Table of Contents




CAS Number:557-04-0

EC Number:209-150-3




Magnesium stearate, 3.8-5.0% Mg; Magnesium stearate [JAN]; Magnesium stearate [JAN:NF]; MFCD00036391; Magnesium Stearate NF; aluminum monostearate; aluminum tristearate; ammonium stearate; calcium stearate; magnesium stearate; octadecanoic acid; sodium stearate; stearic acid; zinc stearate; MAGNESIUM STEARATE; 557-04-0; Magnesium octadecanoate; Magnesium distearate; Synpro 90; Octadecanoic acid, magnesium salt; Dibasic magnesium; stearate; Petrac MG 20NF; NS-M (salt); SM-P; Stearic acid, magnesium salt; Synpro Magnesium Stearate 90; HSDB 713; magnesium dioctadecanoate; UNII-; 70097M6I30; EINECS 209-150-3; Magnesium distearate, pure; NP 1500; SM 1000; Octadecanoic acid, magnesium salt (2:1); AI3-01638; CHEBI:9254; 70097M6I30; magnesium(ii) stearate; Stearic acid; magnesium salt; Magnesium stearate [JAN]; Magnesium stearate [JAN:NF]; Magnesium Stearate NF; SCHEMBL935; Magnesium; stearate 250g; AC1L1WS7; AC1Q1U6E; ACMC-1AY89; C36H70MgO4; KSC491A3D; octadecanoic acid magnesium salt; Magnesium stearate (JP17/NF); CHEMBL2106633;DTXSID2027208; CTK3J1031; Stearic Acid Magnesium(II) Salt; HQKMJHAJHXVSDF-UHFFFAOYSA-L; MolPort-006-111-835; magnesium(2+) bis(formula 300); AKOS015915201; LS-2392; RL04104; RTR-037083; TRA0043445; KS-000010Q3; magnesium(2+) ion bis(n-octadecanoate); AN-23691; BC643064; H416; AB1009389; TR-037083; FT-0602789; S0238; D02189; A830764; I14-6799; UNII-R4OXA9G5BV component HQKMJHAJHXVSDF-UHFFFAOYSA-L; 212132-26-8; magnezyum sterat; magnezium sterat: magnesium sterat; Magnezyum stearate ; manezyum sterat; magnezyum siterat; manezyum siterat



Magnesium stearate


IUPAC name

Magnesium octadecanoate


CAS Number


Interactive image







Magnesium stearate is the chemical compound with the formula Mg.

It is a soap, consisting of salt containing two equivalents of stearate (the anion of stearic acid) and one magnesium cation (Mg2+). Magnesium stearate is a white, water-insoluble powder. Its applications exploit its softness, insolubility in many solvents, and low toxicity. It is used as a release agent and as a component or lubricant in the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.




1 Manufacturing

2 Uses

3 Occurrence

4 Safety




Magnesium stearate is produced by the reaction of sodium stearate with magnesium salts or by treating magnesium oxide with stearic acid. Some nutritional supplements specify that the sodium stearate used in manufacturing magnesium stearate is produced from vegetable-derived stearic acid.




Magnesium stearate is often used as an anti-adherent in the manufacture of medical tablets, capsules and powders.In this regard, the substance is also useful because it has lubricating properties, preventing ingredients from sticking to manufacturing equipment during the compression of chemical powders into solid tablets; magnesium stearate is the most commonly used lubricant for tablets. However, it might cause lower wettability and slower disintegration of the tablets and slower and even lower dissolution of the drug.


Magnesium stearate can also be used efficiently in dry coating processes.

In the creation of pressed candies, magnesium stearate acts as a release agent and it is used to bind sugar in hard candies such as mints.

Magnesium stearate is a common ingredient in baby formulas.



Magnesium stearate is a major component of bathtub rings. When produced by soap and hard water, magnesium stearate and calcium stearate both form a white solid insoluble in water, and are collectively known as soap scum.




Magnesium stearate is generally considered safe for human consumption at levels below 2500 mg/kg per day and is classified in the United States as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). In 1979, the FDA’s Subcommittee on GRAS Substances (SCOGS) reported, “There is no evidence in the available information on … magnesium stearate … that demonstrates, or suggests reasonable grounds to suspect, a hazard to the public when they are used at levels that are now current and in the manner now practiced, or which might reasonably be expected in the future.”


