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Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPLEN GLKOL; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter ; dipropilen glikol dimetil ether; dipropilen glycol dimetil eter ; dimetil eter ; dipropilen glycol; Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether; Dipropyleneglycol methyl ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DPGME; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 89399-28-0; 1,2′-oxydipropanol dimethyl ether; 2-METHOXY-1-[(1-METHOXYPROPAN-2-YL)OXY]PROPANE; Propane, 2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; 1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxypropoxy)propane; 2-(2-Hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol dimethyl ether; Dipropylenglycol dimethylether; SCHEMBL77962; 2-methoxy-1-(1-methoxypropan-2-yloxy)propane; Propane,2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; Dipropylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (mixture of isomers); Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether; mixture of isomers; dipopilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol; diproplen glikol dimetyl ether; dipropylene glycol dimetyl ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPLEN GLKOL; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter ; dipropilen glikol dimetil ether; dipropilen glycol dimetil eter ; dimetil eter ; dipropilen glycol; Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether; Dipropyleneglycol methyl ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DPGME; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 89399-28-0; 1,2′-oxydipropanol dimethyl ether; 2-METHOXY-1-[(1-METHOXYPROPAN-2-YL)OXY]PROPANE; Propane, 2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; 1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxypropoxy)propane; 2-(2-Hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol dimethyl ether; Dipropylenglycol dimethylether; SCHEMBL77962; 2-methoxy-1-(1-methoxypropan-2-yloxy)propane; Propane,2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; Dipropylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (mixture of isomers); Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether; mixture of isomers; dipopilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol; diproplen glikol dimetyl ether; dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; dipropylen glycol dimethyl ether; dipropilene glycol dimetyl eter; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPLEN GLKOL; DIPROPYLEN GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER; DPROPYLEN GLYCOL DMETHYL ETHER; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPYLEN GLYCOL; Dipropylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; Bs(methoxypropyl) ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether; Dipropyleneglycol methyl ether; DPGME; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 89399-28-0; 1,2′-oxydipropanol dimethyl ether; 2-METHOXY-1-[(1-METHOXYPROPAN-2-YL)OXY]PROPANE; Propane, 2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; 1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxypropoxy)propane; 2-(2-Hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol dimethyl ether; Dipropylenglycol dimethylether; SCHEMBL77962; 2-methoxy-1-(1-methoxypropan-2-yloxy)propane; Propane,2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; Dipropylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (mixture of isomers); Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether; mixture of isomers; dipopilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol; diproplen glikol dimetyl ether; dipropylene glycol dimetyl ether; dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; dipropylen glycol dimethyl ether; dipropilene glycol dimetyl eter; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPLEN GLKOL; DIPROPYLEN GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER; DPROPYLEN GLYCOL DMETHYL ETHER; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPYLEN GLYCOL; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; Dipropylene Gol Dimethyl Ether; Bs(methoxypropyl) ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 1-Methoxy-2-((1-methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propane; Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether;Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 1-Methoxy-2-((1-methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propane; Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIMETHYL ETHER; DPROPLEN GLKOL DMETL ETER; DPROPLEN GLKOL; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol dimetil eter ; dipropilen glikol dimetil ether; dipropilen glycol dimetil eter ; dimetil eter ; dipropilen glycol; Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether; Dipropyleneglycol methyl ether; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; DPGME; Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether; 89399-28-0; 1,2′-oxydipropanol dimethyl ether; 2-METHOXY-1-[(1-METHOXYPROPAN-2-YL)OXY]PROPANE; Propane, 2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; 1-methoxy-2-(2-methoxypropoxy)propane; 2-(2-Hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol dimethyl ether; Dipropylenglycol dimethylether; SCHEMBL77962; 2-methoxy-1-(1-methoxypropan-2-yloxy)propane; Propane,2-methoxy-1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; Dipropylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (mixture of isomers); Di(propylene glycol) dimethyl ether; mixture of isomers; dipopilen glikol dimetil eter; dipropilen glikol; diproplen glikol dimetyl ether.




Identifiers Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether

CAS Number 34590-94-8 (mixture of isomers)

ChemSpider 23783 17215460

ECHA InfoCard 100.047.353

EC Number 252-104-2

PubChem CID 22833331

CompTox Dashboard (EPA)



Properties Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether

Chemical formula C7H16O3

Molar mass 148.202 g·mol-1

Density 0.951 g/cm3[1]

Boiling point 190 °C (374 °F; 463 K)[1]

Solubility in water Miscible

Hazards Flash point 75 °C (167 °F; 348 K)[1]

Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).


Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether is an inert solvent and well suited as a non-toxic alternative to NMP and NEP in paints & coatings applications, especially for waterborne PU-dispersions and 2P-formulations.


Benefits Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether

Safe handling

inert solvent

water soluble


Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether is an organic solvent with a variety of industrial and commercial uses.[1][2] It finds use as a less volatile alternative to propylene glycol methyl ether and other glycol ethers. The commercial product is typically a mixture of four isomers.


Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether (DPGDME) is a colorless liquid with a mild odor. It is a propylene oxide-based diether and is hygroscopic (attracts water). Eye contact with DPGDME may cause slight irritation, although corneal injury is unlikely.Prolonged skin contact is not likely to cause significant irritation or result in absorption ofharmful amounts. Prolonged inhalation of DPGDME is not expected to cause adverse

effects.Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether (DPGDME) is a colorless liquid with a mild odor. It is apropylene oxide-based diether and is hygroscopic (attracts water). DPGDME is an aprotic solvent, meaning it is relatively inert because it does not have hydroxyl groups that readily donate or accept protons.



DPGDME Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether is volatile, and will evaporate from products containing it. However, because it ismoderately soluble in water, once introduced, it has a tendency to remain in water. It has minimal tendency to bind to soil or sediment. DPGDME is unlikely to persist in the environment. DPGDME is inherently biodegradable, which suggests the chemical will be removed from water and soil environments, including biological

wastewater treatment plants. DPGDME is not likely to accumulate in the food chain (bioconcentration potential is low), and it is practically nontoxic to fish and other aquatic organisms on an acute basis.



Physical Hazard Information Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether

DPGDME liquid and vapor are combustible. The product is stable under recommended storageconditions. Store this material in carbon steel, stainless steel, or phenolic-lined steel drums. Do not store in aluminum, copper, galvanized steel, or galvanized iron. DPGDME can decompose at elevated temperatures. Generation of gas during decomposition can cause pressure in closed systems. Decomposition products depend on temperature, air supply, and the presence of other

materials, but can include aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, and other compounds. DPGDME is incompatible with strong acids, strong bases, and strong oxidizers and contact should be avoided.



Tanmlayclar Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter

CAS Numaras 34590-94-8 (izomer karm)

ChemSpider 23783 17215460

ECHA Bilgi Kart 100.047.353

EC Numaras 252-104-2

PubChem CID 22833331

CompTox Kontrol Paneli (EPA)



Özellikler Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter

Kimyasal formül C7H16O3

Molar kütle 148.202 g · mol – 1

Younluk 0.951 g / cm3 [1]

Kaynama noktas 190 ° C (374 ° F; 463 K) [1]

Suda çözünürlük Kartrlabilir

Tehlikeler Parlama noktas 75 ° C (167 ° F; 348 K) [1]

Aksi belirtilmedikçe, standart halindeki malzemeler için veriler verilir (25 ° C [77 ° F], 100 kPa’da).


Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter etkisiz bir çözücüdür ve özellikle su bazl PU dispersiyonlar ve 2P formülasyonlar için boya ve kaplama uygulamalarnda NMP ve NEP’ye toksik olmayan bir alternatif olarak çok uygundur.


Dipropilen glikol dimetil eterin faydalar

Emniyetli tama

atl çözücü

suda çözünür


Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter, çeitli endüstriyel ve ticari kullanmlara sahip organik bir çözücüdür. Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter ve dier glikol eterlere daha az uçucu bir alternatif olarak kullanlr. Ticari ürün tipik olarak dört izomerin bir karmdr.


Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter (DPGDME) hafif bir kokuya sahip renksiz bir svdr. Propilen oksit esasl bir dieterdir ve higroskopiktir (su çeker). DPGDME ile göz temas, kornea yaralanmas olasl düük olmasna ramen hafif tahrie neden olabilir. DPGDME’nin uzun süre solunmasnn olumsuz etkilere neden olmas beklenmemektedir.

Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter (DPGDME) hafif bir kokuya sahip renksiz bir svdr. Apropilen oksit esasl dieterdir ve higroskopiktir (su çeker). DPGDME aprotik bir çözücüdür, yani protonlar kolayca balayan veya kabul eden hidroksil gruplarna sahip olmad için nispeten eylemsizdir.



DPGDME Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter uçucudur ve onu içeren ürünlerden buharlaacaktr. Bununla birlikte, suda ksmen çözünür olduu için, bir kez sokulduktan sonra, suda kalma eilimi vardr. Topraa veya tortuya balanma eilimi minimumdur. DPGDME’nin ortamda devam etmesi pek olas deildir. DPGDME doas gerei biyolojik olarak bozunur, bu da kimyasaln biyolojik dahil su ve toprak ortamlarndan uzaklatrlacan gösterir.

atksu artma tesisleri. DPGDME’nin besin zincirinde birikmesi muhtemel deildir (biyokonsantrasyon potansiyeli düüktür) ve balk ve dier su organizmalar için akut olarak pratik olarak toksik deildir.



Fiziksel Tehlike Bilgileri Dipropilen glikol dimetil eter

DPGDME svs ve buhar yancdr. Ürün önerilen saklama koullarnda kararldr. Bu malzemeyi karbon çelii, paslanmaz çelik veya fenolik astarl çelik bidonlarda saklayn. Alüminyum, bakr, galvanizli çelik veya galvanizli demirde saklamayn. DPGDME yüksek scaklklarda bozunabilir. Ayrma srasnda gaz üretimi kapal sistemlerde basnca neden olabilir. Ayrma ürünleri scakla, hava tedarikine ve dier maddelerin varlna baldr.

ancak aldehitler, ketonlar, organik asitler ve dier bileikleri içerebilir. DPGDME güçlü asitler, güçlü bazlar ve güçlü oksitleyicilerle badamaz ve temastan kaçnlmaldr.

