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CAS Number:7786-30-3
EC Number:232-094-6





Chloride, Magnesium; Magnesium Chloride; MgCl2; MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE; 7786-30-3; Magnesium chloride anhydrous; MgCl2; MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE, ANHYDROUS; CHEBI:6636Cl2Mg; Chloromagnesite; Magnesiumchlorid; magnesium(II)chloride; AC1NSEHA; magnesium(II) chloride; magnesium (II) chloride; [MgCl2]; AC1L2NJB; magnesium(2+)dichloride; ACMC-1BE2K; Anhydrous magnesium chloride; Magnesium chloride,anhydrous; magnesium(2+) ion dichloride; CHEMBL2219642; DTXSID5034690; CTK0H4732;KS-00000GIG; MolPort-006-119-075; TWRXJAOTZQYOKJ-UHFFFAOYSA-L; ANW-56406; AKOS015833135; DB09407; RP18592; RTR-037808; Magnesium chloride solution 1M inwater; TRA-0177849; Magnesium Chloride, Powder, -325 Mesh; K371; SC-18226; Magnesium chloride, anhydrous, 99% 1kg; AB1003546; KB-254614; TR-037808; FT-0628077; FT-0628078; C07755; SR-01000944482; SR-01000944482-1;manezyum klorür; manezyum klorid; magnezyum klorit; manezyum klorit; magnezyum chloride; magnesium klorür; magnesum klorür; magnesum chlorde; magnesum chloride; magnesium chlorde


Properties of magnesium chloride

Chemical Formula:MgCl2 
Molecular Weight:95.205 g/mol
Boiling point:1412 °C (1013 hPa)
Density:2.32 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Melting Point:712 °C
pH value:>=7 (50 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C)
Solubility:542 g/l



  Also known as chloromagnestite, magnesium chloride is a colorless crystalline solid. It is very hygroscopic in nature. It is soluble in water and alcohol. It can be prepared by heating hydrated magnesium chloride crystals in a current of dry hydrogen chloride or by heating magnesium ammonium chloride.Anhydrous magnesium chloride crystallizes from magnesium chloride hexahydrate as leaflets. It is electrically conductive. The crystal structure of MgCl2 is layer like. The structure is cubic close packing with alternate layers of octahedral holes occupied by Mg2+ ions.


  Magnesium chloride is a naturally occurring inorganic compound that’s composed of one magnesium and two chloride ions.2 It’s usually extracted from places with high salt content, like the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.


  This compound comes in anhydrous and multiple hydrated crystal forms, with the latter one being more readily available. The multiple hydrated crystal type of magnesium chloride is referred to as magnesium chloride hexahydrate, which is produced through an evaporation process and typically sold as magnesium flakes for bath and foot soaks.


  Magnesium chloride was first used for medicinal application during the World War I, when a French surgeon named Pierre Delbet made use of it as an antiseptic. Today, this compound is more commonly used as a supplement to prevent mineral deficiency and promote better overall health.


  Magnesium chloride supplement contains only 12 percent elemental magnesium, which may seem low compared to other forms of this mineral, such as magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate. However, it’s actually better absorbed by the body than some of the other magnesium supplements because of its low stability constant, which allows it to be completely ionized across a wide range of pH levels. Its formula also gives it the capability to help improve hydrochloric acid production in the stomach.


  If magnesium deficiency is left untreated, further complications may ensue. Not having enough magnesium in the body disrupts the absorption of other minerals, such as calcium and potassium. Taking magnesium chloride for magnesium deficiency might help prevent related complications such as low blood calcium and low potassium.


  Magnesium ensures normal heart rhythms. Some research takes the benefits of the mineral a step further by suggesting it may play a role in long-term heart disease prevention. While patients with heart disease may have low magnesium blood levels, more research is needed to prove a solid link between the mineral and heart health.


What Are the Other Uses of Magnesium Chloride?

  Aside from boosting magnesium levels in the body, magnesium chloride also aids in the production of hydrochloric acid. This helps improve the digestion process and absorption of vitamins and minerals and lower risk of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

  Its zero stability constant also makes it suitable for transdermal magnesium therapy, which is why it’s available in topical forms, like oil, gel, lotion and bath salts. In fact, these forms are more commonly used than the oral ones, as users and medical professionals have attested to their positive benefits to the skin, muscles and nervous system


Benefits of Magnesium Chloride

  Magnesium chloride is a supplement version of magnesium, a mineral found naturally in the body. The mineral is essential for muscle and nerve functions, as well as heart and bone health. Certain foods, such as nuts, whole grains, beans and spinach, are rich sources of magnesium. Magnesium chloride supplements are not necessary unless you’re deficient in the mineral.




