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CAS No. : 92797-39-2

EC No. : 296-575-2




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HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN (hydrolyzed milk protein)


Protein hydrolyzates, milk. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of milk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is one of the most nutrient rich proteins due to its complete amino acid content. It offers the formulator an easy way to incorporate anti-irritant and protective properties unmatched by any other protein. With its readily available nutrients you’ll see increased manageability and body in hair along with increased hydration and elasticity in skin. As with all proteins, it is restructuring and healing, but along with those benefits you will also get an optimal balance and the building blocks for improved utilization in all of your skin bath, body and hair care products.



SPECIFICATIONS of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

light amber non viscous liquid*

characteris odor

water soluble

store away from direct heat and light

1yr. when stored properly




Molecular Weight:



* May sediment on standing. This is normal. Shake before use if necessary.




2 TO 5%

add to cool down phase below 110 addto water phase in cold process formulas

APPLICATIONS of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

skin care moisturizers and cleansing products

bath and body washes, creams and lotions

hair care

shampoos, conditioners, balms and leave in hair care products (testing at 1.0%)

improved wet and dry comb out

increased elasticity for healthier hair

increased strength to prevent breakage

protection from styling damage

after sun products

healing products

post treatment soothing products


hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.



Protein hydrolysis is a useful route to the isolation of individual amino acids. Examples include cystine from hydrolysis of hair, tryptophane from casein, histidine from red blood cells, and arginine from gelatin.


Common hydrolyzed products used in food are hydrolyzed vegetable protein and yeast extract, which are used as flavor enhancers because the hydrolysis of the protein produces free glutamic acid. Some hydrolyzed beef protein powders are used for specialized diets.

Protein hydrolysis can be used to modify the allergenic properties of infant formula. Reducing the size of cow milk proteins in the formula makes it more suitable for consumption by babies suffering from milk protein intolerance. The US FDA has approved a label for this usage of partially-hydrolyzed proteins in 2017,[7] but a meta-analysis published the same year shows insufficient evidence for this use.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is also used in certain specially formulated hypoallergenic pet foods, notably dog foods for dogs and puppies that suffer from allergies caused by certain protein types in standard commercial dog food brands. The protein contents of the foods are split into peptides which reduces the likelihood for an animal’s immune system recognizing an allergic threat. Hydrolyzed protein diets for cats are often recommended for felines with food allergies and certain types of digestive issues.

Partial protein hydrolyzate obtained by gentle enzymatic hydrolysis of milk casein. The optimum peptides medium molecular weight and about 20% of free amino acids provide high substantivity, skin conditioning and film-forming properties with moisturizing and protecting effect.


What is hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is obtained by hydrolysis of milk by acidic, alkaline or enzymatic reactions. Milk is a rich source of protein casein and whey protein. It has almost all of the required amino acids that a human body need. In ancient times, milk has been used for bathing, especially it was very common in Royal families. It comes as white, yellow or brownish-white in color..



Use & Benefits:

Hydrolized milk protein is helpful in the restructuring of cells since it has good penetration into the skin. The amino acids contained in it have two different groups attached in the same structure, which can make them water-loving as well as fat-loving at the same time. So, they can get attached to dead skin cells and dirt and get washed away with water. Thus, it can be used as cleansers. The milk protein also keeps skin hydrated and reduces allergic infections like rashes and dark spots on the skin. They can form a film on the hair and skin surface and do not allow moisture to evaporate and retain it within the skin. Milk protein hydrates the skin and makes it smoother and lighter in shade. It also repairs damaged hair, helps in the growth of healthy and shiny hair. It is used in the formulations of many skincare and hair care products.



hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

The Effect of Isolated hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) on Thyroid

Hormones, Liver and Kidney Function Tests in Individuals With

Regular Weight Exercise





Whey hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) comes in three primary forms: whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI), and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH), also known as hydrolyzed protein, which is unique due to its concentration of small peptides.


WPH is becoming more popular in the health and fitness industry, and for a good reason: hydrolyzed whey protein is a version of whey that’s already broken down and offers a high degree of bioavailability. That means it’s easier to digest and delivers muscle-friendly protein to your body more quickly relative to whole (non-hydrolyzed) proteins, allowing for fewer undesirable effects such as gas and bloating, as well as a speedier recovery.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) can provide super-protein nutrition, and its benefits are especially noteworthy for people who experience digestive discomfort (gas and/or bloating) or have trouble digesting other food proteins.


You may be thinking, great, but what does “hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)” actually mean? To understand what makes hydrolyzed whey protein better than other types of protein, we need to understand what protein is and how the body digests it.


Properly hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is simply protein that has already been broken down into dipeptides and tripeptides. In a sense, the protein is pre-digested, so that the body can easily absorb it.



DH refers to the degree of hydrolysis, which indicates how much the protein has been broken down. Generally speaking, the higher the DH, the larger the concentration of small peptides.

High-DH hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) also offers reduced allergen potential. Although whey protein allergies are rare, some people who are allergic to milk may have difficulty digesting whey as well as casein. But research has shown that milk protein hydrolysates significantly reduce allergic responses in children. If you have a milk allergy or experience intestinal distress when consuming milk protein, a high-DH whey protein may be what you need.

Milk Protein Hydrolysates hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s is used as a flavor enhancer in food industries. It is a precursor to produce MSG. The chemical breakdown of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) releases glutamic acid, which combines with sodium to form MSG. 

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) diets have been available for cats for over 10 years now, but studies investigating the use of hydrolyzed diets in cats with allergic dermatitis are lacking. 

Hydrolyzed protein powders contain “pre-digested proteins,” so they’re easier to absorb (bye, upset stomach) and may help speed up post-workout muscle recovery.

When Should I Use hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

There are certain situations in which hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is preferable to normal protein supplements. If you are engaged in frequent, intense training, hydrolyzed protein can be very helpful because it maximizes recovery time, making it possible to do more sets per day. It gives you a quick boost rather than a slow burn.


If you are combining your weight training program with a special diet program, you may find it useful to use hydrolyzed whey because the quick delivery can compensate for the relative lack of carbohydrates in most diets. One problem with combining a strict diet with a strict weight training regimen is the fact that you will find it harder to build up your energy. Hydrolyzed proteins won’t totally alleviate this issue, but they can definitely help.


Finally, hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) concentrates might also be a good choice when you are doing a “burnout” workout. That is to say, the kind of workout where you are pushing your endurance as long as you can. For long workout marathons, the performance-enhancing aspect of hydrolyzed protein may be useful in pushing the envelope just a little farther.


What Benefits Do hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s Offer?

Here is a short list of the benefits. Be aware that, although a lot of good research on hydrolyzed proteins has been done in recent years, this is still a relatively new subject and much research remains to be done.



Superior Amino Acid Delivery

Normally, as proteins are digested, your liver takes many of the amino acids out so that they can be distributed to the body’s various organs. While this is normally a good thing, a bodybuilding supplement should send all the aminos straight to the muscle, and that’s exactly what hydrolyzed proteins do. Since the material is already partly digested, it is much easier for the body to finish breaking it down. It is therefore absorbed more quickly, give the liver very little time extract amino acids. This means that your muscles get a supercharged dose of amino acids all at once.


One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the fact that hydrolyzed proteins contain significantly higher levels of leucine and casein when compared to traditional whey isolates. Scientists have studied these chemicals quite a bit due to their ability to regulate the flow of amino acids to the muscles.

Amino acids have a whole host of positive benefits. By sending a huge shipment of them directly to your muscles, you are giving them the best set of building blocks that they could possibly have. Amino acids are literally the building blocks of all muscle, which may explain why hydrolyzed proteins result in a greater degree of muscle protein synthesis (see the section below about improved performance).


Faster Recovery

After a heavy workout, your body experiences a drop in glycogen and this usually results in a feeling of being very weary. To combat this, it is a common practice to ingest some carbs post-workout to re-start the glycogenic processes and stimulate your body’s recovery. This study tells us that hydrolyzed proteins do clearly enhance the effects of this practice. The glycogen content of the muscles can effectively be used as a measuring stick with which to see exactly how long a person’s muscle tissue takes to recover from a strenuous, high-impact workout.


