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CAS No.: 22047-49-0

ETHYLHEXYL STEARATE; ethylhexyl stearate; ethyl hexyl stearate; etilhekzil stearat; etil hekzil stearat; 2-Ethylhexyl stearate; 22047-49-0; 2-Ethylhexyl octadecanoate; Ethylhexyl stearate; Octadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; AK113740; W-110539; DSSTox_CID_27178; DSSTox_RID_82175; DSSTox_GSID_47178; SCHEMBL153398; Stearic acid 2-ethylhexyl ester; CHEMBL3184927; DTXSID9047178; Tox21_302619; AKOS015901877; KS-00000N16; NCGC00256861-01; CAS-22047-49-0; FT-0756635; NS00049187; Z4427; EC 244-754-0; M-8262; C-21648; Q27277167; 2-Ethylhexyl stearate, mixture of stearate and palmitate (7:3), Technical grade; ETHYLHEXYL STEARATE;2-ethylhexyl stearate;Octadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester; 91031-48-0; Ethylhexyl stearate; 2-Ethylhexyl stearate; Ethylhexylstearat; 2-ETHYTHEXYL STEARATE; 2-ETHYLHEXYL STEARATE; Stearic acid, octyl ester; 2-ethylhexyloctadecanoate; stearicacid,2-ethylhexylester; Octadecanoicacid,2-ethylhexylester



CAS No.: 22047-49-0


The stearate esters (Butyl Stearate, Cetyl Stearate, Isocetyl Stearate, Isopropyl Stearate, Myristyl Stearate, Ethylhexyl Stearate, Isobutyl Stearate) are oily liquids or waxy solids. Ethylhexyl Stearate may also be called Octyl Stearate. In cosmetics and personal care products, stearate esters are used most frequently in the formulation of eye makeup, skin makeup, lipstick and skin care products.

Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products?

Stearate esters act primarily as lubricants on the skin’s surface, which gives the skin a soft and smooth appearance. Butyl Stearate also decreases the thickness of lipsticks, thereby lessening the drag on lips, and imparts water repelling characteristics to nail polishes. Butyl Stearate and Isopropyl Stearate dry to form a thin coating on the skin. Isocetyl Stearate can also be used to dissolve other substances, usually liquids.

Scientific Facts of Ethylhexyl Stearate: 

The stearate esters are prepared by reacting stearic acid with the appropriate alcohol (butyl, cetyl, isobutyl, isocetyl, isopropyl, myristyl or ethylhexyl alcohol). Stearate esters have the unique properties of low viscosity and an oily nature, which results in a nongreasy, hydrophobic film when applied to the skin or lips. Stearic acid is found in animal and vegetable fats.

A clear, almost colorless (or slightly yellowish) oily liquid (an ester to be precise) that’s used as a medium spreading emollient. It gives skin a nice and smooth after-feel and it’s very good at reducing oiliness or greasiness coming from other heavier oils in the formula.

Ethylhexyl Stearate is used as an oil component for emulsions, bath oils, and as a solvent for active substances in cosmetics. Stearate esters are used most frequently in the formulation of eye makeup, skin makeup, lipstick and skin care products.

* An emollient derived from plant oil that prevents water loss

* Also known as Octyl Stearate


According to Chemiplast, a Belgian researcher, Ethylhexyl Stearate is used as an oil component for emulsions, bath oils, and as a solvent for active substances in cosmetics. Stearate esters are used most frequently in the formulation of eye makeup, skin makeup, lipstick and skin care products.

Safety Measures/Side Effects:

The CIR Expert Panel notes that the safety of the stearate esters has been assessed in a number of studies. They have low acute oral toxicity and are essentially non-irritating to the eyes. At cosmetic use concentrations, the stearate esters were, at most, minimally irritating to skin (Source).

Recommended Products w/ Ethylhexyl Stearate:

Neova Night Therapy with Copper Peptides, Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen.

What is Ethylhexyl stearate?

Ethylhexyl stearate or octyl stearate is an ester of stearic acid with octanol. It is again one member of the groups called stearate esters which are obtained by reacting stearic acid with an alkyl group containing alcohol. Stearate esters all have unique properties of oily nature, but low viscosity and lighter feel. That’s why they are the choice of solvents in makeup related products. Stearic acid is obtained from various animal and plant source. It comes as clear to slightly yellowish liquid. 

Use & Benefits of Ethylhexyl Stearate: 

Stearic acid is also linked to skin’s natural fatty acid content, so it is ideal for skin preparation. Moreover, it imparts the right amount of viscosity to the product, it acts as a thickening agent as well. It also forms a film over the skin, a hydrophobic barrier which does not let the moisture pass through and escape from the skin. And without any greasy feel, it moisturizes the skin. It also nourishes the skin and provides a protective barrier; moist skin is healthy enough to fight any external inflammation. After regular application, resultant skin may become softer and smoother. It is most frequently used in skincare products, lipstick, skin makeup, and eye makeup.