Properties of magnesium stearate

Molecular Weight: 591,27 g/mol

Molecular Formula: C36H70MgO4; Mg(C18H35O2)2


Magnesium stearate is a white powder that combines the essential mineral magnesium and the saturated fat stearic acid. It provides a small amount of magnesium, but it`s primarily used as an inactive ingredient in the pharmaceutical and supplement industries to produce pills with more consistent dosing. Magnesium stearate is a fine white power that sticks to your skin and is greasy to the touch. It`s a simple salt made up of two substances, a saturated fat called stearic acid and the mineral magnesium. Stearic acid can also be found in many foods, such as; chicken, eggs, cheese, chocolate, walnuts, salmon, cotton seed oil, palm oil, coconut oil. Magnesium stearate is commonly added to many foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. In medications and vitamins, its primary purpose is to act as a lubricant.



What does magnesium stearate do?


Magnesium stearate is an additive that`s primarily used in medication capsules. It`s considered a “flow agent.” It prevents the individual ingredients in a capsule from sticking to each other and the machine that creates the capsules. It helps improve the consistency and quality control of medication capsules. It`s possible to create medication capsules without magnesium stearate, but it`s more difficult to guarantee the consistency and quality of those capsules. Magnesium stearate is used to delay breakdown and absorption of medications, so they`re absorbed in the correct area of the bowel.

What are the health risks of magnesium stearate?

Magnesium stearate is generally recognized as safe to consume. If you ingest too much, it can have a laxative effect. It can irritate the mucosal lining of your bowels. This causes your bowels to spasm, triggering a bowel movement.

Some people on the internet claim that magnesium stearate suppresses your immune T-cell function and causes the cell membrane integrity in your helper T-cells to collapse. However, there`s no scientific evidence to support those claims.

These claims have been made based on a single mouse study that was related to stearic acid, not magnesium stearate. Mice lack an enzyme in their T-cells that humans have. This makes stearic acid safe for us to ingest.

Some people have also claimed that magnesium stearate might interfere with your body`s ability to absorb the contents of medication capsules. But again, there`s no scientific evidence to support those claims.

It`s possible to be allergic to magnesium stearate, however, and it can be difficult to avoid this food additive.

Use in Supplements

Manufacturers use magnesium stearate in some supplements and medications as an inactive ingredient to help keep the active ingredients flowing smoothly through the machinery used to produce the supplements. This is beneficial because it makes it more likely that each pill has a consistent dose of the active ingredients so each pill will have the same effect in your body.

Potential Alternatives

If you want to avoid magnesium stearate, choose supplements in liquid or gummy form instead of tablet or capsule form. Although magnesium stearate is the most common lubricant used to make tablets, you can also find tablets made with alternative ingredients that serve the same purpose. These include substances called glycerine fatty acid esters, sodium behenate, sodium stearyl fumarate or stearic acid.



Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate)



Magnezyum oktadekanoat


CAS numaras



Molar kütle 591,27 g / mol

Görünüm açk beyaz toz

Koku hafif

Younluk 1.026 g / cc 3.

Erime noktas 88.5 ° C (191.3 ° F; 361.6 K)

sudaki çözünürlük

0,003 g / 100 mL (15 ° C)

0,004 g / 100 mL (25 ° C)

0,008 g / 100 mL (50 ° C)

Çözünürlük eterde ihmal edilebilir ve benzende az çözünür alkol



Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate), Mg ( C formülüne sahip kimyasal bileiktir)

ki edeeri stearat (stearik asitanyonu) ve birmagnezyumkatyonu (Mg2+)içeren tuzdan oluan bir sabuntur. Magnezyum stearat, beyaz, suda çözünmeyen bir tozdur. Uygulamalar yumuakln, birçok çözücüdeki çözünmezliini ve düük toksisiteyi kullanr. Farmasötik ve kozmetik üretiminde bir ayrc maddeve bir bileen veya yalayc olarak kullanlr.




1 malat

2 Kullanm

3 Oluma

4 Güvenlik




Magnezyum stearat, sodyum stearatn magnezyum tuzlar ile reaksiyonu veya magnezyum oksidin stearik asit ile ilenmesi yoluyla üretilir . Baz besin takviyeleri, Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate)üretiminde kullanlan sodyum stearatn, bitkisel kaynakl stearik asitten üretildiini belirtir.




Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate)genellikle tbbi tabletlerin, kapsüllerin ve tozlarn imalatnda yapma önleyici olarak kullanlr . Bu balamda, madde, kimyasal tozlarn kat tabletlere sktrlmas srasnda bileenlerin imalat ekipmanna yapmasn önleyerek yalama özelliklerine sahip olmas nedeniyle de yararldr ; magnezyum stearat, tabletler için en yaygn kullanlan yalaycdr. Bununla birlikte, daha düük bir slanabilirlik ve tabletler ve yava yava parçalanma ve ilacn daha düük çözünmesine neden olabilir.


Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate) ayrca kuru kaplama ilemlerinde verimli bir ekilde kullanlabilir.

Preslenmi ekerlerin yaratlmasnda, magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate), bir salm maddesi olarak ilev görür ve nane gibi sert ekerlerde ekeri balamak için kullanlr.

Magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate), bebek formüllerinde yaygn bir bileendir.



Magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate), küvet halkalarnn önemli bir bileenidir. Sabun ve sert su ile üretildiinde , Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate)ve kalsiyum stearatn her ikisi de suda çözünmeyen beyaz bir kat oluturur ve topluca sabun pislii olarak bilinir .




Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate) genellikle günde 2500 mg / kg’n altndaki seviyelerde insan tüketimi için güvenli kabul edilir [12] ve ABD’de genel olarak güvenli (GRAS) olarak kabul edilir . 1979’da, FDA’nn GRAS Maddeleri Alt Komitesi (SCOGS), “… Magnezyum stearat( magnesium stearate)… hakknda mevcut bilgilerde, halka üphelendiklerinde, bir tehlike oluturduunu gösteren veya üphelenmek için makul bir neden gösteren hiçbir kant yoktur. u anda mevcut olan ve u anda uyguland ekilde veya gelecekte makul bir ekilde beklenebilecek seviyelerde kullanlr. ”



Magnezyum stearatn özellikleri



Moleküler Arlk: 591,27 g / mol


Moleküler Formül: C36H70MgO4; Mg (C18H35O2)2


Magnezyum stearat, esansiyel mineral magnezyum ve doymu ya stearik asidi birletiren beyaz bir tozdur. Çok az miktarda magnezyum salar, ancak esas olarak ilaç ve takviye endüstrilerinde daha tutarl dozlama ile hap üretmek için etkin olmayan bir madde olarak kullanlr.Magnezyum stearat cildinize yapan ve dokunulduunda greslenebilen beyaz bir güçtür. ki maddeden oluan basit bir tuz, stearik asit olarak adlandrlan doymu ya ve mineral magnezyumdur. Stearik asit, birçok gdada da bulunabilir; tavuk, yumurta, peynir, çikolata, ceviz, somon, pamuk çekirdei ya, hurma ya, hindistancevizi ya. Magnezyum stearat çou gda, ilaç ve kozmetik ürününe sklkla eklenir. laç ve vitaminlerde birincil amac yalayc olarak davranmaktr.


Magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate) ne yapar?

Magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate), esas olarak ilaç kapsüllerinde kullanlan bir katk maddesidir. Bir “ak ajan” olarak kabul edilir. Bir kapsül içindeki tek tek bileenlerin birbirine yapmasn ve kapsülleri oluturan makineyi engeller. laç kapsüllerinin tutarlln ve kalite kontrolünü gelitirmeye yardmc olur. Magnezyum stearat içermeyen ilaç kapsülleri oluturmak mümkündür, ancak bu kapsüllerin tutarlln ve kalitesini garanti etmek daha zordur. Magnezyum stearat, ilaçlarn bozulmasn ve emilimini geciktirmek için kullanlr, böylece barsaklarn doru bölgesinde emilirler.


Magnezyum stearatn (Magnesium stearate) salk riskleri nelerdir?



Magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate) genellikle tüketmek için güvenli olarak kabul edilir. Çok fazla yutuyorsanz, laksatif bir etkisi olabilir. Barsaklarnzn mukoza astarn tahri edebilir. Bu barsaklarnzn spazm olmasna ve barsak hareketini tetiklemesine neden olur.



nternetteki baz insanlar, magnezyum stearatn baklk T hücresi fonksiyonunuzu baskladn ve yardmc T hücrelerinizde hücre zarnn bütünlüünün çökmesine neden olduunu iddia eder. Ancak, bu iddialar destekleyen bilimsel bir kant yoktur.


