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Nacan; Ludigol; Tiskan; Nitrobenzen-m-sulfonan sodny; SCHEMBL1063227; WLN: WNR CSWO &-NA-; NSC9795; sodium 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; NSC-9795; A805737; m-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt; 3-nitrobenzenesulphonic acid sodium salt; Meta-nitro Benzene Sulfonic Acid – Sodium Salt; m-Nitrobenzene sodium sulphonate; m-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; 3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; NSC 166284;3-nitrophenylsulfonicacid;m-nitro-benzenesulfonicaci;m-Nitrophenylsulfonic acid;M-NITROBENZENSULFONIC ACID;3-nitro-benzenesulfonicaci;3-NITROBENZENESULFONIC ACID;3-nitrobenzenesulphonicacid;M-NITROBENZENE SULFONIC ACID;META-NITROBENZENESULPHONICACID; 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt; 3-Nitrobenzolsulfonsäure; Acide 3-nitrobenzènesulfonique; Benzenesulfonic acid; 3-nitro->95%; 127-68-4 [RN]; 202-671-7 [EINECS]; 3-nitrobenzene-1-sulfonic acid;3-Nitro-benzenesulfonic acid; 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic Acid Hydrate; 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; >95%; 3-NITROBENZENESULFONICACID; 3-nitrbenzenesulphonic acid; 3-Nitrophenylsulfonic acid; 4346-48-9 [RN]; 98-47-5 [RN]; Benzenesulfonic acid, m-nitro-Benzenesulfonic acid; Kyselina 3-nitrobenzensulfonova [Czech]; Kyselina 3-nitrobenzensulfonova; Kyselina nitrobenzen-m-sulfonova [Czech]; Kyselina nitrobenzen-m-sulfonova; Ludigol; meta-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; MFCD00007490 [MDL number]; m-nitrobenzene sulfonic acid; m-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; m-Nitrobenzensulfonic acid; NACAN; Nitrobenzen-m-sulfonan sodny; Nitrol S; TSKAN; 3-NITROBENZENESULFONIC ACID; 98-47-5; m-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid; Benzenesulfonic acid, 3-nitro-; 3-Nitrobenzenesulphonic acid; m-Nitrobenzensulfonic acid; 3-Nitrophenylsulfonic acid; Kyselina 3-nitrobenzensulfonova; Benzenesulfonic acid, m-nitro-; CCRIS 3131; Kyselina nitrobenzen-m-sulfonova; EINECS 202-671-7; m-nitrobenzene sulfonic acid; BRN 0647983; Kyselina 3-nitrobenzensulfonova [Czech]; 3-Nitro-benzenesulfonic acid; Kyselina nitrobenzen-m-sulfonova; ONMOULMPIIOVTQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N; 3-nitrobenzenesulfonate; AC1L1ONA; 3-nitrobenzenesulfonicacid; AC1Q6WH7; SCHEMBL33350; 4-11-00-00179 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 3-nitrobenzene-1-sulfonic acid; CHEMBL3306825; DTXSID3048079; 3-NitrobenzenesulfonicAcidHydrate; CTK8B7931; ZINC1700193; ANW-58980; AKOS015833330; KS-0000178M; AJ-30454



Oksigol RS granül (Ludigol)

Dispers ve reaktif boyann redüksiyonunu önleyen,

vat boyann oksidasyonunu salayan madde


Kimyasal Yaps : MNBS ,Resist salt

Teknik Bilgiler

Görünüü : Açk sar- Ekru renkli granül

Çözünürlük : Su ile düük scaklkta bile her oranda çözülür, Bask patlarna ilavesinde ksa süreli kartrmalar yeterlidir.

pH Aral :6 – 6,5 %1’lik çözeltide

Özellikleri :

– Dispers ve reaktif boyann; scaklk, buhar, boyama süresi, scak hava gibi uygun olmayan veya deiken artlardan kaynaklanan redüksiyonunu önler.

– Polyester andrma baskda polyester üzerindeki boyann korunmas için redoks tamponu olarak kullanlr.

-Andrma baskda redüksiyon yardmclarndan dolay anan yüzeydeki renk deiimi, baskdan önce boyanm kumaa Oksigol RS verilerek önlenebilir.

– Özellikle viskon ve viskon türevlerinin basksnda ve boyamasnda; viskon elyafn üretiminden kaynaklanan ve yeterli olmayan ön ilem ile elyaftan uzaklatrlamayan redüktif potansiyeli yüksek kükürt bileiklerinin boyarmaddeyi indirgemesini önler.

– Oksigol RS, kvamlatrcdan ve pat yapmnda kullanlan dier maddelerden gelebilecek redüktif etkileri ve buharlamada oluacak olumsuzluklar ortadan kaldrr.

– Vat andrma baskda; basknn yaplaca boyal kuman, bask öncesi Oksigol RS ile fularlanmas, bask ve buharlama srasnda ortaya çkabilecek stampa ve sürtme sorunlarn en aza indirir.

