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CAS No. : 37199-81-8

EC No. : 609-343-6


Dispersant DMA 40; DSPERSANT MDA 40; dispersant dma 40; 37199-81-8; 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, sodium salt; Sodium polycarboxylate; Maleic anhydride 2,4,4-trimethylpentene polymer sodium salt; Maleic anhydride-diisobutylene copolymer, sodium salt, minimum number average molecular weight (in amu) 5,0007 to 18,000; 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, sodium salt; 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, sodium salt; 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, sodium salt MALEIC ANHYDRIDE-DIISOBUTYLENE COPOLYMER, SODIUM; MALEIC ANHYDRIDE-DIISOBUTYLENE COPOLYMER, SODIUM; Diisobutene-maleicanhydride sodium salt copolymer; sodium salt of polycarboxylic acid; 37199-81-8; 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, sodium salt (CAS# 37199-81-8)


Dispersant DMA 40 IUPAC Name sodium;oxolane-2,5-dione;2,4,4-trimethylpent-1-ene

Dispersant DMA 40 InChI 1S/C8H16.C4H4O3.Na/c1-7(2)6-8(3,4)5;5-3-1-2-4(6)7-3;/h1,6H2,2-5H3;1-2H2;/q;;+1


Dispersant DMA 40 Canonical SMILES CC(=C)CC(C)(C)C.C1CC(=O)OC1=O.[Na+]

Dispersant DMA 40 Molecular Formula C12H20NaO3+

Dispersant DMA 40 CAS 37199-81-8

Dispersant DMA 40 European Community (EC) Number 609-343-6

Dispersant DMA 40 Solid Content(%+1) 40

Dispersant DMA 40 pH 5.0 – 6.0

Dispersant DMA 40 Viscosity(cps, max) 2000

Dispersant DMA 40 Chemical Composition Sodium Polycarboxylate

Dispersant DMA 40 Molecular Weight 235.27 g/mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 3

Dispersant DMA 40 Rotatable Bond Count 2

Dispersant DMA 40 Exact Mass 235.131014 g/mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Monoisotopic Mass 235.131014 g/mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Topological Polar Surface Area 43.4 Ų

Dispersant DMA 40 Heavy Atom Count 16

Dispersant DMA 40 Formal Charge 1

Dispersant DMA 40 Complexity 185

Dispersant DMA 40 Isotope Atom Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 3

