MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500)

Table of Contents

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500)

Methoxypolyethylene glycol 500

Methyl Polyglycol Ether 500 

Methoxy polyethylene glycol 500

What is MPEG 500?

MPEG 500 Methoxy polyethylene Glycol is a methoxy PEG-10-based plasticizer. 

MPEG 500 is used in pressure-sensitive and thermoplastic adhesives. 

Methoxy polyethylene Glycol MPEG 500 possesses lubricity and humectant properties. 

MPEG 500 maintains wet-tack strength.

MPEG 500 is a linear, mono hydroxy-functional polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (M-PEG) entirely water-soluble. 

MPEG 500 is esterified with methacrylic acid to yield the corresponding polyglycol mono methacrylates used to polymerize polycarboxylate superplasticizers.

MPEG 500 is a type of Methoxy polyethylene glycol with a Molecular Weight of 500 that provides enhanced solvency, lubricity, hygroscopicity, and slightly more hydrophobic solvent properties.  

MPEG 500 is an essential raw material in adhesives, chemical intermediates, inks and dye carriers, lubricants, soaps, and detergents​​.

Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether 500 MW:

MPEG 500 is a chain transfer agent to synthesize amphiphilic block copolymers by metal-free ring-opening oligomerization.

MPEG 500 is a precursor to prepare retinoic acid-polyethylene glycol nanoassembly as an efficient drug delivery system.

MPEG 500 is used to prepare diblock copolymer with polylactic acid, which can be applied in tissue engineering and drug delivery.

INCI Name: Methoxy PEG-10

Methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)

Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether


MPEG 500

Polyglykol M 500

Methyl polyglycol

Monomethoxy polyethylene glycol 500

Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol 500

CARBOWAX Methoxypolyethylene Glycol (MPEG) 

Carbowax MPEG 500

mpeg 500

Methoxypolyethylene glycols


Poly(ethylene glycol methyl ether)

Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether


Synonyms: MPEG 500, mPEG 500, Polyglykol M 500, Monomethoxy polyethylene glycol 500, Methoxy PEG-10, Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol 500, Methyl polyglycol 500, POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOMETHYL ETHER, Polyethylenglykolmonomethylether 500, CARBOWAX Methoxy polyethylene Glycol (MPEG) 500, Methoxypolyethylene Glycol 500

Uses of MPEG 500:


Chemical intermediates

Inks and dye carrier


Soaps and detergents


Monomethoxy polyethylene glycol 500

Molecular Structure: CH3(OCH2CH2)nOH

EC / List no.: 618-394-3

CAS no.: 9004-74-4

INCI-designation: Methoxy PEG-10

PRODUCT FUNCTION: Intermediate & process aid

CHEMICAL TYPE: Methoxy Polyethylene glycol

Product data*)

Water content (DIN 51777) % m/m: max. 0.5

Color index [APHA] 10 % in water (EN 1557): max. 30

pH (5 % w/w in water) (DIN 19268): 5 – 7

Hydroxyl number (DIN 53240) mg KOH/g: 106 – 119

Molecular weight g/mol: 470 – 530

Pour point (ISO 3016) °C: about 12

Density at 50°C (DIN 51757) g/cm³: 1,072 – 1,076

Refractive index at 20°C (DIN 51423, Part 2): 1,460 – 1,462

Viscosity at 50°C (DIN 51562) mm²/s: 16 – 20


Chemical synthesis

Concrete Admixture


Dry mix mortars

General industrial applications

Grinding Aids

Industrial Lubrication

Lubes and Greases

Paint additive manufacturing

Paint additive manufacturing

Plaster Boards

Plastic & elastomer synthesis

Resin synthesis


Applications of MPEG 500:

MPEG 500 is a raw material for 3rd generation concrete superplasticizers.

MPEG 500 is an effective component of PCE superplasticizer admixtures.

MPEG 500 is an intermediate in synthesizing superplasticizers (concrete admixtures) and pigment dispersants.

MPEG 500 is used as a raw material in producing polycarboxylate ether superplasticizers.

The polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer is prepared with acrylic acid, MPEG 500, and sodium vinyl sulfonate through the esterification of acrylic acid and MPEG 500 in the water. 

Methoxy polyethylene glycol ether with a molecular weight of 500 g/mole is commonly used as a chemical intermediate in producing alkyd emulsions and HEUR thickeners.

MPEG 500 is used for a wide variety of chemical reactions. 

MPEG 500 acts as end-capping and hydrophilic components with isocyanates and polyester

When MPEG 500 is reacted with unsaturated monomers like acrylic or methacrylic acid, esters are formed, which can be copolymerized to increase hydrophilicity and improve the dispersing properties of polymers in water. 

