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Synonyms; degelan; degelan uc 506; degalon; degln uc; termoplastik reçine; thermoplasticresin; binder; polymeric binder; polimerik balayc; polymeric binders degelan; akrilik balayc; akrilik polimer degelan; acrylic resin; ACRYLIC RESIN; ACRYLIC BINDEERS; Akrilik Reçine Binder; akrilik polimer; monomer degelan; Acrylic polymer; DegelanUC 506




DEGALAN® is used as a binder in a large number of different applications, such as printing inks, concrete paints, marine paints and container coatings, low-odor interior paints, metal coatings, plastics coatings, PVC top coats and exterior paints.


Our DEGALAN® binders for heat sealing applications are ideally suited for formulation of high-quality lacquers to provide an excellent and secure heat sealing in combination with smooth peeling. All products comply with international regulations for incident food contact.Evonik offers a wide range of standard and specialty binders under the

DEGALAN® trademark.

Ever since the early 1930s, Evonik has been developing polymer solutions, dispersions and solid products on an acrylic and methacrylic base for this segment, which have been used in the coatings industry for more than 70 years.

DEGALAN® products offer convincing benefits in all applications where the main priorities are unsurpassed weather resistance, colorfastness, high brilliance, hardness and scratch resistance.

Together with its customers, Evonik develops new products for innovative applications. The result are complete solutions for end users that are ready for serial production. With production sites in Darmstadt, Shanghai and Wesseling,

Evonik belongs to one of the largest producers of methacrylate-based coating raw materials in Europe and Asia.Description: Acrylic co-polymer emulsion-based transparent primer.

Applications: All kinds of concrete, fine plaster surfaces, such as acrylic-based paint and coating materials of mineral-based primer used in interior and exterior in order to reduce the absorbency of the surface.

Physical and Chemical Properties:

Appearance: white emulsion

Color: Transparent

Solid content: 50%

Density: 1.05 g/cm3

Viscosity: 2000 – 5000 cp

Drying time (25  C): Touch Duration: 15-20 min.

Full Cure Time: 2 hours

Coverage: 1 liter, depending on the surface. with 25-40 m2 covered space.

Application Features:

Method of application: can be applied by brush or roller. Application under 7 C

Should be avoided.

Thinner: Water (5-fold diluted).

New overcoating time: 8 hours

Fire Hazard Class: None.

Harmful to health: None.

Storage: The material must be protected from frost and excessive sun. Görünüm: effaf Pellet Moleküler arlk: 160.000

Cam deiim ss: 32 ° C Nemli içerik: ≤0.5 %

Ana Viskozite: 0.43 Paket: 25kg/çanta

effaf Pelet Kat Akrilik Reçine DY2524 Seramik çin Su Transfer Bask Mürekkeplerinde

Ⅰ. CAS No: 25035-69-2

Ⅱ. Özellikler:

madde Test metodu birim indeks

Görünüm Görsel olarak / effaf pelet

Cam deiim ss ASTM D-3418 ºC 32

Moleküler Arlk ASTM D-3593 g / mol 160.000

Ana Viskozite ASTM D-2857 0.43

Asit deeri ISO-3682 mg KOH / g ≤1.0

Nemli içerik ISO-3251 % ≤0.5

countertype Degalan P24

Ⅲ. Uygulamalar:

Seramik için su transfer bask mürekkebi, Is yaltm boyas

Ⅳ . Çözünürlük:

DY2524, ketonlar, esterler, uzun zincirli alifatik alkol, aromatik hidrokarbonlar ve klor hidrokarbonlar gibi birçok organik solventte kolaylkla çözünür.

Ⅴ. Özellikleri:

DY2524 kopolimer esas olarak bütil metakrilat monomerlerden yaplr, kopolimerin daha yüksek safl vardr, kaplama filmi iyi bir esneklik, yapma ve parlakla sahiptir.

Bu arada DY2524 plastikletiricilerle iyi uyumluluk gösterir. DY2524, esas olarak seramik, cam, metal gibi farkl yüzeylerde su transfer bask için kaplamalara uygulanr ve ayrca yrtlabilir film ve çekilmeyecek film de uygundur. DY2524 iyi esneklik ve yüzey efekti sunabilir (örnein kabarcklar yok, büzülme boluklar yok) ve küller veya iaretler olmadan 265ºC’de kolayca kavrulabilir.

Ⅵ. Ambalaj ve Depolama:

25Kg / torba halinde paketlenir

Serin, kuru, havalandrlm ve ateten ve organik çözücülerden uzakta saklanm

Raf süresi: 3 yl.

The above data are collected only for PVC Family Products. TheInventory carrying days in certain materials shows very high i.e 1997days , while various items have at least 1 or 2 days inventories.On the basis of internal data collection and personal interviews, variousreasons found behind these un unique inventory carrying days. Thereare various reasons given :1. In Imported materials procurement time ( Lead time ) are differentfrom countries to countries. Arrivals are not certain.2. Minimum Pack size : Henkel has to buy minimum Size packing .For Example, Silquest A 1100 ( Item Code APF030) standardminimum packing size is 18 Kgs pail but monthly consumption isonly 1 Kgs per month. Hence purchase of 18 Kgs pail becomecompulsory.3. Minimum Order lot Size : In certain imported Items, importersaccepts only minimum lot size order. For Example – DEGALANUC 506, (Item Code PRF029), minimum order lot size is 1 pallet i.e7500 Kgs per pallet. While consumption is 121 Kg p.m.

