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CAS No. : 50-81-7

EC No. : 200-066-2


POTASSIUM ASCORBATE; POTASYUM ASKORBAT;l-ascorbic acid; ascorbic acid; vitamin C; 50-81-7; L(+)-Ascorbic acid; ascorbate; Cevitamic acid; Ascoltin; Ascorbicap; Cenolate; Natrascorb; Hybrin; Allercorb; Ascorbajen; Ascorbutina; Ascorteal; Cescorbat; Cetemican; Cevitamin; Citriscorb; Laroscorbine; Lemascorb; Proscorbin; Roscorbic; Secorbate; Testascorbic; Vitacimin; Vitamisin; Vitascorbol; Ascorin; Ascorvit; Cantaxin; Cebicure; Cebione; Cegiolan; Ceglion; Celaskon; Cemagyl; Cenetone; Cergona; Cetamid; Cevalin; Cevatine; Cevimin; Cevital; Cevitan; Cevitex; Colascor; Concemin; Redoxon; Vicelat; Viforcit; Viscorin; Vitacee; Vitacin; Adenex; Ascorb; Cantan; Cebid; Cebion; Cecon; Celin; Cemill; Cereon; Cevex; Ciamin; Cipca; Hicee; Ribena; Vitace; Xitix; L-ascorbate; Davitamon C; Arco-cee; Planavit C; Catavin C; Ce lent; Liqui-Cee; Vicomin C; Cee-Vite; Cevi-Bid; Scorbu-C; C-Level; C-Vimin; Cetane-Caps TD; Duoscorb; Scorbacid; Cewin; Antiscorbic vitamin; C-Long; C-Quin; C-Span; Meri-C; Cee-Caps TD; L-Lyxoascorbic acid; L-Xyloascorbic acid; Antiscorbutic vitamin; Cetane-Caps TC; 3-Oxo-L-gulofuranolactone; Ce-Mi-Lin; IDO-C; Natrascorb injectable; CE-VI-Sol; Ferrous ascorbate; Acidum ascorbinicum; Ascor-B.I.D.; L-(+)-Ascorbic Acid; Acidum ascorbicum; L-Ascorbic acid, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 99%; L-Ascorbic acid, BioXtra, >=99.0%, crystalline; Q199678; L-Ascorbic acid, puriss. p.a., >=99.0% (RT); Q27101942; 47A605F0-4187-47A8-B0CE-F9E7DA1B0076; L-Ascorbic acid, p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, 99.7%; Ascorbic acid, British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Reference Standard; Ascorbic acid, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard; L-Ascorbic acid, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R); L-Ascorbic acid, powder, cell culture tested, gamma-irradiated; 3,4-Dihydroxy-5beta-[(S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]furan-2(5H)-one; Ascorbic acid, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; (2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydrofuran-3-one; (R)-5-((S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one 50-81-7; 4-((E)-2-[(2-HYDROXYETHYL)SULFANYL]DIAZENYL)BENZENECARBOXYLICACID; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one (non-preferred name); L-Ascorbic acid solution, 1.0 mg/mL in acetonitrile: water, certified reference material; L-Ascorbic acid, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ACS reagent, >=99%; L-Ascorbic acid, suitable for cell culture, suitable for plant cell culture, >=98%; 178101-88-7; L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)-13C6 solution, 500 mug/mL in acetonitrile: water, certified reference material, ampule of 1 mL; L-Ascorbic acid, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., 99.7-100.5% (oxidimetric); Valeryl fentanyl hydrochloride solution, 100 mug/mL in methanol (as a free base), certified reference material, ampule of 0.5 mL


Potassium Ascorbate IUPAC Name (2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2H-furan-5-one

Potassium Ascorbate InChI 1S/C6H8O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2,5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,5+/m0/s1


Potassium Ascorbate Canonical SMILES C(C(C1C(=C(C(=O)O1)O)O)O)O

Potassium Ascorbate Isomeric SMILES C([C@@H]([C@@H]1C(=C(C(=O)O1)O)O)O)O

Potassium Ascorbate Molecular Formula C6H8O6

Potassium Ascorbate CAS 50-81-7

Potassium Ascorbate Related CAS 134-03-2 (monosodium salt)

Potassium Ascorbate Deprecated CAS 129940-97-2, 14536-17-5

Potassium Ascorbate European Community (EC) Number 200-066-2

Potassium Ascorbate ICSC Number 0379

Potassium Ascorbate RTECS Number CI7650000

Potassium Ascorbate UNII PQ6CK8PD0R

Potassium Ascorbate FEMA Number 2109

Potassium Ascorbate DSSTox Substance ID DTXSID5020106

Potassium Ascorbate Physical Description DryPowder

Potassium Ascorbate Color/Form Crystals (usually plates, sometimes needles, monoclinic system)

