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Cas No: 111-75-1


Btiletanolamin; BTETANOL AMN ; btil etanolamin; btiletanol amin; btil etanol amin; Btiletanolamin; butiletanol amin; butil etanolamin; Btil ethanol amin; Btil Ethanol Amin; BTL ETHANOL AMN; Btiletanolamin; BMEA, N-BEA, N-Butylethanolamin,; 2 Butylaminoethanol, Butyl(2-Hydroxyethy1)amine; Cas; No: 111-75-1; 2-(N-butylamino)ethanol; butylethanolamine; 2-(Butylamino)ethanol; N-Butylethanolamine; 2-Butylaminoethanol; n-Butylaminoethanol; Ethanol, 2-(butylamino)-; 111-75-1; Butylmonoethanolamine; N-Butyl monoethanolamine; 2-(N-Butylamino)ethanol; N-n-Butylethanolamine; Butylethanalamine; Butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; 2-(N-Monobutylamino)ethanol; 2-n-Butylaminoethanol; NSC 1098; Ethanol,2-(butylamino)-; 2-(butylamino)ethan-1-ol; N-Butyl-2-hydroxyethylamine; ceshi;ceshis;Butylethanolamine ;butylethanalamine; Buthylethanolamine; 2-butylamino-ethano;n-Butylaminoethanol;N BUTYLETHANOLAMINE;Butylmonoethanolamin; ETHANOL-N-BUTYLAMINE2-(Butylamino)ethanol; 2-Butylaminoethanol; 111-75-1; N-Butylethanolamine; Ethanol, 2-(butylamino)-; n-Butylaminoethanol; Butylmonoethanolamine; N-Butyl monoethanolamine; 2-(N-Butylamino)ethanol; Butylethanalamine; Butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; 2-(N-Monobutylamino)ethanol; N-n-Butylethanolamine; 2-n-Butylaminoethanol; UNII-3IBO99KPV6; NSC 1098; 2; butylamino-ethanol; EINECS 203-904-5; 2-(butylamino)ethan-1-ol; Ethanol,2-(butylamino)-N-Butyl-2-hydroxyethylamine; ethanol-n-butylamine; Hydroxyethylbutylamine; 2-(butylamino)-ethanol; 2-(n-butylamino)-ethanol; 2-(Butylamino)ethanol; 2-Butylaminoethanol; 111-75-1; N-Butylethanolamine; Ethanol, 2-(butylamino)-; n-Butylaminoethanol; Butylmonoethanolamine; N-Butyl monoethanolamine; 2-(N-Butylamino)ethanol; : BMEA, N-BEA, N-Butylethanolamin, 2-Butylaminoethanol, Butyl(2-Hydroxyethy1)amine; Butylethanalamine; Butyl(2hydroxyethyl) amine; 2-(N-Monobutylamino)ethanol; N-n-Butylethanolamine; 2-n-Butylaminoethanol; UNII-3IBO99KPV6; NSC 1098; 2; butylamino-ethanol; EINECS 203-904-5; 2-(butylamino)ethan-1-ol; Ethanol,2-(butylamino)-N-Butyl-2-hydroxyethylamine; ethanol-n-butylamine; Hydroxyethylbutylamine; 2-(butylamino)-ethanol; 2-(n-butylamino)-ethanol; BUTYLETHANOLAMINE; BUTYLETHANOLAMiNE; BUTYL ETHANOLAMINE; BUTYLETHANOLAMiNE; BTLETANOLAMN; BUTYLETHANOLAMIN; BTL ETANOLAMN; BTLETANOL AMN; BTL ETANOL AMN; BUTLETANOLAMN; BUTLETANOL AMN; BUTL ETANOLAMN; Butylethanolamne; Butylethanolamine; Butyl Ethanolamne; Butylethanolamine; Btiletanolamin; Butylethanolamn; Btil Etanolamin; Btiletanol Amin; Btiletanolamin; Btil Etanol Amin; Btiletanolamin; Butiletanol Amin; Butil Etanolamin; butylethanolamne; butylethanolamine; butyl ethanolamne; butylethanolamine; btiletanolamin; butylethanolamn; btil etanolamin; btiletanol amin; btil etanol amin; Btiletanolamin; butiletanol amin; butil etanolamin; Btil ethanol amin; Btil Ethanol Amin; BTL ETHANOL AMN; Btiletanolamin