In this study, conducted on rats, it was found that hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) increased the glycogen levels of skeletal muscles. The rats were stimulated to perform tiring exercise and were then fed carbohydrate-rich foods and hydrolyzed whey. measurements were taken after the strenuous exercise to show how low the glycogen had been depleted. Measurements were taken again after administering the whey protein. It was found that ingestion of hydrolyzed whey did indeed raise the glycogen levels in the muscles of the rats at a significantly higher rate compared to the control group.


Improved Performance

There is good reason to believe that hydrolyzed whey can have some enhancing effects upon physical performance when taken in the middle of a workout. This study, which we already cited above, tells us that hydrolyzed protein consumed mid-workout offers substantial benefits, though the study did also say that more research was needed to confirm these findings.


A possible explanation comes from this study, conducted by Tang and Moore. This one was conducted on humans, which makes it more reliable than studies conducted on rats. The researchers found that hydrolyzed protein stimulated muscle protein synthesis to a much greater degree than traditional concentrates. They also confirmed the higher level of leucine present in hydrolyzed whey.

Muscle protein synthesis is the exact process that allows muscles to build and grow, which means that hydrolyzed proteins don’t just offer advantages in terms of recovery, but also in terms of performance. Knowing this, it is a wonder that they aren’t included in more workout supplements.



As you can see, hydrolyzed proteins offer a slightly different way to deliver protein to your body at just the right time. While they are not the ideal solution for all people or for all situations, they can be a useful tool in your bodybuilding arsenal that allows you to tailor your supplements to your daily activities so as to obtain maximum pump for your efforts.


hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

This page describes the properties of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini). There is a brief introduction to General Protein Definitions and Chemistry, followed by sections on Milk Protein Chemistry, Milk Protein Physical Properties, Deterioration of Milk Protein, and the Influences of Heat Treatments on hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) Properties.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) Chemistry

Milk contains 3.3% total protein. Milk proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids required by humans. hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) are synthesized in the mammary gland, but 60% of the amino acids used to build the proteins are obtained from the cow’s diet. Total milk protein content and amino acid composition varies with cow breed and individual animal genetics.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).


hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.


Uses of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

Protein hydrolysis is a useful route to the isolation of individual amino acids. Examples include cystine from hydrolysis of hair, tryptophane from casein, histidine from red blood cells, and arginine from gelatin.


Common hydrolyzed products used in food are hydrolyzed vegetable protein and yeast extract, which are used as flavor enhancers because the hydrolysis of the protein produces free glutamic acid. Some hydrolyzed beef protein powders are used for specialized diets.

Protein hydrolysis can be used to modify the allergenic properties of infant formula. Reducing the size of cow milk proteins in the formula makes it more suitable for consumption by babies suffering from milk protein intolerance. The US FDA has approved a label for this usage of partially-hydrolyzed proteins in 2017,[7] but a meta-analysis published the same year shows insufficient evidence for this use.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is also used in certain specially formulated hypoallergenic pet foods, notably dog foods for dogs and puppies that suffer from allergies caused by certain protein types in standard commercial dog food brands. The protein contents of the foods are split into peptides which reduces the likelihood for an animal’s immune system recognizing an allergic threat. Hydrolyzed protein diets for cats are often recommended for felines with food allergies and certain types of digestive issues.

Partial protein hydrolyzate obtained by gentle enzymatic hydrolysis of milk casein. The optimum peptides medium molecular weight and about 20% of free amino acids provide high substantivity, skin conditioning and film-forming properties with moisturizing and protecting effect.


What is hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is obtained by hydrolysis of milk by acidic, alkaline or enzymatic reactions.

There are 2 major categories of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) that are broadly defined by their chemical composition and physical properties. The casein family contains phosphorus and will coagulate or precipitate at pH 4.6. The serum (whey) proteins do not contain phosphorus, and these proteins remain in solution in milk at pH 4.6. The principle of coagulation, or curd formation, at reduced pH is the basis for cheese curd formation. In cow’s milk, approximately 82% of milk protein is casein and the remaining 18% is serum, or hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini).

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hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a type of protein that is derived from filtered milk and Is formed from whey and casein proteins. Milk protein is generally treated in a way that will keep these proteins close to their natural state, but in a purer form. The gentle purification process Milk Protein goes through ensures any denaturing or changing of the proteins is minimized and the amino acid profile remains excellent. The Milk Protein yielded is an excellent source of calcium, high in branch chain amino acids and low in fat. In this article we will investigate exactly what Milk Protein is and what makes it such an effective, if sometimes overlooked, protein source.


What is hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

Often overshadowed by Whey Protein, Milk Protein is formed from predominantly casein and some whey proteins that are constituents of milk. These elements are purified when milk is taken and gradually purified into Milk Protein. Carbohydrates and fats are removed during this process and Milk Protein Concentrate or Isolate is created. A lot of people tend to look at the low amount of whey in Milk Protein with the view that Whey Protein is the only good protein source. Whey Protein is a very good protein source and it is rapidly digested. This does not however, make it an ideal all-purpose protein source. In fact, the high casein content within Milk Protein makes it an excellent protein source, with a rich amino acid profile. This profile is rich in branch chain amino acids and provides a much more prolonged delivery to the muscle fibres.



Slow Release Milk Protein

As the proteins within Milk Protein are left as close to their natural state as possible, it takes the body longer to digest. This makes hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) ideally suited as a sustained release protein source and a great choice as a bedtime protein or for in-between meals. As Milk Protein is gradually digested, it forms a gel in the gut which is gradually absorbed over a period of hours. This provides a prolonged source of amino acids that will continually be used by the body.



hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) and Protein Synthesis

What Is hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?


Milk Protein does not have a huge effect on protein synthesis as it enters the bloodstream so slowly. However, studies have shown hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) to enhance protein synthesis for a considerably longer time than whey. The slow release properties of Milk Protein make it excellent in preventing any muscle protein breakdown. You don’t want your hard earned muscle to be broken down overnight as the body starts feeding off itself. Seeing as the amount of protein you can ingest before sleep is limited, you have to make the nature and quality of this protein count. Other protein sources such as Whey Protein are rapidly absorbed and are less suited for this specific time. Without going into all the different types of protein, I’ll address the most common ones used to give a better idea of absorption times:


– Hydrolysed Milk Protein: 10-30 minutes

– Whey Protein Isolate: 30-60 minutes

– Whey Protein Concentrate: 60-90 minutes

– Casein Protein (hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)): Up to 7 hours



hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) and Protein Breakdown

Looking at these times there really is no competition. The properties of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) make it the best thing to take before bed and also through the day (when protein isn’t immediately required). When trying to build muscle, you need to tip the balance of protein synthesis and protein breakdown in your favour. No matter how much protein synthesis you manage through training and diet, this cannot be truly maximised until you address protein breakdown. Potentially this breakdown could undo all the hard work put in through the day. The majority or muscular repair and growth takes place while you are asleep and you cannot afford to starve your body of protein at this important time. Therefore feeding Milk Protein at these times can be an important tool in your supplement arsenal.

Milk is an important component of a balanced diet and contains numerous valuable constituents. Considerable acclaimed health benefits of milk are related to its proteins, not only for their nutritive value but also for their biological properties. Scientific evidence suggests that anticarcinogenic activities, antihypertensive properties, immune system modulation, and other metabolic features of milk, are affiliated with its proteins (intact proteins or its derivatives). In this article, the main health-related aspects of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini), such as anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, anticariogenic, antihypertensive, and hypocholesterolemic effects are reviewed. Collectively, the findings indicate the effectiveness of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) on reduction of risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular diseases and overall improvement of health aspects.

Milk Protein Hydrolysates hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s is used as a flavor enhancer in food industries. It is a precursor to produce MSG. The chemical breakdown of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) releases glutamic acid, which combines with sodium to form MSG. 

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) diets have been available for cats for over 10 years now, but studies investigating the use of hydrolyzed diets in cats with allergic dermatitis are lacking. 

Hydrolyzed protein powders contain “pre-digested proteins,” so they’re easier to absorb (bye, upset stomach) and may help speed up post-workout muscle recovery.

When Should I Use hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

There are certain situations in which hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is preferable to normal protein supplements. 

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).


hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.