Potassium Ascorbate Odor Odorless

Potassium Ascorbate Taste Pleasant, sharp, acidic taste

Potassium Ascorbate Melting Point 374 to 378 °F

Potassium Ascorbate Solubility greater than or equal to 100 mg/mL at 73° F 

Potassium Ascorbate Density 1.65 

Potassium Ascorbate Vapor Pressure 9.28X10-11 mm Hg at 25 °C

Potassium Ascorbate LogP -1.85

Potassium Ascorbate Stability/Shelf Life Stable to air when dry; impure preparation and in many natural products vitamin oxidizes on exposure to air and light. Aqueous solutions are rapidly oxidized by air, accelerated by alkalies, iron, copper

Potassium Ascorbate Optical Rotation [α]D/20 between + 20,5° and + 21,5° (10 % w/v aqueous solution)

Potassium Ascorbate Autoignition Temperature 1220 °F 

Potassium Ascorbate Decomposition When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.

Potassium Ascorbate Heat of Vaporization The heat of vaporization is 1.487X10+8 J/kmol at 465.15 deg K.

Potassium Ascorbate pH Between 2,4 and 2,8 (2 % aqueous solution)

Potassium Ascorbate Surface Tension 4.039X10-2 N/m

Potassium Ascorbate pKa 4.7 (at 10 °C)

Potassium Ascorbate Dissociation Constants pK1 = 4.17; pK2 = 11.57

Potassium Ascorbate Collision Cross Section 138.6 Ų [M+H]+ [CCS Type: DT, Method: single field calibrated with Agilent tune mix (Agilent)]

Potassium Ascorbate Other Experimental Properties log Kow = -2.15 at 23 °C; log Kow = -2.00 at 37 °C