Hzl Detaylar

Btiletanolamin CAS No:


Btiletanolamin Dier simler:

Butil (2-hidroksieti1) amin

Btiletanolamin Snf standart:

Endstriyel snf, Petrol endstrisi, korozyon inhibitrleri

Btiletanolamin Saflk:

% 99% min

Btiletanolamin Grnm:


Btiletanolamin Uygulama:

Petrol endstrisi, korozyon inhibitrleri

Btiletanolamin Test:

Min. 99% (GC ile)

Btiletanolamin Damtma Aral:

190 C-206 C

Btiletanolamin Su Ierii:

Wt tarafndan % 0.5 maksimum %

Btiletanolamin Renk:

50 APHA max

Btiletanolamin Dier zellikler (fiziksel)

Donma noktas:-2OC

Btiletanolamin Krlma Indeksi, n20D: 1.444

Btiletanolamin Younluklu 25O: 0.891 g/ml

Uygulamalar Petrol endstrisi, korozyon inhibitrleri


Cas No 141-43-5

EINECS No 205-483-3

Kimyasal Forml C2H7NO

Grnm Renksiz

Saflk(%) 99.88

Younluk (Kg/Litre) 1.113

Parlama Noktas, C 85

Kaynama Noktas, C 170

Gvenlik Formu(Msds)

Mono etanol amin, 2-Amino etanol, 2-Hidroksi etil amin, Olamin gibi isimlendirmeleri de mevcuttur. Mono etanol amin, MEA olarak ksaltmas da kullanlmaktadr.

Mono etanol amin, zirai kimyasallarn yapsnda bulunur. Mono etanol amin, ila rn formlasyonlarnda yaptrc olarak kullanlmaktadr. Mono etanol amin, anyonik emlsifiyerler iin ntralize edici ajanlar olarak kullanlr. Mono etanol amin, detejanlarda, araba ykama ampuanlarn yapsna katlr. Mono etanol amin, yzey aktif madde ve korozyon nleyici olarak kullanlmaktadr.

Btiletanolaminin zellikleri

Btiletanolamin lgili Kategoriler: Btiletanolamin: Amino Alkoller, Yap Talar, Kimyasal Sentez, Organik Yap Talar, Oksijen Bileikleri Daha fazla …

Btiletanolamin 100 Kalite Seviyesi

test ≥98%

Btiletanolamin n20 / D 1.444 krlma indisi (lit.)

bp Btiletanolamin 198-200 C (lit.)

25 C`de Btiletanolamin younluu 0.891 g / mL (lit.)

Btiletanolamin CCILNCCO SMILES dizisi

InChI 1S / C6H15NO / c1-2-3-4-7-5-6-8 / h7-8H, 2-6H2,1H3

Butylethanolamine aklamas

Btiletanolaminin genel tanm

Btiletanolamin, bir -OH grubuna sahip ikincil bir amindir.

Btiletanolamin Uygulamas

4-alkilamino-2,5,6-trimetil -7- (2,4,6-trimetilfenil) pirolo [2,3-d] pirimidinlerin sentezi iin 2- (btilamino) etanol (N-Btiletanolamin) kullanlabilir. [1] ve N-butil-N- (2-nitroksietil) nitramin (BuNENA). [2]

Btiletanolaminin Kimyasal ve Fiziksel zellikleri

4.1 Btiletanolaminin Hesaplanan zellikleri

zellik Ad zellik Deeri Referans

Btiletanolaminin Molekl Arl 117.19 g / mol 2.1 (srm 2019.06.18)

XLogP3-AA 0.4 XLogP3 3.0 ile hesaplanr (srm 2019.06.18)