Protein hydrolyzates, milk. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of milk composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin.

hidrolized Milk Protein is one of the most nutrient rich proteins due to its complete amino acid content. It offers the formulator an easy way to incorporate anti-irritant and protective properties unmatched by any other protein. With its readily available nutrients you’ll see increased manageability and body in hair along with increased hydration and elasticity in skin. As with all proteins, it is restructuring and healing, but along with those benefits you will also get an optimal balance and the building blocks for improved utilization in all of your skin bath, body and hair care products.



SPECIFICATIONS of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

light amber non viscous liquid*

characteris odor

water soluble

store away from direct heat and light

1yr. when stored properly

* May sediment on standing. This is normal. Shake before use if necessary.

USAGE of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

2 TO 5%

add to cool down phase below 110

addto water phase in cold process formulas

APPLICATIONS of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

skin care moisturizers and cleansing products

bath and body washes, creams and lotions

hair care

shampoos, conditioners, balms and leave in hair care products (testing at 1.0%)

improved wet and dry comb out

increased elasticity for healthier hair

increased strength to prevent breakage

protection from styling damage

after sun products

healing products

post treatment soothing products


hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.



Protein hydrolysis is a useful route to the isolation of individual amino acids. Examples include cystine from hydrolysis of hair, tryptophane from casein, histidine from red blood cells, and arginine from gelatin.


Common hidrolized products used in food are hidrolized vegetable protein and yeast extract, which are used as flavor enhancers because the hydrolysis of the protein produces free glutamic acid. Some hidrolized beef protein powders are used for specialized diets.

Protein hydrolysis can be used to modify the allergenic properties of infant formula. Reducing the size of cow milk proteins in the formula makes it more suitable for consumption by babies suffering from milk protein intolerance. The US FDA has approved a label for this usage of partially-hidrolized proteins in 2017,[7] but a meta-analysis published the same year shows insufficient evidence for this use.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is also used in certain specially formulated hypoallergenic pet foods, notably dog foods for dogs and puppies that suffer from allergies caused by certain protein types in standard commercial dog food brands. The protein contents of the foods are split into peptides which reduces the likelihood for an animal’s immune system recognizing an allergic threat. hidrolized protein diets for cats are often recommended for felines with food allergies and certain types of digestive issues.

Partial protein hydrolyzate obtained by gentle enzymatic hydrolysis of milk casein. The optimum peptides medium molecular weight and about 20% of free amino acids provide high substantivity, skin conditioning and film-forming properties with moisturizing and protecting effect.


What is hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is obtained by hydrolysis of milk by acidic, alkaline or enzymatic reactions. Milk is a rich source of protein casein and whey protein. It has almost all of the required amino acids that a human body need. In ancient times, milk has been used for bathing, especially it was very common in Royal families. It comes as white, yellow or brownish-white in color..



Use & Benefits:

Hydrolized milk protein is helpful in the restructuring of cells since it has good penetration into the skin. The amino acids contained in it have two different groups attached in the same structure, which can make them water-loving as well as fat-loving at the same time. So, they can get attached to dead skin cells and dirt and get washed away with water. Thus, it can be used as cleansers. The milk protein also keeps skin hydrated and reduces allergic infections like rashes and dark spots on the skin. They can form a film on the hair and skin surface and do not allow moisture to evaporate and retain it within the skin. Milk protein hydrates the skin and makes it smoother and lighter in shade. It also repairs damaged hair, helps in the growth of healthy and shiny hair. It is used in the formulations of many skincare and hair care products.



hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

Typical Properties

Appearance Hazy, pale amber liquid

Odor Characteristic amino acid

pH (direct @ 25°C) 5.5-7.0

Non-Volatile Matter (1g/1hr/105°C) 18-25%

Preservation System 0.9-1.1% Phenoxyethanol

Recommended Use Level 1-3%

The Effect of Isolated hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) on Thyroid

Hormones, Liver and Kidney Function Tests in Individuals With

Regular Weight Exercise




hidrolized MILK PROTEIN 

Whey hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) comes in three primary forms: whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI), and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH), also known as hidrolized protein, which is unique due to its concentration of small peptides.


WPH is becoming more popular in the health and fitness industry, and for a good reason: hidrolized whey protein is a version of whey that’s already broken down and offers a high degree of bioavailability. That means it’s easier to digest and delivers muscle-friendly protein to your body more quickly relative to whole (non-hidrolized) proteins, allowing for fewer undesirable effects such as gas and bloating, as well as a speedier recovery.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) can provide super-protein nutrition, and its benefits are especially noteworthy for people who experience digestive discomfort (gas and/or bloating) or have trouble digesting other food proteins.


You may be thinking, great, but what does “hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)” actually mean? To understand what makes hidrolized whey protein better than other types of protein, we need to understand what protein is and how the body digests it.


Properly hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is simply protein that has already been broken down into dipeptides and tripeptides. In a sense, the protein is pre-digested, so that the body can easily absorb it.



DH refers to the degree of hydrolysis, which indicates how much the protein has been broken down. Generally speaking, the higher the DH, the larger the concentration of small peptides.

High-DH hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) also offers reduced allergen potential. Although whey protein allergies are rare, some people who are allergic to milk may have difficulty digesting whey as well as casein. But research has shown that milk protein hydrolysates significantly reduce allergic responses in children. If you have a milk allergy or experience intestinal distress when consuming milk protein, a high-DH whey protein may be what you need.

Milk Protein Hydrolysates hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s is used as a flavor enhancer in food industries. It is a precursor to produce MSG. The chemical breakdown of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) releases glutamic acid, which combines with sodium to form MSG. 

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) diets have been available for cats for over 10 years now, but studies investigating the use of hidrolized diets in cats with allergic dermatitis are lacking. 

hidrolized protein powders contain “pre-digested proteins,” so they’re easier to absorb (bye, upset stomach) and may help speed up post-workout muscle recovery.

When Should I Use hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

There are certain situations in which hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is preferable to normal protein supplements. If you are engaged in frequent, intense training, hidrolized protein can be very helpful because it maximizes recovery time, making it possible to do more sets per day. It gives you a quick boost rather than a slow burn.

hidrolized MILK PROTEIN 

If you are combining your weight training program with a special diet program, you may find it useful to use hidrolized whey because the quick delivery can compensate for the relative lack of carbohydrates in most diets. One problem with combining a strict diet with a strict weight training regimen is the fact that you will find it harder to build up your energy. hidrolized proteins won’t totally alleviate this issue, but they can definitely help.


Finally, hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) concentrates might also be a good choice when you are doing a “burnout” workout. That is to say, the kind of workout where you are pushing your endurance as long as you can. For long workout marathons, the performance-enhancing aspect of hidrolized protein may be useful in pushing the envelope just a little farther.


What Benefits Do hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s Offer?

Here is a short list of the benefits. Be aware that, although a lot of good research on hidrolized proteins has been done in recent years, this is still a relatively new subject and much research remains to be done.



Superior Amino Acid Delivery

Normally, as proteins are digested, your liver takes many of the amino acids out so that they can be distributed to the body’s various organs. While this is normally a good thing, a bodybuilding supplement should send all the aminos straight to the muscle, and that’s exactly what hidrolized proteins do. Since the material is already partly digested, it is much easier for the body to finish breaking it down. It is therefore absorbed more quickly, give the liver very little time extract amino acids. This means that your muscles get a supercharged dose of amino acids all at once.


One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the fact that hidrolized proteins contain significantly higher levels of leucine and casein when compared to traditional whey isolates. Scientists have studied these chemicals quite a bit due to their ability to regulate the flow of amino acids to the muscles.

Amino acids have a whole host of positive benefits. By sending a huge shipment of them directly to your muscles, you are giving them the best set of building blocks that they could possibly have. Amino acids are literally the building blocks of all muscle, which may explain why hidrolized proteins result in a greater degree of muscle protein synthesis (see the section below about improved performance).


Faster Recovery

After a heavy workout, your body experiences a drop in glycogen and this usually results in a feeling of being very weary. To combat this, it is a common practice to ingest some carbs post-workout to re-start the glycogenic processes and stimulate your body’s recovery. This study tells us that hidrolized proteins do clearly enhance the effects of this practice. The glycogen content of the muscles can effectively be used as a measuring stick with which to see exactly how long a person’s muscle tissue takes to recover from a strenuous, high-impact workout.