Dispersant DMA 40 Compound Is Canonicalized Yes

Dispersant DMA 40 by Organik Kimya is an APEO-free, low-foaming, highly effective liquid dispersant for pigments and extenders in aqueous systems. It is compatible with all common synthetic emulsions, creates little foam and is effective in a wide pH range. It is very favorable in case of storage stability of highly filled emulsion paints. Recommended dosage level is 0.1-0.3%. The maximum shelf life is 12 months at temperature 5-40°C.Low foaming polymeric dispersing agent for textile application.Dispersant DMA 40 are linear polymers with a high molecular mass (Mr ≤ 100 000) and with many carboxylate groups. They are polymers of acrylic acid or copolymers of acrylic acid and maleic acid. The polymer is used as the sodium salt (see: sodium polyacrylate).Dispersant DMA 40 are used as builders in detergents.[2] Their high chelating power, even at low concentrations, reduces deposits on the laundry and inhibits the crystal growth of calcite.Dispersant DMA 40 ethers (PCE) are used as superplasticizers in concrete production.Dispersant DMA 40 are poorly biodegradable but have a low ecotoxicity. In the sewage treatment plant, the polymer remains largely in the sludge and is separated from the wastewater.Polyamino acids like polyaspartic acid and polyglutamic acid have better biodegradability but lower chelating performance than polyacrylates. They are also less stable towards heat and alkali. Since they contain nitrogen, they contribute to eutrophication.Water-soluble linear Dispersant DMA 40 are used in household cleaning products, e.g. in laundry detergents, automatic dishwashing detergents and various hard surface-cleaning formulations, and also in institutional and industrial cleaning processes and a variety of technical applications.Dispersant DMA 40 are used in low-phosphate and phosphate-free detergents for avoiding incrustation and soil redeposition. Their effect is not based on complexing properties and therefore not comparable with typical chelating agents. The mechanism is the dispersion of calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate and the suspended solids during washing processes. Major Dispersant DMA 40 used in detergents products comprise two different types of polymer families which distinguish in their technical applications and physical chemical properties: homopolymers of acrylic acid (P-AA) which is described in part I and copolymers of acrylic/maleic acid (P-AA/MA) which is described in part II of the report.The main pathway of Dispersant DMA 40 into the environment is via domestic waste water and sewage treatment to surface waters.Thus, the removal of Dispersant DMA 40 from waste water before and during waste water treatment is the crucial factor that governs the distribution of Dispersant DMA 40 into the environment.The outcome of this current environmental assessment provides a sound basis for the conclusion that the use of Dispersant DMA 40 homopolymers in detergent products does not pose risk to the environment.Scenarios relevant to the consumer exposure to Dispersant DMA 40 have been identified and assessed using a Margin of Safety approach.Dispersant DMA 40 are of low toxicity by all exposure routes examined.Based upon the available data, it is considered that exposure to Dispersant DMA 40 does not imply any particular hazard to humans.Owing to the presence of Dispersant DMA 40 in many commonly used household detergents, consumers are exposed to Dispersant DMA 40 mainly via the dermal route, but also to a minor extent via the oral and inhalation route.In summary, based on the available data, the human risk assessment considers the use of Dispersant DMA 40 in household laundry products and automatic dishwashing detergents as safe and of no concern with regard to consumer use.Important Dispersant DMA 40 in detergents are homopolymers of acrylic acid which are generally used as sodium salts.The various Dispersant DMA 40 are distinguished by the monomers used for their preparation, acrylic acid (AA) and their molecular weight (MW).Dispersant DMA 40 used in detergents are generally prepared by free-radical polymerisation of acrylic acid in aqueous solution.Dispersant DMA 40 are very stable compounds as the carboxyl part of the molecule is the only functional group.Abiotic degradation mechanisms like photolytic and hydrolytic processes do not significantly influence the environmental fate of Dispersant DMA 40.Experimental data on the bioaccumulation potential of Dispersant DMA 40 are not available.Dispersant DMA 40 are used in low-phosphate and phosphate-free detergents for avoiding incrustation and soil redeposition.Dispersant DMA 40 are usually not contained in manual dishwashing detergents.A typical mean concentration of Dispersant DMA 40 is 0.5 % for P-AA in laundry detergents. The contact time with the Dispersant DMA 40 in the course of handwashing is, according to A.I.S.E., very short (approx. 10 min) and the percutaneous absorption of high molecular weight polymers will be very low to non existant.In the following calculations the worst case assumption has been made that 1% of the Dispersant DMA 40 are available for percutaneous absorption.Assuming a fluid film thickness of 100 µm (0.1 mm or 0.01 cm) (Vermeire, 1993) on the skin and, as a worst case assumption, a percutaneous absorption of 1% for Dispersant DMA 40 in 24 h exposure time, the following amount of Dispersant DMA 40 absorbed via skin can be calculated.Thus, the systemic exposure of Dispersant DMA 40 resulting from this scenario is also considered to be negligible.Dispersant DMA 40, despite their solubility in water, are deposited in solid form and thus as a first rough estimation, the small amount of Dispersant DMA 40 absorbed via this route should be insignificant.Accidental or intentional overexposure to Dispersant DMA 40 may occur via laundry detergents. We know no fatal cases arising from oral uptake of Dispersant DMA 40.The accidental or intentional overexposure to Dispersant DMA 40 directly is not considered a likely occurrence for consumers, but it may occur via laundry detergents.Accidental ingestion of milligrams of Dispersant DMA 40 as a consequence of accidental ingestion of laundry and cleaning products is not expected to result in any significant adverse health effects, given the low toxicity profile of laundry and cleaning products in general.Accidental contact of Dispersant DMA 40 with the eyes is not expected to cause more than a slight irritation on the basis of the experimental data.Data on developmental toxicity demonstrate that Dispersant DMA 40 are not developmentally toxic in rats.In summary, based on the available data, the human risk assessment considers the use of Dispersant DMA 40 in household laundry products and automatic dishwashing detergents as safe and of no concern with regard to consumer use.


Dispersant DMA 40 IUPAC Ad sodyum; oksolan-2,5-dion; 2,4,4-trimetilpent-1-ene

Dispersant DMA 40 InChI 1S / C8H16.C4H4O3.Na / c1-7 (2) 6-8 (3,4) 5; 5-3-1-2-4 (6) 7-3; / h1,6H2,2 -5H3; 1-2H2; / q ;; + 1


Dispersant DMA 40 Kanonik SMILES CC (= C) CC (C) (C) C.C1CC (= O) OC1 = O. [Na +]

Dispersant DMA 40 Moleküler Formül C12H20NaO3 +

Dispersant DMA 40 CAS 37199-81-8

Dispersant DMA 40 Avrupa Topluluu (EC) Numaras 609-343-6

Dispersant DMA 40 Kat çerik (% + 1) 40

Dispersant DMA 40 pH 5.0 – 6.0

Dispersant DMA 40 Viskozite (cps, max) 2000

Dispersant DMA 40 Kimyasal Bileim Sodyum Polikarboksilat

Dispersant DMA 40 Molekül Arl 235,27 g / mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Hidrojen Ba Donör Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Hidrojen Ba Alcs Says 3