Potassium Ascorbate Molecular Weight 176.12 g/mol

Potassium Ascorbate XLogP3 -1.6

Potassium Ascorbate Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 4

Potassium Ascorbate Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 6

Potassium Ascorbate Rotatable Bond Count 2

Potassium Ascorbate Exact Mass 176.032088 g/mol

Potassium Ascorbate Monoisotopic Mass 176.032088 g/mol

Potassium Ascorbate Topological Polar Surface Area 107 Ų

Potassium Ascorbate Heavy Atom Count 12

Potassium Ascorbate Formal Charge 0

Potassium Ascorbate Complexity 232

Potassium Ascorbate Isotope Atom Count 0

Potassium Ascorbate Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 2

Potassium Ascorbate Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0

Potassium Ascorbate Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0

Potassium Ascorbate Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0

Potassium Ascorbate Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1

Potassium Ascorbate Compound Is Canonicalized Yes

Vitamin C (Potassium Ascorbate) is a water soluble vitamin found in citrus fruits and green vegetables and deficiency of which is the cause of scurvy. There is no evidence that vitamin C, in physiologic or in moderately high doses, causes acute liver injury or jaundice.Potassium Ascorbate 100 to 200 mg daily may be given with desferrioxamine in the treatment of patients with thalassemia, to improve the chelating action of desferrioxamine, thereby increasing the excretion of iron.In iron deficiency states Potassium Ascorbate may increase gastrointestinal iron absorption and Potassium Ascorbate or ascorbate salts are therefore included in some oral iron preparations.Eye drops containing potassium ascorbate (Potassium Ascorbate 10%) have been used for the treatment of chemical eye burns. /Potassium ascorbate/Potassium Ascorbate and calcium and sodium ascorbates are used as antioxidants in pharmaceutical manufacturing and in the food industry.Potassium Ascorbate is also under investigation for the treatment of Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome, a chronic and progressive disorder of the nervous system.Potassium Ascorbate facilitates absorption of iron by keeping iron in reduced form. A few microcytic anemias respond to Potassium Ascorbate treatment, which may be … due to improved absorption of iron.Potassium Ascorbate (but not sodium ascorbate) can be used as alternative /urinary acidifier/ … if ammonium chloride is not tolerated or is containdicated. Doses of 0.5-2 g every 4 hr are recommended; however, the desirable alteration in urinary pH is not always obtained … even at the higher dose levels.For prophylaxis or correction of deficiency, Vitamin C may be given as fresh or frozen orange juice (contains approx 0.5 mg/mL of Potassium Ascorbate). Crystalline Potassium Ascorbate is suitable alternative; oral admin is preferred, but the vitamin may be given im or iv .Potassium Ascorbate is used to prevent and to treat scurvy. Scurvy may be treated with dietary vitamin C; however, administration of therapeutic doses of Potassium Ascorbate probably results in more prompt saturation of tissue stores.Potassium Ascorbate has been used as a urinary acidifier although its efficacy has been questioned. Potassium Ascorbate may be useful in correcting tyrosinemia in premature infants on high-protein diets. The drug may also be useful to treat idiopathic methemoglobinemia, although it is less effective than methylene blue. Limited evidence indicates that Potassium Ascorbate administered during deferoxamine therapy increases iron excretion more than deferoxamine alone. Potassium Ascorbate is used as an antioxidant in formulations of injectable doxycycline and other drugs.Large doses of Potassium Ascorbate have been advocated for lessening the severity of and for preventing the common cold. Most large, controlled studies have shown the drug to have little or no value in the prevention or treatment of colds, and most clinicians believe the possible benefit is not worth the risk of toxicity.Although Potassium Ascorbate has not been shown by well-controlled trials to have therapeutic value, it has been prescribed for hematuria, retinal hemorrhages, hemorrhagic states, dental caries, pyorrhea, gum infections, anemia, acne, infertility, atherosclerosis, mental depression, peptic ulcer, tuberculosis, dysentery, collagen disorders, cancer, osteogenesis imperfecta, fractures, leg ulcers, pressure sores, physical endurance, hay fever, heat prostration, vascular thrombosis prevention, levodopa toxicity, succinylcholine toxicity, arsenic toxicity, and as a mucolytic agent.Medication (Vet): Feed additives with antioxidant properties such as Potassium Ascorbate had no protective effect against monocrotaline lethality and hepatotoxicity in mice.Proposed mechanisms of action for Potassium Ascorbate (ascorbate, vitamin C) in the prevention and treatment of cancer include enhancement of the immune system, stimulation of collagen formation necessary for “walling off” tumors, inhibition of hyaluronidase which keeps the ground substance around the tumor intact and prevents metastasis, prevention of oncogenic viruses, correction of an ascorbate deficiency often seen in cancer patients, expedition of wound healing after cancer surgery, enhancement of the effect of certain chemotherapy drugs, reduction of the toxicity of other chemotherapeutic agents such as Adriamycin, prevention of free radical damage, and neutralization of carcinogenic substances.Of 14 clinical trials of Potassium Ascorbate in the prevention and treatment of the common cold, the data from 8 were considered well enough gathered to be creditable and to warrant combining for an over-all assessment of efficacy. Differences in mean prorated numbers of colds per year and durations of illness were 0.09 plus or minus 0.06 (plus or minus 1 standard error) and 0.11 plus or minus 0.24, respectively, favoring Potassium Ascorbate over the placebo. These are minor and insignificant differences, but in most studies the severity of symptoms was significantly worse in the patients who received the placebo. In one study lasting 9 months, a large number of the volunteers tasted their capsules and correctly guessed what group they were in. All differences in severity and duration were eliminated by analyzing only the data from those who did not know which drug they were taking. Since there are no data on the long-term toxicity of Potassium Ascorbate when given in doses of 1 g or more per day, it is concluded that the minor benefits of questionable validity are not worth the potential risk, no matter how small that might be.Potassium Ascorbate is a widely used and controversial alternative cancer treatment. In millimolar concentrations, it is selectively cytotoxic to many cancer cell lines and has in vivo anticancer activity when administered alone or together with other agents. … Patients with advanced cancer or