– Oksigol RS; tozumayan formda granül bir ürün olduu için çalan ve çallan ortamn sal açsndan sorunsuz bir üründür.

– Çektirme ve kontinü sistemlerine uygundur.


Uygulama :


Bask çin Oksigol RS Kullanm Miktarlar:

· Reaktif ve dispers baskda redüksiyon önleyici olarak 10 g/l

· Andrma baskda redüksiyon yardmclarndan dolay renk deiimini önlemek için baskdan önce boyanm kumaa fularda 8-10 g/l

· Vat baskda oksidasyon maddesi olarak 60-70 oC, 10-15 g/l

· Vat boyal ve baskl kumalarda mukavemeti arttrmak için 5-20g/kg Oksigol RS kullanlr.

Boyama çin Oksigol RS Kullanm Miktarlar :

· Reaktif boyamada redüksiyonu önlemek için: 1-2 g/l Oksigol RS kullanlr.

· Vat boyamada oksidasyon :

Taze banyo ile oksidasyon : Boyama sonunda banyo boaltlr. Koyu bir renk ise durulama yaplarak, açk renk ise durulama yaplmadan yeni banyo alnr. Oksigol RS ile 60 oC’de oksidasyon yaplr. Rengin derinliine göre 1-8 g/l arasnda Oksigol RS kullanlr. Peroksit kullanlarak yaplan oksidasyon ile ayn renk tonu elde edilir.

Seyreltilmi banyo ile oksidasyon : Oksidasyon için ikinci yöntem ise boyama sonunda banyonun bir ksm boaltlarak taze su alnr. 2-4 g/l Oksigol RS ilave edilerek 60-70 oC, 10-20 dakika oksidasyon yaplr. Bu yöntem ile zaman ve su tasarrufu salanr.

Oksidasyon öncesinde kuma üzerinde kalan hidrosülfit miktarnn minumum olmasna dikkat etmek gerekir. Bu durumda, boya tamamen küplenmi durumdadr.


Oksigol RS ile seyreltilmi banyoda yaplan oksidasyondaki renk tonu ile vat boyann peroksit ile oksidasyonu sonu oluan renk tonu ayndr. Fark olduu durumlarda reçete kontrolü yaplmaldr.

Molecular Weight 226.16 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 1 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 5 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Rotatable Bond Count 2 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Exact Mass 225.978613 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Monoisotopic Mass 225.978613 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Topological Polar Surface Area 109 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18)

Heavy Atom Count 14 6664 2-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid C6H5NO5S 203.17

Structure 7387 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid C6H5NO5S 203.17

Structure 8476 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride C6H4ClNO4S 221.62

Structure 8740 4-Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid C6H5NO5S 203.17

Structure 31389 Sodium 3-nitrobenzenesulfonate C6H4NNaO5S 225.162-Amino-5-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid C6H6N2O5S 218.19

Structure 67138 3-Nitrobenzenesulfonamide C6H6N2O4S 202.19

Structure 67683 Benzenesulfonyl fluoride, 3-nitro- C6H4FNO4S 205.17

Structure 77498 4-Fluoro-3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid C6H4FNO5S 221.17

Structure 78048 Benzenesulfonic acid, 3-nitro-, potassium salt C6H4KNO5S 241.27

Patent ID Title Submitted Date Granted Date


US9102688 Novel Sulfonaminoquinoline Hepcidin Antagonists 2014-06-20 2014-12-11

US2012214803 Novel Sulfonaminoquinoline Hepcidin Antagonists 2012-02-02 2012-08-23


US2011014121 MODULATORS OF CXCR7 2011-01-20 Ludigol is a brand name for m-nitrobenzene sulfonic acid, sodium salt. (Thanks to Doug Wilson’s wonderful Dyes and Dyeing Glossary for this definition.) It is sold by PRO Chemical & Dye as Chem Flakes, as Ludigal F by Dharma Trading Company, and and as Ludigol F by Jacquard Products (Rupert Gibbon & Spider).


You do not need to use Ludigol for room-temperature dyeing. Its use is to protect fiber reactive dye from being chemically reduced, which is generally considered to be significant only at higher temperatures; its use is optional at room temperature. Its effect, when it is truly needed, is to make dye colors brighter, improving the yield by preventing their inactivation before they can bind to the fiber.

Since monochlorotriazine dyes (Procion H type dyes) must be steam-set, PROchem says that Ludigol is essential with this class of dye. Dichlorotriazine (Procion MX type) and monofluorotriazine (Cibacron F, sold by PROchem as Sabracron F) dyes can be used at room temperature, but they can also be steamed or microwaved. If heat is used with fiber reactive dyes, Ludigol is definitely recommended, though you can get by without it. G&S Dye says that Ludigol is “Essential for achieving very sharp edges on painted fabrics.”