Cactvs (srm 2019.06.18) ile hesaplanan Btiletanolamin 2`nin Hidrojen Ba Donr Says

Cactvs (srm 2019.06.18) ile hesaplanan Btiletanolamin 2`nin Hidrojen Bond Alc Says

Butacthanolamine 5`in Dnebilen Ba Says Cactvs (srm 2019.06.18)

Btiletanolaminin Tam Ktlesi 117.115364 g / mol 2.1 (srm 2019.06.18)

Btiletanolamin Monoizotopik Ktlesi 117.115364 g / mol 2.1 (srm 2019.06.18)

Btiletanolamin Topolojik Polar Yzey Alan 32.3 Ų C

Btiletanolamin Ar Atom Says 8

Btiletanolaminin Resmi Yk 0

Btiletanolaminin karmakl 39.5

Btiletanolaminin zotop Atom Says 0

Btiletanolamin Tanml Atom Stereo Merkezi Saylar 0

Btiletanolaminin Tanmsz Atom Stereo Merkezi Saylar 0

Btiletanolamin Tanml Bond Stereo Merkezci Says 0

Btiletanolamin Tanmsz Bond Stereo Merkezi Say

Btiletanolaminin Kovalent Balanm Birim Says 1

Bileik Btiletanolamin Kanonikletirildi Evet

Mono-n-Butil Etanolamin



CAS No: 111-75-1

Eanlamllar: BMEA, N-BEA, N-Btiletanolamin, 2-Butilaminoetanol, Butil (2-Hidroksietil) amin, Btiletanolamin

Btiletanolamin Forml: C6H15NO

Btiletanolaminin Molekl Arl: 117.2

Btiletanolaminin ZELLKLER

Deney: Min. % 99 (GC ile)

Btiletanolaminin Damtma Aral: 190oC – 206oC

Btiletanolaminin Su erii: arlka% 0.5 Max

Btiletanolamin rengi: Maks. 50 APHA


Btiletanolamin-2oC Donma Noktas

Btiletanolaminin Krlma ndisi, n20D: 1.444

25oC`de Btiletanolamin Younluu: 0.891 g / ml

Btiletanolaminin ZELLKLER

Deney: Min. % 99 (GC ile)

Btiletanolaminin Damtma Aral: 190oC – 206oC

Btiletanolaminin Su erii: arlka% 0.5 Max

Btiletanolamin rengi: Maks. 50 APHA


Btiletanolamin-2oC Donma Noktas

Btiletanolaminin Krlma ndisi, n20D: 1.444

25oC`de Btiletanolamin Younluu: 0.891 g / ml

Btiletanolamin uygulamalar:

Petrol Endstrisi, Korozyon nhibitrleri

Metal leme Svlar

Btiletanolamin rn Aklamas

N-Butil Etanolamin (111-75-1). Ayrca 2-Butilaminoetanol olarak da bilinir. Btiletanolamin saklanmas: Kab skca kapal tutun. Kab serin ve iyi havalandrlm bir yerde saklayn.

Atk Bertaraf: Atk, federal, eyalet ve yerel evre kontrol ynetmeliklerine uygun olarak imha edilmelidir.

Btiletanolamin rn Aklamas


Btiletanolamin CAS No: 111-75-1

Eanlamllar: BMEA, N-BEA, N-Btiletanolamin, 2-Butilaminoetanol, Butil (2-Hidroksieti1) amin, Btiletanolamin

Mol. Btiletanolamin Forml: C6H15NO

Molekler Arlk: 117.2

Btiletanolamin Deneyi: Min. % 99 (GC ile)

Btiletanolaminin Damtma Aral: 190 – 206 D.c.

Btiletanolaminin Su erii: arlka% 0.5 Max

Btiletanolamin rengi: Maks. 50 APHA

Btiletanolaminin Donma Noktas: -2 D.c.