In this study, conducted on rats, it was found that hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) increased the glycogen levels of skeletal muscles. The rats were stimulated to perform tiring exercise and were then fed carbohydrate-rich foods and hidrolized whey. measurements were taken after the strenuous exercise to show how low the glycogen had been depleted. Measurements were taken again after administering the whey protein. It was found that ingestion of hidrolized whey did indeed raise the glycogen levels in the muscles of the rats at a significantly higher rate compared to the control group.


Improved Performance

There is good reason to believe that hidrolized whey can have some enhancing effects upon physical performance when taken in the middle of a workout. This study, which we already cited above, tells us that hidrolized protein consumed mid-workout offers substantial benefits, though the study did also say that more research was needed to confirm these findings.


A possible explanation comes from this study, conducted by Tang and Moore. This one was conducted on humans, which makes it more reliable than studies conducted on rats. The researchers found that hidrolized protein stimulated muscle protein synthesis to a much greater degree than traditional concentrates. They also confirmed the higher level of leucine present in hidrolized whey.

Muscle protein synthesis is the exact process that allows muscles to build and grow, which means that hidrolized proteins don’t just offer advantages in terms of recovery, but also in terms of performance. Knowing this, it is a wonder that they aren’t included in more workout supplements.



As you can see, hidrolized proteins offer a slightly different way to deliver protein to your body at just the right time. While they are not the ideal solution for all people or for all situations, they can be a useful tool in your bodybuilding arsenal that allows you to tailor your supplements to your daily activities so as to obtain maximum pump for your efforts.


hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

This page describes the properties of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini). There is a brief introduction to General Protein Definitions and Chemistry, followed by sections on Milk Protein Chemistry, Milk Protein Physical Properties, Deterioration of Milk Protein, and the Influences of Heat Treatments on hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) Properties.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) Chemistry

Milk contains 3.3% total protein. Milk proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids required by humans. hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) are synthesized in the mammary gland, but 60% of the amino acids used to build the proteins are obtained from the cow’s diet. Total milk protein content and amino acid composition varies with cow breed and individual animal genetics.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).


hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.


Uses of hydrolyzed milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini))(Hidrolize süt proteini)

Protein hydrolysis is a useful route to the isolation of individual amino acids. Examples include cystine from hydrolysis of hair, tryptophane from casein, histidine from red blood cells, and arginine from gelatin.


Common hidrolized products used in food are hidrolized vegetable protein and yeast extract, which are used as flavor enhancers because the hydrolysis of the protein produces free glutamic acid. Some hidrolized beef protein powders are used for specialized diets.

Protein hydrolysis can be used to modify the allergenic properties of infant formula. Reducing the size of cow milk proteins in the formula makes it more suitable for consumption by babies suffering from milk protein intolerance. The US FDA has approved a label for this usage of partially-hidrolized proteins in 2017,[7] but a meta-analysis published the same year shows insufficient evidence for this use.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is also used in certain specially formulated hypoallergenic pet foods, notably dog foods for dogs and puppies that suffer from allergies caused by certain protein types in standard commercial dog food brands. The protein contents of the foods are split into peptides which reduces the likelihood for an animal’s immune system recognizing an allergic threat. hidrolized protein diets for cats are often recommended for felines with food allergies and certain types of digestive issues.

Partial protein hydrolyzate obtained by gentle enzymatic hydrolysis of milk casein. The optimum peptides medium molecular weight and about 20% of free amino acids provide high substantivity, skin conditioning and film-forming properties with moisturizing and protecting effect.


What is hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is obtained by hydrolysis of milk by acidic, alkaline or enzymatic reactions.

There are 2 major categories of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) that are broadly defined by their chemical composition and physical properties. The casein family contains phosphorus and will coagulate or precipitate at pH 4.6. The serum (whey) proteins do not contain phosphorus, and these proteins remain in solution in milk at pH 4.6. The principle of coagulation, or curd formation, at reduced pH is the basis for cheese curd formation. In cow’s milk, approximately 82% of milk protein is casein and the remaining 18% is serum, or hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini).

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hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a type of protein that is derived from filtered milk and Is formed from whey and casein proteins. Milk protein is generally treated in a way that will keep these proteins close to their natural state, but in a purer form. The gentle purification process Milk Protein goes through ensures any denaturing or changing of the proteins is minimized and the amino acid profile remains excellent. The Milk Protein yielded is an excellent source of calcium, high in branch chain amino acids and low in fat. In this article we will investigate exactly what Milk Protein is and what makes it such an effective, if sometimes overlooked, protein source.


What is hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)

Often overshadowed by Whey Protein, Milk Protein is formed from predominantly casein and some whey proteins that are constituents of milk. These elements are purified when milk is taken and gradually purified into Milk Protein. Carbohydrates and fats are removed during this process and Milk Protein Concentrate or Isolate is created. A lot of people tend to look at the low amount of whey in Milk Protein with the view that Whey Protein is the only good protein source. Whey Protein is a very good protein source and it is rapidly digested. This does not however, make it an ideal all-purpose protein source. In fact, the high casein content within Milk Protein makes it an excellent protein source, with a rich amino acid profile. This profile is rich in branch chain amino acids and provides a much more prolonged delivery to the muscle fibres.



Slow Release Milk Protein

As the proteins within Milk Protein are left as close to their natural state as possible, it takes the body longer to digest. This makes hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) ideally suited as a sustained release protein source and a great choice as a bedtime protein or for in-between meals. As Milk Protein is gradually digested, it forms a gel in the gut which is gradually absorbed over a period of hours. This provides a prolonged source of amino acids that will continually be used by the body.



hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) and Protein Synthesis

What Is hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?


Milk Protein does not have a huge effect on protein synthesis as it enters the bloodstream so slowly. However, studies have shown hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) to enhance protein synthesis for a considerably longer time than whey. The slow release properties of Milk Protein make it excellent in preventing any muscle protein breakdown. You don’t want your hard earned muscle to be broken down overnight as the body starts feeding off itself. Seeing as the amount of protein you can ingest before sleep is limited, you have to make the nature and quality of this protein count. Other protein sources such as Whey Protein are rapidly absorbed and are less suited for this specific time. Without going into all the different types of protein, I’ll address the most common ones used to give a better idea of absorption times:


– Hydrolysed Milk Protein: 10-30 minutes

– Whey Protein Isolate: 30-60 minutes

– Whey Protein Concentrate: 60-90 minutes

– Casein Protein (hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)): Up to 7 hours



hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) and Protein Breakdown

Looking at these times there really is no competition. The properties of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) make it the best thing to take before bed and also through the day (when protein isn’t immediately required). When trying to build muscle, you need to tip the balance of protein synthesis and protein breakdown in your favour. No matter how much protein synthesis you manage through training and diet, this cannot be truly maximised until you address protein breakdown. Potentially this breakdown could undo all the hard work put in through the day. The majority or muscular repair and growth takes place while you are asleep and you cannot afford to starve your body of protein at this important time. Therefore feeding Milk Protein at these times can be an important tool in your supplement arsenal.

Milk is an important component of a balanced diet and contains numerous valuable constituents. Considerable acclaimed health benefits of milk are related to its proteins, not only for their nutritive value but also for their biological properties. Scientific evidence suggests that anticarcinogenic activities, antihypertensive properties, immune system modulation, and other metabolic features of milk, are affiliated with its proteins (intact proteins or its derivatives). In this article, the main health-related aspects of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini), such as anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, anticariogenic, antihypertensive, and hypocholesterolemic effects are reviewed. Collectively, the findings indicate the effectiveness of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) on reduction of risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular diseases and overall improvement of health aspects.

Milk Protein Hydrolysates hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s is used as a flavor enhancer in food industries. It is a precursor to produce MSG. The chemical breakdown of hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) releases glutamic acid, which combines with sodium to form MSG. 

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) diets have been available for cats for over 10 years now, but studies investigating the use of hidrolized diets in cats with allergic dermatitis are lacking. 

hidrolized protein powders contain “pre-digested proteins,” so they’re easier to absorb (bye, upset stomach) and may help speed up post-workout muscle recovery.

When Should I Use hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)?

There are certain situations in which hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is preferable to normal protein supplements. 

