Table of Contents



CAS NO:138-22-7
EC NO:205-316-4

METATAGS:BUTYL LACTATE; n-Butyl lactate; 138-22-7; Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate; Lactic acid, butyl ester; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, butyl ester; Butyllactate; 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid butyl ester; Butyl lactate (natural); Butylester kyseliny mlecne; NSC 6533; Butyl alpha-hydroxypropionate; FEMA No. 2205; Butyl L-lactate; Butylester kyseliny mlecne [Czech]; EINECS 205-316-4; BRN 1721597; AI3-00397; MRABAEUHTLLEML-UHFFFAOYSA-N; SBB061171; (+/-)-Butyl lactate; 1-butyl lactate; HSDB 7905; Lactic acid butyl; Butyl lactate, 98%; Lactic Acid Butyl Ester; AC1L1RLP; Butyl 2-Hydroxypropionate; Lactic acid n-butyl ester; ACMC-1BT8P; AC1Q2X7Y; DSSTox_CID_22196; DSSTox_RID_79953; DSSTox_GSID_42196; SCHEMBL26742; 4-03-00-00649; (Beilstein Handbook Reference); KSC489S4D; Butyl .alpha.-hydroxypropionate; WLN: QY1 & VO4; Jsp002301; CHEMBL3183988; DTXSID7042196; CTK3I9941; MRABAEUHTLLEML-UHFFFAOYSA-
NSC6533; MolPort-001-788-413; n-Butyl lactate, 98% 500g; NSC-6533; Tox21_301349; ANW-20446; MFCD00004519; AKOS015903784; FCH1117604; LS-2603; MCULE-5462693192; RTR-005059; TRA0016647, Propanoic acid,2-hydroxy-, butyl ester; NCGC00255732-01; AN-23142; CAS-138-22-7; BÜTL LAKTAT; BÜTL LACTAT; bütil laktat; bütil lactat; bütil lactate; butyl lactat; butyl laktat; n-Butyl lactate; Butyl ester of 2; hydroxypropanoic acid; Butyl ester of lactic acid; Butyl lactate; Butyl L-Lactate; Butyl α -hydroxypropionate; Butyl α-hydroxypropionate; BUTYL α-HYDROXYPROPIONATE; Butylester kyseliny mlecne [Czech]; Butylester kyseliny mlecne; butyllactate; FEMA 2205; lactic acid butyl ester; Lactic acid n-butyl ester; Lactic acid, butyl ester






Butyl lactate is a clear colorless liquid with a mild odor. Flash point 168°F. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Used as a solvent, and to make other chemicals.

A colorless, stable, low volatility liquid. Butyl lactate is used as a solvent for paints, lacquers, varnishes, oils, dyes, inks, and synthetic resins. It is usually blended with other solvents to slow evaporation and increase drying times. Butyl lactate has also been used as a solvent for polyvinyl acetate based paints. Toch used small amounts of butyl lactate mixed with turpentine for cleaning paintings

Butyl lactate has been used:
• in the preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles by a solvent emulsification-diffusion technique
• in the synthesis of nanoparticles of griseofulvin from water dilutable microemulsions by the solvent diffusion technique
• as cosurfactant on the preparation of microemulsions with anionic surfactant

Butyl lactate Chemical Properties,Usage,Production

Chemical Properties of Butyl Lactate

General Description of Butyl Lactate
A clear colorless liquid with a mild odor. Flash point 168°F. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Used as a solvent, and to make other chemicals.

Air & Water Reactions
Insoluble in water.

Reactivity Profile for Butyl Lactate
Butyl lactate is an ester. Esters react with acids to liberate heat along with alcohols and acids. Strong oxidizing acids may cause a vigorous reaction that is sufficiently exothermic to ignite the reaction products. Heat is also generated by the interaction of esters with caustic solutions. Flammable hydrogen is generated by mixing esters with alkali metals and hydrides. Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and strong bases.

Storage For Butyl Lactate
store in cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light

Creamy, dairy, milky, earthy, ketonic, waxy, Iactonic, vanilla and cheesy





Butil laktat hafif bir kokuya sahip berrak renksiz bir svdr. Parlama noktas 168 ° F. Suya göre daha az youn ve suda çözünmez. Buhar havadan daha ar. Çözücü olarak kullanlr ve dier kimyasallar yapmak için kullanlr.

Renksiz, kararl, düük uçuculukta bir sv. Butil laktat boyalar, vernikler, yalar, boyalar, mürekkepler ve sentetik reçineler için bir solvent olarak kullanlr. Buharlamay yavalatmak ve kuruma sürelerini artrmak için genellikle dier çözücülerle kartrlr. Bütil laktat, polivinil asetat esasl boyalar için bir çözücü olarak da kullanlmaktadr. Toch, tablolar temizlemek için terebentin ile kartrlm küçük miktarlarda bütil laktat kulland

Butil laktat kullanlmtr:
• Çözücü bir emülsiyonlama-difüzyon teknii ile kat lipid nanopartiküllerinin hazrlanmasnda
• Çözünür difüzyon teknii ile suda seyreltilebilen mikroemülsiyondan griseofulvin nanopartiküllerinin sentezinde
• anyonik yüzey aktif cismi ile mikroemülsiyonlarn hazrlanmas için yardmc yüzey aktif madde

Butil laktat Kimyasal Özellikleri, Kullanm, Üretim

Butil Laktatn Kimyasal Özellikleri
Butil Laktatn Genel Açklamas
Hafifçe kokusu olan berrakta renksiz bir sv. Parlama noktas 168 ° F. Suya göre daha az youn ve suda çözünmez. Buhar havadan daha ar. Çözücü olarak kullanlr ve dier kimyasallar yapmak için kullanlr.
Hava ve Su Reaksiyonlar
Suda çözünmez.
Butil Laktat için Reaktiflik Profili
Butil laktat bir esterdir. Esterler, alkoller ve asitlerle birlikte sy serbest brakmak için asitlerle reaksiyona girer. Güçlü oksitleyici asitler, reaksiyon ürünlerini tututurmak için yeterince ekzotermik olan kuvvetli bir reaksiyona neden olabilir. Is, esterlerin kostik çözeltilerle etkileimi yoluyla da üretilir. Yanc hidrojen, esterleri alkali metaller ve hidridlerle kartrarak üretilir. Güçlü oksitleyici ajanlar ve güçlü bazlarla temastan kaçnn.

Butil Laktat çin Depolama
Serin ve kuru bir yerde, skca kapal kaplarda saklayn, s ve ktan koruyun

Kremal, sütlü, sütlü, toprakl, ketonik, mumlu, aktif, vanilya ve sevimsiz