Btiletanolaminin Krlma ndisi, n20D: 1.444

25 C`de Btiletanolamin younluu: 0.891 g / ml

Btiletanolamin Uygulamalar: Petrol Endstrisi, Korozyon nhibitrleri



Properties of Butylethanolamine

Related Categories of Butylethanolamine: Amino Alcohols, Building Blocks, Chemical Synthesis, Organic Building Blocks, Oxygen Compounds More…

Quality Level of Butylethanolamine 100

assay ≥98%

refractive index of Butylethanolamine n20/D 1.444 (lit.)

bp of Butylethanolamine 198-200 C (lit.)

density of Butylethanolamine 0.891 g/mL at 25 C (lit.)

SMILES string of Butylethanolamine CCCCNCCO

InChI 1S/C6H15NO/c1-2-3-4-7-5-6-8/h7-8H,2-6H2,1H3

Show More (9)

Description of Butylethanolamine

General description of Butylethanolamine

Butylethanolamine is a secondary amine having a -OH group.

Application of Butylethanolamine

2-(Butylamino)ethanol (N-Butylethanolamine) may be employed for the synthesis of 4-alkylamino-2,5,6-trimethyl -7-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines[1] and N-butyl-N-(2-nitroxyethyl)nitramine (BuNENA).[2]

Chemical and Physical Properties of Butylethanolamine

4.1Computed Properties of Butylethanolamine

Property Name Property Value Reference

Molecular Weight of Butylethanolamine 117.19 g/mol 2.1 ( release 2019.06.18)

XLogP3-AA 0.4 Computed by XLogP3 3.0 ( release 2019.06.18)

Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of Butylethanolamine 2 Computed by Cactvs ( release 2019.06.18)

Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of Butylethanolamine 2 Computed by Cactvs ( release 2019.06.18)

Rotatable Bond Count of Butylethanolamine 5 Computed by Cactvs ( release 2019.06.18)

Exact Mass of Butylethanolamine 117.115364 g/mol 2.1 ( release 2019.06.18)

Monoisotopic Mass of Butylethanolamine 117.115364 g/mol 2.1 ( release 2019.06.18)

Topological Polar Surface Area of Butylethanolamine 32.3 Å C

Heavy Atom Count of Butylethanolamine 8

Formal Charge of Butylethanolamine 0

Complexity of Butylethanolamine 39.5

Isotope Atom Count of Butylethanolamine 0

Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of Butylethanolamine 0

Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of Butylethanolamine 0

Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of Butylethanolamine 0

Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of Butylethanolamine 0

Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of Butylethanolamine 1

Compound Is Canonicalized of Butylethanolamine Yes

Mono-n-Butyl Ethanolamine



CAS No.: 111-75-1

Synonyms: BMEA, N-BEA, N-Butylethanolamin, 2-Butylaminoethanol, Butyl(2-Hydroxyethy1)amine,Butylethanolamine

Formula of Butylethanolamine:C6H15NO

Molecular Weight of Butylethanolamine: 117.2

SPECIFICATION of Butylethanolamine

Assay: Min. 99 % (by GC)

Distillation Range of Butylethanolamine: 190oC – 206oC

Water Content of Butylethanolamine: 0.5 Max % by wt

Colour of Butylethanolamine: 50 APHA max


Freezing Point of Butylethanolamine-2oC

Refractive Index of Butylethanolamine, n20D : 1.444

Density of Butylethanolamine at 25oC :0.891 g/ml

Applications of Butylethanolamine:

Oil Industry, Corrosion Inhibitors

Metal Working Fluids

Product Description of Butylethanolamine

N-Butyl Ethanolamine (111-75-1). It is also known as 2-Butylaminoethanol. Storage of Butylethanolamine: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations

Product Description of Butylethanolamine


CAS No.: 111-75-1

Synonyms : BMEA, N-BEA, N-Butylethanolamin, 2-Butylaminoethanol, Butyl(2-Hydroxyethy1)amine, Butylethanolamine

Mol. Formula of Butylethanolamine : C6H15NO

Molecular Weight : 117.2

Assay of Butylethanolamine : Min. 99 % (by GC)

Distillation Range of Butylethanolamine: 190 – 206 D.c.

