Table of Contents


CAS No. : 110-71-4
EC No. : 203-794-9
1,2-DIMETHOXYETHANE; 110-71-4; Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether; Monoglyme; Glyme; Dimethyl Cellosolve; Ethane, 1,2-dimethoxy-; Dimethoxyethane; 2,5-Dioxahexane; Egdme; Glycol dimethyl ether; Ethylene dimethyl ether; Hisolve MMM; Ansul ether 121; 1,2-Dimethoxyethan; Dimethylglycol; DME (glycol ether); Dimethyl Glycol; Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether; mono-Glyme; Dimethylcellosolve; 1,2-Ethanediol dimethyl ether; CH3OCH2CH2OCH3; Ethylenglycoldimethylether; Ethylenglykoldimethylether; UNII-GXS24JF5IW; 24991-55-7; NSC 60542; HSDB 73; 1.2-dimethoxyethane; .alpha.,.beta.-Dimethoxyethane; 1,2-dimethoxy ethane; 1,2-dimethoxy-ethane; 1, 2-Dimethoxyethane; alpha,beta-Dimethoxyethane; EINECS 203-794-9; MFCD00008502; UN2252; GXS24JF5IW; BRN 1209237
Chemical Characterization
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether
1,2-Dimethoxyethane (DME)
Monoglyme (DMG)
CAS-No.: 110-71-4
EINECS-No.: 203-794-9
Registrations: EINECS (Europe), TSCA (USA), AICS (Australia),DSL (Canada), ECL (Korea), PICCS (Philippines), ENCS (Japan), ASIA-PAC
Product Description
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether is a neutral, slightly volatile colorless liquid. Because of the free electron pairs at the oxygen atoms monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether has high solvating power and is miscible with water and all common solvents in any ratio. As a result of its chemical stability and the absence of reactive groups, monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether can be used as an inert reaction medium for many organic and organometallic reactions (e.g. Suzuki-coupling, Simmon-Smith-reactions, Grignard reactions) and for polymerizations. Because of its aprotic abilities monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether is also used as electrolytic solvent for lithium batteries (in combination with other solvents). For further informations please ask for our technical bulletins. 
Dissolving Power
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether readily dissolves the following: alkyd resins, bitumens, cellulose nitrate, cellulose aceto butyrate, chlorinated rubber, coumarone resins, dammar resins, diphenyls (chlorinated), epoxy resins, formaldehyde resins, ketone resins, phenolic resins, mineral oils, ®Mowilith, nitrocellulose, vegetable oils, polyvinyl acetate, chlorinated propylene, polystyrene paints, polyvinyl chloride (post-chlorinated), stand oils, and vinyl chloride. Waxes and cresols are soluble at elevated temperatures. Insoluble in monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether are: shellac, cellulose nitrate (alcohol-soluble types), polyvinyl carbazole, PTFE, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamide, polyacrylonitrile, polyterephthalic acid glycol ester. Substances that swell in monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether include natural and synthetic rubber and polyacrylates. 
Storage Advices
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether is supplied in road tankers, rail tankers and polyethylene drums. Glycol ethers and their derivatives can form peroxides in the presence of oxygen. Therefore monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether is storage stabilized with 100 mg/kg 2,6-Di-tert.-butyl-4- methylphenol (BHT). The product is hygroscopic and must be properly stored in order to prevent water absorption. This can be done by storing the product under a dry nitrogen blanket. If stored in a breathable tank, drying agents such as silica gel should be utilized. For further informations please refer to the safety data sheet. 
