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CAS NO:540-72-7
EC NO:208-754-4

METATAGS:sodium;thiocyanate; NaSCN; CNNaS; NaSCN; sodium thiocyanate; sodium thiocyanate dihydrate; sodium thiocyanate tetrahydrate; SODIUM THIOCYANATE; 540-72-7; Sodium rhodanate; Sodium sulfocyanate; Sodium rhodanide; Thiocyanic acid, sodium salt; Thiocyanate sodium; Scyan; Haimased; Natrium rhodanatum; Natrium thiocyanat; Sodium thiocyanide; Sodium sulfocyanide; Caswell No. 796A; Natriumrhodanid [German]; Sodium thiocyanate solution; UNII-5W0K9HKA05; Thiocyanate, sodium; USAF EK-T-434; CCRIS 3967; EINECS 208-754-4; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 068202; CHEMBL1644028; CHEBI:30952; MFCD00011123; Thiocyanic acid, sodium salt (1:1); Sodium thiocyanate solution (56% or less); DSSTox_CID_1343; DSSTox_RID_76097; DSSTox_GSID_21343; Natriumrhodanid; NaSCN; 104345-12-2; CAS-540-72-7; Thiocyanate sodium [NF]; natriumthiocyanat; CNNaS; ACMC-20ajnf; AC1LANHP; AC1Q1VMI; KSC269I4T; 5W0K9HKA05; DTXSID4021343; Sodium thiocyanate 2 M solution; CTK1G9449; MolPort-001-785-621; MolPort-039-063-327; VGTPCRGMBIAPIM-UHFFFAOYSA-M; Tox21_201621; Tox21_302975; AKOS009128859; FCH2257121; LS-7722; RTR-037032; TRA0068545; NCGC00256614-01; NCGC00259170-01; AN-21330; BBV-34552349; IN003185; AB1009315; BB0296096; TR-037032; Additive Screening Solution 17/Fluka kit no 78374; I14-7088; Sodium isothiocyanate; Sodium rhodanate; Sodium rhodanide; Sodium sulfocyanate; 13249-87-1; 885623-98-3; NaSCN; Natrium thiocyanat; Natriumrhodanid [German]; Natriumrhodanid [German]; sodium and thiocyanate; sodium cyanic acid sulfo ester; Sodium isothiocyanate; sodium rhodanate; Sodium rhodanide, Sodium rhodanide solution; SODIUM SULFOCYANATE; SODIUM SULFOCYANIDE; sodium sulphocyanate; sodium sulphocyanide; Sodium thiocyanate solution (56% or less); Sodium thiocyanide; sodium;thiocyanate; sodiumthiocyanate; thiocyanate sodium; Thiocyanate, sodium; Thiocyanic acid sodium salt; THIOCYANIC ACID, SODIUM SALT; UNII:5W0K9HKA05; UNII-5W0K9HKA05; 硫氰酸钠 [Chinese]; SODYUM, TYOCYANAT; sodyum, tiyosiyanat; sodyum tiyosiyanat; sodyum tiyocyanate.






Sodium thiocyanate (sometimes called Sodium sulphocyanide) is the chemical compound with the formula NaSCN. This colorless deliquescent salt is one of the main sources of the thiocyanate anion. As such, it is used as a precursor for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and other specialty chemicals. Thiocyanate salts are typically prepared by the reaction of cyanide with elemental sulfur:

8 NaCN + S8 → 8 NaSCN
Sodium thiocyanate crystallizes in an orthorhombic cell. Each Na+ center is surrounded by three sulfur and three nitrogen ligands provided by the triatomic thiocyanate anion. It is commonly used in the laboratory as a test for the presence of Fe3+ ions.

Applications in chemical synthesis
Sodium thiocyanate is employed to convert alkyl halides into the corresponding alkylthiocyanates. Closely related reagents include ammonium thiocyanate and potassium thiocyanate, which has twice the solubility in water. Silver thiocyanate may be used as well; the precipitation of insoluble silver halides help simplify workup. Treatment of isopropyl bromide with sodium thiocyanate in a hot ethanolic solution affords isopropyl thiocyanate. Protonation of sodium thiocyanate affords isothiocyanic acid, S=C=NH (pKa = -1.28). This species is generated in situ from sodium thiocyanate; it adds to organic amines to afford derivatives of thiourea.

