Table of Contents


METATAGS:DICUMYL PEROXIDE,80-43-3,Cumene peroxide,Cumyl peroxide,Percumyl D,Perkadox B,Perkadox BC,Perkadox SB,Dicumenyl peroxide,Di-Cup,dicumylperoxide,Luperco,Luperox,Percumyl D 40,Luperox 500,Luperox 500R,Luperox 500T,Dicumene hydroperoxide,Diisopropylbenzene peroxide,Peroxide, bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl),Kayacumyl D,Di-cupr,DiCup 40KE,Active dicumyl peroxide,Di-cup 40C,Varox dcp-R,Varox dcp-TIsopropylbenzene peroxide,Luperco 500-40C,Luperco 500-40KE,Perkadox BC 9,Di-cup R,Di-cup T,Di-cup 40haf,Perkadox BC 4Perkadox BC 95,Samperox DCP,Bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl) peroxide,Perkadox 96,Bis(2-phenyl-2-propyl) peroxide,Lupersol 500,Di-cup 40ke,Dicup 40,Dicumyl peroxide, dry,(Peroxybis(propane-2,2-diyl))dibenzene,Di-Cup 40 KE,NSC 56772,Bis(alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl)peroxide,CCRIS 4616,HSDB 320,Bis(alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide,Peroxide, bis(alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl),.alpha.-Cumyl peroxide,alpha,alpha-Dimethylbenzyl peroxideEINECS 201-279-3,Di-.alpha.-cumyl peroxide,,BRN 2056090,XMNIXWIUMCBBBL-UHFFFAOYSA-N,.alpha.,.alpha.`-Dicumyl peroxide,DSSTox_CID_5017,Bis(.alpha.,.alpha.-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide,DSSTox_RID_77629,DSSTox_GSID_25017,MFCD00036227,CAS-80-43-3,1,1`-(dioxydipropane-2,2-diyl)dibenzene,UNII-M51X2J0U9D,Peroximon DC-40,Dicumyl Peroxide [1],Dicumyl Peroxide [2],,Dicumyl Peroxide [3],Dicumyl Peroxide [4],Dicumyl peroxide, 98%,AC1L1MZA,SCHEMBL15450,4-06-00-03225 (Beilstein Handbook Reference),KSC492S0H,AC1Q594Z,M51X2J0U9D,CHEMBL1519055,DTXSID1025017,CTK3J2903,Peroxide,.alpha.-dimethylbenzyl),NSC56772,WLN: 1X1&R&OOX1&1&R,ZINC1687608,Tox21_202385,Tox21_300069,NSC-56772,AKOS015838411
,LS-1795,RL05098,RTR-031792,NCGC00091811-01,NCGC00091811-02,NCGC00091811-03,NCGC00091811-04,NCGC00254166-01,NCGC00259934-01,AK161797,AN-42186,CC-26565,OR025314,OR235601,OR358350,SC-74805,Cumene peroxide, Diisopropylbenzene peroxide,DB-056432,TR-031792,ST24035109,Peroxide, bis(.alpha.,.alpha.-dimethylbenzyl),2-(2-phenylpropan-2-ylperoxy)propan-2-ylbenzene,C-28106,J-520253,{2-[(2-phenylpropan-2-yl)peroxy]propan-2-yl}benzene,I14-13932,[1-methyl-1-(1-methyl-1-phenyl-ethyl)peroxy-ethyl]benzene,(1-Methyl-1-[(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)peroxy]ethyl)benzene #,Peroxide,4-dichlorobenzoyl)- with phthalic acid, dibutyl ester (1:1),188070-59-9,209969-79-9,246180-99-4,478016-94-3,82322-57-4,88161-12-0

MeSH Synonyms:
dicumyl peroxide

CAS NO: 80-43-3
Molecular Formula: C18H22O2 or (C6H5C(CH3)2O)2
Molecular Weight: 270.372 g/mol
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: White powder with a characteristic odor.
IUPAC Name: 2-(2-phenylpropan-2-ylperoxy)propan-2-ylbenzene
EC Number: 201-279-3

Color of Dicumyl Peroxide:
Pale yellow to white granular solid

Boiling Point of Dicumyl Peroxide:
266 F at 760 mm Hg

Melting Point of Dicumyl Peroxide:
39 deg C

Solubility of Dicumyl Peroxide:
less than 1 mg/mL at 73 F

Density of Dicumyl Peroxide:
1.0 g/cm

Stability of Dicumyl Peroxide:
Very insensitive to shock and friction.