Global Ethylhexyl Stearate Market: Overview

Ethylhexyl stearate also known as 2- Ethylhexyl Octadecanoate or Octyl stearate is a palm derivative which is renewable in nature and is extensively used in personal care industry. The stearate esters are prepared by the reaction between stearic acid and alcohol such as isopropyl, ethylhexyl, myistyl alcohol, cetyl, butyl among others. Stearic acid can be obtained form from animal origin as well as vegetable fats. Ethylhexyl stearate is prepared by the reaction between stearic acid and ethylhexyl alcohol. Ethylhexyl stearate is a clear ester liquid which is free of suspended matter and is available in colourless liquid form. Ethylhexyl alcohol possess unique property of low viscosity and oily nature owing to which when applied on skin or lips it forms an hydrophobic film. Thereby, softens the skin and imparts smooth appearance.

Global Ethylhexyl Stearate Market: Drivers and Restraints

With rising consumer concern towards personal health, demand for personal care serices and products are witnessing a substantial growth. Thereby, boosting the market growth of ethylhexyl stearate as it is commonly used ester in personal care products. Ethylhexyl stearate is commonly used as an emollient which prevents the water loss. Hence, is extensively used as emulsion, bath oils and as solvent in cosmetic products. It is widely used in the manufacturing of formulations for skin make up, lipstick, eye liner and other skin care products. Apart from personal care industry, ethylhexyl stearate also widely used as an intermediate, lubricating agent and surface active agent. Owing to these properties ethtylhexyl stearate is commonly used in the manufacturing of metal working fluids. Also, it offers good thermal stability and hence finds application in aluminium rolling, also is used in manufacturing of ink additives and paints. Hence, broad spectrum of application provides an opportunistic platform for the robust growth of ethylhexyl stearate market over the period of time.

However, with rising demand for organic and natural personal care products, various natural based ingredients are being used in the manufacturing of personal care products. Thereby, restraining the market growth of ethylhexyl stearate. Moreover, stearic acid is being derived from animal fat which further refrains the growth of ethylhexyl stearate market with increasing adoption of vegan-based products. Moreover, it causes mild eye irritation and produces faint odor which may affect the adoption of ethyhexyl stearate based products among consumers.

Global Ethylhexyl Stearate Market: Segmentation 

On the basis of industry, ethylhexyl stearate market is segmented into:-

-Personal Care



-On the basis of functionality, ethylhexyl stearate market is segmented into:-





-Global Ethylhexyl Stearate Market

Excellent liquid emollient and thickening agent for cosmetic formulations. It provides a soft barrier to the skin to impart moisturization and a smooth feel. Chemical Name Ethylhexyl Stearate.

Octyl Stearate

Specifications of Ethylhexyl Stearate:

Appearance @ 20°C: Clear to light yellow liquid

Acid value (MGKOH/G): 1 Maximum

Saponification value: 142-156

Iodine value (WIJS): 1 Maximum

Hydroxyl value (MGKOH/G): 3 Maximum

Refractive index @ 25°C: 1.445-1.448

Specific gravity @25°C: 0.850-0.860



Storage / Shelf Life of Ethylhexyl Stearate: No special precautions necessary.

Octyl stearate is an ester made from Stearic acid and ethylhexanol. It is clear to yellow. It is used as an excellent liquid emollient and thickening agent in cosmetic products. For more information refer to ethylhexyl stearate.

Octyl acetate, or octyl ethanoate, is an organic compound with the formula CH3(CH2)7O2CCH3. It is classified as an ester that is formed from 1-octanol (octyl alcohol) and acetic acid. It is found in oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus products.

Octyl acetate can be synthesized by the Fischer esterification of 1-octanol and acetic acid:

CH3(CH2)7OH + CH3CO2H → CH3(CH2)7O2CCH3 + H2O

Because of its fruity odor, octyl acetate is used as the basis for artificial flavors and in perfumery. It is also a solvent for nitrocellulose, waxes, oils, and some resins.



Stearat esterler (Bütil Stearat, Setil Stearat, zosetil Stearat, zopropil Stearat, Miristil Stearat, Etilheksil Stearat, zobutil Stearat) yal svlar veya mumsu katlardr. Ethylhexyl Stearate, Octyl Stearate olarak da adlandrlabilir. Kozmetik ve kiisel bakm ürünlerinde stearat esterler en sk göz makyaj, cilt makyaj, ruj ve cilt bakm ürünlerinin formülasyonunda kullanlmaktadr.

Neden kozmetik ve kiisel bakm ürünlerinde kullanlr?

