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ceteareth 50



alcohols C16-18 ethoxylated; C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated; hetoxol CS-50; peg-50 cetyl/stearyl ether; polyethylene glycol (50); cetyl/stearyl ether; polyoxyethylene (50) cetyl/stearyl alcohol ether; polyoxyethylene (50) cetyl/stearyl ether; Alcohols, C16-18 (even numbered), ethoxylated (1 – 2.5 moles EO); Alcohols, C16-18 ethoxylated; Alcohols, C16-18, 2EO; Alcohols, C16-18, ethoxylated (CTS) (MAN); Alcohols, C16-18, ethoxylated, 5-20 EO; Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; alpha-(C16-C18 Alkyl) omega-Hydroxy Poly(EO); C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated; C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated(?); C16~18 fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether; Ethoxtlated fatty alcohol; Fatty alcohol ethoxylate; Polyethylene cetostearyl ether; ethoxylated (50 mol EO average molar ratio); ceteareth 50; ceteareth 50; ceteareth 50; Ceteareth 50; ceteareth 50; ceteareth/50; stearat 50; Polyoxyethylene (250) cetyl/stearyl ether; ceteareth 50; ceteareth-50;ceteareth50; cetearath 50; polyoxyethylene ether; polioksietilen eter; ceteareth



Ceteareth 50 

CAS Number: 68439-49-6 

Other: 102381-15-7

ECHA EC Number: 500-212-8

Category:emulsifiers, surfactants


The INCI names ceteareth-n (where n is a number) refer to polyoxyethylene ethers of a mixture of high molecular mass saturated fatty alcohols, mainly cetyl alcohol (n = 15) and stearyl alcohol (m = 17). The number n indicates the average number of ethylene oxide residues in the polyoxyethylene chain.

These compounds are non-ionic surfactants that work by attracting both water and oil at the same time, frequently used as emulsifiers in soaps and cosmetics.[1]


Hazard statement(s): None found.

Precautionary statement(s): None found.

Inhalation Toxicity: Not determined



Origin (s): Plant, Animal, Synthetic

CAS N °: 68439-49-6

INCI Name: ceteareth 50

Classification: Ethoxylated compound, Nonionic surfactant

Ceteareth 50 is a nonionic surfactant prepared from cetyl and stearyl alcohol and 50 moles of ethylene oxide. Ceteareth 50 is used in cosmetics as a surfactant and emulsifier: HLB (17.7). Ceteareth 50 creates oil-in-water emulsions.




Its functions (INCI)

Cleaning Agent: Helps keep a clean surface

Emulsifying agent: Promotes the formation of intimate mixtures between immiscible liquids by modifying the interfacial tension (water and oil)

Surfactant: Ceteareth 50 reduces the surface tension of cosmetics and contributes to the uniform distribution of the product during its use


Description: Non-ionic polyoxyethylene ether of higher saturated fatty alcohols (cetyl/stearyl alcohol). White grains/pellets, no odor. ceteareth 50 dissolves in water & alcohol to form a colloid solution. ceteareth 50 can be mixed with mineral, vegetable or synthetic fats and oils.


Properties: Universal emulsifier to make o/w emulsions, compatible with all kinds of oils & active ingredients, very effective protective colloid that stabilizes all kinds of dispersed systems, can be combined with other emulsifiers, optimal use with gel-forming thickeners.



Applications: All kinds of emulsion-based cosmetic products like creams, lotions (especially sprayable lotions), foundations, hair conditioners, sunscreen products.



Ceteareth 50 

CAS Numaras: 68439-49-6

Dier: 102381-15-7

ECA EC Numaras: 500-212-8

Kategori: emülgatörler, sürfaktanlar


INCI isimleri ceteareth-n (n bir saydr), yüksek molekül arlkl doymu ya alkolleri, esas olarak setil alkol (n = 15) ve stearil alkol (m = 17) karmnn polioksietilen eterlerini belirtir. N says polioksietilen zincirindeki ortalama etilen oksit kalntlarnn saysn belirtir.