Magnezyum klorürün özellikleri

Kimyasal formül: MgCl2
Moleküler Arlk: 95.205 g / mol
Kaynama noktas: 1412 ° C (1013 hPa)
Younluk: 2,32 g / cm3 (20 ° C)
Erime Noktas: 712 ° C
pH deeri:> = 7 (50 g / l, H₂O, 20 ° C)
Çözünürlük: 542 g / l



    Kloromagnestit olarak da bilinen magnezyum klorür, renksiz kristal bir katdr. Doada çok higroskopiktir. Su ve alkolde çözünür. Hidratl magnezyum klorür kristallerinin bir kuru hidrojen klorür akmnda stlmasyla veya magnezyum amonyum klorürün stlmasyla hazrlanabilir. Susuz magnezyum klorür, yaprakçklar olarak magnezyum klorür heksahidrattan kristalleir. Elektriksel olarak iletken. MgCl2’nin kristal yaps, tabaka gibidir. Yap, Mg2 + iyonlar tarafndan igal edilen oktahedral deliklerin alternatif katmanlar ile kübik yakn ambalajlamadr.


  Magnezyum klorür, bir magnezyum ve iki klorür iyonundan oluan doal olarak oluan inorganik bir bileiktir.Genellikle Büyük Tuz Gölü ve Ölü Deniz gibi yüksek tuz içeriine sahip yerlerden çkarlr.


  Bu bileik susuz ve çoklu hidratlanm kristal formlarda gelir, ikincisi daha kolay temin edilebilir. Birden fazla hidratlanm kristal tipi magnezyum klorür, bir buharlatrma ilemiyle üretilen ve tipik olarak banyo ve ayak slatmalar için magnezyum pullar olarak satlan magnezyum klorür heksahidrat olarak ifade edilir.


  Magnezyum klorür ilk kez I. Dünya Sava srasnda Fransz bir cerrahn Pierre Delbet’i antiseptik olarak kulland tbbi uygulamalarda kullanlmtr. Bugün, bu bileik, mineral eksikliini önlemek ve daha iyi bir genel sal tevik etmek için bir takviye olarak daha yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr.


  Magnezyum klorür takviyesi, magnezyum oksit ve magnezyum sitrat gibi bu mineralin dier formlarna kyasla düük görünebilen sadece yüzde 12 elementel magnezyum içerir. Bununla birlikte, vücut tarafndan daha iyi absorbe edilen düük stabilite sabitliinden dolay dier magnezyum takviyelerinin bazlarna göre daha geni bir pH seviyesinde tamamen iyonize olmasna izin verir. Formülü ayrca midede hidroklorik asit üretimini gelitirmeye yardmc olur.


  Magnezyum eksiklii tedavi edilmezse, baka komplikasyonlar ortaya çkabilir. Vücutta yeterli magnezyum bulunmamas, kalsiyum ve potasyum gibi dier minerallerin emilimini bozar. Magnezyum eksiklii için magnezyum klorür kullanmak, düük kan kalsiyumu ve düük potasyum gibi komplikasyonlar önlemeye yardmc olabilir.


  Magnezyum normal kalp ritimlerini salar. Baz aratrmalar, uzun vadeli kalp hastal önlenmesinde rol oynayabileceini öne sürerek, mineralin faydalarn bir adm daha ileri götürmektedir. Kalp hastal olan hastalar düük magnezyum kan seviyelerine sahipken, mineral ve kalp sal arasnda salam bir balant olduunu kantlamak için daha fazla aratrmaya ihtiyaç vardr.



Magnezyum Klorürün Dier Kullanmlar Nelerdir?

  Magnezyum klorür, vücuttaki magnezyum seviyelerinin yükseltilmesinin yan sra hidroklorik asit üretimine de yardmc olur. Bu, sindirim sürecini ve vitamin ve minerallerin emilimini ve bakteri ve virüslerin neden olduu hastalk riskini azaltmaya yardmc olur.


  Sfr stabilite sabiti, transdermal magnezyum tedavisine de uygundur, bu yüzden ya, jel, losyon ve banyo tuzlar gibi topikal formlarda kullanlabilir. Aslnda, bu formlar kullanclar ve tp uzmanlar cildin, kaslarn ve sinir sisteminin olumlu yararlarn kantladklarndan, azdan olanlardan daha yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr.


Magnezyum Klorürün Faydalar

  Magnezyum klorür, vücutta doal olarak bulunan bir mineral olan magnezyumun bir ekidir. Mineral, kas ve sinir fonksiyonlarnn yan sra kalp ve kemik sal için gereklidir. Fndk, kepekli tahllar, fasulye ve spanak gibi baz gdalar, zengin magnezyum kaynaklardr. Mineralde eksik olmadkça magnezyum klorür takviyeleri gerekli deildir.