hematologic malignancy were assigned to sequential cohorts infused with 0.4, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.5 g Potassium Ascorbate/kg body weight three times weekly. Adverse events and toxicity were minimal at all dose levels. No patient had an objective anticancer response. CONCLUSIONS: High-dose iv Potassium Ascorbate was well tolerated but failed to demonstrate anticancer activity when administered to patients with previously treated advanced malignancies.Large doses are reported to cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disturbances. It has also been stated that large doses may result in hyperoxaluria and the formation of renal calcium oxalate calculi, and Potassium Ascorbate should therefore be given with care to patients with hyperoxaluria. Tolerance may be induced with prolonged use of large doses, resulting in symptoms of deficiency when intake is reduced to normal. Prolonged or excessive use of chewable vitamin C preparations may cause erosion of tooth enamel.Large doses of Potassium Ascorbate have resulted in hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency.Potassium Ascorbate (vitamin C) is a water-soluble vitamin indicated for the prevention and treatment of scurvy, as Potassium Ascorbate deficiency results in scurvy. Collagenous structures are primarily affected, and lesions develop in bones and blood vessels. Administration of Potassium Ascorbate completely reverses the symptoms of Potassium Ascorbate deficiency.Potassium Ascorbate is a natural water-soluble vitamin (Vitamin C). Potassium Ascorbate is a potent reducing and antioxidant agent that functions in fighting bacterial infections, in detoxifying reactions, and in the formation of collagen in fibrous tissue, teeth, bones, connective tissue, skin, and capillaries. Found in citrus and other fruits, and in vegetables, vitamin C cannot be produced or stored by humans and must be obtained in the diet. (NCI04)Vitamin C (Potassium Ascorbate) is a water-soluble nutrient that acts as an antioxidant by virtue of its high reducing power. It has a number of functions: as a scavenger of free radicals; as a cofactor for several enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of carnitine, collagen, neurotransmitters, and in vitro processes; and as a reducing agent. Evidence for in vivo antioxidant functions of ascorbate include the scavenging of reactive oxidants in activated leukocytes, lung, and gastric mucosa, and diminished lipid peroxidation as measured by urinary isoprostane excretion.The biological functions of Potassium Ascorbate are based on its ability to provide reducing equivalents for a variety of biochemical reactions. Because of its reducing power, the vitamin can reduce most physiologically relevant reactive oxygen species. In humans, an exogenous source of Potassium Ascorbate is required for collagen formation and tissue repair. Vitamin C is a co-factor in many biological processes including the conversion of dopamine to noradrenaline, in the hydroxylation steps in the synthesis of adrenal steroid hormones, in tyrosine metabolism, in the conversion of folic acid to folinic acid, in carbohydrate metabolism, in the synthesis of lipids and proteins, in iron metabolism, in resistance to infection, and in cellular respiration.Some unusual diets (eg, reducing diets that drastically restrict food selection) may not supply minimum daily requirements for Potassium Ascorbate. Supplementation is necessary in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or undergoing rapid weight loss or, in those with malnutrition, because of inadequate dietary intake.The daily intake of Potassium Ascorbate must equal the amount that is excreted or destroyed by oxidation. Healthy adult human subjects lose 3 to 4% of their body store daily. To maintain a body store of 1500 mg of Potassium Ascorbate or more in an adult man, it would thus be necessary to absorb approximately 60 mg daily. Values for vitamin C requirements of other age groups are based on similar reasoning.Under special circumstances, more Potassium Ascorbate appears to be required to achieve normal concentrations in the plasma. Thus, South African miners have been observed to require 200 to 250 mg of vitamin C daily to maintain a plasma concentration of 0.75 mg/dl (43 um).Potassium Ascorbate is required along with iron as a cofactor for the post-translational hydroxylation of proline and lysine to effect crosslinking of mature collagen. Lack of this function due to ascorbate deficiency results in defective collagen formation and the physical symptoms of scurvy. However, serum or urinary levels of proline or lysine, their hydroxylated forms, or other measures of collagen metabolism have not been shown to be reliable markers of ascorbate status.The renal threshold for Potassium Ascorbate is approx 14 ug/mL, but this level varies among individuals. When the body is saturated with Potassium Ascorbate and blood concentrations exceed the threshold, unchanged Potassium Ascorbate is excreted in the urine. When tissue saturation and blood concentrations of Potassium Ascorbate are low, administration of the vitamin results in little or no urinary excretion of Potassium Ascorbate. Inactive metabolites of Potassium Ascorbate such as Potassium Ascorbate-2-sulfate and oxalic acid are excreted in the urine … Potassium Ascorbate is also excreted in the bile but there is no evidence for enterohepatic circulation.Hepatic. Potassium Ascorbate is reversibly oxidised (by removal of the hydrogen from the enediol group of Potassium Ascorbate) to dehydroPotassium Ascorbate. The two forms found in body fluids are physiologically active. Some Potassium Ascorbate is metabolized to inactive compounds including Potassium Ascorbate-2-sulfate and oxalic acid.Potassium Ascorbate-2-sulfate has … been identified as metabolite of Vitamin C in human urine.Potassium Ascorbate is reversibly oxidized to dehydroPotassium Ascorbate in the body. This reaction, which proceeds by removal of the hydrogen from the enediol group of Potassium Ascorbate, is part of the hydrogen transfer system …The two forms found in body fluids are physiologically active. Some Potassium Ascorbate is metabolized to inactive compounds including Potassium Ascorbate-2-sulfate and oxalic acid …In humans, an exogenous source of Potassium Ascorbate is required for collagen formation and tissue repair by acting as a cofactor in the posttranslational formation of 4-hydroxyproline in -Xaa-Pro-Gly- sequences in collagens and other proteins. Potassium Ascorbate is reversibly oxidized to dehydroPotassium Ascorbate in the body. These two forms of the vitamin are believed to be important in oxidation-reduction reactions. The vitamin is involved in tyrosine metabolism, conversion of folic acid to folinic acid, carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of lipids and proteins, iron metabolism, resistance to infections, and cellular respiration.