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013).


hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s are prepared via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk protein and have applications in dietetic and medical foods (Mahmoud et al., 1992). Preparation of milk protein hydrolysates is carried out to decrease allergenicity, increase adsorption, and improve functional properties of proteins for its end-use applications. These hydrolysates are also used in preparation of protein-enriched nutritious foods and beverages (Sinha et al., 2007). For enzymatic hydrolysis, milk proteins are dispersed in water and then the desirable pH and temperature is maintained at optimum value for the enzyme activity. The specific enzyme is then added to the substrate solution (protein) at a particular enzyme to protein ratio. In these specific conditions, enzyme hydrolyzes the peptide bond and allowed to continue the reaction till the desired degree of hydrolysis is achieved. The various unit operation involved in manufacture of milk protein hydrolysates are clarification, reduction of flavor, concentration/evaporation, spray drying, packaging, and storage. There is an important role of hydrolysis conditions in end product’s functional properties. Differentiation between different hydrolysates can be done by assessing the degree of hydrolysis. The main limitation of protein hydrolysates is their bitter taste which limits their food application. The number of hydrophobic amino acids is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of milk protein hydrolysate. Certain peptidases are capable of hydrolyzing the hydrophobic amino acids and hence they can be utilized as debittering agent. Milk protein hydrolysates have certain physiological functions such as decreased allergenicity, antigenicity, enhanced protein absorption, and bioactive peptides having certain physiological functions such as antihypertensive peptides for reduction in blood pressure which is related to the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (McGregor and Poppitt, 2013). Milk protein hydrolysates are appropriate for the substitution of native proteins in infant and adult foods and beverages due to their decreased allergenicity. Antigenicity of protein is associated with its potential to instigate allergic reaction. Higher degree of hydrolysis in milk protein hydrolysates leads to lower antigenicity. Milk protein hydrolysates have high absorption as compared to native milk protein due to their peptide size. Hydrolysis of milk proteins also leads to release of bioactive peptide which is embedded in complex structure of protein molecule (Li-Chan, 2015).

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini)s and peptides derived from caseins and major whey proteins can enhance immune cell functions, measured as lymphocyte proliferation, antibody synthesis, and cytokine regulation (Gill et al., 2000). Peptides released during milk fermentation with LAB show special interest, because these peptides have been found to modulate the proliferation of human lymphocytes to downregulate the production of certain cytokines and to stimulate the phagocytic activities of macrophages (Matar et al., 2003). Also it has been suggested that immuno-modulatory milk peptides may alleviate allergic reactions in atopic humans and enhance mucosal immunity in the gastrointestinal tract (Korhonen and Pihlanto, 2003). De Simone et al. (1986) reported that filtered yogurt, which is free of microorganisms, increased interferon-gamma production and natural killer activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

hidrolized milk protein (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) (hydrolyzed milk protein)(Hidrolize süt proteini) is a solution derived from the hydrolysis of a protein into its component amino acids and peptides. While many means of achieving this exist, most common is prolonged heating with hydrochloric acid, sometimes with an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process.





Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)dir. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) amino asit bileenleri içeren kompleksler içinde en zwengin besin deerine sahiptir. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ampuan, saç kremi, saç bakm ürünleri, styling, bodywash, vücut losyonu, vücut bakm ürünleri, temizleyici, toner, yüz nemlendirici, yüz bakm ürünleri, makyaj baz, rimel, ruj ve renkli kozmetiklerde kullanlr.Tam suda çözünürlüe sahiptir. yonik ve iyonik olmayan yüzey aktif solüsyonlar ile uyumludur.Suda çözünür,direkt s ve ktan uzak tutunuz.

Fiziksel durum: Sv

Renk: effaf, kehribar sar hafif puslu soluk

Koku: Karakteristik


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) enzimatik hidroliz teknii ile konsantre süt proteini veya izole süt proteininden üretilir. Bu üretim teknii ile proteindeki peptit balar ayrtrlarak, proteinin önceden sindirilmi gibi hareket etmesi salanr. Böylece Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ve içerisindeki amino asitler vücut tarafndan çok daha hzl emilir ve çok hzl ekilde kana kararak protein sentezler.


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)

Söz konusu protein destekleri olduunda, her zaman miktardan çok kalite önemlidir. Direnç egzersizleri ile belirli beslenme ekilleri birletiinde, vücudun nasl ve ne zaman yeni kas dokusu oluturduu, her geçen gün hakknda daha fazla bilgi sahibi olunan bir konudur. Bilim insanlar ‘hzl’ emilimin aslnda yeterince hzl olmadn fark etmitir. Youn bir antrenmandan sonra kaslarnzn yeteri kadar gelimesi için 90 dakika ila en fazla 2 saate kadar bir zamannz vardr. Bu ksa zaman aralnda kas dokusunu onarmak ve yeni kas dokusu oluturmak için, dorudan kaslar hedefleyen gdalar tüketmeniz ve yüksek kaliteli amino asitler almanz gerekmektedir.


Çou protein tozu kompleks ve uzun zincirli amino asitler içerir ve bunlarn etkisini göstermesi yeterince hzl bir ekilde olmaz. Bu yüzden sporcular, antrenmandan saatler sonra bile midelerinde protein sentezleme görevini yerine getirememi amino asitlerle ba baa kalrlar ve yeni kas geliimi frsat da kaybolmu olur.


Günümüzde bu problemlerle uramann yerini artk çok hzl ekilde kana karan ve devrim yaratan bir buluun eseri olan hidrolize proteinler ald. Hatta yeni ultra-hidrolize proteinlerin gözle görülür bir ekilde gücü arttrd klinik deneylerde de ortaya çkmtr.

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) Nedir?

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) üretimi yaplrken enzimatik hidroliz teknii ile izole whey veya konsantre whey ilemden geçirilir. Bu ilemin sonunda proteinlerdeki peptit balarnn bir ksm krlr. Yani sindirim sistemimizin yapmas gereken baz aamalar bu hidroliz teknii ile yaplr ve proteinin bir ksm sindirimden geçmi gibi davranr. Hidrolize protein tüketildiinde kalan peptit balarda sindirimle koparlmasyla çok hzl bir ekilde emilir ve kana kararak ihtiyaç duyulan bölgelere ular.


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)

Protein takviyelerinde kriter tüketilen miktardan daha çok tüketilen destein kalitesidir. Yaplan antrenman farkl beslenme düzenleriyle birletirildiinde kas geliimi ve doku onarmnn nasl olduu zamanla deneyim kazanlan bir konudur. Yaplan bir çok aratrma göstermitir ki hzl sanlan emilim seviyeleri aslnda hiç yeterli seviyeye ulamamtr. Youn aktiviteden sonra kas geliimi ve doku onarm yapmak için ortalama doksan dakika ile iki saat aralnda bir zamannz mevcuttur. Bu zaman diliminde proteince zengin besinler tüketilmeli ve amino asit gibi takviyeler alnmaldr.

Bir çok protein tozu kompleks ve uzun zincirli amino asitler içermektedir ve bunlarn sindirimi oldukça çok zaman almaktadr. Aktivite sonras alnan bu proteinlerin görevini yerine getirmesi için bu uzun zincirlerin koparlmas gerekmektedir ancak amino asit ihtiyacda geçen her dakika artmaktadr. Bu sebeple ihtiyaç duyulan amino asite kaslar ulaamamaktadr.

Bu tip sorunlar günümüz teknolojisi ve üretim teknikleriyle çözüm bulunabilmitir. Üretilen hidrolize proteinlerle bir çok peptit ba koparlm amino asitler kolayca ihtiyaç duyulan bölgelere ulatrlabilmektedir. Çok yeni olan ultra hidrolize proteinler sayesinde performans art klinik olarak kantlanmtr.


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) Tozu Nedir ve Nasl Kullanlr?

Kas kütlesine ihtiyac olan sporcularn düzenli spor yapmas kadar doru beslenme alkanlna sahip olmas da önemlidir. Sadece spor yaparak, arzu edilen kas kütlesine sahip olabilmek mümkün deildir. Vücudun ihtiyac olan proteinin de karlanmas gerekir. Bunu gündelik besinlerle yapmak bir bakma ihtiyac karlar. Ancak kas oluumunun yeteri kadar desteklenmesi için yeterli deildir. Bu nedenle takviye niteliindeki protein tozlarnn kullanlmas lazmdr.