Stearat esterler esas olarak cilt yüzeyinde kayganlatrc olarak hareket ederek cilde yumuak ve pürüzsüz bir görünüm kazandrr. Butyl Stearate ayrca rujlarn kalnln azaltarak dudaklardaki sürtünmeyi azaltr ve trnak cilalarna su itici özellikler kazandrr. Butyl Stearate ve Isopropyl Stearate ciltte ince bir tabaka oluturacak ekilde kurutulur. zosetil Stearat, dier maddeleri, genellikle svlar çözmek için de kullanlabilir.

Bilimsel gerçekler:

Stearat esterler, stearik asidin uygun alkolle (butil, setil, izobutil, izosetil, izopropil, miristil veya etilheksil alkol) reaksiyona sokulmasyla hazrlanr. Stearat esterler, cilde veya dudaklara uygulandnda yasz, hidrofobik bir filmle sonuçlanan, düük viskozite ve yal bir yapya sahip benzersiz özelliklere sahiptir. Stearik asit, hayvansal ve bitkisel yalarda bulunur.

Orta derecede yaylan yumuatc olarak kullanlan berrak, neredeyse renksiz (veya hafif sarms) yal bir sv (kesin olarak bir ester). Cilde ho ve pürüzsüz bir his verir ve formüldeki dier ar yalardan gelen yall veya yall azaltmada çok iyidir.



Etilheksil Stearat, emülsiyonlar, banyo yalar için bir ya bileeni olarak ve kozmetikte aktif maddeler için bir çözücü olarak kullanlr. Stearat esterler en sk göz makyaj, cilt makyaj, ruj ve cilt bakm ürünlerinin formülasyonunda kullanlmaktadr.

* Bitkisel yadan elde edilen su kaybn önleyen yumuatc

* Octyl Stearate olarak da bilinir


Belçikal bir aratrmac olan Chemiplast’a göre Ethylhexyl Stearate, emülsiyonlar, banyo yalar için bir ya bileeni ve kozmetikte aktif maddeler için bir çözücü olarak kullanlyor. Stearat esterler en sk göz makyaj, cilt makyaj, ruj ve cilt bakm ürünlerinin formülasyonunda kullanlmaktadr.

Güvenlik Önlemleri / Yan Etkiler:

CIR Uzman Paneli, stearat esterlerin güvenliinin bir dizi çalmada deerlendirildiini belirtmektedir. Düük akut oral toksisiteye sahiptirler ve esasen gözleri tahri etmezler. Kozmetik kullanm konsantrasyonlarnda, stearat esterler, en fazla, cildi minimum düzeyde tahri ediyordu (Kaynak).

Etilheksil Stearat ile Önerilen Ürünler:

Bakr Peptidlerle Neova Gece Terapisi, Mavi Kertenkele Avustralya Güne Kremi.

Etilheksil stearat nedir?

Etilheksil stearat veya oktil stearat, oktanol ile stearik asidin bir esteridir. Yine stearik asidin alkol içeren bir alkil grubu ile reaksiyona sokulmasyla elde edilen stearat esterler olarak adlandrlan gruplarn bir üyesidir. Stearat esterlerin tümü, yal doann benzersiz özelliklerine, ancak düük viskoziteye ve daha hafif bir hisse sahiptir. Bu nedenle makyajla ilgili ürünlerde çözücülerin seçimidir. Stearik asit, çeitli hayvan ve bitki kaynaklarndan elde edilir. Hafif sarms bir svya berrak gelir.

Etilheksil Stearatn Kullanm ve Faydalar:

Stearik asit ayn zamanda cildin doal ya asidi içeriiyle de balantldr, bu nedenle cilt hazrl için idealdir. Üstelik ürüne doru miktarda viskozite kazandrr, kvam artrc olarak da görev yapar. Ayn zamanda cilt üzerinde, nemin deriden geçmesine ve kaçmasna izin vermeyen hidrofobik bir bariyer olan bir film oluturur. Yal bir his brakmadan cildi nemlendirir. Ayn zamanda cildi besler ve koruyucu bir bariyer salar; nemli cilt, herhangi bir d iltihapla savaacak kadar salkldr. Düzenli uygulamadan sonra ortaya çkan cilt daha yumuak ve pürüzsüz hale gelebilir. En çok cilt bakm ürünlerinde, rujda, cilt makyajnda ve göz makyajnda kullanlr.