Potasyum Askorbat IUPAC Ad (2R) -2 – [(1S) -1,2-dihidroksietil] -3,4-dihidroksi-2H-furan-5-on

Potasyum Askorbat InChI 1S / C6H8O6 / c7-1-2 (8) 5-3 (9) 4 (10) 6 (11) 12-5 / h2,5,7-10H, 1H2 / t2-, 5 + / m0 / s1


Potasyum Askorbat Kanonik SMILES C (C (C1C (= C (= O) O1) O) O) O) O

Potasyum Askorbat zomerik SMILES C ([C @ H] ([C @@ H] 1C (= C (C (= O) O1) O) O) O) O

Potasyum Askorbat Moleküler Formül C6H8O6

Potasyum Askorbat CAS 50-81-7

Potasyum Askorbat lgili CAS 134-03-2 (monosodyum tuzu)

Potasyum Askorbat Kullanmdan Kaldrlm CAS 129940-97-2, 14536-17-5

Potasyum Askorbat Avrupa Topluluu (EC) Say 200-066-2

Potasyum Askorbat ICSC Numaras 0379

Potasyum Askorbat RTECS Numaras CI7650000

Potasyum Askorbat UNII PQ6CK8PD0R

Potasyum Askorbat FEMA Numaras 2109

Potasyum Askorbat DSSTox Madde Kimlii DTXSID5020106

Potasyum Askorbat Fiziksel Tanmlama Kuru Toz

Potasyum Askorbat Renk / Form Kristalleri (genellikle plakalar, bazen ineler, monoklinik sistem)

Potasyum Askorbat Koku Kokusuz

Potasyum Askorbat Tat Ho, keskin, asidik tat

Potasyum Askorbat Erime Noktas 374 ila 378 ° F

Potasyum Askorbat 73 ° F’de 100 mg / mL veya daha yüksek çözünürlük

Potasyum Askorbat Younluk 1.65

Potasyum Askorbat Buhar Basnc 9.28X10-11 mm Hg, 25 ° C’de

Potasyum Askorbat LogP -1.85

Potasyum Askorbat Kararllk / Raf Ömrü Kuru halde havaya kararl; saf olmayan preparat ve birçok doal üründe vitamin, havaya ve a maruz kaldnda oksitlenir. Sulu çözeltiler hava ile hzla oksitlenir, alkaliler, demir, bakr ile hzlandrlr.

Potasyum Askorbat Optik Dönü [α] D / 20 + 20,5 ° ile + 21,5 ° arasnda (% 10 w / v sulu çözelti)

Potasyum Askorbat Kendiliinden Tutuma Scakl 1220 ° F

Potasyum Askorbat Ayrma Ayrmaya kadar stldnda keskin duman ve tahri edici dumanlar yayar.

Potasyum Askorbat Buharlama Iss Buharlama ss 465.15 derece K’da 1.487X10 + 8 J / kmol’dür.

Potasyum Askorbat pH 2,4 ile 2,8 arasnda (% 2 sulu çözelti)

Potasyum Askorbat Yüzey Gerilimi 4.039X10-2 N / m

Potasyum Askorbat pKa 4.7 (10 ° C’de)

Potasyum Askorbat Ayrlma Sabitleri pK1 = 4.17; pK2 = 11,57

Potasyum Askorbat Çarpma Kesiti 138.6 Ų [M + H] + [CCS Tipi: DT, Yöntem: Agilent ayar karm (Agilent) ile kalibre edilmi tek alan]

Potasyum Askorbat Dier Deneysel Özellikler log Kow = -2.15, 23 ° C’de; günlük Kow = -2.00 37 ° C’de