Birbirinden farkl protein tozlar var ve her biri farkl amaca hizmet eder. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozu da deiik bir ihtiyacn karlanmasna yönelik uzun çalmalar sürecinde ortaya çkarlan en önemli ürünlerden birisidir. Bu ürün, takviye olarak alnan proteinin çok hzl bir ekilde sindirilmesi ve kana karmasn salar. Whey proteinden imal edilen hidrolize protein tozu sayesinde kaslara daha hzl etki eden protein tüketimi mümkün hale gelmitir. Dier kompleks ürünlere göre sindirimi çok daha kolaydr. Bu nedenle de, dier ürünlere göre fiyat daha pahaldr.

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozu faydalar nelerdir?

Hidrolize yöntemiyle elde edilen protein tozunun peptit yaplar dier proteinlere nazaran daha da ayrm haldedir. Bu da, proteinin sindirilmi gibi hareket ettirilmesini salar. Sindirim sistemine geçen protein kolay bir ekilde sindirilir ve kana karr. Kana etki eden proteinin kaslar daha hzl onarmas, güçlendirmesi ve büyütmesi mümkün hale gelir. 15-21 gün düzenli egzersiz ve düzenli ekilde hidrolize protein tüketimi ile kas yapsnda bir art salanmas mümkündür.

Hidrolize protein tozu nasl kullanlr?

Bu protein tozunu doru bir ekilde tüketmek lazmdr. Spordan önce ve sonra tüketilecek proteinin kas kütlesini korumas ve arttrmas salanabilir. Spora balamadan yarm saat öncesinden tüketilmesi yeterlidir. Ancak spordan iki üç saat önce tüketmek asla doru deildir. Çabuk sindirilip, kana karaca için vücudun farkl eksikleri için tüketilebilir. Ancak spordan yarm saat önce tüketildii zaman spora balamanzla beraber kaslarn ypranmasn engellemek için kullanlr.

Spordan sonra da protein tozu tüketimi önemlidir. Hidrolize protein tozu ile spordan sonra elde edilmek istenilen etki daha iyi salanabilir. Çünkü dier protein tozlarna göre daha hzl sindirilir. Spor yapldktan iki saat içerisinde vücudun protein ihtiyacnn karlanmas lazmdr. Bunu kompleks türdeki proteinlerle salamak mümkün deildir. O nedenle, hidrolize protein tozu tercih edilmelidir. Özellikle çok fazla arlk çalan, youn bir çalma takvimine sahip kiiler tarafndan hidrolize ürünler tüketilebilir. Yine kas kütlesini hzl bir ekilde gelitirmeyi düünenler için de kaliteli protein tozlar arasndadr.

Basit proteinler, yalnzca amino asitlerden olumu; hidroliz olduklarnda sadece amino asitleri

veren, polipeptit zincirleri yapsndaki proteinlerdir. Bileik proteinler (konjuge proteinler), amino asitlerden olumu polipeptit zincirlerinin prostetik

grup denen yaplara balanmasyla olumu; hidroliz edildiklerinde amino asitlerden baka deiik

nitelikte kimyasal maddeler de veren proteinlerdirProteinler, polipeptit zincirindeki peptit balarnn su girii ile yklmas sonucu

hidroliz olurlar. Proteinlerin ksmi hidrolizi ile proteozlar, peptonlar ve peptitler oluur; tam hidrolizi ile amino

asitler oluur. Proteinlerin hidrolizi, kaynatma, asit etkisi ve enzim etkisiyle olabilir

SÜT PROTEIN ÇETLER: Konsantre, Hidrolize ve zole


Piyasada birçok Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozu gda takviyeleri olarak sata sunulmakta. Bunlar ayn kaynaktan türetilmi ve ayn ilemlere tabii tutulmu ürünlerdir. te Whey protein tozlarn birbirinden ayran en önemli etkenler unlardr.

Konsantre Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN): % 70-80 orannda protein içerir, daha ksa bir ileme süresi gerektirmekle birlikte izole formuna oranla biraz daha fazla ya ve laktoz (süt ekeri) içerir.


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN): Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) üretim aamasnda bir takm ilemler neticesinde daha küçük yaplara, peptitlere parçalanr. Peptitler proteinlere göre çok daha hzl bir ekilde sindirim sisteminden dolam sistemine yani kana karp, kas hücrelerine ulamasn salar.

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ürünleri ile elde edilen gda maddeleridir protein hidroliz ve otantik sahip katk maddesi olarak kullanlan bulyon (bulamaç) tat.



Üretim süreci ile ilgili olarak, bir ayrm asitle hidrolize süt protein, enzimatik olarak üretilen HVP, ve dier baharatlar, örnein, fermente arasnda yaplabilir soya sosu . Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ürünleri özellikle de hazr yemek çorba ve et sular üretimi için, çorbalar, soslar, et ürünleri, attrmalklar ve dier yemeklerin tad yuvarlayn için kullanlr.

Bouillons ve Consommés için Uygulama Avrupa Kanunu’na göre, perakende sat için amaçlanan hidrolize protein ürünleri bu özellikleri karlk gelir:


20 ° C ‘dak Özgül arl .: 1.22

(Kuru madde) .:% 4 dakika toplam azot

(Kuru madde) dak .:% 1.3 amino azot


Sodyum klorür maksimum .:% 50 (kuru madde)

Proteinin hidrolizi sonucu hangi monomerler oluur?

Düzenli Arlk Egzersizi Yapan Bireylerde zole Hidrolize Süt

Proteini Kullanmnn Tiroid Hormonlar, Karacier ve Böbrek

Fonksiyon Testleri Üzerine Etkisi

Amaç: Arlk egzersizi yapan bireylerin, protein gereksinimleri için düzenli olarak kullandklar izole

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)nin tiroid fonksiyonu ve biyokimya parametreleri ile ilikisinin


Kazein Nedir?

Kazein, sala ve kas geliimine olan faydalar ile bilinen bir protein türüdür. Sütten elde ediliyor olmas sebebi ile süt proteini olarak da ifade edilir. Sütten elde edilen bu önemli protein, özellikle vücut gelitirme ile ilgilenenler için oldukça özel bir tür takviyedir. Kazein proteinini dier proteinlerden farkl klan ise yaps gerei yava emilim göstermesi ve kaslar beslemesidir. Bu sebeple kazein protein tozu spor yapanlarn sk sk tercih ettii bir takviye olarak karmza çkyor. Ortalama olarak 6-8 saat aralnda bir süre emilim göstermesi sebebi ile özellikle gece uyumadan önce kullanlyor. Yatmadan önce alacanz Kazein süt proteini, mide asidi ile karlatnda uzun süreli bir amino asit salglamaya sebep oluyor ve bu kaslarmz için harika bir ey. Genel anlamda baktmzda vücut geliimi için doru bir beslenmeye ihtiyaç duyduumuz bir gerçek ve vücudumuz daha aktif hale geldiinde yani spor yapmaya baladmzda protein ihtiyacmz da artyor. Ancak hzl bir ekilde emilim göstermesi sebebi ile bu noktada Whey proteini ilk akla gelen oluyor. Son zamanlarda ise Whey protein tozu yerine Kazein içeren besinleri tercih etmek için oldukça geçerli sebeplerimiz olduu ortaya çkmaya balad. Neden Kazein tüketmeliyiz ve Kazeinin faydalar nelerdir hemen bir göz atalm.



Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)n Faydalar Nelerdir?