Methoxy polyethylene Glycol (MPEG) 500 is used in pressure-sensitive and thermoplastic adhesives.

MPEG 500 possesses lubricity & humectant properties and maintains wet-tack strength

Due to the low concentration of diols in poly-glycol M-types, almost no di-esters form during the reaction with acrylic or methacrylic acid.

In the USA, some M-type polyglycols are used for pharmaceutical applications. 

Product properties*) 

MPEG 500 is a waxy white to slightly yellowish solid at room temperature. 

MPEG 500 can be supplied as melt in heated tank trucks or solid in steel drums. 

MPEG 500 is soluble in water and solvents like acetate and methanol. 

MPEG 500 can be considered a high molecular alcohol and, therefore, displays typical chemical reactions of alcohols.

MPEG 500 is a linear, mono hydroxy-functional polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (M-PEG) entirely water-soluble.



When stored in a cold, dry place in a closed container, MPEG 500 can be kept for at least two years. 

Regulatory process names

Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), α-methyl-ω-hydroxy-

IUPAC names


Dodecaethylene glycol monomethyl ether


Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol 500



Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-methyl-w-hydroxy-


Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), α-methyl-ω-hydroxy-


polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether

Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether; Carbowax Sentry Methoxypolyethylene glycol


Trade names

Dodecaethylene glycol monomethyl ether

Other names

Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), α-methyl-ω-hydroxy


This information is based on Ataman’s present knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. 

It should not, therefore, be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. 

Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. 

The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.

Please check our website:

Metoksipolietilen glikol 500

Metil Poliglikol Eter 500 

Metil Poliglikol Eter 

Metoksi polietilen glikol 500

500 Molekül Arlkl Metoksi Polietilen Glikol

MPEG 500 nedir?

Ataman Kimya’nn MPEG 500 Metoksi polietilen Glikolü, metoksi PEG-10 bazl bir plastikletiricidir.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500) basnca duyarl ve termoplastik yaptrclarda kullanlr.

Metoksi polietilen Glikol MPEG 500 kayganlk ve nemlendirici özelliklere sahiptir.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500) slak yapma gücünü korur.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500)  tamamen suda çözünebilen dorusal, mono hidroksi-fonksiyonlu bir polietilen glikol monometil eterdir (M-PEG).

MPEG 500, metakrilik asit ile esterletirilerek poliglikol mono metakrilat elde edilir. Bu ürün de polikarboksilat süper plastikletiricileri polimerize etmek için kullanlr.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), gelimi çözücülük, kayganlk, higroskopiklik ve biraz daha hidrofobik solvent özellikleri salayan, Molekül Arl 500 olan bir Metoksi polietilen glikol türüdür.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), yaptrclar, kimyasal ara ürünler, mürekkepler ve boya tayclar, yalayclar, sabunlar ve deterjanlarda önemli bir hammaddedir.

Poli(etilen glikol) metil eter 500 Molekül Arl:

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), amfifilik blok kopolimerleri metal içermeyen halka açc oligomerizasyon yoluyla sentezleyen bir zincir transfer maddesidir.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), etkili bir ilaç datm sistemi olarak retinoik asit-polietilen glikol nano düzeneinin hazrlanmasnn öncüsüdür.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), doku mühendislii ve ilaç datmnda uygulanabilecek polilaktik asitli diblok kopolimer hazrlamak için kullanlr.

INCI Ad: Metoksi PEG-10

Metoksi poli(etilen glikol)

Polietilen glikol monometil eter



Poliglikol M 500

Metil poliglikol

Monometoksi polietilen glikol 500

Metoksi Polietilen Glikol 500

CARBOWAX Metoksipolietilen Glikol (MPEG)

Carbowax MPEG 500


Metoksipolietilen glikoller


Poli(etilen glikol metil eter)

Poli(etilen glikol) metil eter


E anlamllar: MPEG 500, mPEG 500, Poliglikol M 500, Monometoksi polietilen glikol 500, Metoksi PEG-10, Metoksi Polietilen Glikol 500, Metil poliglikol 500, POLETLEN GLKOL MONOMETL ETER, Polietilenglikolmonometileter 500, CARBOWAX Metoksi polietilen Glikol (MPEG) ) 500, Metoksipolietilen Glikol 500, 500 Molekül Arlkl Metoksi Polietilen Glikol, Metil Poliglikol Eter

MPEG 500’ün Kullanm Alanlar:


Kimyasal ara maddeler

Mürekkepler ve boya tayc


Sabunlar ve deterjanlar


Monometoksi polietilen glikol 500


MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500) 

Moleküler Yap: CH3(OCH2CH2)nOH

EC / Liste no.: 618-394-3

CAS numaras: 9004-74-4

INCI tanm: Metoksi PEG-10

ÜRÜN FONKSYONU: Ara ürün ve proses yardm

KMYASAL TP: Metoksi Polietilen glikol

Ürün bilgileri*)

