Table of Contents


METATAGS :Fluohydric Acid,Fluorhydric Acid, Acid, Hydrofluoric,Fluohydric Acid,Fluorhydric Acid,Fluoride, Hydrogen,Hydrofluoric Acid,Hydrogen Fluoride,
HYDROFLUORIC ACID,Hydrogen fluoride,7664-39-3,Fluorhydric acid,Hydrofluoride,fluorane,Rubigine,Fluorwasserstoff,Antisal 2B,Fluorowodor [Polish],Caswell No. 484,Fluorwaterstof [Dutch],
hydrogenfluoride,fluoric acid,Hydrogen fluoride (HF),Fluorwasserstoff [German],UNII-RGL5YE86CZ,UN 1790 (solution),UN 1052 (anhydrous),HCRA waste number U134,Acido fluoridrico [Italian]
,Acide fluorhydrique [French],Acido fluorhidrico [Spanish],HSDB 546,(3h)hydrogen fluoride,(18f)hydrogen fluoride,EINECS 231-634-8,UN1052,UN1790,RGL5YE86CZ,Fluorure d’hydrogene anhydre [French],
,RCRA waste no. U134,EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 045601,Fluoruro de hidrogeno anhidro [Spanish],CHEBI:29228,32057-09-3,Fluohydric Acid,Hydrofluoric acid 70% by weight or more HF
14119-19-8,144923-90-0,Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric acid (conc 50% or greater),Hydrogenfluorid,Fluorowodor,FluorwaterstofMFCD00011346,Acido fluoridrico,Hydrogen-fluoride,
Hydrofluoric acid, ACS reagent, 48%,Acido fluorhidrico,Acide fluorhydrique,Hydrofluoricum acidum,13981-56-1,Fluorure d’hydrogene anhydre,fluorum,Fluoruro de hidrogeno anhidro
,Hydridofluorine,fluoridohydrogen,Fluoro radical,hydrogen fluorid,hyrofluoric acid,Fluorohydric acid,fluorure d’hydrogene,HYDROFLUORICACID,FLUORO GROUP,AC1Q4HET,ACMC-1BAS6
,Hydrogen fluoride,anhydrous,EC 231-634-8,AC1L24SO,Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous,KSC207Q2H,HYDROFLUORIC ACID, ACS,Hydrofluoric acid, 55%, CP,[HF]
,KST-1A1344,KST-1A1444,Hydrofluoric acid, LR, 39-43%,Hydrofluoric acid, SAJ first grade,AR-1A0698,AR-1A4202,Hydrofluoric acid, 48% ACS reagent,Hydrofluoric acid, JIS special grade
,NSC750679PC4826,HYDROFLUORIC ACID ANTIDOTE GEL,AKOS024438092,GF10001,MCULE-2361956978,NSC-750679,RL04917,RTR-037740,TRA0025402,Hydrofluoric acid, technical, 40-45%
,37249-79-9,AN-21816,IN001918,IN005625,LS-77246,SC-75315,Hydrofluoric acid, technical grade, 68.0%,TR-037740,FT-0627129,C16487,Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60% strength
,Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60% strength,Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous [UN1052] [Corrosive],Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous [UN1052] [Corrosive],I04-10592,Hydrofluoric acid, for ultratrace analysis, 47-51% (T),
,Hydrofluoric acid, Environmental Grade, (47-51 wt% in water),Hydrofluoric acid, 48 wt. % in H2O, >=99.99% trace metals basis,Hydrofluoric acid, Environmental Grade Plus, (47-51wt % in water)
Hydrofluoric acid, puriss. p.a., reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., >=40%,Hydrofluoric acid, semiconductor grade VLSI PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17601)
Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60% strength [UN1790] [Corrosive],Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60% strength [UN1790] [Corrosive],Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60% strength [UN1790] [Corrosive]
Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60% strength [UN1790] [Corrosive],Hydrofluoric acid, p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., 48.0-51.0%
,Hydrofluoric acid, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., >=48%,Hydrofluoric acid, semiconductor grade MOS PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17928), 49.5-50.5%,Hydrofluoric acid, semiconductor grade PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17735), 40-41%
,Hydrofluoric acid, semiconductor grade PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17736), 49.5-50.5%,326604-75-5,9F, DE Fluorwasserstoffsäure; ES Fluoruro de hidrógeno; FR Acide fluorhydrique; IT Acido fluoridrico; NL Fluorwaterstofzuur.