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN), pek çok faydas ile ön plana çkyor. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) intolerans yani bir dier ifade ile Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) sindirimi bozukluu ya da Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) alerjisi olmayanlar için pek çok faydas ile adeta bir olmazsa olmaz olarak ifade edilebilir. Peki, nedir Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) faydalar? lk akla gelen faydas, tahmin edeceiniz üzere kaslarmz ile ilgilidir. Kazein kaslarmz koruma etkisi göstermektedir. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozunun aksine oldukça yava bir ekilde vücut tarafndan emilmektedir ve bu sebeple de kaslar sürekli beslemektedir. Yava sindirilen proteinler sayesinde de kaslara sürekli protein ak mümkün oluyor ve salkl bir kas geliimi de beraberinde geliyor. Ancak bu durum Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ie yaramadn düünmenize yol açmasn. Çünkü antrenman öncesi ve sonras Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ile birlikte gece yatmadan önce Kazein kullanm, kaslarn hem sürekli hem de antrenman öncesi ve sonrasnda youn olarak desteklenmesini salayacak, hayal ettiimiz sonuçlara ulamamz mümkün klacaktr. Protein vücudumuzdaki en önemli ihtiyaçlardan biridir. Bunu sralayacamz dier faydalar ile de net bir ekilde görebiliyoruz. Örnein Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) faydalar arasnda yer alabilecek bir dier durum, kilo verme sürecini kolaylatrmasdr. Bildiimiz üzere protein doyurucu bir besindir ve Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) alyor olmanz ise tokluk hissi yaamanz salar. Buna bal olarak da kilo vermeniz kolaylar. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) önemli bir avantaj ise kolon saln destekliyor olmasdr. Yaplan aratrmalarna göre süt proteini, et ya da soya proteinleri ile karlatrldnda daha kolon dostu nitelie sahiptir. Bununla birlikte tahmin edeceiniz üzere Kazein süt proteini içerisinde yer alan kalsiyum di sal için de oldukça faydaldr. Tüm bu Kazein faydalar, düzenli bir ekilde süt proteinlerinin tüketilmesi için geçerli sebeplerdir. Sütte bulunan proteinler, hem spor yapanlar için hem de salna önem verenler için Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) faydalar dikkate alnmaya deerdir.



Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) Zararl m?

Kazein vücut için faydalar olan bir protein türüdür ve önemsenecek nitelikte bir protein kaynadr. Bununla birlikte doal olarak Kazein zararl m sorusu da akla geliyor. Bilinmelidir ki, Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) bilinen ve kaydedilmi herhangi bir zarar ya da yan etkisi yoktur. Tabi unun da unutulmamas gerekiyor ki; protein içeriinin youn olmas sebebi ile belli miktarlarda tüketilmesi gerekir. Yani gerekli miktarn üzerinde tüketildiinde olumsuz etkiler ile karlalabilir. Dolaysyla Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) zararlar ancak fazla tüketim durumunda ortaya çkabilir ve alnan protein miktarlarna dikkat edilmesi gerekir.



Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) Nelerde Bulunur?

Süt proteini olarak ifade ettiimiz Kazein, vücuda oldukça fazla faydas olan bir proteindir ve pek çok besin içerisinde bulunmaktadr. Protein içeren besinler arasnda süt proteini gibi kaliteli protein içeren yiyecekleri beslenmenize dâhil ederek küçük miktarlarda da olsa Kazein alabilirsiniz. Kazein içeren yiyecekleri sralayacak olursak süt, peynir ve lor ilk akla gelenler oluyor. Bunun yan sra ilenmi yiyecekler arasnda da dondurma ve msr gevrei de yer alr. Ancak her biri oldukça küçük miktarlarda Kazein içermektedir. Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozu ise tam olarak vücudumuzun ihtiyaç duyaca miktarlar içerir. Ksacas, salkl bir kas geliimi için ihtiyaç duyacamz süt proteinini süt, peynir ve benzeri gdalar tüketerek almamz mümkün deil. Ancak Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) tozu ile uygun dozu alabiliriz. nek sütündeki bu yüksek protein içerii, krmz et gibi besinlerden oldukça farkl niteliktedir ve uygun artlarda hazrlanan protein tozlar ile vücudumuz için en uygun miktarlarda tüketilebilir.



Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) Kullanm

nek sütündeki Kazein miktar yaklak olarak %2,63 olarak ifade edilirken, koyun sütünde bu oran %4,5’e kadar çkmaktadr. Keçi sütünde ise %3,1 gibi bir oran ile karlayoruz. Bununla birlikte 1 gram protein 1,84 mg kadar galaktoz, 1,11 mg gluktoz ve 0,53 mg da mannoz içerir. Tüm bunlar vücut geliimi için oldukça önemlidir. Ancak belli kullanm zamanlar, elde edeceimiz fayday artrabilir. Bu sebeple de Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) kullanmnda baz püf noktalara dikkat etmemiz gerekiyor. Örnein, sabah kalknca ilk i olarak Kazein proteini tozu alnabilir. Vücudumuz aç durumda olduundan besin alnmadnda kas kayb balar. Ancak protein aldmzda kas kayb yaanmayacaktr. Bu sebeple Kazein süt tozu kullanmak için doru bir zaman olacaktr. Dier taraftan antrenmandan yarm saat ya da 1 saat kadar öncesinde almanz da doru olacaktr. Bu ekilde kas onarmna yarayacak proteini alm olursunuz. Antrenman sonras ise yine proteine ihtiyaç duyacamz bir zaman olacaktr. Antrenman sonrasnda kaslarmz hem insüline hem de besinlere kar hassas bir durumdadr. Protein alm ise kas onarm ve geliimi için adeta hayati önem tar. Son olarak ise belirttiimiz üzere yatmadan önce süt proteini alnabilir. Bu sayede uyuduumuz zaman zarfnda kaslarmz besinsiz kalmaz ve kas kayb yaanmaz.

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)

Sütteki kuru maddenin yaklak %27’sini oluturan süt proteinleri en önemli temel bileendir. Süt proteinlerinde, büyük bir ksm yaplarnda vücut tarafndan sentezlenemeyen dolaysyla gdalarla dardan alnmalar gereken temel “esansiyel amino asit” olan yaklak 23 adet amino asit bulunmaktadr. Süt proteinlerinin biyolojik deeri bitkisel proteinlere göre çok yüksek olduundan, dier proteinlere oranla süt proteinlerinden bireyler daha iyi yararlanmaktadr. Süt proteinleri hücre ve dokularn olumasnda önemli rol oynar. Süt proteinleri büyüme ve gelimeye önemli ölçüde katk salar. Süt proteinleri saç ve trnaklarn oluumunda büyük rol oynar. Süt proteinleri kas fonksiyonlarna yardmc olur. Süt proteini vücutta ödem yapan svlarn toplanmasn önler.


Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) homojen protein olmayp farkl nitelikte 30’dan fazla fraksiyondan olumutur. Fakat Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) ve serum proteinleri olmak üzere 2 grup altnda toplanr. Vücudun yap ta olarak kabul edilen proteinlerin beslenmede önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadr.

Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)

Doada sadece sütte bulunan kazein süt proteinlerinin yaklak %80’ni oluturur. Kazein sütte misel ad verilen parçacklar halinde bulunur. Her bir kazein miseli α σ-, αs2-, ß- ve κ -kazein gibi bileenlerden meydana gelmitir. Misellerde kazeinden baka kalsiyum, magnezyum, fosfat, sitrat, potasyum gibi maddeler de bulunur


A : Alt misel B : Tüyümsü yap C : Kalsiyum fosfat D : k-kazein E : PO4 gruplar

• Serum proteinleri



Kazein yasz sütten herhangi bir yolla uzaklatrldnda geriye kalan ksma süt serumu denir ve içerisinde yaklak % 0.7 orannda protein bulunur. Toplam süt proteinlerinin %20’ni oluturan bu proteinlere serum proteinleri veya peynir üretimi srasnda peyniralt suyunda kaldklar için peyniralt suyu proteinleri ad verilir.

Süt proteinlerinin önemi Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN)n önemi çok fazladr.Beslenme fizyolojisi açsndan önemlidir. Çünkü,

bünyesinde kolaylkla sindirilebilen, biyolojik deeri

yüksek ve kaliteli süt proteinleri yer alr.Süt proteinleri organizmann gelimesi, büyümesi ve

kendi kendini yenilemesi için gerekli en önemli

yaptadr.Süt proteinleri hem anyon hem katyon içerdikleri için

amfoter karakter gösterir.

Bundan tepkimeden yararlanarak süt

proteinlerinin sl ileme dayanp dayanamayaca

«alkol testi» ile belirlenir.

ütteki kuru maddenin yaklak %27’sini oluturan süt proteinleri en önemli temel bileendir. Süt proteinlerinde, büyük bir ksm yaplarnda vücut tarafndan sentezlenemeyen dolaysyla gdalarla dardan alnmalar gereken temel “esansiyel amino asit” olan yaklak 23 adet amino asit bulunmaktadr. Süt proteinlerinin biyolojik deeri bitkisel proteinlere göre çok yüksek olduundan, dier proteinlere oranla süt proteinlerinden bireyler daha iyi yararlanmaktadr. Süt proteinleri hücre ve dokularn olumasnda önemli rol oynar. Süt proteinleri büyüme ve gelimeye önemli ölçüde katk salar. Süt proteinleri saç ve trnaklarn oluumunda büyük rol oynar. Süt proteinleri kas fonksiyonlarna yardmc olur. Süt proteini vücutta ödem yapan svlarn toplanmasn önler.