Küresel Etilheksil Stearat Pazar: Genel Bak

2-Ethylhexyl Octadecanoate veya Octyl stearate olarak da bilinen etilheksil stearat, doas gerei yenilenebilen ve kiisel bakm endüstrisinde yaygn olarak kullanlan bir hurma türevidir. Stearat esterler, stearik asit ile dierleri arasnda izopropil, etilheksil, miyistil alkol, setil, butil gibi alkol arasndaki reaksiyonla hazrlanr. Stearik asit, bitkisel yalarn yan sra hayvansal kaynakl olarak da elde edilebilir. Etilheksil stearat, stearik asit ile etilheksil alkol arasndaki reaksiyonla hazrlanr. Etilheksil stearat, askda madde içermeyen ve renksiz sv formda bulunan berrak bir ester svsdr. Etilheksil alkol, cilde veya dudaklara uygulandnda hidrofobik bir film oluturduundan, benzersiz düük viskoziteli ve yal yapya sahiptir. Böylece cildi yumuatr ve pürüzsüz bir görünüm kazandrr.

Küresel Etilheksil Stearat Pazar: Sürücüler ve Kstlamalar

Kiisel sala yönelik artan tüketici endieleriyle, kiisel bakm hizmetlerine ve ürünlerine olan talep önemli bir büyümeye tank oluyor. Böylece, kiisel bakm ürünlerinde yaygn olarak ester olarak kullanld için etilheksil stearatn pazar büyümesini artrr. Etilheksil stearat genellikle su kaybn önleyen bir yumuatc olarak kullanlr. Bu nedenle yaygn olarak emülsiyon, banyo yalar ve kozmetik ürünlerde çözücü olarak kullanlmaktadr. Cilt makyaj, ruj, göz kalemi ve dier cilt bakm ürünleri için formülasyonlarn üretiminde yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr. Kiisel bakm endüstrisinin yan sra, etilheksil stearat ayrca bir ara, yalama maddesi ve yüzey aktif madde olarak yaygn ekilde kullanlmaktadr. Bu özellikler nedeniyle etilheksil stearat, metal ileme svlarnn üretiminde yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr. Ayrca, iyi bir termal stabilite sunar ve bu nedenle alüminyum haddelemede uygulama alan bulur, ayrca mürekkep katk maddeleri ve boyalarn üretiminde de kullanlr. Bu nedenle, geni uygulama yelpazesi, etilheksil stearat pazarnn zaman içinde salam büyümesi için frsatç bir platform salar.

Bununla birlikte, organik ve doal kiisel bakm ürünlerine olan talebin artmasyla birlikte, kiisel bakm ürünlerinin üretiminde çeitli doal bazl bileenler kullanlmaktadr. Böylelikle etilheksil stearatn pazar büyümesini snrlar. Dahas, stearik asit, vegan bazl ürünlerin artan ekilde benimsenmesiyle etilheksil stearat pazarnn büyümesini daha da engelleyen hayvansal yadan elde edilmektedir. Dahas, hafif göz tahriine neden olur ve tüketiciler arasnda etil stearat bazl ürünlerin benimsenmesini etkileyebilecek hafif bir koku üretir.

Küresel Etilheksil Stearat Pazar: Segmentasyon

Endüstri temelinde, etilheksil stearat pazar u bölümlere ayrlmtr: –

-Kiisel Bakm



– levsellik temelinde, etilheksil stearat pazar u bölümlere ayrlmtr: –





Kozmetik formülasyonlar için mükemmel sv yumuatc ve kvam arttrc ajan. Cilde nemlendirme ve pürüzsüz bir his vermek için yumuak bir bariyer salar. Kimyasal smi Ethylhexyl Stearate.

Octyl Stearat

Etilheksil Stearatn Özellikleri:

Görünüm @ 20 ° C: Berrak ila açk sar sv

Asit deeri (MGKOH / G): 1 Maksimum

Sabunlama deeri: 142-156

yot deeri (WIJS): 1 Maksimum

Hidroksil deeri (MGKOH / G): 3 Maksimum

25 ° C’de krlma indisi: 1.445-1.448

Özgül arlk @ 25 ° C: 0,850-0,860

Etilheksil Stearatn Depolama / Raf Ömrü: Özel önlemler gerekmez.

Octyl stearate, Stearik asit ve etilheksanolden yaplan bir esterdir. Açk sardr. Kozmetik ürünlerde mükemmel bir sv yumuatc ve kvam arttrc ajan olarak kullanlr. Daha fazla bilgi için etilheksil stearata bakn.

Oktil asetat veya oktil etanoat, CH3 (CH2) 7O2CCH3 formülüne sahip organik bir bileiktir. 1-oktanol (oktil alkol) ve asetik asitten oluan ester olarak snflandrlr. Portakal, greyfurt ve dier narenciye ürünlerinde bulunur.

Oktil asetat, 1-oktanol ve asetik asidin Fischer esterifikasyonu ile sentezlenebilir:

CH3 (CH2) 7OH + CH3CO2H → CH3 (CH2) 7O2CCH3 + H20

Meyvemsi kokusu nedeniyle, oktil asetat yapay tatlarn temeli olarak ve parfümeride kullanlmaktadr. Ayn zamanda nitroselüloz, mumlar, yalar ve baz reçineler için bir çözücüdür.