Su içerii (DIN 51777) % m/m: maks. 0,5

Renk indeksi [APHA] %10 suda (EN 1557): maks. 30

pH (suda %5 a/a) (DIN 19268): 5 – 7

Hidroksil numaras (DIN 53240) mg KOH/g: 106 – 119

Molekül arl g/mol: 470 – 530

Akma noktas (ISO 3016) °C: yaklak 12

50°C’de younluk (DIN 51757) g/cm³: 1.072 – 1.076

20°C’de krlma indisi (DIN 51423, Bölüm 2): 1.460 – 1.462

50°C’de viskozite (DIN 51562) mm²/s: 16 – 20

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500) UYGULAMALARI

Kimyasal sentez

Beton Katks


Kuru karm harçlar

Genel endüstriyel uygulamalar

Talama Yardmclar

Endüstriyel Yalama

Yalar ve Gresler

Boya katkl imalat

Boya katkl imalat


Plastik ve elastomer sentezi

Reçine sentezi

Süper akkanlatrc

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), 3. nesil beton süper akkanlatrclarn hammaddesidir.

MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), PCE süper akkanlatrc katklarnn etkili bir bileenidir.


MPEG 500 (Metil Poliglikol Eter 500), süper plastikletiricilerin (beton katklar) ve pigment datclarn sentezlenmesinde bir ara maddedir.

MPEG 500, polikarboksilat eter süper plastikletiricilerin üretiminde hammadde olarak kullanlr.

Polikarboksilik asit süper plastikletirici, akrilik asit, MPEG 500 ve sodyum vinil sülfonat ile akrilik asit ve MPEG 500’ün su içinde esterletirilmesi yoluyla hazrlanr.

Molekül arl 500 g/mol olan metoksi polietilen glikol eter, alkid emülsiyonlar ve HEUR koyulatrclarn üretiminde kimyasal bir ara madde olarak kullanlr.

MPEG 500 çok çeitli kimyasal reaksiyonlar için kullanlr.

MPEG 500, izosiyanatlarda ve polyesterde hidrofilik bileen görevi görür.

MPEG 500, akrilik veya metakrilik asit gibi doymam monomerlerle reaksiyona girdiinde, hidrofilisiteyi arttrmak ve polimerlerin suda dalma özelliklerini gelitirmek için kopolimerize edilebilen esterler oluur.

Metoksi polietilen Glikol (MPEG) 500 basnca duyarl ve termoplastik yaptrclarda kullanlr.

MPEG 500 kayganlk ve nemlendirici özelliklere sahiptir ve slak yapma mukavemetini korur

Poliglikol M tiplerindeki diollerin düük konsantrasyonu nedeniyle, akrilik veya metakrilik asit ile reaksiyon srasnda neredeyse hiç di-ester olumaz.

ABD’de baz M tipi poliglikoller farmasötik uygulamalar için kullanlmaktadr.

Ürün özellikleri*)

MPEG 500, oda scaklnda mumsu beyaz ila hafif sarms bir katdr.

MPEG 500, stmal tankerlerde eriyik olarak veya çelik varillerde kat olarak tedarik edilebilir.

MPEG 500 yüksek moleküler bir alkol olarak kabul edilebilir ve bu nedenle alkollerin tipik kimyasal reaksiyonlarn gösterir.

MPEG 500, tamamen suda çözünebilen dorusal, mono hidroksi-fonksiyonlu bir polietilen glikol monometil eterdir (M-PEG).

MPEG 500 ÜRÜN FONKSYONU: Orta seviye


MPEG 500, souk ve kuru bir yerde kapal bir kapta saklandnda en az iki yl saklanabilir.

Düzenleyici süreç adlar

Poli(oksi-1,2-etandiil), a-metil-ω-hidroksi-

IUPAC adlar


Dodekaetilen glikol monometil eter


Metoksi Polietilen Glikol 500



Poli(oksi-1,2-etandiil), a-metil-w-hidroksi-


Poli(oksi-1,2-etandiil), a-metil-ω-hidroksi-


polietilen glikol monometil eter

Polietilen glikol monometil eter; Carbowax Sentry Metoksipolietilen glikol


Ticari isimler

Dodekaetilen glikol monometil eter

Dier isimler

Poli(oksi-1,2-etandiil), a-metil-ω-hidroksi



ATAMAN KMYA’ nn ilginizi çekebilecek dier ürünleri:


MPEG 200

MPEG 300

MPEG 400

MPEG 600

MPEG 1000

MPEG 1500

MPEG 2000

MPEG 3000

MPEG 4000

MPEG 5000

MPEG 6000 


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