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DOLOMIT; DOLOMT; DOLAMIT; DOLAMT; dolomt; dolomit; dolamt; dolamit; CALCIUM CARBONATE; calcum carbonate; calcium carbonate; CALCIUM CARBONATE; CALCUM CARBONATE; KALSIYUM KARBONAT; KALSYUM KARBONAT; Limestone; Lmestone; LIMESTONE; LMESTONE; LIMESTON; LMESTON; lmeston; limeston; CaCO3; CHALK; ÇHALK; çhalk; Chalk; marble; MARBLE; Marble; 471-34-1; Calcite; CALCITE; CALCTE; calcte; calcite; KALSIT; KALST; kalst; kalsit; calcium; carbonate; ARAGONITE; ARAGONTE; aragonte; aragonite; Aragonite; Calcite; Calcium Carbonate; Calcium Milk; Carbonate, Calcium; Chalk; Limestone; Marble; Milk of Calcium; Vaterite

Dolomite, a mineral calcium and magnesium carbonate in combination. Fragile is a mineral specific gravity of 2.8 g / cm³ and hardness is between 3.5-4. Because calcite is separated from the soluble foaming when heated.

Chemical composition: CaMg (CO3) 2
Crystal system: Hexagonal
Hardness: 3,5-4
Specific gravity: 2.86

Dolomite is a mineral and CaMg (CO3) 2 is a word used to describe rocks that contain this mineral as well as the main component. Dolomite rocks formed by the dolota name is also given. not in terms of magnesium limestone with a direct chemical precipitation of dolomite formation of these rocks are known to occur under the influence of the rich waters. Excessive evaporation from the sea it is separated in a semi-closed environment with respect to water gradually raise the enrichment of magnesium calcite collapsed mud consists of dolomite may be possible to enter the base to interact with these intensive solution. Dolomite, press the iron and steel industry, including glass, ceramics, paints, fertilizers, bricks, cement and construction industry, in agriculture, such as land reclamation is used in a very wide area. It has quite wide spread in the world and Turkey rezerrv problem is not a mineral. despite the large amount of dolomite in the world and is used in many different sectors in Turkey a very important part of the production is used only in steel and glass industry.

Dolomite, limestone (CaCO3) with Ca and Mg is a mineral consisting of Jerusalem artichoke. Depending on the specific weight of Mg ratio 2.71 to 2.87 ton / m3, the hardness is between 3.5-4. Dolomite; Crude dolomite, there are ways to use kelsinedolomit and burnt dolomite. Dolomite, press the iron and steel industry, including glass, ceramics, paints, fertilizers, bricks, cement and construction industries, such as land reclamation for agriculture are used in a wide area. It is a widely spread problem in the world and Turkey reserves a non Nearly half of the world production of around mineraldir.120 million tonnes is carried out in the United States. outside the US, the UK Austria, Belgium, Japan, Poland, Spain, Canada, Brazil, are countries that produce over 1 million tons of dolomite, Germany and Australia a year. 3 million tons to 2 million tons is the world’s üzerindekiihracat Belgium and Canada. The import around 2 million tons, 1.3 million tons are carried out by Japan. Despite the use of large quantities of dolomite and in many different industries around the world a very important part of the production in Turkey are only used in iron and steel and glass industry.

Usage areas

Depending on the physical and chemical structure has more than 30 areas of dolomite. Physical attributes as dolomite, especially in road construction (roads, railways) and is used in concrete. Because of the chemical nature of the benefit in question arises use a much broader area. Because it contains MgO from dolomite in agriculture (fertilizer production, soil improvement), brick, cement, quicklime, dolomitic lime, glass is used in the soda industry. in the chemical industries, including paint Basta is an important raw material as a filler. Also filtration operations alkali and the manufacture of ferrosilicon and still has important use as the bleaching chemical industry. However noble the major consumption areas’m Iron and Steel industry. In this sector, the manufacture of refractory materials as noble and constructive slag is used as flux. Recently priming of the blast furnace while taking fire resistant refractory brick-making has taken the place of magnesite, dolomite. Domestically as dolomite refractory materials first in 1954 T.D.Ç. It has been used in businesses. Today, however, the basic working procedures for this purpose are used in all foundries. When used as a flux in the iron and steel industries, including sulfur bass next to the slag forming raw material is a very important feature is to provide the property with the passage of unwanted impurities into the slag. It is used extensively in the past decade in the landscape industry process side.