Industry Uses
Adhesives and sealant chemicals
Finishing agents
Oxidizing/reducing agents
Photosensitive chemicals
Process regulators
Processing aids
Anti-Freeze and De-icing Products
Building/Construction Materials
Explosive Materials
Fabric, Textile, and Leather Products
Metal Products
Personal Care Products
Photographic Supplies, Film, and Photochemicals

Cyanic acid (the isomer of fulminic acid) is an unstable (explosive), poisonous, volatile, clear liquid with the structure of H-O-C¡ÕN (the oxoacid formed from the pseudohalogen cyanide), which is readily converted to cyamelide and fulminic acid. There is another isomeric cyanic acid with the structure of H-N=C=O, called isocyanic acid. Cyanate group (and isocyanate group) can react with itself. Cyanuric acid (also called pyrolithic acid), white monoclinic crystal with the structure of [HOC(NCOH)2N], is the trimer of cyanic acid. The trimer of isocyanic acid is called biuret.

Cyanic acid: H-N=C=O or H-O-C¡ÕN
Fulminic acid: (H-C=N-O) or H-C¡ÕN-O
Isocyanic acid: H-N=C=O
Cyanuric acid: HOC(NCOH)2N
Biuret: (NH2)CO)2 NH
Cyanic acid hydrolyses to ammonia and carbon dioxide in water. The salts and esters of cyanic acid are cyanates. But esters of normal cyanic acid are not known. The salts and esters of isocyanic acid are isocyanates. The isocyanate group reacts with the hydroxyl functional group to form a urethane linkage. Diisocyanates (or polyisocyanates) are monomers for polyurethane production. Polyurethane is made from a variety of diisocyanates in conjunction with polyether and polyester polyols as co-reactants by addition polymerization which needs at least two -N=C=O groups. Polyurethanes are widely used in the manufacture of flexible and rigid foams, fibres, coatings, and elastomers. If isocyanate monomer is polymerized with amine group, polyurea is produced. Cyanates (or Isocyanates) are readily reacts with various form of amine (including ammonia, primary-, secondary-amines, amides and ureas) and hydroxyl functional group. They are used in the synthesis for the target molecules such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, textile softener, lubricants and industrial disinfectants. They can convert to polycyclic compounds such as hydantoins and imidazolons. They are used as plastic additives and as heat treatment salt formulations for metals.

Thiocyanate is a salt or ester of thiocyanic acid (HSCN). Aqueous solutions of thiocyanic acid , also called sulfocyanic acid, are very strong acids of the equilibrium mixture of thiocyanic and isothiocyanic. Thiocyanates are bonded through the sulfur(s) with the structure R-S-C¡ÕN or the isomeric R-N=C=S (isothiocyanates). Thiocyanates are bonded through the sulfur(s) which replace for the oxygen (O) atom. Thiocyanates are the sulfur analog of isocyanates. Organic as well as metallic thiocyanates [CuSCN, Ca(SCN)2, NaSCN, KSCN] are very versatile compounds.







Sodyum tiosiyanat (bazen Sodyum sülfosiyanür denir), NaSCN formülüne sahip kimyasal bileiktir. Bu renksiz çözünen tuz, tiyosiyanat anyonunun balca kaynaklarndan biridir. Bu nedenle, ilaç ve dier özel kimyasallarn sentezinin öncüsü olarak kullanlr. Tiyosiyanat tuzlar, tipik olarak siyanürün elemental kükürt ile reaksiyonu ile hazrlanr:

8 NaCN + S8 → 8 NaSCN
Sodyum tiosiyanat ortorombik bir hücrede kristalleir. Her Na + merkezi triatomik tiyosiyanat anyon tarafndan salanan üç kükürt ve üç azot ligand ile çevrilidir. Genellikle laboratuarda Fe3 + iyonlarnn varl için bir test olarak kullanlr.

Kimyasal sentez uygulamalar
Sodyum tiosiyanat alkil halojenürleri ilgili alkil tiyosiyanatlara dönütürmek için kullanlr. Yakndan ilikili reaktifler, suda iki kat çözünürlüü olan amonyum tiyosiyanat ve potasyum tiyosiyanat içerir. Gümü tiosiyanat da kullanlabilir; Çözünmeyen gümü halojenürlerin çökeltilmesi, çalmay basitletirmeye yardmc olur. Scak etanolik bir çözelti içerisinde izopropil bromidin sodyum tiyosiyanat ile muamele edilmesi, izopropil tiyosiyanat verir. Sodyum tiosiyanatn protonlanmas izotiyosiyanik asit verir, S = C = NH (pKa = -1.28). Bu tür sodyum tiosiyanattan in situ üretilir; Tiyoüre türevlerini elde etmek için organik aminlere katkda bulunur.