Hidrolize süt proteini (hydrolyzed milk protein) (HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN) homojen protein olmayp farkl nitelikte 30’dan fazla fraksiyondan olumutur. Fakat kazein ve serum proteinleri olmak üzere 2 grup altnda toplanr. Vücudun yap ta olarak kabul edilen proteinlerin beslenmede önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadr.

Hidrolize protein, bir proteinin bileen amino asitlerine ve peptitlerine hidrolizinden türetilmi bir çözeltidir. Bunu baarmann birçok yolu mevcut olmakla birlikte, en yaygn olan, doal olarak oluan hidrolitik süreci simüle etmek için bazen pankreatik proteaz gibi bir enzimle uzun süreli stmaktr.






Origine(s) : Animale

Autres langues : Hydrolysiertes Milchprotein, Proteine del latte idrolizzate, Proteína de leche hidrolizada


N° EINECS/ELINCS : 296-575-2

Classification : Polymère naturel ou d’hémisynthèse

Compatible Bio (Référentiel COSMOS)

Ses fonctions (INCI)

Antistatique : Réduit l’électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface

Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance

Agent d’entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état


Les substituts du lait ou hydrolysats de protéines sont des aliments de synthèse qui possèdent de nombreux atouts. Ils peuvent être utiles lors d’allergie au protéine de lait de vache ou de problèmes de transit. Le point sur les principaux produits.


Les hydrolysats de protéines : c’est quoi ?

Ces substituts au lait maternel appelés aussi hydrolysats de protéines (diète semi-élémentaire ou lait sans protéine de lait de vache) sont caractérisés par une hydrolyse enzymatique poussée des protéines de lait de vache (caséine-lactosérum). Cela signifie que les protéines de lait de vache ont été fractionnées pour permettre une meilleure absorption des nutriments et pour soulager l’activité enzymatique de l’organisme.


En effet, l’hydrolyse poussée des protéines de lait de vache permet d’obtenir des petits peptides d’un PM compris entre 1 500 et 5 000 daltons ainsi que des acides aminés libres, ce qui confère à ces protéines des propriétés anallergéniques.

Pour la plupart, ils renferment :


50 % des lipides totaux sous forme de TCM ;

ils sont enrichis en huile végétale afin d’assurer un apport correct en acides gras essentiels ;

il n’y a ni saccharose, ni lactose ;

le sucrage est constitué par des dextrines-maltose et des polymères de glucose.

Certaines marques font figure d’exception dans cette catégorie puisqu’elles sont préparées à partir de protéines de soja et de collagène de boeuf.



Laits sans protéines de lait : c’est pour qui ?

Ces formules sont généralement conseillées chez :



les prématurés de petit poids de naissance en complément du lait de mère,

lors d’ allergie aux protéines de lait de vache (PLV),

dans les syndromes de malabsorption-maldigestion intestinale ( mucoviscidose, cholestases chroniques, etc),

les diarrhées graves et/ou prolongées,

ou lors de résections intestinales.

Leur intérêt dans les coliques idiopathiques des nourrissons est l’objet de controverses : les douleurs abdominales sembleraient moins fréquentes. Est-ce du fait de l’absence du lactose ou des PLV ?


Hydrolysats de protéines : laits hypoallergéniques et formules extensivement hydrolysées. Bases immuno-allergologiques de leur utilisation dans la prévention et le traitement de l’allergie au lait

L’allergie aux protéines du lait de vache (APLV) a une incidence de 2,5 %. Les laits hypoallergéniques (HA) sont des hydrolysats partiels contenant du lactose. Les formules extensivement hydrolysées (FEH) contiennent de plus petits peptides et sont sans lactose. Aucun hydrolysat n’est totalement dépourvu de protéines intactes contaminantes. L’allergénicité primaire comme l’allergénicité croisée sont établies pour les laits HA. Les FEH sont dépourvues d’allergénicité primaire et ont un faible risque d’allergénicité croisée. Les auteurs rapportent les mesures prises pour la prévention dans les groupes d’enfants à risque : l’éviction des produits laitiers chez la femme enceinte ou allaitant ne fait pas l’objet d’un consensus. L’allaitement exclusif ou complété par un hydrolysat est conseillé sans détermination actuelle du type d’hydrolysat, partiel ou extensif. Seuls les hydrolysats extensifs de caséine sont tolérés chez 90 % des allergiques et doivent être prescrits en première intention. Le recours à un bilan allergologique par prick-tests aide au choix d’un autre hydrolysat. Les APLV sévères avec retard de croissance, ou le syndrome des allergies alimentaires multiples, ou encore l’inefficacité des FEH, justifient la prescription d’une formule d’acides aminés (Néocate®). Une diversification selon des règles de sécurité s’attache à prévenir l’installation d’un syndrome des allergies alimentaires multiples, qui prolonge l’évolution naturelle de l’APLV.


Extrait d’AVIS de l’Anses relatif à une demande d’évaluation de justificatifs relatifs à une denrée alimentaire destinée à des fins médicales spéciales pour les besoins nutritionnels, en cas d’allergies aux protéines de lait de vache et/ou d’intolérances alimentaires multiples résistantes aux préparations à base de protéines très hydrolysées, des nourrissons dès la naissance et des jeunes enfants jusqu’à trois ans.

Diagnostic et prise en charge de l’allergie aux protéines de lait de vache chez le nourrisson

La Tunisie Médicale



Prérequis : L’allergie aux protéines de lait de vache peut être responsable d’une très grande variété de symptômes et peut être due à une réaction IgE et non IgE médiée. Les questions qui restent d’actualité sont d’ordre diagnostic (quels sont les tableaux cliniques évocateurs et la place des tests allergiques dans la prise en charge ?) et thérapeutique (quel type de régime d’éviction peut-on proposer et pour quelle durée ? Méthodes : Nous avons consulté la base de données, Pub Med, Science Direct, Cochrane Library en utilisant les mots clés, allergie aux protéines de lait de vache, guideline, enfant. Les niveaux de preuve étaient A,B,C.


Le terme protéine végétale hydrolysée désigne un ingrédient obtenu par hydrolyse de protéines et permettant de donner un goût de bouillon, appelé umami, à des aliments transformés1. Étant donné les controverses sur le glutamate monosodique, les fabricants de produits alimentaires utilisent des protéines végétales hydrolysées comme exhausteur de goût pour éviter de devoir indiquer « GMS » ou « glutamate monosodique » dans les ingrédients.

On retrouve des protéines végétales hydrolysées dans différents plats préparés industriels, dont des pizzas, des sauces, etc.

La protéine hydrolysée est une protéine qui a été au moins partiellement hydrolysé ou décomposé en ses composants acides aminés . Protéines hydrolysées est également utilisé dans le processus de fabrication de certains spécialement formulés hypoallergénique aliments pour chiens pour les chiens et les chiots qui souffrent d’allergies causées par certains types de protéines dans marques d’aliments pour chiens commerciaux standards. Les teneurs en protéines des aliments sont divisés en peptides qui réduit de reconnaître une menace allergique du système immunitaire du chien.

Je viens de faire une découverte concernant les protéines et en particulier ceux qui se trouvent dans les oeufs. Comme je vous l’ai déjà dit il m’arrive d’utiliser des oeufs pour faire mes masques capillaires maison.

Quand je vois que mes cheveux deviennent fins,ternes et cassants je me dis que des protéines pourraient les requinquer.


En faisant des recherches sur les protéines j’ai découvert que les oeufs n’étaient pas vraiment efficaces dans les masques fait maison car les molécules de protéines étant de grosses molécules (macromolécules) ne peuvent pas pénétrer à l’intérieur du cheveu à mois d’être hydrolysées par des enzymes c’est à dire coupées.

En fait,les protéines sont composées d’une ou plusieurs chaines d’acides aminés qui sont liées entre elles par des liaisons peptidiques et les enzymes permettent de couper ces liaisons.

Je sais pas si vous avez remarqué mais les protéines contenus dans les produits commerciaux sont souvent hydrolisés. En anglais on dit “Hydrolized protein”.