Dispersant DMA 40 Dönebilen Bond Says 2

Dispersant DMA 40 Tam Kütle 235.131014 g / mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Monoizotopik Kütle 235.131014 g / mol

Dispersant DMA 40 Topolojik Polar Yüzey Alan 43,4 Ų

Dispersant DMA 40 Ar Atom Says 16

Dispersant DMA 40 Resmi arj 1

Dispersant DMA 40 Karmaklk 185

Dispersant DMA 40 zotop Atom Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Tanml Atom Stereocenter Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Tanmsz Atom Stereocenter Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Tanml Bond Stereocenter Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Tanmsz Ba Stereocenter Says 0

Dispersant DMA 40 Kovalent Bal Birim Says 3

Dispersant DMA 40 Bileii Kanonikletirilmitir Evet

Organik Kimya’dan Dispersant DMA 40, sulu sistemlerdeki pigmentler ve sulandrclar için APEO içermeyen, düük köpüren, yüksek etkili sv dispersan. Tüm yaygn sentetik emülsiyonlarla uyumludur, az köpük oluturur ve geni bir pH aralnda etkilidir. Yüksek dolgulu emülsiyon boyalarn depolanma stabilitesi açsndan çok uygundur. Önerilen doz seviyesi% 0.1-0.3’tür. Maksimum raf ömrü 5-40 ° C scaklkta 12 aydr. Tekstil uygulamalar için düük köpüren polimerik dispersan ajan Dispersant DMA 40, yüksek moleküler kütleli (Mr ≤ 100.000) ve birçok karboksilat grubu içeren dorusal polimerlerdir. Akrilik asit polimerleridir veya akrilik asit ve maleik asit kopolimerleridir. Polimer sodyum tuzu olarak kullanlr (baknz: sodyum poliakrilat). Dispersant DMA 40, deterjanlarda yapc olarak kullanlr. [2] Düük konsantrasyonlarda bile yüksek elatlama güçleri çamarlardaki tortular azaltr ve kalsitin kristal büyümesini engeller. Dispersant DMA 40 eterler (PCE) beton üretiminde süperakkanlatrc olarak kullanlr.Dispersant DMA 40 biyolojik olarak zayf bir ekilde parçalanabilir ancak düük ekotoksisiteye sahiptir. Kanalizasyon artma tesisinde, polimer büyük ölçüde çamurda kalr ve atk sudan ayrlr. Poliaspartik asit ve poliglutamik asit gibi poliamino asitler daha iyi biyolojik olarak parçalanabilir ancak poliakrilatlardan daha düük elatlama performansna sahiptir. Ayrca sya ve alkaliye kar daha az kararldrlar. Azot içerdikleri için ötrofikasyona katkda bulunurlar. Suda çözünür dorusal Dispersant DMA 40, ev temizlik ürünlerinde kullanlr, örn. çamar deterjanlarnda, otomatik bulak deterjanlarnda ve çeitli sert yüzey temizleme formülasyonlarnda ve ayrca kurumsal ve endüstriyel temizlik ilemlerinde ve çeitli teknik uygulamalarda Dispersant DMA 40, kabuklamay ve kirin yeniden birikmesini önlemek için düük fosfatl ve fosfatsz deterjanlarda kullanlr. . Etkileri, kompleks yapc özelliklere dayanmaz ve bu nedenle tipik kenetleme maddeleri ile karlatrlamaz. Mekanizma, ykama ilemleri srasnda kalsiyum karbonat veya kalsiyum fosfat ve askda kat maddelerin dalmdr. Deterjan ürünlerinde kullanlan Major Dispersant DMA 40, teknik uygulamalar ve fiziksel kimyasal özellikleri bakmndan ayrt edilen iki farkl tipte polimer ailesinden oluur: 1. bölümde açklanan akrilik asit homopolimerleri (P-AA) ve akrilik / maleik asit kopolimerleri (P -AA / MA) raporun II. Bölümünde açklanan Dispersant DMA 40’n çevreye olan ana yolu, evsel atk su ve kanalizasyon artm yoluyla yüzey sularna iletilmesidir.Böylece, Dispersant DMA 40’n atk sudan önce ve Atk su artm srasnda Dispersant DMA 40’n çevreye dalmn yöneten önemli faktördür. Bu mevcut çevresel deerlendirmenin sonucu, Dispersant DMA 40 homopolimerlerinin deterjan ürünlerinde kullanmnn risk oluturmad sonucuna salam bir temel salar. Dispersant DMA 40’a tüketicinin maruz kalmasyla