The only time I’ve ever used Ludigol myself was after someone at one of the smaller dyehouses told me it could be used as a preservative so that Procion MX would stay ‘good’ in solution longer, which would mean that somehow it would quit reacting with the water molecules to become inactivated by hydrolysis. I immediately bought some, and ran some tests of my own. To my sorrow, it turned out to be completely untrue. Ludigol did not extend the lifespan of Procion MX in solution; if anything, it slightly accelerated the breakdown. To keep Procion MX dyes in solution for up to a few weeks, you can only refrigerate the dye mixtures, but for much use of stock solutions (which are handy for avoiding exposure to potentially allergenic dye powder), you need to switch to less reactive dyes, such as Cibacron F (Sabracron F), Drimarene K, or Remazol (vinyl sulfone) dyes, or steam-set dyes such as Procion H.

I’ve been thinking I should use Ludigol when microwaving Procion MX type dyes, ever since hearing of Phil Jones’s great results, but, as of this writing, I’ve never gotten around to it. My results have been satisfactory without it.

PROchem, interestingly, suggests using Ludigol in low water immersion dyeing if you live in a smoggy environment. I don’t know which pollutant they are concerned about, in this case, nor how significant an impact it may have.

Jacquard Products recommends using 1 US tablespoon (15 ml) per quart (1 liter) of dye solution. PROchem’s LWI recipe calls for 1 level teaspoon (5 ml or 2 grams) of Ludigol per quart (liter).

Ludigol F Instructions



Ludigol is a mild oxidizing agent that helps to prevent dyes from decomposing (being “reduced” – a chemistry teacher question) during fixation, which causes them to be duller. It is a very important ingredient when working with deep shades and is considered to be essential by some when working on silk when painting with Fiber Reactive dyes like Procion MX or Vinyl Suphon Liquid Reactive Dyes and then steaming the work.


Add 1 Tbs. per quart of dye/chemical water mixture.


Urea, Ludigol and Water Softener

Urea is used in tie dyeing, or other direct application dyeing. It is generally not used in solid color dyeing. Moisture is an important component of the chemical reaction process with these dyes. Urea helps draw moisture to the chemical reaction, helping the dye penetrate the fabric. Urea also helps large amounts of dye dissolve in small amounts of water. We estimate that one pound of Urea will prepare enough chemical water to tie-dye about 16 to 18 t-shirts. 5 pounds will therefore prepare enough for about 80 shirts. Ludigol is used in tie dyeing or other direct application dyeing. It is generally not used in solid color dyeing. Reactive type dyes slowly break down once they’re mixed with water, and over time the dye becomes less effective. Soon the dye solution will lose all effectiveness. Ludigol is added to the dye to keep the dye from breaking down in the water at higher rate. Ludigol keeps the dye fresher longer, and allows more dye to react with the fabric, helping the colors to come out brighter. We estimate that two ounces of ludigol will prepare enough chemical water to tie-dye about 60 t-shirts. Therefore, an eight ounce bag will prepare enough for around 240 t-shirts. Water Softener is used in both tie-dye and solid color dyeing. Dyes simply work better in soft water. One eight ounce bag of water softener will tie dye approximately 160 t-shirts.Product Description

Ludigol is used in tie dyeing or other direct application dyeing. It is generally not used in solid color dyeing. Reactive type dyes slowly break down once they’re mixed with water, and over time the dye becomes less effective. Soon the dye solution will lose all effectiveness. Ludigol is added to the dye to keep the dye from breaking down in the water at higher. Ludigol keeps the dye fresher longer, and allows more dye to react with the fabric, helping the colors to come out brighter. We estimate that two ounces of ludigol will prepare enough chemical water to tie-dye about 60 t-shirts. Therefore, we estimate a 1lb bag will prepare enough for around 480 t-shirts.QUICK DESCRIPTION:



Ludigol: Sodium Salt of M-Nitrobenzene Sulfonic Acid, also known as Ludigol . A mild oxidizing agent that prevents reduction of Reactive Dyes during the curing and setting stage of printing and hand painting. It is necessary with H dyes and optional with MX and F dyes.Ludigol

Useful when hand painting with Procion MX: helps prevent dyes from decomposing during fixation – important ingredient when working with deep shades of colour; essential when working on silk. Would need to finish with steam or microwave.Ludigol F

Ludigol F is a mild oxidizing agent used when steam setting dyes. Adding it to dye encourages more vibrant colors. Ludigol F is beneficial when working with deep shades or silk.JACQUARD LUDIGOL F – DYE BATH OXIDISING ADDITIVE – FOR NATURAL FABRICS – CHOOSE SIZELudigol is also known as resist salt or Matexil PAL. Add to Procion MX fibre reactive dyes as a colour enhancer when steam setting for brightest, most vibrant colour results as there is a tendency for procion dyes to go weaker and duller because of the reducing action caused by the heat from steam. Adding a small quantity to print paste will help prevent loss of colour. Use 30ml per litre of water and 3ml per 100ml in printing paste.