Decomposition of Dicumyl Peroxide:
When heated to decomp it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.

Use and Manufacturing of Dicumyl Peroxide:
Industry Uses:
Process regulators
Viscosity adjustors

Consumer Uses:
Electrical and Electronic Products

Applications of Dicumyl Peroxide:

Peroxide: Compound containing the peroxy group (-O-O-),
chainlike structure, containing two oxygen atoms, each of
which is bonded to the other and to a radical or some element.
It is considered that hydrogen peroxide is the starting material
to prepare organic and inorganic peroxides commercially.
Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2, is a powerful oxidizing agent.
The most valuable property of hydrogen peroxide is that
it breaks down into water and oxygen and therefore does not
form any persistent, toxic residual compounds. It is used in
the processes of epoxidation, oxidation, hydroxylation and
reduction. Its oxidizing properties are used in the bleachings
and deodorizing for textile, hair and in paper manufacture.
It is also used medicinally as an antiseptic. Its application
involves the production of chemicals like perhydrates as well
as organic peroxides in which some organic (or inorganic)
substituents have replaced one or both hydrogens. Some metals
form peroxides in air sodium, barium or zinc. Metal peroxide
releases oxygen slowly in contact with atmospheric moisture
and used to as disinfectants in cosmetics, detergents,
toothpaste and pharmaceuticals. They can be used in the
bleachings and deodorizing and a oxygen release source
in agricultural application to generate contaminated soils
and lakes. Organic Peroxides are powerful oxidizing agents
releasing oxygen. They are widely used as initiators,catalysts
and crosslinking agent for the polymerization process in the
plastics manufacturing industry and as chemical intermediates,
bleaching agents, drying and cleaning agents. They are also
used as antiseptics, disinfectants and germicides medically
for cosmetics, detergents, toothpaste and pharmaceuticals.
Organic peroxides are classified in peroxydicarbonates,
peroxyketals, peroxyesters, ketone peroxides, hydroperoxides,
dialkyl peroxides, diacyl peroxides by HMIS.
Dicumyl peroxide is a strong free radical source ; used as
a polymerization initiator, catalyst and vulcanizing agent.
The half-life temperatures are 61 C (for 10 hours), 80 C
1 for 1 hour) and 120 C (for 1 minute). DCP decomposes rapidly,

Safety and Hazard Properties:
Tests to determine the hazard potential of organic peroxides are
discussed. An evaluation of the shock sensitivity, thermal stability,
and energy release properties of specific peroxides are presented.
The tests outlined offer of a fairly comprehensive overview of the
hazard characteristics of … dicumyl peroxide, … . Test results
indicate that a three-category hazard classification scheme could
be constructed for classifying organic peroxides.

Chemical Dangers:
Decomposes rapidly on heating. Decomposes rapidly under the influence
of light. This generates fire and explosion hazard. Reacts violently
with acids, bases, reducing agents and heavy metals.

Handling and Storage:
ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area).
Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Do not touch damaged
containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Keep substance
wet using water spray. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. SMALL SPILL: Pick up with inert,
damp, non-combustible material using clean, non-sparking tools and place into loosely covered
plastic containers for later disposal. LARGE SPILL: Wet down with water and dike for later disposal.
Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. DO NOT CLEAN-UP OR DISPOSE OF,

Safe Storage
Fireproof. Separated from combustible substances, reducing agents, strong oxidants, strong acids,
bases and heavy metals. Cooled. Keep in the dark. Well closed. Keep under inert gas.

Dikmil Peroksit Rengi:
Ak sar ila beyaz granler kat

Dikmil Peroksit Kaynama Noktas:
760 mm Hg`de 266 F

Dikmil Peroksidin Erime Noktas:
39 derece C

Dikmil Peroksitin znrl:
73 F`de 1 mg / mL`den az

Dikmil Peroksit Younluu:
1,0 g / cm

Dikmil Peroksit`in Kararll:
oka ve srtnmeye kar ok duyarszdr.

Dikmil Peroksitin Ayrmas:
Ayrtrmak iin stldnda, sersemleten duman ve tahri edici dumanlar yayar.

