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CAS NUMBER : 2687-94-7
EINEC NUMBER : 403-700-8

METATAGS : N-OCTYLPYRROLIDONE; N-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; N-Octyl pyrrolidone; N-OCTYL PYRROLIDONE;n-octylpyrrolidinone;1-Octyl-2-pyrrolidon; 1-OCTYL-2-PYRROLIDONE;N-OCTYL-2-PYRROLIDONE;1-octyl-2-pyrrolidinon; 1-N-OCTYL-2-PYRROLIDONE; 1-OCTYL-2-PYRROLIDINONE;1-OCTYLPYRROLIDIN-2-ONE;1-n-OCLyl-2-Pyrrolidone; C12H23NO; N-Octyl pyrrolidone; C12H23NO; 1-Octyl-2-Pyrrolidinone; N-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; N-Octylpyrrolidinone; 1-Octylpyrrolidin-2-on; N-Octylpyrrolidone; C12H23; 1-Octyl-2-pyrrolidinon; N-Octylpyrrolidone; 2687-94-7; 1-octylpyrrolidin-2-one; 1-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; N-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; 1-n-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; N-Octylpyrrolidone; N-oktilpirolidon; N-oktilpirolidone; n-oktilprolidon; n-oktilprolidone; n-octilprolidon; n-oktilprolidon; n-oktilprrolidon; N-oktil pirrolidone; n-2oktilpirolidon; n-2-oktilpirolidon; 1-Octyl-2-pyrrolidone; C12H23NO;

N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone is a 99% pure chemical raw ingredient in a clear, light yellow-colored liquid form. N-octylpyrrolidone is a faint odor, mild, and amine-like yellowish liquid. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone can be used as wetting agent in printing process, co-solvent for pesticide formulation, pharmaceutical excipients for veterinary injection, dye carrier for aramid fibers, softener and metal cleaning. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone is used as a solvent in chemical reactions, components in ink and coating formulations and as a coating stripper in the electronic industry. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone is a keto-pyrrole, a compound of the 5-membered lactam structure (gamma-butyrolactam). N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone containing lactam compound has good solvency and is therefore useful in industrial applications. This is an important part of antibiotics such as penicillin. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidones are cyclic esters and analogs, active nuclei in pharmacological activity and aromas. Laktams have large demands on the artificial fiber industry. They can be polymerized and used as nylon precursors. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone is used as a solvent for surface treatment for textile, metal coated plastics, polymers and paint removal. N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone and its derivatives are used as intermediates for the synthesis of agricultural chemicals, medicines, textile auxiliaries, plasticizers, polymer solvents, stabilizers, special inks and as a nylon pioneer. NMP as a solvent for stripping and resins, Cleaner for polymeric residues, Metal coating; Printed circuit manufacturing; SBR latex production, Pigment dispersant, Acetylene and butadiene extraction, Natural gas dehydration and Lubrication oil processing.
Using areas of N-Octyl-Pyrrolidone:
-Detergent as soil penetrant in pesticide formulation
-Wetting agent in fountain solution of aqueous systems in printing process, e.g. fountain solution
-Softener in hard surface cleaners, laundry pres-potters and metal cleaning
-Detergent in pharmaceutical formulation, eg. veterinary medicine
-Wetting agent for dishwashing, industrial and institutional cleaners
-Solvent for polymers and hydrophobic substances
-Pigment dispersion aid and pigment conditioning solvent and Component of photo resist strippers
-Dye carrier for aramid fabrics

N-Oktil-Pirolidon berrak, ak sar renkli sv haldeki% 99 saf kimyasal hammaddesidir. N-oktilpirolidon hafif bir koku, hafif ve amin-benzeri sarmtrak bir svdr. Bask ileminde slatc ajan, bcek ilac formlasyonu iin birlikte zc, veteriner enjeksiyon iin farmastik eksipiyanlar, aramid elyaflar iin boya tayc, yumuatc ve metal temizleme olarak kullanlabilir. N-Oktil-Pirolidon kimyasal reaksiyonlarda bir solvent olarak, mrekkep ve kaplama formlasyonlarnda bileen olarak ve elektronik endstrisinde bir kaplama syrcs olarak kullanlr.Pirrolidon bir keto-pirol, yani 5 yeli bir laktam yapsndaki bileiktir (gama-butirolaktam). N-Oktil-Pirolidonu ieren laktam yapsndaki bileik, iyi bir deme gc zelliine sahiptir, bu nedenle, endstriyel uygulamalarda faydaldr. Bu, penisilin gibi antibiyotiklerin nemli bir parasdr. N-Oktil-Pirolidon, siklik esterler ve analoglar, farmakolojik aktivitede ve aromalarda aktif nkleuslardr. Laktamlarn suni elyaf endstrisinde byk talepleri var. N-Oktil-Pirolidon polimerize olabilirler ve naylon nclleri olarak kullanlrlar. N-Oktil-Pirolidon, tekstil, metal kapl plastik, polimerler ve boya kartma iin yzey ilemi iin bir zc olarak kullanlr. N-Oktil-Pirolidon ve trevleri, zirai kimyasallar, ilalar, tekstil yardmc maddeleri, plastikletiriciler, polimer zc, stabilizatrler, zel mrekkeplerin sentezi iin ara rnler olarak ve bir naylon ncs olarak kullanlr. NMP boya syrma ve reineler iin bir zc olarak, Polimerik artklar iin temizleyici, Metal kaplama; Baskl devre imalat; SBR lateks retimi, Pigment dispersan, Asetilen ve butadien ztleme, Doal gazn dehidrasyonu ve Yalama ya ilenmesinde kullanlr.
N-Oktil-Pirolidonun kullanm alanlar:
-Pestisit formlasyonunda toprak penetrant olarak kullanlan bir deterjan
-Bask ileminde sulu sistemlerin eme solsyonunda, rnein; eme zm
-Sert yzey temizleyicilerinde, amar ykama nleyicilerinde ve metal temizlemede yumuatc
-Farmastik formlasyonda deterjan, rn. veteriner
– Bulak ykama, endstriyel ve kurumsal temizlik maddeleri iin aartc madde
-Polimerler ve hidrofobik maddeler iin zc
-Pigment dispersiyon yardmcs ve pigment kvamlandrma solventi ve Photo resist stripper`lerin bileeni
-Aramid kumalar iin boya tayc