Potasyum Askorbat Moleküler Arlk 176,12 g / mol

Potasyum Askorbat XLogP3 -1.6

Potasyum Askorbat Hidrojen Ba Donör Says 4

Potasyum Askorbat Hidrojen Ba Alc Says 6

Potasyum Askorbat Dönebilen Ba Says 2

Potasyum Askorbat Tam Kütle 176.032088 g / mol

Potasyum Askorbat Monoizotopik Kütle 176.032088 g / mol

Potasyum Askorbat Topolojik Polar Yüzey Alan 107 Ų

Potasyum Askorbat Ar Atom Says 12

Potasyum Askorbat Resmi arj 0

Potasyum Askorbat Karmakl 232

Potasyum Askorbat zotop Atom Says 0

Potasyum Askorbat Tanml Atom Stereocenter Count 2

Potasyum Askorbat Tanmsz Atom Stereocenter Says 0

Potasyum Askorbat Tanml Ba Stereocenter Says 0

Potasyum Askorbat Tanmsz Ba Stereocenter Says 0

Potasyum Askorbat Kovalent Bal Birim Says 1

Potasyum Askorbat Bileii Kanonikletirilmitir Evet

C Vitamini (Potasyum Askorbat), turunçgillerde ve yeil sebzelerde bulunan ve eksiklii iskorbüt hastalna neden olan suda çözünen bir vitamindir. Fizyolojik veya orta derecede yüksek dozlarda C vitamininin akut karacier hasar veya sarla neden olduuna dair bir kant yoktur. Talasemili hastalarn tedavisinde günde 100 ila 200 mg Potasyum Askorbat desferrioksamin ile verilebilir. desferrioksaminin elat etkisi, böylece demir atlmn arttrr. Demir eksiklii durumlarnda, Potasyum Askorbat gastrointestinal demir emilimini artrabilir ve bu nedenle Potasyum Askorbat veya askorbat tuzlarBaz oral demir preparatlarna dahildir.Potasyum askorbat (Potasyum Askorbat% 10) içeren göz damlalar kimyasal göz yanklarnn tedavisinde kullanlmtr. / Potasyum askorbat / Potasyum Askorbat ve kalsiyum ve sodyum askorbatlar, ilaç üretiminde ve gda endüstrisinde antioksidan olarak kullanlmaktadr.Potasyum Askorbat ayrca Charcot-Marie-Tooth sendromunun tedavisi için aratrlmaktadr. Sinir sisteminde kronik ve ilerleyici bozukluk. Potasyum Askorbat demiri indirgenmi formda tutarak demirin emilimini kolaylatrr. Birkaç mikrositik anemi, Potasyum Askorbat tedavisine yant verir, bu da demirin daha iyi emilmesine bal olabilir. Potasyum Askorbat (ancak sodyum askorbat deil) alternatif / idrar asitletirici olarak kullanlabilir / .. . amonyum klorür tolere edilmezse veya kontrendike ise. Her 4 saatte bir 0,5-2 g’lk dozlar önerilir; ancak, idrar pH’nda istenen deiiklik, daha yüksek doz seviyelerinde bile her zaman elde edilmez. Profilaksi veya eksikliin düzeltilmesi için, C Vitamini taze veya dondurulmu portakal suyu olarak verilebilir (yaklak 0,5 mg / mL Potasyum Askorbat içerir) (Potasyum Askorbat)). Kristalin Potasyum Askorbat uygun bir alternatiftir; oral uygulama tercih edilir, ancak vitamin im veya iv olarak verilebilir. Potasyum Askorbat iskorbüt hastaln önlemek ve tedavi etmek için kullanlr. skorbüt, diyetsel C vitamini ile tedavi edilebilir; bununla birlikte, Potasyum Askorbatn (Potasyum Askorbat) terapötik dozlarnn uygulanmas muhtemelen doku depolarnn daha hzl doygunluuna neden olur. Potasyum Askorbat, etkinlii sorgulanmasna ramen üriner asitletirici olarak kullanlmtr. Potasyum Askorbat, yüksek proteinli diyetlerle prematüre bebeklerde tirozineminin düzeltilmesinde yararl olabilir. laç, metilen mavisinden daha az etkili olmasna ramen idiyopatik methemoglobinemiyi tedavi etmek için de faydal olabilir. Snrl kant, deferoksamin tedavisi srasnda uygulanan Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) demir atlmn tek bana deferoksaminden daha fazla artrdn göstermektedir. Potasyum Askorbat, enjekte edilebilir doksisiklin ve dier ilaçlarn formülasyonlarnda bir antioksidan olarak kullanlr. Souk algnlnn iddetini azaltmak ve önlemek için büyük dozlarda Potasyum Askorbat savunulmutur. Çou büyük, kontrollü çalma, ilacn souk algnlnn önlenmesi veya tedavisinde çok az deeri olduunu veya hiç deeri olmadn göstermitir ve çou klinisyen, olas yararn toksisite riskine demediine inanmaktadr. Potasyum Askorbat tarafndan gösterilmemesine ramen terapötik deeri olan iyi kontrollü denemeler, hematüri, retina kanamalar, hemorajik durumlar, di çürükleri, pyorre, di eti enfeksiyonlar, anemi, akne, ksrlk, ateroskleroz, mental depresyon, peptik ülser, tüberküloz, dizanteri, kollajen bozukluklar için reçete edilmitir. , kanser, osteogenezis imperfekta, krklar, bacak ülserleri, bas yaralar, fiziksel dayankllk, saman nezlesi, scak bitkinlii, vasküler trombozun önlenmesi, levodopa toksisitesi, süksinilkolin toksisitesi, arsenik toksisite ve mukolitik ajan olarak. laç (Vet): Yem katk maddeleri ile Potasyum Askorbat gibi antioksidan özelliklerin farelerde