Bu iddialar, magnezyum stearat (Magnesium stearate) deil stearik asit ile ilgili tek bir fare çalmasna dayanlarak yaplmtr. Fareler, T-hücrelerinde insann sahip olduu bir enzimden yoksundur. Bu stearik asidi yutmamz için güvenli hale getirir.

Baz insanlar ayrca magnezyum stearatn vücudunuzun ilaç kapsüllerinin içeriini emebilme yeteneini etkileyebileceini iddia etmilerdir. Fakat yine de, bu iddialar destekleyen bilimsel bir kant yoktur.

Bununla birlikte, magnezyum stearatn alerjisi olabilir ve bu gda katk maddesinden kaçnmak zor olabilir.


Takviyeler içinde kullann


Üreticiler, takviyeleri üretmek için kullanlan makinelerden etkin bir ekilde akmasn salamak için, baz takviyelerde ve ilaçlarda etkin olmayan bir bileen olarak magnezyum stearat kullanrlar. Bu yararldr çünkü her hapn aktif bileenlerin tutarl bir dozuna sahip olmas daha olasdr, böylece her hapn vücudunuzda ayn etkiye sahip olacaktr.


Potansiyel Alternatifler


Magnezyum stearattan kaçnmak istiyorsanz, tablet veya kapsül formu yerine sv veya sakzl formda takviyeleri seçin. Magnezyum stearat, tablet yapmak için kullanlan en yaygn kayganlatrc olmasna ramen, ayn amaca hizmet eden alternatif bileenlerle yaplm tabletleri de bulabilirsiniz. Bunlar, gliserin yal asit esterleri, sodyum behenat, sodyum stearil fumarat veya stearik asit olarak adlandrlan maddeleri içerir.



Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate)

Des noms

Nom IUPAC: Octadécanoate de magnésium


Numero CAS




CHEBI: 9254 





Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est le composé chimique de formule Mg 

Il s’agit d’un savon composé de sel contenant deux équivalents de stéarate (l’anion de l’acide stéarique) et un cation magnésium (Mg2 +). Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est une poudre blanche insoluble dans l’eau. Ses applications exploitent sa douceur, son insolubilité dans de nombreux solvants et sa faible toxicité. Il est utilisé comme agent de démoulage et comme composant ou lubrifiant dans la production de produits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques.




1 Fabrication

2 utilisations

3 Occurrence

4 Sécurité




Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est produit par la réaction du stéarate de sodium avec des sels de magnésium ou par traitement de l’oxyde de magnésium avec de l’acide stéarique . Certains suppléments nutritionnels précisent que le stéarate de sodium utilisé dans la fabrication du stéarate de magnésium est produit à partir d’acide stéarique d’origine végétale.



Les usages

Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est souvent utilisé comme anti-adhérent [3] dans la fabrication de comprimés, gélules et poudres médicales. À cet égard, la substance est également utile car elle a des propriétés lubrifiantes, empêchant les ingrédients de coller aux équipements de fabrication lors de la compression de poudres chimiques en comprimés solides; Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est le lubrifiant le plus couramment utilisé pour les comprimés. Cependant, cela pourrait entraîner une mouillabilité plus faible et une désintégration plus lente des comprimés et une dissolution plus lente et même plus faible du médicament.


Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) peut également être utilisé efficacement dans les processus de revêtement à sec.

Dans la création de bonbons pressés, Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) agit comme un agent de démoulage et il est utilisé pour lier le sucre dans les bonbons durs tels que les menthes.

Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est un ingrédient courant dans les préparations pour bébés.



Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est un composant majeur des anneaux de baignoire. Lorsqu’il est produit par du savon et de l’eau dure, Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) et le stéarate de calcium forment tous deux un solide blanc insoluble dans l’eau et sont collectivement appelés écume de savon.




Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) est généralement considéré comme sûr pour la consommation humaine à des niveaux inférieurs à 2500 mg / kg par jour et est classé aux États-Unis comme généralement reconnu comme sûr (GRAS). En 1979, le sous-comité de la FDA sur les substances GRAS (SCOGS) a rapporté: “Il n’y a aucune preuve dans les informations disponibles sur … Le stéarate de magnésium ( magnesium stearate) … qui démontre, ou suggère des motifs raisonnables de soupçonner, un danger pour le public lorsqu’ils sont utilisés à des niveaux qui sont maintenant actuels et de la manière actuellement pratiquée, ou qui pourraient raisonnablement être attendus à l’avenir.