Bu bileikler, sabun ve kozmetik ürünlerinde sklkla emülgatör olarak kullanlan, hem suyu hem de ya çekerek çalan iyonik olmayan yüzey aktif maddelerdir. [1]


Tehlike açklamalar: Bulunamad.

Önlem ifadeleri: Bulunamad.


Soluma Toksisitesi: Belirli deil


Köken (ler): Bitki, Hayvan, Sentetik

CAS N °: 68439-49-6

INCI Ad: ceteareth 50

Snflandrma: Etoksillenmi bileik, Noniyonik yüzey aktif madde

Ceteareth 50, setil ve stearil alkolden ve 50 mol etilen oksitten hazrlanan noniyonik bir yüzey aktif maddedir. ceteareth 50,kozmetikte bir yüzey aktif madde ve emülgatör olarak kullanlr: HLB (17.7). Ceteareth 50 suda ya emülsiyonlar oluturur.



Fonksiyonlar (INCI)

Temizlik Maddesi: Temiz bir yüzey tutmaya yardmc olur

Emülsifiye edici ajan: Arayüzey gerilimini (su ve ya) deitirerek karmaz svlar arasnda samimi karmlarn oluumunu tevik eder.

Sürfaktan: Kozmetiklerin yüzey gerilimini azaltr ve kullanm srasnda ürünün homojen dalmna katkda bulunur.


ceteareth 50, O/W emulsiye edici ve kvamlatrc maddedir. Ceteareth 50, kozmetik, tekstil ve deterjan formüllerinde kullanlan kat formda yüzey aktif bir malzemedir. Kremler, losyonlar ve jel ürünlerde yüksek emülsifikasyon gücü bulunur.

Ceteareth 50, yüksek doygunluktaki ya alkol (cetyl/stearyl) non-ionik polioksietilendir. Beyaz tanecikler/pelletler halde bulunur ve kokusuzdur. Ceteareth 50 kolloidal çözelti oluturmak için su ve alkolde çözünür. Minerallerle, sebze ya da sentetik yalarla karabilir.


Ceteareth 50 o/w emulsiye edici, tüm ya ve aktif bileenlerle uyumlu, çok etkili koruyucu kolloiddir. Tüm disperse sistemlerde stabilizasyon salar, dier emulsiye edicilerle birleebilir.



Ceteareth 50; krem, losyon (özellikle sprey losyonlar), fondoten, saç sabitleyici ve güne kremi gibi emulsiyon bazl tüm kozmetik ürünlerinde kullanlabilir.



Ceteareth 50


Numéro CAS: 68439-49-6

Autre: 102381-15-7

Numéro CE ECHA: 500-212-8

Catégorie: émulsifiants, surfactants


Les noms INCI ceteareth-n (où n est un nombre) font référence aux éthers de polyoxyéthylène d’un mélange d’alcools gras saturés de masse moléculaire élevée, principalement l’alcool cétylique (n = 15) et l’alcool stéarylique (m = 17). Le nombre n indique le nombre moyen de résidus d’oxyde d’éthylène dans la chaîne de polyoxyéthylène.

Ces composés sont des tensioactifs non ioniques qui agissent en attirant à la fois l’eau et l’huile, fréquemment utilisés comme émulsifiants dans les savons et les cosmétiques.


Mention (s) de danger: Aucune trouvée.

Conseil (s) de mise en garde: Aucun trouvé.


Toxicité par inhalation: non déterminé


Origine(s) : Végétale, Animale, Synthétique

N° CAS : 68439-49-6

Nom INCI : ceteareth 50

Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Tensioactif non ionique

Le Ceteareth 50 est un tensioactif non ionique préparé à partir d’alcool cétylique et stéarylique et de 50 moles d’oxyde d’éthylène. Ceteareth 50 est utilisé en cosmétique comme tensioactif et émulsifiant : HLB (17.7).Ceteareth 50 permet de créer des émulsions de type huile dans eau.



Ses fonctions (INCI)

Agent nettoyant : ceteareth 50, aide à garder une surface propre

Agent émulsifiant : ceteareth 50, favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile)

Tensioactif : Ceteareth 50 ,Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation

