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Hint ya (Castor Oil) 


CAS Number:8001-79-4

EC Number:232-293-8




Castor Oil; Castor Ol; castor ol; Oil, Castor; CASTOR OIL; Ricinus oil; 8001-79-4; Olio di ricino; Venelex; Xenaderm; Optase; Trypsin complex; UNII-D5340Y2I9G; Castor oil [USP:JAN]; SCHEMBL12939325; D5340Y2I9G; 1-O,2-O,3-O-Tris[(Z)-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoyl]glycerol; 151438-72-1; 8013-56-7; 8015-57-4; 8021-37-2; 8036-08-6; 8041-22-3; 8041-95-0; 898831-11-3; 89958-32-7; kastor oil; castor ya; kastor ya; hind ya; hind yag; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil;hint ya;L’huile de ricin; ; kastor oil; castor ya; kastor ya; hind ya; hind yag; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil;Castor Oil; Oil, Castor; CASTOR OIL; Ricinus oil; 8001-79-4; Olio di ricino; Venelex; Xenaderm; Optase; Trypsin complex; UNII-D5340Y2I9G; Castor oil [USP:JAN]; SCHEMBL12939325; D5340Y2I9G; 1-O,2-O,3-O-Tris[(Z)-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoyl]glycerol; 151438-72-1; 8013-56-7; 8015-57-4; 8021-37-2; 8036-08-6; 8041-22-3; 8041-95-0; 898831-11-3; 89958-32-7; kastor oil; castor ya; kastor ya; hind ya; hind yag; castor ol; Castor Ol; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil;hint ya;L’huile de ricin; ; kastor oil; castor ya; kastor ya; hind ya; hind yag; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil;Castor Oil; Oil, Castor; CASTOR OIL; Ricinus oil; 8001-79-4; Olio di ricino; Venelex; Xenaderm; Optase; Trypsin complex; UNII-D5340Y2I9G; Castor oil [USP:JAN]; SCHEMBL12939325; D5340Y2I9G; 1-O,2-O,3-O-Tris[(Z)-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoyl]glycerol; kastor oyil; 151438-72-1; 8013-56-7; 8015-57-4; 8021-37-2; 8036-08-6; 8041-22-3; 8041-95-0; 898831-11-3; 89958-32-7; kastor oil; castor ya; hint ya kastor; kastor ya; castor ol; CASTOR OIL; Castor Ol; hind ya; hind yag; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil; hint ya; L’huile de ricin; kastor oil; castor ya; kastor ya; hind ya; hind yag; hint yag; hint oil; hind oil; hint ol; hind oil; indian oil; castore oil; kastor oil; hint ya; Lhuile de ricin; huil de ricin; huile de ricin; hint ya; kastor ya; L’huile de castor; L’huile de castore; Castor Ol; Oil, Castor; CASTOR OIL; Castorol; castoroil;CASTOROIL; CASTOROL; KASTOR OIL; KASTOR OL; kastor oil; hnt yag; hnt ya ;hnt yai ; hint yai kastor; kastor yai; castor ya; kastor ya; kastorya; kastor yai; kastor ol; castor ya; hint ya kastor; kastor yai; castor yai; kastor yai; kastoryai; kastor ya; Kastor Ol; Kastor Oil; CASTOR Ol; castor ol




Castor oil

Molecular Formula:C57H104O9

Molecular Weight:933.45 g/mol


Castor oil is a translucent liquid with a yellow tint. It is an active ingredient in a wide variety of household items, from cleaning products to paints.It has also been used to treat a range of medical conditions, most notably digestive issues.Castor oil is broken down into ricinoleic acid in the small intestine. This speeds up the process of digestion. Although the evidence is less conclusive, castor oil has also demonstrated some potential benefits for the face and skin. Castor oil and ricinoleic acid are thought to increase absorption in the skin and are sometimes used in the treatment of various skin conditions, including dermatosis, psoriasis, and acne. There are also anecdotal reports of castor oil promoting hair growth, including eyelashes, though no scientific literature that supports this.By serving as a source of ricinoleic acid and several other fatty acids, castor oil has some properties that make it a useful skincare product, particularly for the face.

Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil

Castor oil is a multi-purpose vegetable oil that people have used for thousands of years.It’s made by extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant.These seeds, which are known as castor beans, contain a toxic enzyme called ricin. However, the heating process that castor oil undergoes deactivates it, allowing the oil to be used safely.Castor oil has a number of medicinal, industrial and pharmaceutical uses.It’s commonly used as an additive in foods, medications and skin care products, as well as an industrial lubricant and biodiesel fuel component.In ancient Egypt, castor oil was burned as fuel in lamps, used as a natural remedy to treat ailments like eye irritation and even given to pregnant women to stimulate labor.Today, castor oil remains a popular natural treatment for common conditions like constipation and skin ailments and is commonly used in natural beauty products.



Side Effect

While castor oil has a range of promising properties, it is important to note that the scientific evidence supporting many of these claims is not conclusive, and much of the evidence tends to be anecdotal rather than scientific.This means that most studies are about one particular instance in which treatment with castor oil was successful, rather than providing wide-ranging and accurate data.


These are often reports that relate to allergic reactions, such as:



skin rashes





Anyone who experiences an allergic reaction to castor oil should seek medical attention immediately. Skin irritation and the development of rashes are the most commonly reported side effects.As a child, I remember my granny recommending castor oil for just about any ailment. For her, it was the go-to home remedy for a host of problems. Castor oil happens to be one of the most widely used ingredients, owing to the fact that it has plenty of benefits for your skin, hair, and health. The castor oil benefits are not just limited for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it is traditionally been used topically for skin and hair benefits too.Castor oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of the castor plant and is increasingly becoming an important bio-based raw material in various cosmetics, soaps, textiles, massage oils, and even medicines.




Skin Benefit


Heals Inflamed Skin

Fights Signs Of Aging

Reduces Acne

Moisturizes Skin

Fades Blemishes

Prevents Stretch Marks

Reduces Pigmentation



Hair Benefits



Promotes Hair Growth

Treats Scalp Infections

Prevents Premature Graying

Conditions Hair

Health Benefits

Treats Ringworms

Disinfects Wounds

Acts As A Laxative

Reduces Joint Pain/Arthritis

Boosts Immunity

Treats Back Pain



Skin Benefits


When it comes to beauty and skin care, castor oil has many amazing benefits you would never have known of. Check out here the best benefits of castor oil for skin.


Heals Inflamed Skin

Castor oil is a boon when it comes to healing skin inflammation that can be caused by sunburns, acne, and dry skin.



Why Does It Work

Castor oil, when applied to the skin, penetrates deeply and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin . This, in turn, helps soften and hydrate the skin. It delays the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and makes the skin smoother, softer, and younger. The fine lines around the eye area can also be treated with its application.



Food & Drinks7 Incredible Castor Oil Benefits For Beautiful Skin And Hair 7 Incredible Castor Oil Benefits for Beautiful Skin and Hair



Who doesn’t want flawless, glowing skin and bouncy hair? These are the two most common beauty concerns and the anxiety that builds with trying to be perfect often has us resorting to chemical-laden products or unnecessary treatments. But there are better ways to get pretty that are pure and simple. Castor oil is one of them. Castor oil is the pale yellow liquid extracted from castor seeds and is very rich in antioxidants. You may have not known this but castor oil is a natural beauty ingredient that can solve most of your skin and hair problems.According to Himanshu Chadha, Director, APS Cosmetofood, “Castor oil has been an age old remedy for hair and skin related issues. It is an elixir for beautiful hair and supple skin. Castor oil contains Vitamin E, proteins and Omega 6 & 9 that are the key components responsible for good hair and skin. It helps in the reduction of hair fall, pre-mature greying of hair, fights any scalp related problems along with accelerating hair growth. For your skin, be it pigmentation, acne or ageing, castor oil is the solution of it all.”In addition to this, castor oil is also known for its anti-bacterial properties and various medicinal benefits. In the book ‘Heal the Body Holistically’, author Carolyn J. Williams explains, “It is believed that most of castor oil’s benefits are derived from its high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids”.Let’s learn more about the various qualities of castor oil and how they can benefit your overall health.

1. Clears Acne

The problem with most beauty products is that they strip the oil out of your skin. Each time your skin is robbed of oil, it compensates for the lack of moisture by producing more oil which leads to oily and inflamed skin that triggers acne. Don’t be afraid of applying oil to your skin. The essential fatty acids that castor oil contains help in restoring the skin’s natural moisture balance. Apply castor oil gently on your face and massage in circular motions.You can even leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. You can also use steam to open your pores and help your skin absorb the oil better.


2. Gives Healthy, Shiny Hair

Dermatologist Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj tells us that any oil gives only external nourishment. But castor oil is the best oil to enrich your scalp. It contains ricinoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids and therefore when massaged onto the scalp it helps in increasing the blood circulation which improves hair growth. Castor oil also moisturizes and conditions your hair naturally.


3. Prevents Hair Fall

“You can apply castor oil once a week mixed with methi seed powder and use it as a hair mask along with steam. This prevents hair fall and also makes the roots stronger,” suggests Dr. Deepali.


4. Natural Cure for Styes

Castor oil is known for its powerful anti-bacterial properties. Apply a drop of castor oil over the stye at least two-three times in a day for effective results, as shared in William’s book.


5. Treats Wrinkles


Another piece of advice that William’s book offers is that castor oil can be a great natural remedy for wrinkles. It penetrates into the skin and boosts the production of collagen which softens and hydrates the skin. It rejuvenates the skin by making it softer and smoother. Apply a small amount of castor oil over the wrinkled area and leave it overnight.

6. Soothes Dry Skin

Castor oil helps in relieving dry and patchy skin. If you are troubled with a scaly underfoot, especially during winters, castor oil can be applied along with crushed kapur which helps in deep exfoliation and softens the skin of the sole of the foot, advices Dr. Deepali. For people with severely dry skin or dry hair, castor oil can be used once a week, but remember that no treatment should be done excessively. Castor oil is also beneficial for those suffering with a skin ailment called Atopic Dermatitis. It is a dry skin disease and is on a rise due to the climate change and increasing pollution. Applying castor oil on the whole body can help in keeping it nourished.Vishal Bhandari, Founder of Soul Tree adds, “Castor oil acts as a natural humectant locking moisture in the skin specially during the winter season and shields your skin and hair from dust and dry heat.”


7. Remedy for Constipation


Castor oil also acts as a laxative. Researchers have found that Researchers have discovered that the main fatty acid in castor oil called the ricinoleic acid binds to receptors on the muscle cells of your intestinal walls. This causes those muscles to contract and push out stool and thus, relieves constipation.Castor oil works effectively and quickly when taken during the day. Have a 15 ml dose of the oil once a day. Since it has a very strong taste, some suggestedchilling it a bit before consuming in order to mask the flavour.



30 Outstanding Castor Oil Uses and Benefits


For centuries, health care providers and folk healers have been using castor oil because of the many benefits it provides. Many think that the ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the many castor oil uses and castor oil benefits.In fact, many believe that Cleopatra used the pale yellow liquid to brighten the whites of her eyes. Castor oil is simple to use and isn’t harsh on your skin, making it an excellent remedy for many different ailments.Castor oil is considered a vegetable oil that is pale yellow in color and is produced by crushing the seeds of the castor oil plant. Many of the benefits gained by using castor oil are a result of its chemical composition. Castor oil is a particular type of triglyceride fatty acid, with nearly 90 percent of its fatty acid substance is ricinoleic acid, which is an unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid.Castor oil has traditionally been used as a remedy for treating various skin conditions and infections, relieving constipation, and increasing the health of hair. However, recent studies have shown that castor oil can be used to support the immune system, and an anti-inflammatory agent, antimicrobial agent, and lymphatic stimulant.You can use castor oil in a couple of different ways. Apply it directly to the skin, use it through a castor oil pack, or mix it with other oils to use it as a topical remedy. Orally, add it to milk or lukewarm water or taken in the form of a supplement.




Topical Uses for Castor Oil


Arthritis Treatment

To Strengthen and Grow Hair

Acne Treatment

Skin Moisturizer

Deep Cleanser

To Improve Immunity Function

To Eliminate Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Reduce Swelling and Inflammation

Support Lymphatic System

Increase Circulation

Heal Wounds and Abrasions

Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Oral Uses for Castor Oil

Relieve Constipation

Clean Out Intestines Before Surgery

Induction of Labor



1. Natural Arthritis Remedy

Castor oil’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent massage oil for arthritic joints, sore muscles, and inflammation of your nerves. The ricinoleic acid that castor oil contains possess the ability to boost anti-inflammatory properties within the body and is considered a safe remedy for arthritis pain. Here are the various ways you can use castor oil to treat arthritis pain.



Take a piece of unbleached cotton flannel fabric and fold it to create three to four layers. Soak it in castor oil and place it over the affected joints.Wrap the cloth with saran wrap and put a heating pad or hot water bottle over the area. Leave it for at least 45 minutes. Do this once a day to help reduce pain and inflammation in your joints.The saran wrap will prevent the heating pad or water bottle from getting oily. Reuse the pads by placing them in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use them again. Take it orally by adding a tablespoon of castor oil to your favorite beverage. Massage warm castor oil into the affected joints. To promote proper absorption, massage into the skin before you go to bed and leave it on overnight. To avoid scalding the skin, make sure the castor oil is not too hot when applying to the affected area.When treating severe arthritis pain, add a pinch of ginger powder to a boiling glass of water. Once the water has cooled, add two tablespoons of castor oil.Be sure to mix the concoction well before drinking.This remedy works best when you drink it when you first wake up or right before you go to bed.If you dislike the taste of castor oil, take a castor oil supplement or pill. However, this won’t be as useful as pure castor oil.



2. Getting Rid of Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are often caused by pregnancy and rapid weight gain, but can also be a result of aging, hormonal imbalance, sudden weight loss, and swelling.Castor oil is known as one of the best treatments for a variety of skin conditions. Its rich contents and various fatty acids make it an excellentmoisturizer and effective treatment for getting rid of unsightly stretch marks.Using your fingers, massage enough castor oil over the stretch marks to cover the entire affected area.For added moisture, mix two tablespoons of coconut or almond oil with one tablespoon of castor oil.Avoid applying the treatment to the broken skin.



Use a thin cotton cloth to cover the area.

Leave the cloth on the area for about 15-20 minutes to help ensure the oil penetrates deeply.

Covering the area with a heating pad or hot water bottle will speed up the results.

Repeat this process on a regular basis to see a significant reduction in the appearance of your stretch marks.



3. Castor Oil For Treating Acne

One of many castor oil benefits is that works well against acne.The common skin condition, acne, is a result of impurities accumulating in your pores, causing the skin to become irritated and inflamed. Many of the acneremedies on the market today contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which tend to dry out the skin. Castor oil, similar to using neem oil, is a naturalresource that will draw out dirt, dead skin cells, excess oils, and bacteria without drying out your skin.




Place a bowl of boiling water on a stable surface and grab a towel.

Holding the towel over your head, lean over the bowl of water.

Doing this opens up your pores, which allows the castor oil to penetrate your skin deeply.

Keep your face over the bowl for several minutes.

Take a washcloth and moisten it with warm water, and apply a small, dime-sized amount of castor oil to the cloth.

Gently rub the affected area with the washcloth.

Use small circular motions when applying the castor oil to the area.

Leave the castor oil on your skin overnight.

When you wake up, remove the castor oil using a damp towel to wipe away the oil.

Using cold water, splash your face several times.

Cold water will shrink your pores, while warm water will open up your pores.

Pat your skin dry and use a facial cleanser to clean away the remaining castor oil.

For the best results, repeat these steps on a daily basis for between 10 and 14 days. You can use castor oil to prevent acne by following this process a couple of times a week.




4. Deep Facial Cleanser

Along with treating acne, you can use castor oil as a deep facial cleanser. Unlike the harsh chemicals in over-the-counter and prescription facial cleansers that dry out your skin, using castor oil as a deep cleanser will get rid of pimples fast, deep-clean your skin of dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells, and excess oils while keeping your skin soft, supple and flawless.






Using a generous amount of the oil blend in the palm of your hand, rub them together to warm up the oil.

Using slow, firm motions across your skin, massage the oil into your face, paying particular attention to any areas that may be a problem.

When your pores are thoroughly saturated, take a clean washcloth and soak it in hot water.

Place the washcloth over your face. Leave it on until it has become cool to the touch.

Gently wipe your face with the washcloth, and then rinse it in hot, running water.

Repeat these steps several times to thoroughly clean your face.

Be sure to not scrub your face hard during the final step of the process.


5. Eliminating Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Castor oil is great for reducing fine lines and wrinkles because it penetrates deep into your skin, which stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. These two components in the skin are responsible for its elasticity and tautness. Castor oil’s emollient properties allow the skin to quickly absorb it,keeping your face hydrated and plump, which is also important in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To ensure you get the most out of the castor oil treatment follow these steps.


6. Castor Oil For Hair Growths

Castor oil, and more specifically, Jamaican Black Castor oil, has become a popular treatment for growing healthier, thicker hair. When regularly used on your roots, it can increase hair growth, reduce hair damage from products and styling, hydrate hair, make hair shinier and fuller, prevent dry scalp, and improve the overall health of your hair. When you apply it to the ends of your hair, the castor oil can help reduce frizz and repair split ends. Follow the steps below to help strengthen and grow your hair.




Apply castor oil to your scalp and roots using your fingertips.

Make sure to distribute it on your scalp evenly.

Try to avoid getting the oil into the strands of your hair. Due to its thickness, it can be difficult to remove.

Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and wrap your head with a towel.

Allow the oil to remain on your hair for at least fifteen minutes.

For best results, leave in overnight.

To remove the castor oil, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

For the best results, repeat the process every week for 6 – 8 weeks.



7. Relieving Constipation

Castor oil is a popular way to relieve constipation. The various components in the natural constipation remedy act as a powerful laxative, stimulating both the small and large intestines and purging the colon walls, allowing impacted fecal matter to move through the colon. The fatty acids in the castor oil also work to prevent liquid from being absorbed by the intestinal tract, helping the bowel to retain its moisture, which allows it to pass through the colon easier.




Add between 30 and 60 grams of castor oil to a glass of lukewarm milk.

Substitute a glass of lukewarm water if you don’t like milk.

Drink the entire glass.

Add some ginger to the concoction if you find the smell too strong.

In about an hour, you will begin to feel the effects of the castor oil.



8. Improving Immune Function

Using castor oil regularly is believed to improve various immune system functions, including lymphatic drainage, thymus gland health, and blood flow. The lymphocytes, which is a type of white blood cell found in the body’s immune system, attack perceived threats to the body and outside invaders like bacteria and toxins. The use of castor oil helps the body produce the proper levels of lymphocytes, which are stored and released into the lymphatic tissue from the lymph nodes, thymus gland, and tissue from the small intestine. Apply castor oil packs to your abdominal area to increase the body’s absorption of the oil.



9. Treating Ringworm

A relatively common skin condition, ringworm is caused by a fungus and grows into a ring-shaped, red rash. Studies show that nearly 20 percent of the population has suffered from ringworm at least once in their life. While it can be a pain to deal with, castor oil is an excellent treatment for ringworm. The undecylenic acid found in the castor oil acts as an antifungal agent that kills the infection.



10. Minimize Appearance of Scars

Castor oil is great for reducing and preventing the appearance of scars. The many fatty acids found in the oil help stimulate the lymphatic system in the body, which is essential for preventing scars. While it can’t eliminate scars that you already have, it can reduce their appearance.



11. Heal Dry, Cracked Heels

Castor oil’s miraculous ability to hydrate the skin makes it a perfect remedy for treating cracked heels. It is rich in vitamins, and essential nutrients help to hydrate dry, cracked skin. Simply rub castor oil on your feet, put on a pair of socks, and leave on overnight. You’ll notice a dramatic difference.



12. Induce Labor

Castor oil helps induce labor. When taken orally, castor oil works to stimulate the bowels. Castor oil tends to irritate the uterus, which causes contractions to begin.



13. Relieve Sunburn

With the same cooling sensation as aloe, castor oil is great for alleviating painful sunburns. The ricinoleic acid will protect any blisters that pop up from becoming infected and reduce the inflammation associated with sunburns.



14. Castor Oil For Thicker Eyebrows

Castor oil has been proven to be an effective way to grow and strengthen your hair. But did you know that it can also work to thicken your eyebrows? The antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, fatty acids and nutrients it contains all work to nurture the hair follicles and fight against bacteria that may be a factor that hinders growth.



15. Lengthen Eyelashes With Castor Oil

One castor oil use is lengthening eyelashes.The vitamin E, proteins, minerals, and antibacterial properties of castor oil can help strengthen and lengthen your eyelashes when applied on a regular basis. It penetrates deep into the skin when applied to the area, moisturizing and refreshing the area to help the eyelashes grow quicker and prevent them from breaking.



16. Remove Moles and Skin Tags

When mixed with a little baking soda, castor oil can be an excellent way to get rid of unsightly moles and skin tags. You simply have to apply the paste to the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Doing this daily for four to six weeks will eliminate the moles and skin tags.



17. Soften Cuticles and Eliminates Brittle Nails

Castor oil has a high concentration of vitamin E, which works wonders for brittle, dry nails. Massaging it into your nails and cuticles every evening will result in soft cuticles and healthy looking nails.



18. Perk Up Your Ferns

Castor oil has many uses, but did you know that you can use it to liven up your ferns? The high amount of minerals and vitamins will do wonders if your ferns look unhealthy. Combine warm water, castor oil, baby shampoo, and add several drops of the mixture to the soil. Follow up with regular watering, and within a couple of days, your ferns will be perky once again.



19. Repel Moles in Your Yard

If you have trouble with moles trashing your yard, castor oil could be just what you need to send them on their way. Mix two gallons of water and a half a cup of castor oil and pour it down the mole holes. The solution won’t kill the moles, only make it unpleasant enough that they will find another place to dig.



20. Support the lymphatic System

Your lymphatic system is responsible for expelling metabolic waste from your body. When you have drainage problems or flow disruptions, castor oil can help to get things moving again. Applying castor oil packs to your lymph nodes allows your body to absorb the oil quickly.



21. Reduces Skin Inflammation

Castor oil has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal bug bites, rashes, and itches. To relieve skin inflammation within a small area on the skin, simply soak a bandage with castor oil and apply it to the affected area. For larger areas, soak a cotton ball in castor oil and apply it to the affected area. Rinse it off after an hour, repeating several times throughout the day.



22. Fights Toenail Fungus

The undecylenic acid found in castor oil is an active ingredient that is great for relieving fungus in the body. To treat toenail fungus, soak your feet in warm water and Epsom salt for five minutes. Follow the soak by liberally applying castor oil to the affected toenail.



23. Hydrates Chapped Lips

The fatty acids found in castor oil help to hydrate and moisten dry, chapped lips. Apply castor oil to your lips several times a day to hydrate and moisturize. You can also create a soothing topical treatment by mixing castor oil, glycerin, and lemon juice. Apply before bed to hydrate chapped lips.



24. Relieves symptoms of migraines

A natural pain reliever, castor oil is great for relieving headaches and migraines. To help relieve symptoms of migraines and headaches, rub a teaspoon of the oil into your forehead for about a minute. You should start feeling the effects within two to three minutes.



25. Reduces menstrual cramps

Massaging warm castor oil over your abdomen can be an excellent way to relieve the symptoms of menstrual cramps and period pain. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil works as an anti-inflammatory and is an analgesic agent which helps relieve pain. Castor oil packs are perfect for relieving menstrual cramps.



26. Soothe Mouth Sores

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it the perfect natural remedy for treating mouth sores. To address sores in your mouth, apply a small amount of castor oil or peppermint oil to the area. After several minutes, rinse your mouth out with water and repeat several times throughout the day.



27. Soothe Muscle Aches and Pains

Have aches and pains? Castor Oil benefits include soothing bodily aches.


When rubbed directly onto the skin, the ricinoleic acid is better able to penetrate deeper, helping to relieve inflammation in the tissues. To gain relief from sore and painful muscles, place a castor oil pack on the affected area and cover with a heating pad or hot water bottle. The heat helps deliver the castor oil to the inflamed joints and tissue.


28. Relieve Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, castor oil can help you fall asleep. Instead of taking harmful (and sometimes habit-forming) medication to help your insomnia, rub castor oil along your eyelids before going to bed. Your body absorbs the oil and promotes healthy circulation, helping you to become more relaxed, inducing help you sleep.



29. Eliminate Corns

Corns on your feet can be painful and irritating. The hydrating abilities of castor oil can help to remove them. To treat corns, soak your feet in warm water for about fifteen minutes. Dry your feet and apply castor oil to the corn. After about ten days of treatment, you should be able to peel the corns away easily.



30. Anti-Fungal Properties

Castor oil contains the biochemical agent undecylenic acid, which is used to stop fungal growth. The undecylenic acid makes the natural remedy ideal for numerous types of fungal infections including yeast infections, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. Mix with coconut oil and apply it to the affected area and left on overnight until the fungus heals.


Regular Castor Oil vs. Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Users believe Jamaican black castor oil to be one of the most potent mixtures you can get. The increased potency that the Jamaican castor oil offers is as a result of how they process it. Unlike regular castor oil, Jamaican black castor oil is produced by roasting and grinding the organic seeds manually, before being boiled to extract 100% pure dark oil.Cooking the beans for an extended amount of time results in an increased production of ash content. When castor oil contains a high concentration of ash, it is believed to be more efficient because the ash increases the potency of the oil. The darker the oil appears; the more ash it contains.


How is Castor Oil Made?


Castor oil comes from pressing the seeds of the Ricinus Communis (castor oil) plant. The plant is highly toxic and contains protein and alkaloid ricin. To make castor oil, take the beans from the castor oil plant and roast them. Next, press the beans to release the oil.


What are the Side Effects of Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a natural remedy and has been deemed safe to use in limited amounts. However, you may still experience some mild to moderate symptoms if you take too much of it or consume it for an extended period.Before applying a significant amount of castor oil to your skin or ingesting it, determine if you are allergic to it by conducting a patch test. Place a small amount of castor oil on your forearm and let it sit for 24 hours. If you have any reaction, even if it is slight redness or itching, avoid using castor oil for any reason.When taking castor oil, it is important to exercise caution. If you take too much castor oil, it could result in an overdose or poisoning, which could lead to more serious health complications.


Oily Skin


Oily skin can be a problem for a couple of reasons.The first problem is that oily skin can give your face a shiny appearance, which others may view as unattractive. Additionally, your face will be oily to the touch.The second problem is that the oil on your face can clog your pores. When your pores are clogged, you start forming acne, which gives your skin anunattractive appearance at best and causes permanent scarring at worst.


Castor Oil Packs


Take a piece of flannel, cotton, or wool fabric

Soak in Castor oil

Place over an affected area

When finished, place in a plastic zip lock bag, to reuse later


How Much Castor Oil is Safe?

Your particular medical condition, your age, and your weight will determine the right amount of castor oil to take. Talk to your healthcare professional before taking any castor oil as they can provide you with the right dosage.

Castor Oil: Oil of Many Uses

Castor oil is often considered a remedy for relieving constipation; however, it can do so much more than that. From helping you regrow and strengthen your hair, to treating arthritis, castor oil uses and benefits are numerous. Since its first uses in ancient Egypt, the various castor oil uses and benefits are popular with people around the world.


Just a spoonful of castor oil



Castor oil may have a bad rap among people who were force-fed spoonfuls as children, but it’s no myth that the tonic has health effects. Now, scientists have elucidated the molecular mechanism of the active ingredient in castor oil, which has been used for thousands of years as a laxative and labor-inducer.Ricinoleic acid, the fatty acid that makes up about 90% of the oil, binds to one particular receptor in the intestines and uterus, the researchers discovered. The discovery explains how castor oil works and could lead to the development of less unpleasant drugs.Although taking a daily spoonful of diluted castor oil as a general health aid is no longer in vogue, alternative health stores still sell the foul-tasting liquid as a laxative. The Food and Drug Administration has categorized castor oil as “generally recognized as safe and effective,” but researchers don’t understand its mechanism.Castor oil is one of the best kept beauty secrets but those who do know about it can boast longer lashes, fuller eyebrows and lustrous hair.Made from castor seeds, castor oil is high in vitamin E and contains essential unsaturated fatty acids like omega-6 that stimulate blood circulation on the surface of the skin, giving hair growth a helping hand.


Castor oil for hair growth



So, what makes castor oil so good for hair growth and repair?


Made from castor seeds, castor oil is high in vitamin E and essential unsaturated fatty acids like omega-6, which stimulate blood circulation on the surface of the skin, giving hair growth a helping hand.It also contains ricinoleic acid and omega- 6 essential fatty acids, which when used topically may boost blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating healthy hair growth


What are the benefits of castor oil for hair?



Castor oil is rich in minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids all of which are great for your hair and scalp, says Vincent Allenby, creative director at Trevor Sorbie, Manchester.It might be a good product to consider using around the changing of the seasons, advises Headmasters Artistic Ambassador Gareth Williams: ‘Castor oil benefits the scalp because of its moisturising properties.‘It improves blood circulation to the scalp and helps to soothe flaky, itchy scalp environments, which is perfect to use during the changing of the seasons.Containing lots of fatty acids, the oil really does help to heal the hair’s fibre, so you get smoother hair.



Castor oil can be used as an irritant/simulative laxative. Castor oil is a natural emollient and a few drops may also be used to remedy dry skin, as a massage oil, and may benefit hair as a treatment. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that comprises about 90% of the oil.Castor oil is available under the following different brand names: Fleet Castor Oil and Emulsoil.





Side effects of castor oil include:


abdominal cramps



electrolyte disturbance

low blood pressure

pelvic congestion

This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occur. Check with your physician for additional information about side effects.




If your doctor has directed you to use this medication, your doctor or pharmacist may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring you for them. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist first.Castor oil has no noted interactions with other drugs. This document does not contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using this product, tell your doctor or pharmacist Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share the list with your doctor and pharmacist. Check with your physician if you have health questions orconcerns.





This medication contains castor oil. Do not take Fleet Castor Oil or Emulsoil if you are allergic to castor oil or any ingredients contained in this drug.Keep out of reach of children. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.



Avoid use if hypersensitivity, GI obstruction or perforation, severe impaction, symptoms of appendicitis or acute surgical abdomen, ulcerative colitis and rectal fissures.


Effects of Drug Abuse

There are no effects of drug abuse with the use of castor oil.



Short-term Effects

There are no short-term effects from use of castor oil.



Long-term Effects

There are no long-term effects from use of castor oil.




Avoid in pregnancy as it can induce premature labor.



Pregnancy and Lactation

Consult a physician before use as it may induce premature labor in pregnancy. Safe to use when lactating.Dating back to its first recorded medical use over 3,500 years ago, castor oil has been used to stimulate blood circulation in the body’s tissues and improve lymphatic drainage for optimal health and healing. Castor oil is known to promote detoxification processes, and can be used as a simple and natural home therapy to help your body detox.Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). It is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and faint, mild odor.Commercially, castor oil is used to make soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, inks, cold resistant plastics, waxes and polishes, nylon, pharmaceuticals, and perfumes.Beyond its commercial uses, people all around the world have reported remarkable success using castor oil packs for a number of health conditions – including cancer.Historically, the Aztec Indians were said to have used castor oil packs to treat skin lesions, menstrual cramps, and digestive problems. The Persians used them as a therapy for epilepsy. The Egyptians for eye disorders, and the Greek physician Dioscorides used them for the reduction of tumors.Early European users of castor called the plant “Palma Christe,” because they thought the leaves resembled the hand of Christ. They also found that it had remarkable medicinal qualities which made the name even more symbolic.Castor oil packs (a flannel cloth soaked in oil) improve lymphatic drainage, stimulate lymphocyte development, and improve digestion. This uniquely powerful combination of health benefits makes castor oil packs a great addition to your healing regime.



Is Castor Oil Safe to Use?


Castor oil is pressed from the castor seed which is native to India and has a unique chemical composition. Castor oil is essentially a triglyceride, comprised of fatty acids with 90 percent being ricinoleic acid, which is only found in trace amounts in other seeds. Oleate and linoleates are the other major components in castor oil.The main component of castor oil, ricinoleic acid, is a phytochemical. A phytochemical is a natural compound found in fruits, vegetables, and seeds that typically have specific actions in our body when we consume them. For example, ricinoleic acid targets specialized receptors within the intestines as well asin the smooth muscle cells of the uterus, naturally stimulating detoxification.The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) both recognize castor oil as safe, but do not recommend that it be taken orally.Castor Oil Promotes Lymphatic DrainageCastor oil is derived from the seed of the Ricinus communis plant. It is well tolerated by the skin and used as carrieroil, skin conditioning agent and an emulsion stabiliser in cosmetics.



The evergreen castor bean shrub is considered native to eastern Africa. It is cultivated in southern Asia, Africa and other hot parts of the world. The seeds are collected when almost ripe and allowed to mature in the sun.It is mainly made up of ricinoleic acid; the oil is produced by cold-pressing the seeds and goes through a clarification process by heat before use. The seeds contain ricin, which is poisonous, but it does not absorb into the expressed oil. The oil is a colourless, odourless and tasteless pale yellow liquid.How is it possible that castor oil was responsible in one study for suppressing tumor growth? Castor oil has cancer-fighting abilities by which it stimulates the release of toxic build up and debris from the lymphatic system. On the other hand, when the lymphatic system functions poorly, bacteria thrive within the fluid that accumulates in lymphatic tubules and ducts.Researchers have found that the absorption of castor oil through skin stimulates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and the production of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell belonging to the immune system, typically found in lymphatic fluid) that are critical to a healthy immune system. For this reason, castor oil can be used to treat individuals with weakened immune systems such as those with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or HIV (human immunodeficiency virus infection).


How Castor Oil Packs Improve Immunity

A small study published in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine in the late 90s found that a simple castor oil pack significantly improved key immune cell counts. This study found that a 2-hour therapy period produced a “significant” increase in the number of T-11 lymphocytes.This increase in levels of T-11 cell lymphocytes represents a generalized boost in the body’s specific immune defense. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow and the thymus gland and function to defend the body against viruses and other pathogens as well as against cancer cells. On the other hand, low levels of lymphocytes are a major risk factor in developing viral disorders and cancer.Although the increase in T-lymphocytes was temporary, this study showed that castor oil treatment increased the T-lymphocyte count for over 7 hours following the treatment before slowly retreating back to normal levels by 24 hours posttreatment.


Castor Oil Promotes Healthy Digestion and Elimination

One of the simplest therapeutic strategies for promoting detoxification is to maintain the healthy functioning of your gastrointestinal tract by promoting frequent bowel movements. A popular cathartic, castor oil stimulates defecation. Although there may be additional therapeutic benefits of castor oil when directly massaged into the skin for absorption, castor oil packs can effectively promote healthy digestion and elimination.This laxative effect of castor oil may help you to have regular bowel movements, along with an increase in energy and mood. In one study, 80 percent of elderly patients recorded relief from their decades of struggles with constipation after a short 3-day castor oil pack treatment.


The Liver’s Vital Importance to Detoxification


Their therapeutic properties and ease of use in the home make castor oil packs a natural and very effective detoxification therapy. One vital organ essential to your body’s natural detoxification abilities is your liver. Your liver functions just like your kitchen’s garbage disposal. Accumulation of pathogenic organisms and debris is similar to the inedible foods you put into the drain.Just like the garbage disposal, your liver transforms toxic debris in your body into a form which can be properly eliminated. In the kidneys, this debris is dissolved, flushed out via the bile ducts, moved to the small intestine and successfully passed from the body in the stool. For this reason, if your stool appears chalky white, your body may be indicating to you that your liver is functioning poorly.Castor oil packs can therefore be a great way to detoxify toxins from your whole body and reduce your risk of developing cancer.


Castor Oil Pack Tips


When making castor oil packs a standard routine for your body, use only therapeutic grade castor oil for optimum health benefits.

To avoid placing oil containing pesticide residue on your skin, seek and purchase castor oil labeled as:

Trusted Castor Oil Retailers

The following retailers offer trustworthy castor oil pack kits available for purchase:

Radiant Life: The kit from Premier Research Labs Castor Oil includes organic cotton flannel, a wrap-around pack, and cold-pressed, non-solvent extracted and hexane-free castor oil.

Heritage Store: Their kit contains hexane-free, cold pressed castor oil, unbleached wood flannel, and castor cleaning towelettes. Banyan Botanicals Ayurvedic Herbs: Offer unrefined and organic castor oil.


Castor Oil Pack Instructions: How to Prepare and Use


Before using castor oil packs, test for skin sensitivity to castor oil by first massaging a small drop of castor oil directly to the skin. If sleeping with a castor oil pack, it is highly recommended to use an electric heating pad with an automatic shut off to avoid burns. This can be a messy process so be careful and follow the directions to reduce castor oil spills on furniture or your body.

Materials for Use:


Therapeutic grade organic castor oil

A large wool flannel, unbleached and organic

Piece of plastic (a plastic trash bag works well)

Heat source such as hot water bottle or heating pad

Large old towel or sheet

Glass container to store the flannel (a mason jar is perfect)




Replace the castor oil pack when you notice a visible color change or if it smells bad.

Wash off any remaining castor oil on your skin with a natural soap or a solution of 1 quart of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Be sure to stay well hydrated as your hydration level will play a critical role in the detoxification effects from the castor oil pack.

Using the packs for just a few days can be enough to provide relief from certain symptoms, but the best results come with continual practice.


Try to do a castor oil pack treatment for 4 continuous days each week and then take 3 days off for 1-3 months. The individuals that see the best results do it every day. This may not be possible for you based on the time commitment it takes.Try to create a schedule where you can use this therapy in the middle of the day as a detox break, prayer or meditation session, and nap.Do this at least 3-4 days a week for one month and you should notice improved quality of life.If you are battling a chronic disease than it is a great idea to stay on a castor ol pack routine while you are focusing on detoxifying and healing.

Combining Detox Therapies

Castor oil packs stimulate the lymphatic system to move toxins and the digestive system to purge these toxins from the body. The benefits of toxin removal can be amplified by combining it with other healthy adjunctive therapies.Some of the best detoxification therapies to use in conjunction with castor oil packs include coffee enemas, infrared saunas, and hot/cold cycling showers. If you are using an infrared sauna or enemas as part of your health regimen, it is best to use the castor oil pack right before this to increase the amount of toxins being expelled by the body.Fresh green smoothie in the glassA great detox regimen would be to hydrate well in the morning including ingesting green juices and then using a castor oilpack for an hour, followed by a coffee enema, and finishing with 15-20 minutes in the sauna followed by an alternating hot-cold shower (if you don’t have adrenal fatigue) for five minutes (30 seconds hot and 30 seconds cold repeated five times).


Who Shouldn’t Use Castor Oil Packs


It is not recommended to use castor oil packs if you are experiencing any of the following conditions or life circumstances:

Many midwives believe that castor oil may induce labor. Some research suggests that this could be true as ricinoleic acid may affect the lining of the uterus and potentially increase contractions in pregnant women. Therefore, castor oil should be avoided by pregnant women unless recommended by a qualified doctor to naturally induce labor.


Women Who Are Breastfeeding


Castor oil packs move toxins into circulation so they can be expelled by the body. However, when a mother is breastfeeding, these toxins could potentially enter the breast milk. This could be dangerous for the baby, and thus castor oil packs are not recommended for breastfeeding women.


Extreme Skin Sensitivities


Some individuals have very sensitive skin or chronic skin conditions that are easily aggravated. These people are at more risk for a reaction to castor oil and therefore it is not recommended in these cases.



What is castor oil?


Castor Ol is a fatty acid oil, allegedly rich in Vitamin E, that’s obtained from pressing the castor oil plant. It can be colorless, pale yellow, or dark black. Much like coconut oil, it has many purported uses, including the ability to stimulate brow and hair growth, moisturize skin, and repel garden moles and gophers.


Castor ol 

Castor oil is a vegetable oil pressed from castor beans.[1] The name probably comes from its use as a replacement for castoreum.[2]


Castor oil is a colourless to very pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and odor. Its boiling point is 313 °C (595 °F) and its density is 961 kg/m3.[3] It is a triglyceride in which approximately 90 percent of fatty acid chains are ricinoleates. Oleate and linoleates are the other significant components.

Castor oil and its derivatives are used in the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, inks, cold resistant plastics, waxes and polishes, nylon, pharmaceuticals and perfumes.[4]



Structure of the major component of castor oil: triester of glycerol and ricinoleic acid

Castor oil is well known as a source of ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated, 18-carbon fatty acid. Among fatty acids, ricinoleic acid is unusual in that it has a hydroxyl functional group on the 12th carbon. This functional group causes ricinoleic acid (and castor oil) to be more polar than most fats. The chemical reactivity of the alcohol group also allows chemical derivatization that is not possible with most other seed oils. Because of its ricinoleic acid content, castor oil is a valuable chemical in feedstocks, commanding a higher price than other seed oils. As an example, in July 2007, Indian castor oil sold for about US$0.90 per kilogram (US$0.41 per pound)[citation needed] whereas U.S. soybean, sunflower and canola oils sold for about US$0.30 per kilogram (US$0.14 per pound).[5]



Average composition of castor seed oil / fatty acid chains

Acid name Average Percentage Range

Ricinoleic acid 85-95

Oleic acid 2-6

Linoleic acid 1-5

α-Linolenic acid 0.5-1 

Stearic acid 0.5-1 

Palmitic acid 0.5-1 

Dihydroxystearic acid 0.3-0.5

Others 0.2- 0.5


Annually 270,000-360,000 tonnes (600-800 million pounds) of castor oil are produced for a variety of uses.[4]



Food and preservative

In the food industry, castor oil (food grade) is used in food additives, flavorings, candy (e.g., polyglycerol polyricinoleate or PGPR in chocolate),[6] as a mold inhibitor, and in packaging. Polyoxyethylated castor oil (e.g., Kolliphor EL)[7] is also used in the food industries.[8]


In India, Pakistan and Nepal food grains are preserved by the application of castor oil. It stops rice, wheat, and pulses from rotting. For example, the legume pigeon pea is commonly available coated in oil for extended storage.



Advertisement of castor oil as a medicine by Scott & Bowne Company, 19th century

Use of castor oil as a laxative is attested to in the circa 1550 BC Ebers Papyrus,[9] and was in use several centuries earlier.[10] The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has categorized castor oil as “generally recognized as safe and effective” (GRASE) for over-the-counter use as a laxative with its major site of action the small intestine where it is digested into ricinoleic acid.[11]


Despite castor oil being widely used in an attempt to induce labor in pregnant women, to date there is not enough research to show whether it is effective to dilate the cervix or induce labor.[12]

Therapeutically, modern drugs are rarely given in a pure chemical state, so most active ingredients are combined with excipients or additives. Castor oil, or a castor oil derivative such as Kolliphor EL (polyethoxylated castor oil, a nonionic surfactant), is added to many modern drugs, including:


Miconazole, an antifungal agent;[13][14]

Paclitaxel, a mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy;[15]

Sandimmune (cyclosporine injection, USP), an immunosuppressant drug widely used in connection with organ transplant to reduce the activity of the patient’s immune system;[16]

Nelfinavir mesylate, an HIV protease inhibitor;[17]

Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive drug (contains HCO-60, polyoxyl 60 hydrogenated castor oil);[citation needed]

Xenaderm ointment, a topical treatment for skin ulcers, is a combination of Balsam of Peru, castor oil, and trypsin;[citation needed][18]

Aci-Jel (composed of ricinoleic acid from castor oil, with acetic acid and oxyquinoline) is used to maintain the acidity of the vagina.[19]

Optive Plus (carboxymethylcellulose, castor oil) and Refresh Ultra (glycerine, castor oil), are artificial tears to treat dry eye.[20]

Castor oil is also one of the components of Vishnevsky liniment.[21]





Hint ya

Görünümü : Renksiz-soluk-sat Renkli, Hafif Kokulu


Kimyasal ad : Castor Oil

Kimyasal Formülü :

Ambalaj ekli : Saç Varillerde


Hint ya Kullanlan Sektörler



Deterjan ve Kozmetik

Veteriner laç


Yaptrc sektörü



Hint Ya (Castor Oil) Nedir?

Molekül Formülü (Hint Ya (Castor Oil): C57H104O9


Molekül Arl: 933.45 g/mol

Kimyasal Ad: Hint Ya (Castor Oil)

CAS Numaras: 8001-79-4

Hint bitkisi olan Riccunis Communis bitkilerinin tohumlarndan elde edilen ya türevidir. Bitkisel bir yadr. Farkl ya asitlerinin trigliseritlerinin baz oranlarda karmndan elde edilmektedir.

Yüksek derecede kayganlk salamaktadr. Bu özelliklerini geni bir scaklk aralnda sergileyebilir. Ayn zamanda yüksek viskoziteye sahiptir.

Cilde kolayca nüfuz edebilir. Bu özellii ile cilde yumuaklk ve elastiki bir kvam verebilme özelliine sahip tayc yadr.


Dier simleri Aadaki Gibidir;

Hint Ya

Castor Oil

Ricinus Ya


Tripsin Kompleksi



Üretimi Nasl Yaplr?

Castor Oil üretimi, hint fasulyelerinin souk presleme yöntemi ile ezilerek, sonrasnda ekstrakte edilmesi ille elde edilir. Daha sonra kokusu ve rengi giderilir. Souk olarak preslenen hint fasulyelerinden elde edilen Hint ya genel olarak 1. Derece tbbi ya amacyla kullanlr.



Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özellikleri Nelerdir?

Hint Ya soluk sar renkte yada neredeyse effaf viskoz bir svdr. Hafif bir kokusu ve mide bulandran bir tada sahiptir. Bu nedenle kozmetikte fazla kullanlmak istenmez.


Kaynama Noktas 313 °C dir.

Erime Noktas -10 ile -18 °C arasndadr.

Hint Ya çözünürlük olarak su içerisinde çözünmez. Alkolde çözünmektedir. Etanol, metanol, eter ve Kloroformda karabilir.

Younluu 0.96 g/cm3 tür.

Hint Ya kararl bir kimyasaldr. Ar scaa maruz kalmad sürece sertlemez.

Castor Oil svdan ziyade yumuak bir macundur.


Hint Ya (Castor Oil) Kullanm Alanlar Nerelerdir?

Hint Ya kullanm alanlar arasnda sert eker üretiminde salma ve antisleme ajan olmasdr. eker kalplarnda yapmay önlemek için Castor Oil kullanlr.

Vitamin ve Mineral tabletlerde kullanlan koruyucu kimyasallarn imalatnda bir bileen olarak hint ya kullanlr.

Hidrojenlenmi olan uçucu yalar ve parfümlerin imalatnda iyonik olmayan bir emülgatör olarak castor oil kullanlmaktadr.

Castor Oil yüksek saflktaki hint ya baz gda ürünlerinin imalatnda yapmay önleyici olarak yalayclar ve yalayc katk maddelerinin imalatnda kullanlmaktadr.

Boya katklar ve kaplama katk kimyasallarnn imalatnda kullanlmaktadr. Bu alanda datc olarak kullanlr. Kaplama sektöründe plastikletirici olarak kullanlr.

Kozmetik sektöründe baz kiisel bakm ürünlerinin imalatnda kullanlmaktadr. Rujlar, ojeler ve ampuanlarda dolgu maddesi hint ya’dr.

Kimya endüstrisinde baz ara ürünlerin imalatnda kullanlmaktadr.

Fiyatlarna Etki Eden Faktörler Nelerdir?

Hint Ya fiyat olarak üretiminde kullanlan Riccunis Communis bitkisinin üretimine bal olarak deimektedir. Riccunis Communis üretimi arttkça Hint Ya fiyat olarak artacaktr.



Castor Oil fiyatlar bu kimyasaln satn yapan firmalarn stoklarna bal olarak deimektedir. Stoklar azaldkça Castor Oil fiyat olarak artmaktadr. 

Hint ya (Castor Ol) ne ie yarar, Hint yann (Castor Ol) faydalar nelerdir bir bir anlatalm dedik.


Tandktan sonra kullanp kullanmama karar elbette size kalm. Ama bizce daha ilk faydasn duyar duymaz aktarn yolunu tutmak isteyeceksiniz, eminiz.

O zaman buyurunuz, Hint ya nedir, ne ie yarar birlikte örenelim.


Hint ya ne ie yarar diyenlere: Hint ya saçlarn gürlemesini, hzl uzamasn ve güçlenmesini salyor

Hint yann belki de en çok bilinen ve en çok yararlanlan faydalarndan biri saç üzerine olan etkileri aslnda. Kendisi adeta bir saç bakm uzman, adeta doal bir saç gürletirici. Eer sizin de güçsüz, seyrek ya da bir türlü uzamayan saçlarnz varsa hemen bir Hint ya edinin ve saç köklerinize masaj yaparak yedirip ardndan tüm saçnza sürün ve yaklak 2-4 saat aras saçnzda bekletin. Dilerseniz uyumadan önce sürüp bir boneyle saçlarnz kapatarak sabah da ykayabilirsiniz.



Bu uygulamay haftada 1-2 kez düzenli olarak yaparsanz yaklak 1 ay sonra oluan deiimi fark edebilirsiniz. Dilerseniz Hint yan saça faydal birkaç malzemeyle daha bir araya getirerek maske yapabilirsiniz.

çindeki E vitamini, omega 6, trigliserid ya asidi ve çeitli mineraller sayesinde saç köklerini güçlendiren, saçlarn gürlemesini ve uzamasn hzlandran Hint ya, elbette bu etkisini kaçlar üzerinde de gösterebiliyor. Hint ya, özellikle ka dökülmesi sorunu yaayanlarn baucu yalarndan desek yanl olmaz.


Nasl uygulayacam derseniz, ucu pamuklu temiz bir kulak çubuunu Hint yana bulayn. Ardndan bu çubukla kirpiklerinize tpk rimel sürüyormu gibi ya sürün. Kalarnz için ayr bir çubuk alp yuvarlak hareketlerle kalarnzn gürlemesini istediiniz bölgelere de sürün. Bu ilemi uygularken gözlerinize zarar gelmemesine çok dikkat edin. Bu ekilde en az yarm saat beklettikten sonra ya lk suyla temizleyin. Temizlerken ka ve kirpiklerinizi hrpalamamaya özen gösterin. (Hint yan uygulamadan önce cildinizde makyaj kalntlar olmadndan emin olun)


Hastalklarla mücadelede de yanmzda: Hint ya, saçkrandan kepee dek birçok cilt sorununa çözüm oluyor

Hint yann faydalar sadece saça deil tabii: Eklem arlarnn hzlca geçmesine yardmc oluyor


Hint ya, uzun yllardr arlara kar kullanlan alternatif tedavi yöntemlerinden biri. Eklem arlar üzerinde oldukça etkili olduu söylenen bu yan etkisini görebilmek için arlarn bulunduu bölgeye Hint ya damlatp hafif hareketlerle masaj yapabilirsiniz.


Artk neredeyse kroniklemi, bir türlü geçmek bilmeyen bir kabz problemiyle ba etmeye çalyorsanz Hint yann da bu konuda yardmc olabilecei aklnzda bulunsun. Bir su barda suyun içine koyacanz 1 çay ka kadar Hint ya bu problemle ba etmenizi salayabilir.


Ancak dikkat, Hint ya da dahil olmak üzere herhangi bir ürünü azdan almadan önce mutlaka doktorunuza danmal, onun önerileri dnda hiçbir ey yapmamalsnz. Aman diyelim, salnza kavumak için farknda bile olmadan onu tehlikeye atm olmayn.


Cildinizi sizden çok düünüyor: Ciltte oluan kesiklerden yanklara kadar birçok soruna çare oluyor

Hint ya antimikrobiyal etki gösterdiinden ciltte oluan yaralanmalarn daha hzl iyilemesine, kant ve arlarn daha hzl dinmesine yardmc oluyor.

Bakp bakp üzülmeye son: Sivilce ve yara izlerini azaltyor, zaman içinde yok olmasn salyor


Hint ya içindeki E vitamini bata olmak üzere vücudumuz için birçok yararl mineral ve ya asidi barndryor. Bu nedenle ciltte oluan yaralarn, bir türlü geçmek bilmeyen sivilce izlerinin de çözümü olabiliyor. Her akam uyumadan önce yara ya da sivilce izinin bulunduu bölgeye Hint yan hafifçe masaj yaparak sürerseniz zamanla izin azaldn hatta uzun süreli uyguladnzda izin tamamen yok olduunu görebilirsiniz.

Çatlaklar da ondan kaçmaz: Farkl nedenlerle vücutta oluabilen çatlaklar engelliyor, görünüünü düzeltiyor

Doum, kilo alp verme ya da cildin nemsiz kalmas gibi durumlar nedeniyle vücutta çatlaklar olumas çokça rastlanan bir durum. te bu çatlaklarla mücadele etmek, oluumlarn engellemek, çoktan olumu olanlarnsa görünüünü düzeltmek için Hint ya yine yardma kouyor. Cildi nemlendirme ve deriyi besleme özellikleri sayesinde çatlayan derinin görüntüsünü düzeltiyor. Üstelik bunun için sadece Hint yayla gerekli bölgeye düzenli olarak masaj yapmak yeterli oluyor. Mis.

Yalanmak da neymi: Hint ya, yalanma kart bir etki oluturarak krklklarn azalmasn salyor

Hint ya, kolajen üretimini artrdndan cildin elastik yapsn elinden geldiince korur ve bu sayede de ciltte oluabilecek krklklar engeller. Bu özellii ayn zamanda çoktan olumu olan krklklarn da azalmasna destek olur.


Trnaklarnzn gücüne güç katn: Hint ya, çabuk krlan trnaklarn güçlenmesini ve hzl uzamasn salyor




Hint ya, içinde bulunan bolca E vitamini sayesinde krlgan trnaklarn da salna kavumasn salyor. Kolay uzamayan ve çabuk krlan trnaklarz varsa her akam yatmadan önce trnaklarnza Hint ya sürmeniz bu faydasndan yararlanmanz salyor.


Aklnzda bulunsun: Hint yann zararlar



Hint yan bu kadar övdükten sonra karlaabileceiniz bir yan etkisi var m, yok mu açklamadan, Hint yann zararlarn anlatmadan geçmek olmaz tabii.

Öncelikle yukarda da söylediimiz gibi Hint yan suya kartrp içerek tüketecekseniz mutlaka öncesinde doktorunuza bavurmalsnz. Özellikle ciddi bir rahatszlnz ya da çeitli maddelere alerjiniz varsa doktorunuza danmadan hiçbir ürünü asla bu ekilde tüketmemelisiniz.

Bunun dnda Hint yann bilinen ciddi bir yan etkisi yok. Ancak özellikle cilt üzerine uygulandnda ve arya kaçldnda gözenekleri kapatabiliyor, bu nedenle uygulayacanz bölgenin büyüklüüne göre birkaç damla kullanmanz yeterli oluyor.


Ayn ekilde alerjik reaksiyonlarn sk sk yaand bünyelerde kzarklklara neden olabiliyor, böyle bir durumla karlaldnda Hint ya uygulanan bölgenin hemen lk suyla ykanmas gerekiyor.

Hint ya nedir, faydalar nelerdir?

Hint ya, geçmiten günümüze kadar faydal olarak bilinen bir yadr. Hint ya özellikle ülkemizde güzellik amaçl kullanlmaktadr. Ancak son zamanlarda Hint yann yeni faydalar otaya çkmtr. Hint ya nedir, Hint yann salmza ne gibi faydalar vardr sorusunun cevaplarn sizler için aratrdk. te hin ya nedir sorusunun cevab ve Hint yann faydalar…

Hint ya nedir, faydalar nelerdir?

Hint ya, Hint ya bitkisinin tohumlarndan elde edilerek çkartlan bir yadr. Bu ya sar renkli bir yadr. Ve görünü itibariyle ayçiçei yana benzer.


Hint yann faydalarndan bahsetmeden önce ilk olarak Hint ya nedir sorusunun cevabn vermek gerekir.


Hint ya nedir?

Hint ya bitkisinin tohumlarnn ezilmesi sonucu ortaya çkan sar svya Hint ya denilmektedir. Hint yann sala faydal olmasnn en önemli nedeni içerisinde doymam yalar barndrmasdr. Hint yann en çok rabet gördüü ülke Hindistan ülkeleridir.



Hint ya en çok Afrika ve Hindistan’da kullanlmaktadr. çerisinde antioksidanlar barndrmas ve iltihap kart olmas nedeniyle çok fazla kullanlmaktadr.


Hint ya kullanm genel olarak ülkemizde güzellik ve kozmetik alannda kullanlmaktadr. Ancak son zamanlarda Hint yann yeni kefedilen faydalar ortaya çkmtr.


te Hint yann faydalar…

Hint yann içerisinde bulunan antioksidanlar, antiseptik özellikler, antienflamatuvar özellikleri bu yan vücudunuzda iltihaplarn giderilmesine yardmc olmaktadr. Hint ya içerisinde bolca antioksidan barndrmasndan dolay vücuttaki serbest radikallerin geliimini engellemektedir.



Karacieri korur

Hint ya içerisinde bolca antioksidan barndrmasndan dolay karacierle dost olarak bilinir. Alternatif tp uzmanlar hin yann karacieri temizleyici etkisi olduunu belirtmektedirler.



Parkinson hastal

Hint ya vücudun gen sisteminde iyiletirmeler meydana getirmektedir. Dolaysyla hint yann Parkinson hastalna iyi geldii bilinmektedir.



Ayn zamanda beyin felci gibi hastalklarn tedavisinde de kullanld bilinmektedir.



Baklk sistemini güçlendirir

Hint yann içerisinde bolca bulunan yararl bileenlerin bakl düzeltici etkileri mevcuttur.

Kalarn çoalmasn salar


Hint yann içerisinde bulunan yararl bileenler ayn zamanda ka sal açsndan da faydaldr. Haftada iyi defa kulak çubuuna damlatp kanza sürdüünüz Hint ya, kalarnzn gürlemesini salar.


Hint yann saçlara faydas

Hint yann ayn zamanda saç içinde faydalar bulunmaktadr. Hint yan saç diplerine masaj yaparak uyguladnzda kan dolamn hzlandrarak saçlarnzn daha hzl uzamasn salayabilirsiniz.


Hint yan saçnza sürerek hem parlak saçlara kavumu olursunuz, hem de saçlarnz daha salkl bir ekilde uzam olur.

Hint yann faydalarndan en iyi ekilde faydalanmak için gece yatmadan önce saçlarnza Hint ya sürün ve bez yardmyla sarn. Gece hücreleriniz hzl bir ekilde yenilecei için saçlarnzn da salkl ve hzl uzamasn salayacaktr.


Hint yan kimler kullanamaz?

Hint yan hamilelerin, börek hastal olanlarn ve sürekli ilaç kullananlarn, kullanmas önerilmez. Ayn zamanda hint ya kabzlk için az yoluyla kullanlacaksa muhakakk bir uzmana danlmas ve belirtilen doz miktarnca kullanlmas gerekmektedir.


Hint ya sar bir renk tonu olan yar saydam bir svdr. Temizlik ürünlerinden boyalara kadar çok çeitli ev eyalarnda aktif bir maddedir.Ayrca sindirim sorunlar bata olmak üzere bir dizi tbbi durumu tedavi etmek için kullanlmtr.Hint ya ince barsakta risinoleik asite ayrlr. Bu sindirim sürecini hzlandrr. Kantlar daha az kesin olsa da, hint ya yüz ve cilt için baz potansiyel faydalar göstermitir.Hint ya ve risinoleik asitin derideki emilimi arttrd düünülmektedir ve bazen dermatoz, sedef hastal ve akne dahil çeitli cilt hastalklarnn tedavisinde kullanlmaktadr. Ayrca, bunu destekleyen hiçbir bilimsel literatür olmasa da, kirpikler dahil olmak üzere saç büyümesini tevik eden hint yann anekdot raporlar da vardr.Bir risinoleik asit kayna ve birkaç baka ya asidi olarak hizmet ederek, hint ya, özellikle yüz için yararl bir cilt bakm ürünü yapan baz özelliklere sahiptir.


Hint Ya Faydalar ve Kullanm Alanlar


Hint ya, insanlarn binlerce yldr kullandklar çok amaçl bir bitkisel yadr.Ricinus communis bitkisinin tohumlarndan ya çkarlarak yaplr.Hint fasulye olarak bilinen bu tohumlar, risin ad verilen zehirli bir enzim içerir. Bununla birlikte, kastor yann maruz kald stma ilemi, yan güvenli bir ekilde kullanlmasna izin vererek onu etkisiz hale getirir.Hint ya, bir dizi tbbi, endüstriyel ve farmasötik kullanma sahiptir. Gdalarda, ilaçlarda ve cilt bakm ürünlerinde, ayrca bir endüstriyel yalayc ve biyodizel yakt bileeninde bir katk maddesi olarak yaygn olarak kullanlr.Eski Msr’da, hint ya, lambalarda yakt olarak yakld, göz tahrii gibi rahatszlklar tedavi etmek için doal bir ilaç olarak kullanld ve hatta hamile kadnlara emei tevik etmek için verildi.Günümüzde hint ya, kabzlk ve cilt rahatszlklar gibi yaygn rahatszlklar için popüler bir doal tedavi olmay sürdürmektedir ve doal güzellik ürünlerinde yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr.


Yan etki


Hint ya bir dizi umut verici özelliklere sahip olsa da, bu iddialarn çounu destekleyen bilimsel kantlarn kesin olmadn ve kantlarn çounun bilimsel olmaktan ziyade anekdot olma eiliminde olduunu belirtmek önemlidir. Bu, çou çalmann, geni kapsaml ve doru veriler salamaktan ziyade, hint ya ile tedavinin baarl olduu belirli bir örnekle ilgili olduu anlamna gelir.

Bunlar genellikle alerjik reaksiyonlarla ilgili raporlardr:


Deri döküntüleri



Hint yana kar alerjik bir reaksiyon yaayan herkes hemen tbbi yardm almaldr



Cilt tahrii ve döküntülerin geliimi en sk bildirilen yan etkilerdir.

Çocukken, büyükannemi, herhangi bir rahatszlk için hint ya tavsiye ettiini hatrlyorum. Onun için, bir dizi sorun için eve dönü yoluydu. Hint ya, cildiniz, saçnz ve salnz için birçok yarar olduu için en çok kullanlan maddelerden biri haline gelir. Hint ya yararlar sadece anti-inflamatuar ve antibakteriyel özellikleri ile snrl deildir, geleneksel olarak cilt ve saç yararlar için topikal olarak kullanlr.Hint ya, bitkinin bitkisinin tohumlarna baslarak çkarlr ve çeitli kozmetik ürünler, sabunlar, tekstil ürünleri, masaj yalar ve hatta ilaçlarda giderek artan bir biyo-bazl hammadde haline gelir.


Cilt Faydas


ltihapl Ciltleri yiletirir

Yalanma belirtileri savar

Akne azaltr

Cildi nemlendirir

Lekeleri lekeler

Streç aretlerini Önler

Pigmentasyonu azaltr



Güzel Cilt ve Saç 7 nanlmaz Hint Ya Faydalar Güzel Cilt ve Saç için nanlmaz Hint Ya Faydalar

Kusursuz, parlak bir cilt ve zplayan saçlar kim istemez ki? Bunlar en yaygn iki güzellik kaygsdr ve mükemmel olmaya çalarak oluan endie, genellikle kimyasal yüklü ürünlere veya gereksiz tedavilere bavurur. Ama güzel olmann daha iyi yollar vardr, bunlar saf ve basittir. Hint ya bunlardan biridir. Hint ya, hint tohumlarndan çkarlan soluk sar svdr ve antioksidanlar açsndan çok zengindir. Bunu bilmiyor olabilirsiniz ama hint ya, cildinizin ve saç problemlerinin çounu çözebilen doal bir güzellik maddesidir.APS Cosmetofood Direktörü Himanshu Chadha’ya göre, “Castor ya, saç ve ciltle ilgili sorunlar için eski bir çare oldu. Güzel saçlar ve esnek ciltler için bir iksirdir. Hint ya E Vitamini, proteinler ve iyi saç ve cilt için sorumlu olan temel bileenler olan Omega 6 ve 9’u içerir. Saç dökülmesinin azaltlmasnda, saçlarn olgunlamasnn önlenmesinde yardmc olur, saç büyümesini hzlandrrken saç derisine bal problemlerle savar. Cildiniz için olsun, pigmentasyon, akne veya yalanma olsun, hint ya tüm bunlarn çözümü. Buna ek olarak, hint ya ayn zamanda anti-bakteriyel özellikleri ve çeitli tbbi yararlar için bilinir. “Vücutu Histüel yiletir” adl kitapta yazar Carolyn J. Williams öyle açklyor: “Hint yann yararlarnn çounun yüksek konsantrasyonlu doymam ya asitlerinden kaynaklandna inanlyor”. Hint ya çeitlilii ve genel salnza nasl fayda salayaca hakknda daha fazla bilgi edinelim. Temizler sivilceÇou güzellik ürünüyle ilgili problem, ya cildinizden çkarmasdr. Cildiniz yadan her çkarldnda, daha fazla ya üreterek nem eksikliini telafi eder ve bu da akneyi tetikleyen yal ve iltihapl cilde yol açar. Cildinize ya uygulamaktan korkmayn. Kastor yann cildin doal nem dengesini yeniden salamaya yardmc olduu esansiyel ya asitleri. Hint yan yüzünüze hafifçe uygulayn ve dairesel hareketlerle masaj yapn. Bir gecede bile brakabilir ve sabahlar ykayabilirsiniz. Gözeneklerinizi açmak ve cildinizin ya daha iyi emmesini salamak için de buhar kullanabilirsiniz.



6. Kuru Ciltleri rahatlatr


Hint ya kuru ve yamal cildi rahatlatmaya yardmc olur. Özellikle k mevsiminde tüylü bir ayakla sorun yayorsanz, derin yalanmaya yardmc olan ve ayak tabanndaki cildin yumuatlmasna yardmc olan ezilmi kapur ile hint ya uygulanabilir, Dr. Deepali. Ciddi kuru cilde veya kuru saça sahip kiiler için, haftada bir kez hint ya kullanlabilir, ancak hiçbir tedavinin ar yaplmamas gerektiini unutmayn. Hint ya da Atopik Dermatit ad verilen bir cilt rahatszl yaayanlar için faydaldr. Kuru bir cilt hastaldr ve iklim deiikliinden ve artan kirlilie bal olarak artmaktadr. Kastor yan tüm vücuda uygulamak, beslenmesinde yardmc olabilir.

Soul Tree’nin kurucusu Vishal Bhandari, “Castor ya, k mevsiminde özel olarak cildin nemini nemlendiren doal bir nemlendiricidir ve cildinizi ve saçlarnz toza ve kuru sya kar korur.”

7. Kabzlk için Çare

Hint ya da müshil gibi davranr. Aratrmaclar Aratrmaclar, Hint yanda temel ya asidinin risinoleik asit denen barsak duvarlarnzn kas hücreleri üzerindeki reseptörlerine balandn kefettiklerini bulmulardr. Bu, bu kaslarn dky itmesine ve da itmesine neden olarak kabzl giderir. Hint ya gün içinde alndnda etkili ve hzl çalr. Günde bir kez 15 ml ya alnz. Çok güçlü bir tada sahip olduundan, bazlar tad maskelemek için tüketmeden önce biraz soutmay önerdiler.


30 Üstün Castor Ya Kullanmlar ve Yararlar



Yüzyllardr, salk hizmeti salayclar ve halk ifaclar salad birçok faydadan dolay hint ya kullanyorlar. Birçok kii, eski Msrllarn birçok hint ya kullanmn ve hint ya faydasn ilk kefettiklerini düünmektedir.Aslnda, birçok kii Kleopatra’nn gözlerinin beyazlarn aydnlatmak için soluk sar svy kullandn düünüyor. Hint ya kullanm basittir ve cildinize zarar vermez, bu da birçok farkl rahatszlk için mükemmel bir çare haline getirir.Hint ya, açk sar renkte olan ve hintya bitkisinin tohumlarnn ezilmesiyle üretilen bir bitkisel ya olarak kabul edilir. Hint ya kullanarak kazanlan faydalarn çou, kimyasal bileiminin bir sonucudur. Hint ya, trigliserit ya asidinin özel bir türü olup, ya asidi maddesinin yaklak yüzde 90′ doymam bir omega-9 ya asidi olan risinoleik asittir.Hint ya geleneksel olarak çeitli cilt hastalklarn ve enfeksiyonlar tedavi etmek, kabzl gidermek ve saçn saln arttrmak için bir çare olarak kullanlmaktadr. Bununla birlikte, son zamanlarda yaplan çalmalar, kastor yann baklk sistemini ve bir anti-enflamatuar ajan, antimikrobiyal ajan ve lenfatik uyarcy desteklemek için kullanlabileceini göstermitir.Hint yan birkaç farkl ekilde kullanabilirsiniz. Dorudan cilde uygulayn, bir hint ya paketi ile kullann veya bir topikal çare olarak kullanmak için dier yalarla kartrn. Oral olarak süt veya lk suya ekleyin veya ek eklinde aln.



Hint Ya için Topikal Kullanm Alanlar


Artrit Tedavisi

Saçlar Güçlendirmek ve Büyütmek

Akne tedavisi

Cilt nemlendiricisi

Derin Temizleyici

Baklk Fonksiyonunu yiletirmek

nce Çizgileri ve Krklklar Gidermek çin

ilii ve Enflamasyonu Azaltn

Lenfatik Sistemi Destekleyin

Dolam Artr

Yaralar ve Anmalar yiletirin

Menstrual Kramplar Rahatlatmak

Hint Ya çin Oral Kullanmlar

Kabzlk rahatlatmak

Ameliyattan önce barsaklar temizle

Emein tevik edilmesi



2. Streç aretlerinden Kurtulmak

Çatlaklara genellikle hamilelik ve hzl kilo alma neden olur, ancak ayn zamanda yalanma, hormonal dengesizlik, ani kilo kayb ve ilik sonucu olabilir.Hint ya, çeitli cilt durumlar için en iyi tedavilerden biri olarak bilinir. Zengin içerikleri ve çeitli ya asitleri, mükemmel bir nemlendirici ve göze ho gelen çatlaklardan kurtulmak için etkili bir tedavidir.



Parmaklarnz kullanarak, etkilenen alann tamamn kaplayacak ekilde streç iaretlerinin üzerine yeterli miktarda ya dökün.

Eklenen nem için, iki çorba ka hindistancevizi veya badem yan bir çorba ka hint ya ile kartrn.

Tedaviyi krk cilde uygulamaktan kaçnn.

Bölgeyi kaplamak için ince bir pamuklu bez kullann.

Yan derinlemesine nüfuz etmesini salamak için bezi yaklak 15-20 dakika boyunca brakn.

Bölgeyi bir stma yast veya scak su iesi ile kaplamak, sonuçlar hzlandracaktr.

Streç iaretlerinin görünümünde belirgin bir azalma görmek için bu ilemi düzenli olarak tekrarlayn.



3. Akne Tedavisinde Castor Ya

Birçok hint ya yararlarndan biri sivilce kar iyi çalr.Ortak cilt rahatszl, sivilce, gözeneklerinizde biriken ve cildin tahri olmasna ve iltihaplanmasna neden olan yabanc maddelerin bir sonucudur. Bugün piyasadaki sivilce ilaçlarnn çou, cildi kurutmaya eilimli olan benzoil peroksit ve salisilik asit içerir. Hint ya, neem yana benzer ekilde, cildinizi kurutmadan kir, ölü deri hücreleri, ar yalar ve bakteriler çkaracak doal bir kaynaktr.




Sabit bir yüzeye bir kase kaynar su koyun ve bir havlu aln.

Havlusu bann üstünde tutarak, su kabna yaslann.

Bunu yapmak, ya yann cildinize derinlemesine nüfuz etmesini salayan gözeneklerinizi açar.

Yüzünüzü birkaç dakika boyunca kasenin üzerinde tutun.

Bir bez aln ve lk suyla nemlendirin ve küçük, dime boyutunda hint ya uygulayn.

Etkilenen bölgeyi bez ile hafifçe ovun.

Hint yan bölgeye uygularken küçük dairesel hareketler kullann.

Hint yan gece boyunca cildinize brakn.

Uyandnz zaman, ya temizlemek için hint ya nemli bir havlu kullanarak çkarn.

Souk su kullanarak yüzünüzü birkaç kez sçratn.

Souk su gözeneklerinizi daraltrken, lk su gözeneklerinizi açacaktr.

Cildinizi kurulayn ve kalan hint yan temizlemek için yüz temizleyici kullann.

En iyi sonuç için, bu admlar günlük olarak 10 ila 14 gün arasnda tekrarlayn. Bu ilemi haftada birkaç kez takip ederek aknenin önlenmesi için hint ya kullanabilirsiniz.


4. Derin Yüz Temizleyici

Akne tedavisi ile birlikte, hint ya derin bir yüz temizleyici olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Reçetesiz ve reçetesiz yüz temizleyicilerindeki cildinizi kuruyan sert temizlik maddelerinden farkl olarak, derin bir temizleyici olarak kastor yan kullanarak sivilceleri hzl bir ekilde temizleyeceksiniz, kir, bakteriler, ölü deri hücreleri ve ar cildinizi derinlemesine temizleyeceksiniz. Cildinizi yumuak, esnek ve kusursuz tutarken yalar.

6. Saç Büyümeleri çin Hint Ya

Hint ya ve daha özel olarak, Jamaikal Siyah Hint ya, daha salkl, daha kaln saçlar için popüler bir tedavi haline gelmitir. Köklerinizde düzenli olarak kullanldnda, saç büyümesini artrabilir, ürünlerden saç dökülmesini azaltabilir, saçlar nemlendirebilir, saçlar daha parlak ve dolgun hale getirebilir, kuru kafa derisini önleyebilir ve saçnzn genel saln iyiletirebilirsiniz. Saçnzn uçlarna uygulandnda, kastor ya kvrmlar azaltmaya ve bölünmü uçlar onarmaya yardmc olabilir. Saçnz güçlendirmeye ve büyütmeye yardmc olmak için aadaki admlar izleyin.



Parmak uçlarnz kullanarak kask ya ve köklerine kastor ya sürün.

Saç derisine eit olarak datdnzdan emin olun.

Ya saçnzn tellerine sokmaktan kaçnn. Kalnlndan dolay çkarlmas zor olabilir.

Saçnz plastik bir du balyla kaplayn ve banz bir havluyla sarn.

Yan saçnzda en az on be dakika kalmasna izin verin.

En iyi sonuç için, gecede brakn.

Hint ya çkarmak için saçnz ampuanla iyice ykayn.

En iyi sonuç için, her hafta 6 – 8 hafta boyunca ilemi tekrarlayn.


7. Kabzlk giderici

Hint ya, kabzl rahatlatmann popüler bir yoludur. Doal kabzlk çare içindeki çeitli bileenler, hem küçük hem de kaln barsaklar uyaran ve kolon duvarlarn temizleyen güçlü bir müshil ilevi görür ve etkilenen dk maddesinin kolondan geçmesine izin verir. Hint ya içindeki ya asitleri de svnn barsak yolu tarafndan emilmesini engellemek için çalarak barsan nemi tutmasna yardmc olarak barsan içinden geçmesini kolaylatrr.



Bir bardak lk sütle 30 ila 60 gram hintya ekleyin.

Sütü sevmiyorsanz bir bardak lk su koyun.

Bütün barda iç.

Kokuyu çok güçlü bulursanz, karmnza biraz zencefil ekleyin.

Yaklak bir saat içinde, hint yann etkilerini hissetmeye balayacaksnz.

8. Baklk Fonksiyonunun yiletirilmesi

Kastor yann düzenli olarak kullanlmas, lenfatik drenaj, timüs bezi sal ve kan ak dahil olmak üzere çeitli baklk sistemi ilevlerini gelitirdiine inanlmaktadr. Vücudun baklk sisteminde bulunan bir tür beyaz kan hücresi olan lenfositler, vücuda ve bakteri ve toksin gibi istilaclara kar alglanan tehditlere saldrr. Hint ya kullanm, vücudun lenf bezlerinden, timüs bezinden ve ince barsaktaki dokudan depolanan ve lenfatik dokuya salnan uygun lenfosit seviyelerini üretmesine yardmc olur. Vücudun ya emilimini arttrmak için karn ya bölgenize hint ya paketleri uygulayn.



9. Saçkran Tedavisi


Göreceli olarak yaygn bir cilt rahatszl olan ringworm bir mantardan kaynaklanr ve halka eklindeki krmz döküntüye dönüür. Çalmalar, popülasyonun yaklak yüzde 20’sinin hayatlarnda en az bir kez saçkrandan muzdarip olduunu göstermektedir. Baa çkmak için bir ar olsa da, hint ya ringworm için mükemmel bir tedavidir. Hint ya içinde bulunan undesilenik asit, enfeksiyonu öldüren bir antifungal madde olarak görev yapar.


10. Skarlarn Görünüünü Azaltn

Hint ya, yara izlerinin görünümünü azaltmak ve önlemek için mükemmeldir. Yada bulunan birçok ya asidi, yaralarn önlenmesi için gerekli olan vücuttaki lenfatik sistemi uyarr. Zaten sahip olduunuz yara izlerini ortadan kaldramasa da, görünümlerini azaltabilir.



11. kuru, krk topuklar iyilemek

Hint ya’nn cildi nemlendirmek için yapt mucizevi yetenek, krk topuklarn tedavisinde mükemmel bir çözümdür. Vitaminler açsndan zengindir ve kuru ve çatlam cildi nemlendirmeye yardmc olan temel besinler. Tekerleinizdeki ya yalayn, bir çift çorap giyin ve bir gecede brakn. Dramatik bir fark 




12. gücü Yaratn

Hint ya, emei uyarmaya yardmc olur. Azdan alndnda, kastor ya barsaklar uyarmak için çalr. Hint ya uterusu tahri etme eilimindedir, bu da kaslmalarn balamasna neden olur.



13. Güne yan rahatlatmak

Aloe ile ayn souma hissi ile, kastor ya arl güne yanklarn hafifletmek için harikadr. Risinoleik asit, enfekte olmaktan ve güne yanklar ile ilintili iltihaplanmay azaltan her türlü kabarc koruyacaktr.



14. Daha Kaln Kalar çin Hint Ya

Hint ya saçnz büyütmek ve güçlendirmek için etkili bir yol olduu kantlanmtr. Ancak, kalarnz kalnlatrmak için de çalabileceini biliyor muydunuz? çerdii antioksidanlar, proteinler, vitaminler, ya asitleri ve besin maddeleri, saç köklerini beslemek ve büyümeyi engelleyen bir faktör olabilecek bakterilere kar mücadele etmek için çalr.



15. Hint ya ile kirpik uzatn

Bir hint ya kullanm kirpikleri uzatyor.Hint ya E vitamini, proteinler, mineraller ve antibakteriyel özellikleri, düzenli olarak uygulandnda kirpiklerinizi güçlendirmeye ve uzatmaya yardmc olabilir. Bölgeye uygulandnda cilde derinlemesine nüfuz eder, kirpiklerin daha hzl büyümesini ve krlmasnn önlenmesi için bölgeyi nemlendirir ve ferahlatr.



16. Moles ve Cilt Etiketlerini Çkarn

Küçük bir kabartma tozu ile kartrldnda, hint ya, çirkin olmayan cilt ve deri etiketlerinden kurtulmann mükemmel bir yolu olabilir. Yaptrcy etkilenen bölgeye uygulamanz ve bir bandajla örtmeniz yeterlidir. Bunu dört ila alt hafta boyunca günlük yapmak, ben ve deri etiketlerini ortadan kaldracaktr.



17. Cuticles ve Yumuatr Nails ortadan kaldrr

Hint ya, krlgan, kuru trnaklar için harikalar yaratan yüksek E vitamini konsantrasyonuna sahiptir. Her akam trnaklarnza ve trnaklarnza masaj yaparak yumuak trnaklar ve salkl görünümlü trnaklar oluur.



18. Ereltilerinizi Yükselin

Hint ya birçok kullanm alanna sahiptir, ancak bunu erilerinizi canlandrmak için kullanabileceinizi biliyor muydunuz? Ereltileriniz salksz görünüyorsa yüksek miktarda mineral ve vitaminler harikalar yaratacaktr. Ilk su, hint ya, bebek ampuan birletirin ve karma birkaç damla ekleyin.Düzenli sulama ile takip ve birkaç gün içinde, erelti otlar bir kez daha mark olacak.



19. Bahçenizdeki Molekleri Yrtn

Eer avlununizi patlatyorsa, kasrga ya sadece yollarna göndermek için ihtiyacnz olan ey olabilir. ki galon su ve yarm fincan hintya kartrn ve köstebek deliklerini dökün. Çözüm, benleri öldürmeyecek, sadece kazmak için baka bir yer bulacak kadar tatsz hale getirecektir.



20. Lenfatik Sistemi Destekleme

Lenfatik sisteminiz, metabolik atklar vücudunuzdan atmaktan sorumludur. Drenaj sorunlar veya ak kesintileri olduunda, hint ya tekrar hareket etmesine yardmc olabilir. Castor ya paketlerini lenf bezlerine uygulayarak vücudunuzun ya hzl bir ekilde emmesini salar.



21. Cilt iltihabn azaltr.

Hint ya, böcek srklarn, döküntüleri ve kantlar iyiletirmeye yardmc olan güçlü antibakteriyel ve anti-inflamatuar özelliklere sahiptir. Cilt iltihaplarn cilt üzerindeki küçük bir alan içinde rahatlatmak için, kastor ya ile bir bandaj emdirin ve etkilenen bölgeye uygulayn. Daha büyük alanlar için, pamuk yana bir pamuk topu slatn ve etkilenen bölgeye uygulayn. Bir saat sonra durulayn, gün boyunca birkaç kez tekrarlayn.



22. Ayak trna mantar savar

Hint ya içinde bulunan undesilenik asit, vücutta mantarn tahliyesi için harika olan aktif bir maddedir. Ayak trna mantarn tedavi etmek için, ayaklarnz lk suya ve Epsom tuzuna be dakika boyunca slatn. Etkilenen ayak trnaklarna hint ya uygulayarak emmeye devam edin.



Düzenli Hint Ya vs. Jamaikal Siyah Hint Ya



Kullanclar, Jamaikal siyah hint yann alabileceiniz en güçlü karmlardan biri olduuna inanyor. Jamaikal hint ya teklifinin artan gücü, nasl ilediinin bir sonucudur. Normal hint ya yerine, Jamaikal siyah hint ya,% 100 saf koyu renkli ya elde etmek için kaynatlmadan önce, organik tohumlarn elle kavrulmas ve öütülmesiyle üretilir.Fasulyelerin uzun süre piirilmesi kül içeriinin artmasna neden olur. Hint ya yüksek bir kül konsantrasyonu içerdiinde, külün daha etkili olacana inanlmaktadr çünkü kül yan gücünü arttrmaktadr. Ya daha koyu görünür; içerdii daha fazla kül.



Hint ya nasl yaplr?

Hint ya, Ricinus Communis (hintya) bitkisinin tohumlarna basmaktan gelir. Bitki oldukça zehirlidir ve protein ve alkaloid risin içerir. Hint ya yapmak için, hint ya bitkisinden fasülye aln ve kzartn. Daha sonra ya boaltmak için fasulyeye basn.


Hint ya yan etkileri nelerdir?


Hint ya doal bir ilaçtr ve snrl miktarlarda kullanlmas güvenli kabul edilmitir. Ancak, çok fazla almanz veya uzun bir süre boyunca tüketmeniz durumunda, hafif ve orta iddetteki semptomlarla karlaabilirsiniz.Cildinize önemli miktarda hint ya uygulamadan veya sindirmeden önce, bir yama testi yaparak alerjiniz olup olmadn belirleyin. Ön kolunuza az miktarda hint ya koyun ve 24 saat bekletin. Herhangi bir reaksiyonunuz varsa, hafif kzarklk veya kant olsa bile, herhangi bir nedenle hint ya kullanmaktan kaçnn.Hint ya alrken dikkatli olmanz önemlidir. Çok fazla hint ya alrsanz, daha ciddi salk komplikasyonlarna yol açabilecek ar doz veya zehirlenme ile sonuçlanabilir.


Ek Hint Ya Tarifleri

Ya Temizleme Yöntemi Tarifler

Cildinize bakm yapmak için hint ya kullann. Yal, karma veya kuru cildiniz olsun, hint ya yararl bir tedavidir.


Hint Ya Paketleri


Bir parça pazen, pamuk veya yün kuma aln

Hint yanda bekletin

Etkilenen bir alana yerletir

Bittiinde, daha sonra tekrar kullanmak için plastik bir fermuarl torbaya yerletirin.

Castor Ya Ne Kadar Güvenli?

Özel tbbi durumunuz, yanz ve kilonuz, almak için doru miktarda hint ya belirleyecektir. Doru dozaj saladklar için hint ya almadan önce salk uzmannzla konuunuz.



Hint Ya: Birçok Kullanm Ya

Hint ya genellikle kabzl gidermek için bir çare olarak kabul edilir; Ancak, bundan daha fazlasn yapabilir. Saçnz yeniden ekillendirmeye ve güçlendirmeye yardm etmekten, artritin tedavisine, hint yalarnn kullanmndan ve faydalarndan sayszdr. Eski Msr’daki ilk kullanmlarndan bu yana, çeitli hint ya kullanm ve faydalar dünyann dört bir yanndaki insanlarla popülerdir.



Sadece bir kak hint ya


Hint ya, çocuklar gibi zorla beslenen insanlar arasnda kötü bir rap olabilir, ancak tonikin salk etkileri olduu yönünde bir efsane yoktur. imdi, bilim adamlar binlerce yldr laksatif ve emek indükleyicisi olarak kullanlan hint yanda aktif içeriin moleküler mekanizmasn aydnlatmlardr.Aratrmaclar, petrolün yaklak% 90’n oluturan ya asidi olan Ricinoleik asit, barsaklarda ve uterusta belirli bir reseptöre balandklarn kefetti. Bu keif, hint yann nasl ilediini ve daha az ho olmayan ilaçlarn gelitirilmesine yol açabileceini açklyor.Genel salk yardmcs olarak günlük bir seyreltilmi hint ya alnmasna ramen, alternatif salk maazalar hala fakir tadm edici svy müshil olarak satmaktadr. Gda ve laç daresi, hintya “genel olarak güvenli ve etkili olarak kabul edildi” olarak snflandrmtr, ancak aratrmaclar mekanizmasn anlamamaktadr.Hint ya en iyi korunan güzellik srlarndan biridir, ancak bunu bilenler uzun kirpiklere, daha dolgun kalara ve parlak saçlara sahip olabilirler.Kastor tohumlarndan yaplm, hint ya E vitamini açsndan yüksek ve cildin yüzeyinde kan dolamn uyararak omega-6 gibi önemli doymam ya asitleri içerir ve bu da saçlarn büyümesine yardmc olur.


