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CAS NO: 29806-73-3
EC NO: 249-862-1

METATAGS: 2-ETHYLHEXYL PALMITATE; ceraphyl368;wickenol155;EVERNOL EHP;OCTYL PALMITAE;OCTYL PALMITATE;ETHYL HEXYL PALMITATE;2-ethvlhexvlpalmitate;2-ETHYLHEXYL PALMITATE;2-ethylhexyl hexadecanoate;HEXADECANOIC ACID OCTYL ESTER; Elfacos EHP; 2-Ethylhexyl hexadecanoate; Ethylhexyl palmitate; Hexadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; AI3-31580; Ceraphyl 368; UNII-2865993309; Wickenol 155; Palmitic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Palmiticacid, 2-ethylhexyl ester (8CI);2-Ethylhexyl palmitate;Cegesoft C 24;Ceraphyl368;Crodamol OP;Dermol 816;Exceparl EH-P;Jeechem Op;Kessco OP;KesscoOctyl Palmitate;Lexol EHP;Octyl palmitate;Palmitic acid-2-ethylhexylmonoester;Saboderm OP;Salacos P 8;Tegosoft O;Tegosoft OP;Wickenol 155; octan-3-yl hexadecanoate;2-ethylhexyl palmitate; etil heksil palmitat; etil palmitat; hekzil palmitat; heksil patlmitat; etil hekzil hekzadekanoat; hekzadekanoik asit oktil ester; hekzadekanoik acid oktil ester; hekzadekanoik acid oktyl ester; hekza dekanoik asit octyl ester; 2-etil hexil palmitate; 2-ethyl hexyl palmitat; 2- etil heksil palmitate; Palmitic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Hexadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Hexadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Palmitic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; Hexadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester;



Moleküler Formülü : C24H48O2
Molekül Arl : 368.6367
CAS kayt numaras: 29806-73-3
EINECS : 249-862-1
Kaynama noktas: 407.2°C at 760 mmHg
Krlma indisi: 1.449
Alevlenme noktas: 203.7°C
IUPAC ad: Heksadekanoik asit 2-etilheksil ester
Dier isimler: Octl palmitat
Etilheksil palmitat veya oktil palmitat, 2-etilheksanol ve palmitik asitten türetilmi yal asit esterdir. Etilheksil palmitat, kozmetik formülasyonlarda yaygn olarak kullanlr
Kimyasal yap
Etilheksil palmitat, etilheksil alkolden ve palmitik asitten türetilen dall bir doymu yal esterdir.

Fiziki ozellikleri
Etilheksil palmitat oda scaklnda az yal bir koku içeren berrak, renksiz bir svdr.
Palmitik asit ve 2-etilheksanol, esteri yapmak üzere bir asit katalisti varlnda tepkimeye sokulur.
Kullanm Alanlar
Etilheksil palmitat, kozmetik formülasyonlarda bir solvent, tayc madde, pigment slatma maddesi, koku sabitleyici ve yumuatc olarak kullanlr. Kuru kaygan cilt hissi baz silikon türevlerine benzer.
Etil Hekzil Palmitat Features & Benefits:
Feel Modification/Enhancement
Gloss/Shine Enhancement
Pigment Binding Agent
Spreading Agent
Etil hekzil Palmitat için lk Yardm Önlemlerinin Tanm
Soluma: Temiz havaya çkarn. Semptomatik olarak tedavi edin. Belirtiler sürüyorsa tbbi yardm isteyin.
Gözle temas: Gözle temas eden herhangi bir malzeme derhal su ile ykanmaldr. Yapmanz kolay ise kontak lensleri çkarn. Belirtiler sürüyorsa tbbi yardm isteyin.
Deri temas: Sabun ve su ile ykayn. Belirtiler ortaya çkarsa tbbi yardm isteyin.
Yutma: Tbbi yardm isteyin



Molecular Formula: C24H48O2
Molecular Weight: 368.6367
CAS registration number: 29806-73-3
EINECS: 249-862-1
Density: 0.86 g / cm3
Boiling point: 760 mmHg at 407.2 ° C
Refractive index: 1.449
Flash point: 203.7 ° C
IUPAC name: Hexadecanoic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester
Other names: Octyl palmitate
Ethylhexyl palmitate, or octyl palmitate, is the fatty acid ester derived from 2-ethylhexanol and palmitic acid. Ethylhexyl palmitate is commonly used in cosmetic formulations.
Chemical structure
Ethylhexyl palmitate is a branched saturated fatty ester derived from ethylhexyl alcohol and palmitic acid.

Physical properties
Ethylhexyl palmitate is a clear, colorless liquid at room temperature with a slightly fatty odor.
Palmitic acid and 2-ethylhexanol are reacted in the presence of an acid catalyst to make the ester.
Ethylhexyl palmitate is used in cosmetic formulations as a solvent, carrying agent, pigment wetting agent, fragrance fixative and emollient. Its dry-slip skinfeel is similar to some silicone derivatives.
Ethyl Hexyl Palmitate Features & Benefits:
Feel Modification/Enhancement
Gloss/Shine Enhancement
Pigment Binding Agent
Spreading Agent
Description of first aid measures for ethyl hexyl palmitate
Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms persist.
Eye contact: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. If easy to do, remove contact lenses. Get medical attention if symptoms persist.
Skin contact: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.
Ingestion: Seek medical advice