ilgili senaryolar, bir Güvenlik Marj yaklam kullanlarak tanmlanm ve deerlendirilmitir. Karnca DMA 40, incelenen tüm maruz kalma yollarna göre düük toksisiteye sahiptir. Mevcut verilere dayanarak, Dispersant DMA 40’a maruz kalmann insanlar için herhangi bir özel tehlike oluturmad düünülmektedir. Yaygn olarak kullanlan birçok evde Dispersant DMA 40’n varlna bal olarak deterjanlar, tüketiciler Dispersant DMA 40’a esas olarak dermal yolla, ancak ayn zamanda küçük bir ölçüde oral ve inhalasyon yoluyla da maruz kalrlar.nsan riski deerlendirmesi, Dispersant DMA 40’n ev tipi çamar ürünlerinde ve otomatik bulak ykama deterjanlarnda kullanmn güvenli ve tüketici kullanm açsndan endie verici bulmamaktadr. Deterjanlardaki Önemli Dispersant DMA 40, genellikle u ekilde kullanlan akrilik asit homopolimerleridir. sodyum tuzlar. çeitli Dispersant DMA 40, hazrlanlarnda kullanlan monomerler, akrilik asit (AA) ve moleküler arlklar (MW) ile ayrt edilir. Deterjanlarda kullanlan Dispersant DMA 40, genellikle akrilik asidin sulu ortamda serbest radikal polimerizasyonu ile hazrlanr. Çözelti Dispersant DMA 40, molekülün karboksil ksm tek fonksiyonel grup olduu için çok kararl bileiklerdir.Fotolitik ve hidrolitik süreçler gibi biyotik bozunma mekanizmalar, Dispersant DMA 40’n çevresel kaderini önemli ölçüde etkilemez. Dispersant’n biyoakümülasyon potansiyeli üzerine deneysel veriler DMA 40 mevcut deildir. Dispersant DMA 40, düük fosfatl ve fosfatsz temizlemede kullanlr Kabuklanmay ve kirin yeniden birikmesini önlemek için nts. Dispersan DMA 40 genellikle manuel bulak ykama deterjanlarnda bulunmaz. Çamar deterjanlarnda P-AA için tipik bir ortalama Dispersant DMA 40 konsantrasyonu% 0,5’tir. Elde ykama srasnda Dispersant DMA 40 ile temas süresi, AISE’ye göre çok ksadr (yaklak 10 dakika) ve yüksek moleküler arlkl polimerlerin perkütan absorpsiyonu çok düük veya hiç olmayacaktr.Aadaki hesaplamalarda en kötüsü Dispersan DMA 40’n% 1’inin perkütan absorpsiyon için mevcut olduu varsaym yaplmtr. 100 µm (0.1 mm veya 0.01 cm) sv film kalnl (Vermeire, 1993) varsayldnda ve en kötü durum varsaym olarak, 24 saatlik maruziyet süresinde Dispersan DMA 40 için% 1 perkütan absorpsiyon, deri yoluyla absorbe edilen aadaki Dispersant DMA 40 miktar hesaplanabilir. Bu nedenle, bu senaryodan kaynaklanan Dispersant DMA 40’n sistemik maruziyeti de ihmal edilebilir olarak kabul edilir. Dispersant DMA 40, suda çözünürlüklerine ramen kat formda biriktirilir ve bu nedenle ilk kaba tahmin olarak, bu yolla emilen az miktarda Dispersant DMA 40 önemsiz olmaldr. Dispersant DMA 40’a tekrar maruz kalma, çamar deterjanlar yoluyla meydana gelebilir. Dispersant DMA 40’n oral almndan kaynaklanan herhangi bir ölümcül vaka bilmiyoruz. Dispersant DMA 40’a yanllkla veya kastl olarak ar maruz kalma tüketiciler için olas bir olay olarak kabul edilmez, ancak çamar deterjanlar yoluyla meydana gelebilir. Çamar ve temizlik ürünlerinin kazara yutulmasnn bir sonucunun, genel olarak çamar ve temizlik ürünlerinin düük toksisite profili göz önüne alndnda, herhangi bir önemli olumsuz salk etkisine yol açmas beklenmez. Dispersant DMA 40’n gözlerle kaza sonucu temasnn daha fazla olmasna neden olmas beklenmez. Deneysel verilere göre hafif bir tahriten daha iyidir. Geliimsel toksisiteye ilikin veriler, Dispersant DMA 40’n sçanlarda geliimsel olarak toksik olmadn göstermektedir Özet olarak, mevcut verilere dayanarak, insan riski deerlendirmesi Dispersant DMA 40’n evde kullanmn dikkate almaktadr. Çamar ürünleri ve otomatik bulak ykama deterjanlar güvenli ve tüketici kullanm ile ilgili deildir.