Hint ya hakknda bilmeniz gerekenler:


Eer sk sk ya da bir yanda uykunun neden olduu bir göz kamatrc durumunuz varsa, yatmadan önce kalarnzn üzerine biraz ya dökün ve zamanla doldurun.Sinsi bölünmü uçlar söz konusu olduunda elinizin avuç içine 50p’lik bir damla hint ya dökün ve dier elinizle birlikte, saçnzn uçlarn yumuatmadan önce stn. Son restoratif saç maskesi için hindistancevizi yan kullann ve yeleinizde sihirini çaltrmak için bir gecede brakn.Saç büyümesi için, haftada bir kez saçnzn köklerine biraz hint ya dökün. Saçnz yallamaya eilimli ise, dikkatli kullann ve ya iyice durulamak için iki kez ampuanlaynDaha uzun kirpikler için, göz makyaj çkarcsn kastor yayla deitirin ve gündüz maskarasn silin ve kastor yann kirpiklerinizi hassas bir ekilde kaplamasna, uzamasna ve korumasna izin verin.ltihapl cilt hint ya için alyor. Sabah ve gece etkilenen bölgeye biraz Dab. Zaten yal alanlarda veya lekelerde hint ya kullanmaktan kaçnn. Hint ya, yalanma belirtileriyle savamak için doal bir tedavi yöntemidir. Hint ya cilde nüfuz eder ve cildi yumuatp nemlendiren ve krklklar için harika hale getiren kolajen ve elastini uyarmaya yardmc olur. Küçük bir pamuk topunu hint ya içine batrn ve yataa gitmeden önce burumu deriye uygulayn.Karacierinize bakarak kendinizi hint ya ile parlayan bir cilt verin.

Saç büyümesi için Hint ya


Peki, hint ya saç büyümesi ve onarm için bu kadar iyi yapan ey nedir?


Kastor tohumlarndan yaplm, hint E vitamini ve omega-6 gibi temel doymam ya asitleri, cildin yüzeyinde kan dolamn uyararak, saç büyümesine yardmc bir el verir.Ayrca, topikal olarak kullanldnda, kafa derisine kan dolamn artrarak salkl saç büyümesini uyarabilen risinoleik asit ve omega-6 esansiyel ya asitleri de içerir.


Saç için hint ya yararlar nelerdir?


‘Castor ya, saçlarnz ve saç derileriniz için mükemmel olan mineraller, vitaminler ve esansiyel ya asitleri açsndan zengindir,” diyor Trevor Sorbie, Manchester’daki yaratc yönetmen Vincent Allenby.Mevsimlerin deimesi etrafnda kullanmay düünmek iyi bir ürün olabilir, danmanlara tavsiyelerde bulunur.

Saç tedavisi için Hint ya


Fakat Vincent Allenby, ya ham haliyle kullanmann (eer onu ele geçirmeyi baarrsanz) iyi bir fikir olmad konusunda uyaryor.t Saçnzn üzerindeyken, saçn kendisi için çok ar olduundan ve biraz zahmetli durulama yapabileceinden, argan ya veya jojoba ya gibi bir eyle eyreltildiinden emin olun.Bir örnek olarak, saçnz hint yayla tedavi etmek isterseniz, üç kak hint ya hindistan cevizi ya ve jojoba yandan biriyle kartrmak isteyebilirsiniz.Hint ya kokusu tam olarak kaplca tedavilerinin bir parças deildir, bu nedenle karmnzdaki bir damla veya iki uçucu ya kullanarak tedavinizi daha keyifli hale getirecektir. Hindistan cevizi ya da saç için argan ya gibi bir dizi saç yararlar sahiptir.Bir tedavi olarak kullanmak için ya stncaya kadar stn (mikrodalgada asla yanmaz – yank derisi zevkli deildir) ve saçnza sürülmesinden sonra iyice durulayn.Pukka Herb’deki uzmanlar, yan saç derisine, uçlarna ve daha sonra herhangi bir kalntdan kurtulmak için iki kez ampuanla durulanmasn tavsiye ediyor.Saçnz kuru ise, gece boyunca brakn ve sadece haftada bir kez yapn. 

Hint Ya Paketi Talimatlar: Nasl Hazrlanr ve Kullanlr?


Hint ya paketlerini kullanmadan önce, ilk önce küçük bir kastor ya damlasn dorudan cilde masaj yaparak kastor yana kar cilt hassasiyetini test edin. Bir hint ya paketi ile uyuyorsanz, yanmalar önlemek için otomatik kapanma özelliine sahip bir elektrikli stma yast kullanlmas önemle tavsiye edilir. Bu dank bir süreç olabilir, bu nedenle dikkatli olun ve mobilya ya da vücudunuzdaki ya dökülmelerini azaltmak için talimatlar izleyin.



huile de castor


En anglais, l’huile de ricin est appelée castor oil, car elle a ponctuellement remplacé dans ses usages le castoréum sécrété par les glandes des castors11. La traduction « huile de castor » est à proscrire, puisque l’origine de l’huile de ricin est strictement végétale.



Ordre de grandeur des principaux composants de l’huile de ricin



Carte des plus grands producteurs d’huile de ricin en 2006

Issu des graines d’un arbuste – le ricin – anciennement cultivé en Egypte, en Ethiopie ou en Inde, est actuellement principalement produit en Inde (70 %), en Chine (18 %), au Brésil (8 %) et en Afrique13,14.




Le prix moyen par tonne de l’huile de ricin de qualité commerciale a doublé en dix ans :



2002 : 675 $

2010 : 1 330 $15



Dans l’Egypte et l’Inde antiques, l’huile de ricin alimentait en combustible les lampes à huile13 et cet usage a perduré jusqu’au xixe siècle6. Durant ces époques, on pouvait en fabriquer des savons16.


L’huile de ricin peut être utilisée pour traiter le cuir des semelles des chaussures de danse pour en faciliter la glisse.[réf. souhaitée]




Cette section ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources (janvier 2019).



Plan de ricin

L’huile de ricin fournit de l’acide undécylénique et de l’heptanal qui permettent d’accéder à des composés d’intérêt pour l’industrie :



des esters de polyols, utilisés comme lubrifiants dans certains moteurs. Elle a été très utilisée avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale comme lubrifiant pour les moteurs à combustion interne et même jusque dans les années 1980 en compétition : en effet, elle a une excellente tenue à haute température et une onctuosité exceptionnelle, cependant, comme elle s’oxyde rapidement et forme des boues, elle a laissé la place aux huiles minérales. Elle est cependant toujours utilisée par certains fabricants d’huiles moteur sous forme modifiée ;

le Rilsan (nom commercial du polyamide 11 fabriqué par Arkema), une matière plastique aux caractéristiques particulières.

L’huile de ricin est surtout employée dans l’industrie chimique pour la fabrication des polyuréthanes. Moléculairement, elle a des fonctions alcool (hydroxyle -OH), d’où son intérêt dans des réactions de réticulation. Elle rentre dans la composition de certaines couleurs de laques17


L’huile de ricin fournit de l’acide sébacique, un monomère pour synthétiser du PA 6-10.

Le potentiel de l’huile de ricin n’a pas fini d’être exploité dans l’industrie chimique qui l’ouvre à de nombreuses perspectives d’utilisation13.



Réclame pour l’huile de ricin comme soin pour enfants par Scott & Bowne company, XIX° s.

Usage interne



Cuillère en argent à huile de ricin, signée « C. Gibson, Inventor, 71 Bishopsgate St. Within », début XIX° s.

En pharmacie, cette huile a longtemps été utilisée pour ses effets laxatifs et des générations d’enfants ont dû en absorber quand on en ignorait encore les dangers mais c’est un purgatif violent et son emploi est formellement proscrit pour cette indication18,19.


Elle reste néanmoins présente actuellement, en faible quantité, comme excipient dans de nombreuses spécialités pharmaceutiques20.

Usage externe


Mise en bouteille de l’huile de ricin (en. castor oil) par Allen & Hansburys, XIX° s.

L’huile de ricin était par ailleurs recommandée en usage externe (cataplasmes tièdes) par le botaniste Leonart Fuchs au xvie siècle6 et plus tard, par le voyant américain Edgar Cayce, qui prétendait avoir obtenu ainsi de nombreuses guérisons21 et dont des naturopathes reprennent les conseils22. Aucune étude scientifique n’a validé ce genre d’effet thérapeutique.


La médecine ayurvédique de l’Inde ancienne utilisait l’huile de ricin dans le traitement de l’arthrose13.

L’huile de ricin aiderait le travail de la parturiente23.



Publicité (en forme de diamant) pour une lotion capillaire à base d’huile de ricin et de romarin, 1860

En cosmétique, l’huile de ricin s’utilise au moins depuis le xixe siècle pour embellir et protéger la chevelure des femmes et la barbe des hommes ou les soigner : en application, elle lutterait ainsi contre les pellicules, l’alopécie (chute de cheveux), la canitie (cheveux blancs) ou le prurit (démangeaisons), etc24,25. Pour ce faire, elle est quelquefois associée à d’autres plantes comme le romarin26. De nombreuses anciennes réclames en montrent tous les avantages qui sont présentés comme relevant de la médecine26.


Malgré l’absence de preuves, des publications actuelles à vocation naturelle ou écologique vantent encore les mérites de l’huile de ricin dans le traitement de la chevelure et des produits cosmétiques qui en contiennent27,28.

Elle est aussi réputée pour renforcer et allonger les cils et sourcils, ainsi que les ongles.

Cette huile à la texture épaisse et visqueuse est aussi utilisée pour hydrater en profondeur les peaux sèches et pour adoucir et réparer les peaux abimées.

Outre sa fonction nourrissante et revitalisante (toujours en usage externe), l’huile de ricin favoriserait considérablement la repousse des cheveux et leur apporterait également du volume27,28. Aucune étude scientifique n’a toutefois validé ce genre d’effet.



L’huile de ricin figure comme additif alimentaire dans le Codex Alimentarius (E1503) et agit en tant qu’anti-agglomérant, substance inerte, émulsifiant ou agent de glaçage13.


Elle sert à la préparation d’un émulsifiant, l’E476 ou PGPR (polyricinoléate de polyglycérol), utilisé notamment dans l’industrie du chocolat pour fluidifier le chocolat lors de sa production et permettre aux fabricants autorisés à le faire de remplacer l’onéreux beurre de cacao par des matières grasses moins chères.

Cet additif alimentaire se trouve en outre dans les chewing-gums, les produits chocolatés, les bonbons, les pâtisseries, les compléments alimentaires, etc.13



Graines de ricin (Ricinus communis)

Le tourteau de l’huile de ricin est utilisé en horticulture pour ses propriétés nutritives, nématicides, insecticides et répulsives pour les rongeurs (donc dangereux pour les animaux domestiques)13.




La ricine contenue dans le ricin est un poison ; elle est « référencée dans le Guinness Book des Records comme la plante la plus vénéneuse du monde ». En outre, la plante contient un allergène. Sa manipulation ou son utilisation alimentaire présentent donc de réels dangers13.



Usage interne

Par ingestion ou injection, l’acide ricinoléique altère la muqueuse intestinale et provoque des pertes importantes en eau et en électrolytes (sels minéraux), d’où son action purgative intense et irritante. La ricine (6 000 fois plus toxique que le cyanure et 12 000 fois plus que le venin du crotale) présente dans la plante et les graines, peut contaminer une huile mal préparée et être mortelle.



Plant de ricin

Usage externe

En usage externe, l’huile de ricin en elle-même ne présente pas de toxicité car elle ne contient pas de toxalbumine mais l’intérieur de la graine de ricin est un allergène et les agriculteurs cultivant cette graine (donc aussi en contact avec sa feuille ou sa capsule) doivent se prémunir contre ses effets nocifs17.



Aussi, la recherche essaie de produire des variétés de plants dépourvues de ricine toxique

Fonctions de l’huile de ricin : depuis des centaines d’années à travers le monde, elle est utilisée comme remède pour les cheveux fragiles, elle favorise leur croissance et lutte contre la perte des cheveux, elle répare aussi les cheveux cassés. Elle contribue aussi à une croissance plus rapide et plus épais des cils et des sourcils.

L’huile de ricin pressée à froid fournit des propriétés naturelles, est composée de minéraux, de protéines et de vitamines E.

L’huile de ricin peut être utilisée pour le cuir chevelu afin d’éviter la perte de cheveux, et sa teneur en acide ricin aide à augmenter la circulation sanguine et améliore la croissance des cheveux.

Peau lisse – Notre huile de ricin naturelle et vierge stimule la production de collagène naturel et d’élastine, aidant à lisser les petites rides, à favoriser la guérison des cicatrices et à rendre les traitements contre l’acné encore plus efficaces.

Traitement ongles cassants L’huile de ricin est surtout connue pour son effet hydratant et, lorsqu’elle est utilisée régulièrement, elle donne aux ongles secs une nouvelle brillance et force.

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :



Huile de castor

Huile de ricin


Noms anglais :



Utilisation et sources d’émission

Fabrication de cosmétiques et produits pharmaceutiques


Mise à jour : 1986-02-21


Liquide visqueux, jaunâtre, inodore


Propriétés physiques 1 2

Mise à jour : 1986-02-21


