;39470-48-9;57515-65-8;80209-58-1;90735-66-3;99719-52-5;P,P inverted exclamation mark ,P inverted exclamation mark inverted exclamation mark -[nitrilotris(methylene)]trisphosphonic Acid

ATMP has excellent chelation, low threshold inhibition and lattice distortion ability. It can prevent scale formation, calcium carbonate in particular, in water system. ATMP has good chemical stability and is hard to be hydrolyzed in water system. At high concentration, it has good corrosion inhibition.
ATMP is used in industrial circulating cool water system and oilfield water pipeline in fields of thermal power plant and oil refinery plant. ATMP can decrease scale formation and inhibit corrosion of metal equipment and pipeline. ATMP can be used as chelating agent in woven and dyeing industries and as metal surface treatment agent.
The solid state of ATMP is crystal powder, soluble in water, easily deliquescence, suitable for usage in winter and freezing districts. Because of its high purity, it can be used in woven & dyeing industries and as metal surface treatment agent.
ATMP or aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid) is a phosphonic acid with chemical formula N(CH2PO3H2)3. It has chelatingproperties. It can be synthesized from the Mannich-type reaction of ammonia, formaldehyde, and phosphorous acid, in a manner similar to the Kabachnik-Fields reaction. Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) is often used with other organic acid, polylactic acid or salt to form organic water treatment agents for circulating cooling water systems under a variety of different water quality conditions. The amount of 1~20mg/L is preferred; in an amount of 20~60mg/L when used as a corrosion inhibitor .
Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid)is acidic, pay attention to labor protection, should avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with plenty of water.
ATMP has better antiscale performance than that of polyphosphate through its excellent chelating ability, low threshold inhibition and lattice distortion process. It can prevent scale formation in water systems. ATMP is the phosphonate analog of nitrilotriacetic acid.

Chemical Properties
colourless liquid

ATMP is usually used together with organophosphoric acid, polycarboxylic acid and salt to built all organic alkaline water treatment agent. ATMP can be used in many different circulating cool water system. The dosage of 1-20mg/L is recommended. As corrosion inhibitor, the dosage of 20-60mg/L is preferred.

It is used for power plants, refineries, petrochemicals, fertilizer plant cooling water, oil field injection water system,particularly suitable for hard high-calcium, low concentration multiple systems, such as power plants and high hardness high salinity, bad water quality conditions of the oil pipeline inhibitors,which may decrease the risk of corrosion and scaling of metal equipment and pipeline. In the textile printing and dyeing industry,Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) is used as a metal ion chelating agent, metal surface treatment agent.
The above information is edited by the chemicalbook of Tian Ye.
Used for the scale prevention of cooling water system, oil pipeline and boiler; Used as the scale inhibitor for the oil pipeline with high hardness, high salinity and bad water quality; Used as scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor for the treatment of cooling water, boiler water, oil field water; Used for circulating cooling water of thermal power plant and an oil refinery. A powerful complexing agent. A potent acid sphingomyelinase inhibitor.

Detergents and cleaning agents
Water treatment
Scaling inhibition

ATMP liquid:200L plastic drum,IBC(1000L),customers` requirement.
ATMP solid: 25kg/bag, customers` requirement.
Storage for ten months in shady room and dry place.
Acidity, Avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water.

Hazards Identification
GHS Classification
GHS Hazard Statements
Aggregated GHS information provided by 530 companies from 25 notifications to the ECHA C&L Inventory. Each notification may be associated with multiple companies.

Reported as not meeting GHS hazard criteria by 57 of 530 companies.

Of the 24 notification(s) provided by 473 of 530 companies with hazard statement code(s):

H290 (43.13%): May be corrosive to metals [Warning Corrosive to Metals]
H315 (42.71%): Causes skin irritation [Warning Skin corrosion/irritation]
H319 (83.3%): Causes serious eye irritation [Warning Serious eye damage/eye irritation]

Information may vary between notifications depending on impurities, additives, and other factors. The percentage value in parenthesis indicates the notified classification ratio from companies that provide hazard codes. Only hazard codes with percentage values above 10% are shown.

Precautionary Statement Codes
P234, P264, P280, P302+P352, P305+P351+P338, P321, P332+P313, P337+P313, P362, P390, and P404

EPA Safer Chemical
Aminotrimethylene phosphonic acid – Yellow triangle – The chemical has met Safer Choice Criteria for its functional ingredient-class, but has some hazard profile issues. Specifically, a chemical with this code is not associated with a low level of hazard concern for all human health and environmental endpoints. While it is a best-in-class chemical and among the safest available for a particular function, the function fulfilled by the chemical should be considered an area for safer chemistry innovation.

Human Metabolite Information
Metabolite Description
Corrosion inhibitor, complexing agent, e. g. for scale control, and demetallisation of wines. [Nitrilotris(methylene)]trisphosphonic acid is a permitted for treatment of cooling and retort water for meat and poultry product

Industry Uses
Chelant for metals removal
Chelant for metals removsl
Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents
Lubricants and lubricant additives
Not known or reasonably ascertainable
Processing aids, not otherwise listed
Surface active agents

Consumer Uses
Automotive care products
Cleaning and furnishing care products
Drilling aid
Laundry and dishwashing products
Metal products not covered elsewhere
Not known or reasonably ascertainable
Oilfield treating chemicals
Paper products
Water treatment products

Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid), its solid form is crystalline powder, soluble in water, hygroscopic, has excellent chelation, low threshold inhibition and lattice distortion. It has excellent scale inhibition below 200 ℃, low toxicity, good thermal stability, Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) can be dissociated into six positive and negative ions in the water, and can form a stable chelate with a variety of metal ions such as iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc. It has a more preferable scale inhibition effect on carbonate . And it has good synergy with the polyphosphate, polycarboxylate, nitrite. There are good inhibition when in 40mg/L.
Reference quality standards
In line with HG/T 2841-1997 in line with HG/T2841-2005
Appearance colorless or light yellow transparent liquid white crystalline powder
Active content (ATMP dollars)% ≥ 50.0 50.0 95.0
Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid)content% ≥-40.0 88.0
Phosphite (in terms PO33-)% ≤ 5.0 3.5-
Phosphate (PO43-to count)% ≤ 1.0 0.8 0.8
Chloride (Cl-dollars)% ≤ 3.5 2.0 1.0
Iron (with Fe2 +) content mg/L ≤-20.0 20.0
Density (20 ℃) g/cm3 ≥ 1.28 1.30- pH (1% aqueous solution) 1.5-2.5 1.5-2.5 2.0

ATMP or amino trimethylene phosphonic acid is a phosphonic acid with chemical formula N(CH₂PO₃H₂)₃. It has chelating properties. It can be synthesized from the Mannich-type reaction of ammonia, formaldehyde, and phosphorous acid
What Is The Application About ATMP
ATMP ,also called amino trimethylene phosphonic acid is broadly applied in recirculated cooling water systems for power station, oil field, central air-conditioning etc. It is also used in woven and dyeing industry. As antiscalant and chelating agent, the recommended dosage is 1-20mg/l. This will increase to 20-60mg/l if used as corrosion inhibitor.