UN / NA Number(s): UN1790
Formula: HF
Molecular Wt: 20.01

Product Numbers: S010501, S020502, S010501-SSND13, S010501-SSNW03, S010501-SSNW04, S010501-SSNW61, S010501-SSNX43,
S020502-SSNF07, S020502-SSNF08, S020502-SSNP01, S020502-SSNP02, S020502-SSNP03, S020502-SSNP04, S020502-SSNP05, S020502-
SSNP06, S040501-SSND12, S040501-SSND13, S040501-SSND14

MDL Number: MFCD00011346
CAS Number: 7664-39-3
EC Number:231-634-8

Hydrogen fluoride is used in the production of aluminum and chlorofluorocarbons, and in the glass etching and chemical industries.
Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to gaseous hydrogen fluoride can cause severe respiratory damage in humans, including severe
irritation and pulmonary edema. Severe ocular irritation and dermal burns may occur following eye or skin exposure in humans.
Chronic (long-term) exposure of humans to fluoride at low levels has a beneficial effect of dental cavity prevention and may also
be useful for the treatment of osteoporosis. Exposure to higher levels of fluoride through drinking water may cause dental fluorosis
or mottling, while very high exposures through drinking water or air can result in skeletal fluorosis in humans. The only developmental
effect observed from fluoride exposure in humans is dental fluorosis which can occur in a child’s teeth when a mother receives high
levels of fluoride during pregnancy. EPA has not classified hydrogen fluoride for carcinogenicity.

Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous is a colorless fuming liquid boiling at 67°F. Shipped as a liquid confined under its own vapor pressure.
Corrosive to metals and tissue. Very short contact with fumes or small quantities of the liquid can cause severe, painful burns.
Vapors are heavier than air. Density 8.2 lb / gal. Used as a catalyst and raw material in chemical manufacture.
Rate of onset: Immediate & Delayed Persistence: Minutes to hours Odor threshold: 0.4 ppm Source/use/other hazard: Aluminum and
other metal industries; insecticide manufacturing-corrosive liq.


Physical and Chemical Properties of HYDROFLUORIC ACID 38-40 %:
Physical State: Liquid
Appearance: Clear, colourless
Odour: Strong odour
pH: Weak acid
Vapour Pressure: Varies with concentration; 50% (w/w): 1.64 kPa
(12.4 mm Hg) at 20 °C (calculated).
Vapour Density: 1.86 at 25 °C (air = 1) (HF gas)
Evaporation Rate: Varies with concentration
Viscosity: No information available.
Boiling Point: Varies with concentration; 48% (w/w): 108.7 °C (227.7 °F); 38.2% (w/w): 112.2 °C (234 °F)
Freezing/Melting Point: Varies with concentration; 48% (w/w): -37 °C
(-34.6 °F)
Decomposition Temperature: No information available.
Solubility: Soluble in water in all proportions. Soluble in ethanol;
slightly soluble in diethyl ether, benzene, toluene, xylene and tetralin.
Specific Gravity/Density: 50% (w/w): 1.18 at 20 °C (water = 1).
Molecular Formula: HF
Molecular Weight: 20.0054


Stability and Reactivity of HYDROFLUORIC ACID 38-40 % :
Chemical Stability: Normally stable.
Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, metals, high temperatures.
Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Substance is incompatible with over 35 specific chemicals. Please refer to the NFPA Fire Protection Guide
for specifics. Heat. Glass, concrete and other silicon-bearing materials will yield silicon tetrafluoride. Pressure build-up from this process has been
known to blow up glass containers. Carbonates, sulphides, and cyanides will yield toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and
hydrogen cyanide. Alkalis, some oxides, fluorine and other water-reactive materials will cause strong exothermic reactions that can be violent.
Reacts with most common metals to produce hydrogen. Corrosive to many materials, including leather, rubber and many organics.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Fluoride fumes.
Hazardous Polymerization: Tends to associate by means of hydrogen bonds to form polymers in both liquid and gaseous states. This
polymerization is not hazardous.


Uses of HYDROFLUORIC ACID 38-40 %:
Chemical Classification
Inorganic substances
from CDC-ATSDR Toxic Substances Portal
Hydrogen fluoride is used in the glass etching, electronic, and chemical industries.
Hydrogen fluoride is predominantly used in the production of aluminum and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Hydrogen fluoride is also used for separating uranium isotopes, as a catalyst in the petroleum industry, and in stainless steel pickling.
Fluoride is sometimes added to public drinking water supplies, and is used in a number of dental products.