Technical Data
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether molar mass g/mol 90
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether boiling range /1013 hPa (ASTM D1120) °C 84-86
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether freezing point (DIN 51583) °C -69
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether flash point (DIN 51755) °C -6
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether Ignition temperature (DIN 51794) °C 200
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether density/20°C (DIN 51757) g/cm3 0,866-0,868
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kinematic viscosity/25°C (DIN 51562) mm²/s ca. 0,455
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether vapor pressure /20°C mbar 67
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether heat of evaporation kJ/mol 28,1
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether evaporation number (DIN 53170, diethylether = 1) ca. 3
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether refractive number nD20 (DIN 51423, part 2) 1,380
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether dipole moment /25°C Debye 1,71
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether surface tension /20°C mN/m 20
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether dielectric constant (DIN 53483) ε 5,5
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether specific electrical conductivity /20°C S/cm 6. 10-8
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether specific heat /20°C kJ/kg K 2,19
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether critical temperature °C 263
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether critical pressure bar 39,9
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether critical density g/cm3 0,333
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether Hansen solubility parameter δd /Dispersion)
δp (Polar)
δh (Hydrogen bonding)
solubility with water/25°C miscible
Kimyasal Karakterizasyon
Monoetilen glikol dimetil eter
1,2-Dimetoksietan (DME)
Monoglyme (DMG)
CAS-No .: 110-71-4
EINECS-No .: 203-794-9
Kaytlar: EINECS (Avrupa), TSCA (ABD), AICS (Avustralya), DSL (Kanada), ECL (Kore), PICCS (Filipinler), ENCS (Japonya), ASIA-PAC
Ürün Açklamas
Monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, nötr, hafif uçucu renksiz bir svdr. Oksijen atomlarndaki serbest elektron çiftleri nedeniyle, monoetilen glikol dimetil eter yüksek çözme gücüne sahiptir ve su ve tüm yaygn çözücülerle herhangi bir oranda karabilir. Kimyasal stabilitesinin ve reaktif gruplarn yokluunun bir sonucu olarak, monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, birçok organik ve organometalik reaksiyon için (örnein Suzuki-birletirme, Simmon-Smith-reaksiyonlar, Grignard reaksiyonlar) ve polimerizasyonlar için inert bir reaksiyon ortam olarak kullanlabilir. . Aprotik yeteneklerinden dolay monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, lityum piller için elektrolitik çözücü olarak da kullanlr (dier çözücülerle kombinasyon halinde). Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen teknik bültenlerimizi isteyin.
Çözme Gücü
Monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, aadakileri kolaylkla çözer: alkid reçineleri, bitümler, selüloz nitrat, selüloz aseto bütirat, klorlu kauçuk, kumaron reçineleri, dammar reçineleri, difeniller (klorlanm), epoksi reçineleri, formaldehit reçineleri, keton reçineleri, fenolik reçineler, formaldehit yalar ®Mowilith, nitroselüloz, bitkisel yalar, polivinil asetat, klorlu propilen, polistiren boyalar, polivinil klorür (sonradan klorlanm), sabit yalar ve vinil klorür. Mumlar ve kresoller yüksek scaklklarda çözünür. Monoetilen glikol dimetil eterde çözünmeyenler unlardr: gomalak, selüloz nitrat (alkolde çözünür tipler), polivinil karbazol, PTFE, polietilen, polipropilen, poliamid, poliakrilonitril, politereftalik asit glikol ester. Monoetilen glikol dimetil eterde ien maddeler, doal ve sentetik kauçuk ve poliakrilatlar içerir.
Depolama Önerileri
Monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, karayolu tankerleri, demiryolu tankerleri ve polietilen varillerde tedarik edilmektedir. Glikol eterler ve türevleri, oksijen varlnda peroksitler oluturabilir. Bu nedenle monoetilen glikol dimetil eter, 100 mg / kg 2,6-Di-tert.-butil-4-metilfenol (BHT) ile depolama stabilize edilir. Ürün higroskopiktir ve su emilimini önlemek için uygun ekilde saklanmaldr. Bu, ürünü kuru bir nitrojen örtüsü altnda saklayarak yaplabilir. Nefes alabilen bir tankta saklanrsa, silika jel gibi kurutucu maddeler kullanlmaldr. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen güvenlik veri sayfasna bakn.
Teknik veri
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether molar kütle g / mol 90
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kaynama aral / 1013 hPa (ASTM D1120) ° C 84-86
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether donma noktas (DIN 51583) ° C -69
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether parlama noktas (DIN 51755) ° C -6
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether Tutuma scakl (DIN 51794) ° C 200
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether younluk / 20 ° C (DIN 51757) g / cm3 0,866-0,868
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kinematik viskozite / 25 ° C (DIN 51562) mm² / s ca. 0,455
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether buhar basnc / 20 ° C mbar 67
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether buharlama ss kJ / mol 28,1
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether buharlama numaras (DIN 53170, dietileter = 1) ca. 3
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether krlma says nD20 (DIN 51423, bölüm 2) 1,380
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether dipol moment / 25 ° C Debye 1,71
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether yüzey gerilimi / 20 ° C mN / m 20
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether dielektrik sabiti (DIN 53483) ε 5,5
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether özgül elektriksel iletkenlik / 20 ° C S / cm 6. 10-8
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether özgül s / 20 ° C kJ / kg K 2,19
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kritik scaklk ° C 263
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kritik basnç bar 39,9
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether kritik younluk g / cm3 0,333
Monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether Hansen çözünürlük parametresi δd / Dalm)
δp (Kutupsal)
δh (Hidrojen ba)
su ile çözünürlük / 25 ° C karabilir