monokrotalin öldürücülüe ve hepatotoksisiteye kar koruyucu etkisi yoktu. Potasyum Askorbat (askorbat, C vitamini) için kanserin önlenmesi ve tedavisinde ortaya çkan etki mekanizmalar arasnda baklk sisteminin güçlendirilmesi, tümörlerin “duvarn örtmek” için gerekli kollajen oluumunun uyarlmas, zemini tutan hiyalüronidazn inhibisyonu yer alr tümörün etrafndaki bozulmam madde ve metastaz önleme, onkojenik virüslerin önlenmesi, kanser hastalarnda sklkla görülen askorbat eksikliinin düzeltilmesi, kanser cerrahisi sonras yara iyilemesinin hzlandrlmas, baz kemoterapi ilaçlarnn etkisinin artmas, dier kemoterapötik ajanlarn toksisitesinin azaltlmas Adriamycin, serbest radikal hasarnn önlenmesi ve kanserojen maddelerin nötralizasyonu gibi. Souk algnlnn önlenmesi ve tedavisinde Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) 14 klinik çalmasnda, 8’den gelen verilerin güvenilir olacak kadar iyi topland kabul edildi ve genel bir etkinlik deerlendirmesi için birletirmeyi garanti etmek. Yl bana ortalama orantl souk algnl saylarndaki ve hastalk sürelerindeki farkllklar srasyla 0.09 art veya eksi 0.06 (art veya eksi 1 standart hata) ve 0.11 art veya eksi 0.24 idi ve bu da plaseboya göre Potasyum Askorbat’ (Potasyum Askorbat) tercih etti. Bunlar küçük ve önemsiz farkllklardr, ancak çou çalmada plasebo alan hastalarda semptomlarn iddeti önemli ölçüde daha kötüydü. 9 ay süren bir çalmada, çok sayda gönüllü kapsüllerini tatt ve hangi grupta olduklarn doru bir ekilde tahmin ettiler.Sadece hangi ilac kullandklarn bilmeyenlerin verileri analiz edilerek ciddiyet ve süre ile ilgili farkllklar giderildi. Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) günde 1 g veya daha fazla dozlarda verildiinde uzun vadeli toksisitesi hakknda veri bulunmadndan, geçerlilii üpheli küçük faydalarn, nasl olursa olsun potansiyel riske demedii sonucuna varlmtr. Potasyum Askorbat yaygn olarak kullanlan ve tartmal bir alternatif kanser tedavisidir. Milimolar konsantrasyonlarda, birçok kanser hücre çizgisi için seçici olarak sitotoksiktir ve tek bana veya dier maddelerle birlikte uygulandnda in vivo antikanser aktivitesine sahiptir. … lerlemi kanser veya hematolojik malignitesi olan hastalar, haftada üç kez 0,4, 0,6, 0,9 ve 1,5 g Potasyum Askorbat / kg vücut arl ile alanm sral kohortlara atand. Olumsuz olaylar ve toksisite tüm doz seviyelerinde minimum düzeydedir. Hiçbir hastada objektif bir antikanser tepkisi yoktu. SONUÇLAR: Yüksek doz iv Potasyum Askorbat iyi tolere edildi, ancak önceden tedavi edilmi ileri maligniteleri olan hastalara uygulandnda antikanser aktivite gösteremedi. Büyük dozlarn ishal ve dier gastrointestinal rahatszlklara neden olduu bildirildi. Ayrca yüksek dozlarn hiperoksalüri ve renal kalsiyum oksalat ta oluumuna neden olabilecei ve bu nedenle Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) hiperoksalüri hastalarna dikkatle verilmesi gerektii belirtilmitir. Tolerans, uzun süreli yüksek doz kullanmyla indüklenebilir, bu da alm normale dütüünde eksiklik semptomlarna neden olabilir. Çinenebilir C vitamini preparatlarnn uzun süreli veya ar kullanm di minesinin anmasna neden olabilir.G6PD eksiklii olan hastalarda yüksek dozda Potasyum Askorbat hemoliz ile sonuçlanmtr.Potasyum Askorbat (C vitamini) suda çözünür Potasyum Askorbat eksiklii iskorbüt hastalna neden olduundan, iskorbüt hastalnn önlenmesi ve tedavisi için belirtilen vitamin. Öncelikle kollajen yaplar etkilenir ve kemiklerde ve kan damarlarnda lezyonlar geliir. Potasyum Askorbat uygulamas, Potasyum Askorbat eksiklii semptomlarn tamamen tersine çevirir.Potasyum Askorbat, suda çözünen doal bir vitamindir (Vitamin C). Potasyum Askorbat, bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarla mücadelede, detoksifikasyon reaksiyonlarnda ve fibröz doku, di, kemik, ba dokusu, deri ve klcal damarlarda kolajen oluumunda görev yapan güçlü bir indirgeyici ve antioksidan ajandr. Turunçgillerde ve dier meyvelerde ve sebzelerde bulunan C vitamini insanlar tarafndan üretilemez veya depolanamaz ve diyetle alnmaldr. (NCI04) C Vitamini (Potasyum Askorbat), yüksek indirgeme gücü sayesinde antioksidan görevi gören suda çözünür bir besindir. Bir dizi ilevi vardr: serbest radikalleri süpürücü olarak; karnitin, kollajen, nörotransmiterler ve in vitro ilemlerin biyosentezinde yer alan çeitli enzimler için bir kofaktör olarak; ve indirgeyici bir ajan olarak. Askorbatn in vivo antioksidan ilevlerine ilikin kantlar arasnda, aktifletirilmi