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CAS NO: 112-55-0
EC NUMBER: 203-984-1



SYNONYMS: 1-Mercaptododecane; Dodecane-1-thiol; Dodecyl mercaptan; Lauryl Mercaptan; 1-Dodecyl mercaptan; 1-Mercaptododecane; Dodecylthiol; n-Dodecanethiol; n-Dodecyl mercaptan; Dodecane-1-thiol; Dodecyl mercaptan; n-Dodecylthiol; 1-Dodecanethiol; n-Lauryl mercaptan; 2930.90.9190; 1760; Thiol; 22-26-36/37; 37/38-41-42/43; XN; 1-DODECANETHIOL; DODECYL MERCAPTAN; 1-DODECYL MERCAPTAN; LAURYL MERCAPTAN; 1-MERCAPTODODECANE; N-DODECANETHIOL; N-DODECYL MERCAPTAN; N-DODECYLTHIOL; N-LAURYL MERCAPTAN; NCI-C60935; Normal Dodecyl Mercaptan; 1-dodecanethiol; NDDM; 1111421; 1021557; 1086421; 1071323; 1086420; 1086419; 1021569; 1024819; 1024820; 1021558; 1021567; 1021568; 1021571; 1021572; 1021573; 1021574; 1021575; 1033862; 1032614; 1021566; 1021570; lauril; lauril merkaptan; lauril mercaptane; lauril mercaptan; lauryl merkaptane; lauryl mercaptan; looril mercaptan; laoril mercaptan; laoril merkaptan; laoril mercaptane; looril merkaptane






LAURYL MERCAPTAN is incompatible with bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents and alkali metals. 

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is easily oxidized to disulfide.


LAURYL Mercaptan is any of a class of organosulfur compounds is similar to the alcohol and phenol but containing a sulfur atom in place of the oxygen atom. Compounds containing -SH as the principal group directly attached to carbon are named ‘thiols’. In substitutive nomenclature their names are formed by adding ‘-thiol’ as a suffix to the name of the parent compound.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN; When -SH is not the principal group, the prefix ‘mercapto-‘ is placed before the name of the parent compound to denote an unsubstituted -SH group.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is any chemical compound related to sulfuric acid, formed by replacing one or both of the hydrogens with a metal or a radical.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN; Sulfite is any salt of sulfurous acid, chemical species H2SO3, which is formed in aqueous solutions of sulfur dioxide. Sulfurous acid is a clear liquid with a strong sulfur aroma.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN S used in the synthesis of medicine and chemicals, manufacture of wood, pulp and paper.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is used in winemaking, brewing, food preservation, metallurgy, engraving process, ore flotation, additive in making steel, bleaching, metal treatment and as an analytic reagent.

The first chemical contrast of thiols and sulfides with alcohols and ethers is acidity which is important in organic reactions. Thiols are stronger acids than relevant alcohols and phenols.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN S widely used as solvent of both extraction and reaction as well as intermediates for the synthesis of textile chemicals and pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is used to purify natural gas streams and for fractionation of fatty acids into saturated and unsaturated components.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is used as a reaction solvent for the preparation of aromatic sulfonic acids, pyridines, isocyanates and pharmaceuticals.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN can also be involved in the halogen exchange process and polymerization process.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN is used as a plasticizer and curing agent.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN have diverse applications in the organic synthesis as organosulfur sources into target organic molecules in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, adhesives, biocides, agrochemical products, lubricant and fuel additives for high pressure, surfactants, water treatment chemicals, dyes, flavors & fragrabcess, and photographic chemicals.


LAURYL MERCAPTAN is Used in polymerization of neoprenes. LAURYL MERCAPTAN is used for the production of hydrophobic SAMs. 

LAURYL MERCAPTAN can also be used in mixed SAMs to give a hydrophobic background. 

LAURYL MERCAPTAN acts as a spacer to move other functional groups or domains farther apart.









LAURYL Mercaptan, organosülfür bileiklerinin herhangi bir snfnn alkol ve fenole benzer fakat oksijen atomu yerine bir sülfür atomu içerdii anlamna gelir. Ana gruba karbona dorudan bal olan -SH’yi içeren bileikler ‘tiyoller’ olarak adlandrlr. kame isimlerinde isimleri, ana bileie sonek olarak ‘-tiyol’ eklenerek oluturulmutur.


LAURYL MERCAPTAN, sülfürik asitle ilikili, hidrojenlerden birinin veya her ikisinin bir metal veya bir radikal ile deitirilmesi sonucu oluan herhangi bir kimyasal bileiktir.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN; Sülfit, sülfür dioksitin sulu solüsyonlarnda oluan, sülfüröz asit, kimyasal tür H2SO3’un herhangi bir tuzudur. Sülfürük asit güçlü bir kükürt aromal berrak bir svdr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN laç ve kimyasallarn sentezinde, aaç, kat hamuru ve kat imalatnda kullanlr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, arap yapma, demleme, gda koruma, metalurji, gravür ilemi, cevher flotasyonu, çeliin yapmnda katk, aartma, metal artm ve analitik bir reaktif olarak kullanlmaktadr.

Tiyollerin ve sülfürlerin alkoller ve eterler ile olan ilk kimyasal kontrast, organik reaksiyonlarda önemli olan asitliktir. Tioller, ilgili alkoller ve fenollerden daha güçlü asitlerdir.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN S hem özütleme hem de reaksiyon solventi olarak, ayrca tekstil kimyasallar, ilaçlar ve zirai kimyasallarn sentezi için kullanlan ara maddeler olarak kullanlmaktadr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, doal gaz aklarn artmak ve yal asitlerin doymu ve doymam bileenlere ayrlmas için kullanlr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, aromatik sülfonik asitlerin, piridinlerin, izosiyanatlarn ve farmasötik maddelerin hazrlanmas için bir reaksiyon çözücüsü olarak kullanlr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN halojen deiim süreci ve polimerizasyon ilemine de katlabilir.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, plastikletirici ve sertletirici olarak kullanlr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, yüksek basnç, yüzey aktif maddeler, su artma kimyasallar, boyalar, tatlar ve fragrabes için farmasötik, yapkanlar, biyosit, zehirli kimyasal ürünler, yalayc ve yakt katk maddeleri üretiminde organik sülfür olarak organik sülfür kaynaklar olarak hedef organik moleküllere çeitli uygulamalar yapmaktadr. fotorafik kimyasallar.


LAURYL MERCAPTAN Neoprenlerin polimerizasyonunda kullanlr. LAURYL MERCAPTAN hidrofobik SAM’lerin üretimi için kullanlr.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN hidrofobik bir arka plan vermek için kark SAM’larda da kullanlabilir.

LAURYL MERCAPTAN, dier ilevsel gruplar veya alanlar daha da uzaklatracak bir boluk gibi davranr.





