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CAS NO:2682-20-4

METATAGS:Metilizotiyazolinon; metilisoyalinone;mtilisoyazolnn;methylisothiazolinone;Methylisothiazolinone; 2-Methyl-1,2-thiazol-3(2H)-one;2-Methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one;2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one;2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-on;2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one;2-methyl-2H-isothiazole-3-one;2-METHYL-3(2H)-ISOTHIAZOLINONE;2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone;2-Methyl-3-isothiazolone;2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one;2-METHYL-4-ISOTHIAZOLINE-3-ONE;2-metil-2H-isotiazol-3-ona;3(2H)-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-3-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-;4-Isothiazolin-3-one, 2-methyl-FUNGICIDES: CHLORO-METHYL-ISOTHIAZOLINONE;ISOTHIAZOLINE-3-ONE, 2-METHYL-;ISOTHIAZOLONE, 2-METHYL-;ISOTHIAZOLONE[3,(2H)], 2-METHYL-;Kathon CG 243;Kordek 50;Kordek 50C;Kordek MLX;METHYLISOTHIAZOLONE;Methylisothiazolinone;MIT;Neolone;Neolone 950;Neolone M 10;Neolone M 50;Neolone PE;N-Methylisothiazolin-3-one;N-Methylisothiazolone;ProClin 150;ProClin 950;Zonen MT


Methylisothiazolinone, MIT, or MI, (sometimes erroneously called methylisothiazoline), is a powerful synthetic biocide and preservative within the group of isothiazolinones, which is used in numerous personal care products and a wide range of industrial applications.

It is a cytotoxin that may affect different types of cells. Its use for a wide range of personal products for humans, such as cosmetics, lotions, moisturizers, sanitary wipes, shampoos, and sunscreens, more than doubled during the first decade of the twenty-first century and has been reported as a contact sensitizing agent by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety.

Industrial applications also are quite wide ranging, from preservative and sanitizing uses to antimicrobial agents, energy production, metalworking fluids, mining, paint manufacturing, and paper manufacturing, many of which increase potential exposure to it by humans as well as organisms, both terrestrial and marine. Industrial applications in marine environments are proving to be toxic to marine life, for instance, when the effect of its now almost-universal use in boat hull paint was examined.


Applications of Methylisothiazolinone

Methylisothiazolinone and other isothiazolinone-derived biocides are used for controlling microbial growth in water-containing solutions. Two of the most widely used isothiazolinone biocides are 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (chloromethylisothiazolinone or CMIT) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (methylisothiazolinone or MIT), which are the active ingredients in a 3:1 mixture (CMIT:MIT) sold commercially as Kathon. Kathon is supplied to manufacturers as a concentrated stock solution containing from 10-15% of CMIT/MIT. For applications the recommended use level is from 6 ppm to 75 ppm active isothiazolones. Biocidal applications range from industrial water storage tanks to cooling units, in processes as varied as mining, paper manufacturing, metalworking fluids and energy production.

Kathon also has been used to control slime in the manufacture of paper products that contact food. In addition, this product serves as an antimicrobial agent in latex adhesives and in paper coatings that also contact food.





Metilizotiyazolinon, MIT veya MI (bazen hatal olarak metilizotiazolin olarak bilinir) çok sayda kiisel bakm ürünlerinde ve çok çeitli endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanlan izotiyazolinonlar grubunda güçlü bir sentetik biyosit ve koruyucudur.

Farkl hücre tiplerini etkileyebilecek bir sitotokindir. Kozmetik, losyon, nemlendirici, shhi mendil, ampuan ve güne kremi gibi insanlar için kiisel ürünler için geni bir yelpazede kullanm, yirmi birinci yüzyln ilk on ylnda iki katna çkm ve bir kontakt duyarllatrc madde olarak bildirilmitir Avrupa Komisyonu Tüketici Güvenlii Bilimsel Komitesi tarafndan hazrlanmtr.

Endüstriyel uygulamalar, koruyucudan sanitize edici kullanmlardan antimikrobiyal ajanlara, enerji üretimi, metal ileme svlar, madencilik, boya imalat ve kat imalat gibi oldukça geni bir yelpazede olup, insanlar ve organizmalar tarafndan potansiyel olarak maruz kalma orann artyor deniz. Deniz ortamlarndaki endüstriyel uygulamalar, örnein tekne tekne boyalarnda hemen hemen evrensel kullanmnn etkisi incelendiinde, deniz yaam için toksik olduu kantlanmaktadr.



Metilizotidazolinon ve dier izotiazolinon türevli biyositler su içeren çözeltilerdeki mikrobiyal büyümeyi kontrol etmek için kullanlr. En çok kullanlan izotiyazolinon biyositleri, 5-kloro-2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on (klorometilizotiyazolinon veya CMIT) ve 2-metil-4-izotiyazolin-3-on’dur (metilisotiyazolinon veya MIT) Aktif bileenleri, ticari olarak Kathon olarak satlan bir 3: 1 karmnda (CMIT: MIT) kartrn. Kathon, üreticilere,% 10-15 CMIT / MIT içeren youn stok çözeltisi olarak tedarik edilmektedir. Uygulamalar için tavsiye edilen kullanm seviyesi 6 ppm ila 75 ppm aktif isothiazolones arasndadr. Biyosidal uygulamalar endüstriyel su depolama tanklarndan soutma ünitelerine, madencilik, kat imalat, metal ileme svlar ve enerji üretimi gibi farkl prosesler arasnda deiir.

Kathon ayrca gda ile temas eden kat ürünlerinin üretiminde sümüü kontrol etmek için kullanlmtr. Buna ek olarak, bu ürün lateks yaptrclarda ve gda ile temas eden kat kaplamalarda antimikrobiyal bir ajan olarak görev yapmaktadr.