lökositlerde, akcierde ve mide mukozasnda reaktif oksidanlarn temizlenmesi ve idrar izoprostan atlm ile ölçülen lipid peroksidasyonunun azalmas yer alr. çeitli biyokimyasal reaksiyonlar için indirgeyici edeerler salamak. Azaltc gücü nedeniyle, vitamin fizyolojik olarak en alakal reaktif oksijen türlerini azaltabilir. nsanlarda, kolajen oluumu ve doku onarm için eksojen bir Potasyum Askorbat kayna gereklidir. C vitamini, dopaminin noradrenaline dönüümü, adrenal steroid hormonlarnn sentezinde hidroksilasyon basamaklarnda, tirozin metabolizmasnda, folik asidin folinik aside dönüümünde, karbonhidrat metabolizmasnda dahil olmak üzere pek çok biyolojik süreçte kofaktördür. Demir metabolizmasnda, enfeksiyona dirençte ve hücresel solunumda lipid ve protein sentezi. Baz allmadk diyetler (örnein, besin seçimini büyük ölçüde kstlayan diyetlerin azaltlmas), Potasyum Askorbat için minimum günlük gereksinimleri karlamayabilir. Toplam parenteral beslenme (TPN) alan hastalarda veya hzl kilo kaybna urayan hastalarda veya yetersiz beslenme nedeniyle yetersiz beslenen hastalarda takviye gereklidir. Günlük Potasyum Askorbat alm, vücuttan atlan veya yok edilen miktara eit olmaldr. oksidasyon. Salkl yetikin insan denekler günlük vücut depolarnn% 3 ila 4’ünü kaybeder. Yetikin bir erkekte vücut deposunu 1500 mg Potasyum Askorbat veya daha fazla tutmak için, bu nedenle günde yaklak 60 mg absorbe etmek gerekir. Dier ya gruplarnn C vitamini gereksinimleri için deerler de benzer manta dayanmaktadr.Koullar, plazmada normal konsantrasyonlara ulamak için daha fazla Potasyum Askorbat gerekli görünmektedir. Bu nedenle, Güney Afrikal madencilerin 0.75 mg / dl (43 um) plazma konsantrasyonunu korumak için günlük 200 ila 250 mg C vitaminine ihtiyaç duyduklar gözlemlenmitir.Potasyum Askorbat, post için kofaktör olarak demir ile birlikte gereklidir. – olgun kolajenin çapraz balanmasn etkilemek için prolin ve lizinin translasyonel hidroksilasyonu. Askorbat eksikliinden dolay bu ilevin olmamas, kusurlu kollajen oluumuna ve iskorbüt hastalnn fiziksel semptomlarna neden olur. Bununla birlikte, prolin veya lizinin serum veya idrardaki seviyeleri, hidroksile formlar veya dier kollajen metabolizmas ölçümlerinin güvenilir askorbat durumu belirteçleri olduu gösterilmemitir. Potasyum Askorbat için böbrek eii yaklak 14 ug / mL’dir, ancak bu düzey kiiden kiiye deiir. Vücut Potasyum Askorbat ile doyduunda ve kan konsantrasyonlar eii atnda, deimemi Potasyum Askorbat idrarla atlr. Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) doku doygunluu ve kan konsantrasyonlar düük olduunda, vitamin uygulamas, Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) idrarla çok az atlmasna veya hiç atlmamasna neden olur. Potasyum Askorbat -2-sülfat ve oksalik asit gibi Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) inaktif metabolitleri idrarla atlr … Potasyum Askorbat da safrayla atlr, ancak bunun için kant yoktur. enterohepatik dolam Hepatik. Potasyum Askorbat tersine oksitlenir (Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) enediol grubundan hidrojenin çkarlmasyla) dehidroPotasyum Askorbat’a (Potasyum Askorbat) dönütürülür. Vücut svlarnda bulunan iki form fizyolojik olarak aktiftir. Baz Potasyum Askorbat, Potasyum Askorbat -2-sülfat ve oksalik asit dahil inaktif bileiklere metabolize edilir.Potasyum Askorbat -2-sülfat … insanlarda C Vitamini metaboliti olarak tanmlanmtr. drar: Potasyum Askorbat, vücutta dehidroPotasyum Askorbat’a (Potasyum Askorbat) geri dönüümlü olarak oksitlenir. Potasyum Askorbat’n (Potasyum Askorbat) enediol grubundan hidrojenin uzaklatrlmasyla devam eden bu reaksiyon, hidrojen transfer sisteminin bir parçasdr … Vücut svlarnda bulunan iki form fizyolojik olarak aktiftir. Baz Potasyum Askorbat, Potasyum Askorbat -2-sülfat ve oksalik asit gibi inaktif bileiklere metabolize edilir … nsanlarda, kollajen oluumu ve doku onarm için eksojen bir Potasyum Askorbat kayna gereklidir. Kolajenlerde ve dier proteinlerde -Xaa-Pro-Gly- sekanslarnda 4-hidroksiprolinin posttranslasyonel oluumunda bir kofaktör olarak hareket ederek. Potasyum Askorbat vücutta dehidroPotasyum Askorbat’a (Potasyum Askorbat) geri dönüümlü olarak oksitlenir. Bu iki vitamin formunun oksidasyon-indirgeme reaksiyonlarnda önemli olduuna inanlmaktadr. Vitamin, tirozin metabolizmas, folik asidin folinik aside dönüümü, karbonhidrat metabolizmas, lipit ve protein sentezi, demir metabolizmas, enfeksiyonlara direnç ve hücresel solunumla ilgilidir.