Industry Uses of HYDROFLUORIC ACID 38-40 %:
Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents
Ion exchange agents
Plating agents and surface treating agents
Processing aids, not otherwise listed
Processing aids, specific to petroleum production
Solvents (for cleaning or degreasing)
Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)

HDROFLORK AST için Fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikler:
Fiziksel Durum: Sv
Görünü: Berrak, renksiz
Koku: Güçlü koku.
PH: Zayf asit
Buhar Basnc: Konsantrasyon ile deiir; % 50 (a / a): 1.64 kPa
(12.4 mm Hg) 20 ° C’de (hesapland).
Buhar Younluu: 25 ° C’de 1.86 (hava = 1) (HF gaz)
Buharlama Hz: Konsantrasyona göre deiir
Viskozite: Bilgi yok.
Kaynama Noktas: Konsantre ile deiir; % 48 (a / a): 108.7 ° C (227.7 ° F); % 38.2 (a / a): 112.2 ° C (234 ° F)
Donma / Erime Noktas: Konsantrasyonla deiir; % 48 (a / a): -37 ° C
(-34.6 ° F)
Ayrma Scakl: Bilgi bulunmamaktadr.
Çözünürlük: Her oranda suda çözünür. Etanolde çözünür;
Dietil eter, benzen, toluen, ksilen ve tetralin içinde az çözünür.
Özgül Arlk / Younluk:% 50 (a / a): 20 ° C’de 1.18 (su = 1).
Moleküler Formül: HF
Moleküler Arlk: 20.0054

HDROFLORK AST için kararllk ve reaktivite:
Kimyasal Kararllk: Normalde kararldr.
Saknlmas gereken durumlar: Uyumayan malzemeler, metaller, yüksek scaklk.
Dier Malzemelerle Uyumsuzluklar: Madde 35’ten fazla spesifik kimyasalla uyumuyor. Lütfen NFPA Yangn Koruma Klavuzu’na bakn.
Ayrntlar için. Scaklk. Cam, beton ve dier silikon tayan malzemeler, silikat tetraflüürü üretir. Bu ilemden çkan basnç art
Cam kaplar patlatt bilinmektedir. Karbonatlar, sülfitler ve siyanürler, karbon dioksit, hidrojen sülfit ve benzeri toksik gazlar üretirler.
Hidrojen siyanür. Alkalis, baz oksitler, florür ve dier suya-reaktif malzemeler iddetli olabilecek güçlü ekzotermik reaksiyonlara neden olacaktr.
Hidrojen üretmek için en yaygn metallerle reaksiyona girer. Deri, kauçuk ve birçok organik içeren birçok malzemeye andrcdr.
Tehlikeli Ayrm Ürünleri: Florür dumanlar.
Tehlikeli Polimerizasyon: Hem sv hem gaz halindeki polimerler oluturmak için hidrojen balaryla birletirici olma eilimindedir. Bu
Polimerizasyon tehlikeli deildir.

HDROFLORK AST in Kullanmlar:
Kimyasal Snflama
norganik maddeler
CDC-ATSDR Zehirli Maddeler Portal’ndan
Hidrojen florür cam gravür, elektronik ve kimya endüstrilerinde kullanlr.
Hidrojen florür arlkl olarak alüminyum ve kloroflorokarbonlarn (CFC’ler) üretiminde kullanlr. Hidrojen florürü ayn zamanda uranyum izotoplarn, petrol endüstrisinde bir katalizör olarak ve paslanmaz çelik asitleme ile ayrmak için de kullanlr.
Florür bazen halka açk içme suyuna ilave edilir ve bir takm diçilik ürünlerinde kullanlr.

HDROFLORK AST in Sanayi Kullanmlar:
Korozyon önleyiciler ve anti-ölçekleme maddeleri
Ara ürünler
yon deiim ajanlar
Kaplama maddeleri ve yüzey ilem maddeleri
leme yardmclar, aksi belirtilmedikçe
Petrol üretimine özgü ileme yardmclar
Solventler (temizleme veya yadan arndrma için)
Çözücüler (ürün formülasyonunun veya karmn bir parças haline gelirler)