Dicumyl Peroxide`n Kullanm ve retimi:
Sanayi Kullanm:
Proses reglatrleri
Viskozite ayarlayclar

Tketici Kullanmlar:
Elektrikli ve Elektronik rnler

Dikmil Peroksit Uygulamalar:

Peroksit: Peroksi grubu (-O-O-), zincirli yap ieren, iki oksijen atomu ieren ve
her biri dieri ve bir radikale veya bir elemente bal olan bileik. Hidrojen
peroksitin ticari olarak organik ve inorganik peroksitlerin hazrlanmas iin
balang ??malzemesi olduu kabul edilmektedir. Hidrojen Peroksit H202, gl bir
oksitleyici ajandr. Hidrojen peroksitin en deerli zellii,
Suya ve oksijene ayrlr ve bu nedenle kalc, zehirli artk bileikler oluturmaz.
Epoksidasyon, oksidasyon, hidroksilasyon ve indirgeme srelerinde kullanlr.
keltilerde oksitleyici zellikleri vardr.
Ve tekstil, sa ve kat imalinde deodorize etme. Tbbi olarak antiseptik olarak
da kullanlr. Uygulamas perhidratlar gibi baz organik (veya inorganik)
sbstitentlerin bir veya her iki hidrojenin yerini ald organik peroksitler
gibi kimyasallarn retimini ierir. Baz metaller hava sodyum, baryum veya inko
iinde peroksit olutururlar. Metal peroksit, oksijeni atmosferik neme kar
yavaa serbest brakr ve kozmetik, deterjanlar, di macunu ve ilalarda
dezenfektanlar olarak kullanlr. Kirli topraklar ve gller oluturmak iin
tarmsal uygulamalarda aartma ve deodorize etme ve bir oksijen salma kayna
olarak kullanlabilirler. Organik Peroksitler oksijeni serbest brakan gl
oksitleyici ajanlardr. Plastik imalat endstrisinde polimerizasyon ilemi iin
balang ??maddeleri, katalizrler ve apraz balama maddeleri olarak ve kimyasal
ara rnler, aartma maddeleri, kurutma ve temizleme maddeleri olarak yaygn ekilde
kullanlrlar. Ayrca, kozmetik, deterjanlar, di macunu ve ilalar iin tbben
antiseptik, dezenfektan ve mikrop ldrc olarak kullanlrlar.
Organik peroksitler peroksidikarbonatlar, peroksitetler, peroksiesterler,
keton peroksitler, hidroperoksitler, dialkil peroksitler, diasil peroksitler
HMIS ile snflandrlr.
Dikmil peroksit gl bir serbest radikal kaynadr; Bir polimerizasyon balatc,
katalizr ve vulkanize edici ajan olarak kullanlr. Yar mr scakl 61 C (10 saat iin),
80 C 1 saat iin 1 saat ve 120 C (1 dakika boyunca) `dir. DCP hzla paralanr,

Gvenlik ve Tehlike zellikleri:
Organik peroksitlerin tehlike potansiyelini belirlemek iin yaplan testler tartlmtr.
Spesifik peroksitlerin ok duyarll, termal kararll ve enerji salnm zelliklerinin
bir deerlendirmesi sunulmutur. Testler, dikumil peroksitin tehlike karakteristiklerine
ilikin olduka kapsaml bir genelleme sunmak zere zetlenmitir. Test sonular organik
peroksitlerin snflandrlmas iin kategorili bir tehlike snflandrma emasnn
oluturulabileceini gstermektedir.

Kimyasal Tehlikeler:
Istma zerine abucak ayrr. Ik etkisi altnda hzla ayrr. Bu, yangn ve patlama
tehlikesine neden olur. Asitler, bazlar, indirgen maddeler ve ar metallerle iddetle tepki gsterir.

Tm ateleme kaynaklarndan (hemen hemen hi sigara, parlama, kvlcm veya alev ekmeyin) KALDIRIN.
Yanc maddeleri (ahap, kat, ya vb.) Dklen malzemeden uzak tutun. Uygun koruyucu giysiler giyilmedii
srece hasarl kaplara veya dklen malzemeye dokunmayn. Maddenin su spreyini kullanarak slak tutun.
Sznty riski olmadan yapmay brakn. KK DAYANIKLILIK: Temiz, kvlcm karmayan aletlerle inert,
nemli, yanmaz materyalleri toplayn ve daha sonra atlmas iin gevek ekilde rtl plastik kaplara yerletirin.
BYK DKM: Daha sonra elden karmak iin su ve ember ile slatn. Su kanallarna, kanalizasyona, bodrumlara
veya kapal alanlara girmeyi nleyin. BR UZMANIN DENETMN KAPSAM DIINDA, TEMZLEYNZ VE ZLMEYN.

Gvenli Depolama:
Yanmaz. Yanc maddeler, indirgeyici ajanlar, gl oksidanlar, gl asitler, bazlar ve ar metallerden ayrdr.
Soutmal. Karanlkta ol. Kapand. nert gaz altnda tutun.