Sanayi Kullanmlar
Yaptrclar ve dolgu macunu kimyasallar
Bitirme ajanlar
Ara ürünler
Oksitleyici / indirgeyici ajanlar
Fotosensitif kimyasallar
Proses regülatörleri
lem yardmclar
Antifriz ve Buz Çözücü Ürünler
naat / naat Malzemeleri
Patlayc Materyaller
Kuma, Tekstil ve Deri Ürünleri
Metal Ürünleri
Kiisel Bakm ürünleri
Fotoraf Malzemeleri, Film ve Fotokimyasallar

Siyanik asit (fulminik asidin izomeri), kolaylkla siyamelid ve fülminik asite dönütürülen H-O-CnN (ossohidrojen siyanürden oluan oksoasit) yapsna sahip, kararsz (patlayc), zehirli, uçucu, berrak bir svdr. zosiyanik asit olarak adlandrlan H-N = C = O yapsna sahip baka bir izomerik siyanik asit var. Siyanat grubu (ve izosiyanat grubu) kendiliinden reaksiyona girebilir. Siyanürik asit (pirolitik asit olarak da bilinir), [HOC (NCOH) 2N] yapsna sahip beyaz monoklinik kristal, siyanik asidin trimeridir. zosiyanik asitin trimerine biüre denir.

Siyanik asit: H-N = C = 0 veya H-0-C≡N
Fülminik asit: (H-C = N-0) veya H-Cn-O
zosiyanik asit: H-N = C = O
Siyanürik asit: HOC (NCOH) 2N
Biüre: (NH2) CO) 2NH
Siyanik asit, sudaki amonyak ve karbon dioksit için hidrolize olur. Siyanik asit tuzlar ve esterleri siyanatlardr. Ancak normal siyanik asit esterleri bilinmemektedir. zosiyanik asit tuzlar ve esterleri izosiyanatlardr. zosiyanat grubu, bir üretan balantsn oluturmak üzere hidroksil ilevsel grubu ile tepkimeye girer. Diizosiyanatlar (veya poliizosiyanatlar), poliüretan üretimi için monomerlerdir. Poliüretan en azndan iki -N = C = O grubuna ihtiyaç duyan ilave polimerizasyon ile birlikte reaktifler olarak polieter ve poliester poliolleri ile birlikte çeitli diizosiyanatlardan yaplr. Poliüretanlar, esnek ve kat köpükler, elyaflar, kaplamalar ve elastomerlerde yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr. zosiyanat monomer, amin grubu ile polimerize ediliyorsa, poliüre üretilir. Siyanatlar (veya zosiyanatlar), amin (amonyak, birincil, ikincil aminler, amidler ve üreler dahil) ve hidroksil fonksiyonel grup ile kolayca reaksiyona girer. Farmasötikler, zirai ilaçlar, tekstil yumuatclar, yalayclar ve endüstriyel dezenfektanlar gibi hedef moleküllerin sentezinde kullanlrlar. Hidantoinler ve imidazolonlar gibi polisiklik bileiklere dönüebilirler. Plastik katk maddeleri ve metaller için sl ilem tuz formülasyonlar olarak kullanlrlar.

Tiyosiyanat, tiyosiyanik asitin (HSCN) bir tuzu veya esteridir. Sülfosiyanik asit olarak da adlandrlan, tiyosiyanik asitin sulu çözeltileri, tiyosiyanik ve izotiosiyanitin denge karmnn çok güçlü asitleridir. Tiyosiyanatlar, R-S-CnN veya izomerik R-N = C = S (izotiyosiyanatlar) yapsyla sülfür (ler) vastasyla balanr. Tiyosiyanatlar, oksijen (O) atomu yerine kükürt (ler) vastasyla balanr. Tiyosiyanatlar, izosiyanatlarn kükürt benzeri. Organik metalik tiyosiyanatlar [CuSCN, Ca (SCN) 2, NaSCN, KSCN] çok yönlü bileiklerdir.