Water Content of Butylethanolamine : 0.5 Max % by wt

Colour of Butylethanolamine : 50 APHA max

Freezing Point of Butylethanolamine : -2 D.c.

Refractive Index of Butylethanolamine, n20D : 1.444

Density of Butylethanolamine at 25 D.C.: 0.891 g/ml

Applications of Butylethanolamine : Oil Industry, Corrosion Inhibitors

Proprits de la butylthanolamine

Catgories connexes de butylthanolamine: Alcools amins, Blocs de construction, Synthse chimique, Blocs de construction organiques, Composs d`oxygne Plus …

Niveau de qualit de la butylthanolamine 100

essai ≥98%

indice de rfraction de la butylthanolamine n20 / D 1,444 (lit.)

pb de butylthanolamine 198-200 C (lit.)

densit de butylthanolamine 0,891 g / ml 25 C (lit.)

Chane SMILES de butylthanolamine CCCCNCCO

InChI 1S / C6H15NO / c1-2-3-4-7-5-6-8 / h7-8H, 2-6H2,1H3

Afficher plus (9)

Description de la butylthanolamine

Description gnrale de la butylthanolamine

La butylthanolamine est une amine secondaire ayant un groupe -OH.

Application de butylthanolamine

Le 2- (butylamino) thanol (N-butylthanolamine) peut tre utilis pour la synthse de 4-alkylamino-2,5,6-trimthyl -7- (2,4,6-trimthylphnyl) pyrrolo [2,3-d] pyrimidines [1] et N-butyl-N- (2-nitroxythyl) nitramine (BuNENA). [2]

Proprits chimiques et physiques de la butylthanolamine

4.1 Proprits calcules de la butylthanolamine

Nom de la proprit Rfrence de la valeur de la proprit

Poids molculaire de la butylthanolamine 117,19 g / mol 2,1 (version 2019.06.18)

XLogP3-AA 0.4 Calcul par XLogP3 3.0 (version 2019.06.18)

Hydrogne Bond Donor Count of Butylethanolamine 2 Computed by Cactvs (release 2019.06.18)

Nombre d`accepteurs de liaison hydrogne de butylthanolamine 2 calcul par Cactvs (version 2019.06.18)

Nombre de liaisons rotatives de butylthanolamine 5 calcul par Cactvs (version 2019.06.18)

Masse exacte de butylthanolamine 117.115364 g / mol 2.1 (version 2019.06.18)

Masse monoisotopique de butylthanolamine 117.115364 g / mol 2.1 (version 2019.06.18)

Surface topologique polaire de la butylthanolamine 32,3 Ų C

Nombre d`atomes lourds de butylthanolamine 8

Charge formelle de butylthanolamine 0

Complexit de la butylthanolamine 39,5

Nombre d`atomes d`isotopes de butylthanolamine 0

Nombre de strocentres atomes dfinis de butylthanolamine 0

Nombre indfini de strocentres atomiques de butylthanolamine 0

Nombre de strocentres liaison dfinie de butylthanolamine 0

Nombre indfini de strocentres de liaison de butylthanolamine 0

Nombre d`units lies par covalence de butylthanolamine 1

Le compos est canonis de butylthanolamine Oui

Mono-n-butyl thanolamine



No CAS: 111-75-1

Synonymes: BMEA, N-BEA, N-butylthanolamine, 2-butylaminothanol, butyl (2-hydroxythy1) amine, butylthanolamine

Formule de butylthanolamine: C6H15NO

Poids molculaire de la butylthanolamine: 117,2

SPCIFICATION de la butylthanolamine

Dosage: min. 99% (par GC)

Plage de distillation de la butylthanolamine: 190oC – 206oC

Teneur en eau de butylthanolamine: 0,5% max en poids

Couleur de la butylthanolamine: 50 APHA max


Point de conglation de la butylthanolamine-2oC

Indice de rfraction de la butylthanolamine, n20D: 1,444

Densit de butylthanolamine 25oC: 0,891 g / ml
