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CAS NUMBER : 35285-69-9
EINECS NUMBER : 252-488-1

METATAGS : NIPASOL M SODYUM; NIPASOL M SODIUM; nipasol m sodium; Nipasol M sodium; Sodium Propyl p-Hydroxybenzoate; Sodium Propylparaben; nipasol m sodyum; Nipasol M Sodyum; SODIUM PROPYLPARABEN; sodyum propilparaben; Sodium propyl 4-hydroxy benzoate; Sodium Propyl Paraben; Propylparaben sodium salt; Propylparaben, sodium salt; Propylparaben sodium; Natrium propyl 4-hydroxybenzoat; 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, propyl ester, sodium salt; Propyl-4-hydroxybenzoat natriumsalz; C10H11NaO3; E217; SCHEMBL48862; sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate; Sodium propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; PROPYLPARABEN; Propyl paraben; 94-13-3; 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester; SODIUM PROPYL-P-HYDROXYBENZOATE; benzoicacid; 4 hydroxy-; propylester; sodiumsalt Benzoicacid; p-hydroxy-; propylester; sodiumderiv; Paradept propil-p-hydroxybenzoate; sodiumsalt sodium4-propoxycarbonylphenoxide SolbrolP; Natriumsalz PROPYL 4-HYDROXYBENZOATE SODIUM SALT; Propyl-4-Hydroxybenzoate SodiumSalt; C10H11NaO3




Nipasol M Sodium is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent designed for preservation of a wide range of cosmetics, toiletries pharmaceuticals. Nipasol M Sodium is suitable to preserve both rinse- off and leave- on formulations.
Nipasol M Sodium is effective against bacteria, molds and yeast. The recommended use level of Nipasol M Sodium to preserve most product types is normally in the range of 0.1- 0.3 % based on the total weight of the finished product.
The Paraben esters have many advantages as preservatives, like broad spectrum antimicrobial activity, effective at low use concentrations, compatible with a wide range of cosmetic ingredients, colourless, odour-less, well documented toxicological and dermatological acceptability based on human experience (used in cosmetics, food and pharmaceuticals since 1930ies), p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid and a number of its esters occur naturally in a variety of plants and animals, stable and effective over a wide pH- range, etc.
The Sodium Parabens, like Nipasol M Sodium have several additional advantages:
– Nipasol M sodium is highly soluble in cold water for ease of addition.
– No heating stage required for incorporation, thus saving energy and plant occupancy.
– Increased antimicrobial activity at alkaline pH.


Nipasol M Sodium is designed for preservation of a wide range of cosmetics and toiletries. Nipasol M Sodium is suitable to preserve both rinse- off and leave- on formulations. Formulations which are prone to bacteria contamination an additional antibacterial preservative, like Nipaguard DMDMH might be nec-essary to add as Nipasol M Sodium provides a higher efficacy against fungi than against bacteria.

Nipasol M Sodium is highly soluble in water and so easily incorporated into cosmetic formulations. It is important to note that, whilst the aqueous solubil-ity in alkaline solution is high, if the pH of the formu-lated product is acidic the sodium salt reverts to the ester and the low solubility is regained.

pH stability;
Nipasol M Sodium remains fully stable over a wide pH range from 3.0- 11.0. Aqueous solutions of Nipasol M Sodium are not long- term stable at alkaline pH.

Temperature stability;
The recommended maximum handling temperature is 80°C.







Nipasol M Sodyum, geni bir yelpazede antimikrobiyal ajan olup, kozmetik ürünlerinin, tuvalet ilaçlarnn korunmas için tasarlanmtr. Nipasol M Sodyum hem durulama hem de brakma formülasyonlarn korumak için uygundur. Nipasol M Sodyum, bakteri, küf ve mayaya kar etkilidir. Çou ürün tipini korumak için Nipasol M Sodyum’un önerilen kullanm seviyesi normalde bitmi ürünün toplam arlna dayal olarak% 0.1-0.3 arasndadr.
Paraben esterlerinin, geni spektrumlu antimikrobiyal etkinlik gibi, düük kullanm konsantrasyonlarnda etkili, geni bir kozmetik bileen yelpazesine uyumlu, renksiz, kokusuz, iyi belgelenmi, insan tecrübesine dayal toksikolojik ve dermatolojik kabul edilebilirlie sahip koruyucu maddeler, p-Hidroksibenzoik Asit ve bir dizi esteri doal olarak çeitli bitki ve hayvanlarda, geni pH aralnda vs istikrarl ve etkilidir.
Nipasol M Sodyum gibi Sodium Parabenler birkaç avantaja sahiptir:
– Nipasol M sodyum, ekleme kolayl için soukta suda çok çözünür.
– Entegrasyon için stma kademesi gerekmez, böylece enerji ve bitki dolulukundan tasarruf salanr.
– Alkalin pH’ta artm antimikrobiyal aktivite.


Nipasol M Sodyum, çok çeitli kozmetik ürünlerin ve tuvalet ürünlerinin muhafaza edilmesi için tasarlanmtr. Nipasol M Sodyum hem durulama hem de brakma formülasyonlarn korumak için uygundur. Nipaguard DMDMH gibi ek bir antibakteriyel koruyucu ile bakteri bulamasna yatkn formülasyonlar, Nipasol M Sodyum’un mantarlara kar bakterilere kyasla daha yüksek bir etkinlik salad için gerek duyulabilir.

Nipasol M Sodyum, suda çok çözünür ve bu nedenle kozmetik formülasyonlara kolayca dahil edilir. Alkalin solüsyonda sulu çözünebilirlik yüksek iken, formülasyon ürününün pH’si asidik ise, sodyum tuzu estere geri döner ve düük çözünürlük tekrar kazanlr.

PH stabilitesi;
Nipasol M Sodyum, 3.0-11.0 aras geni bir pH aralnda tamamen kararl kalr. Nipasol M Sodyumun sulu solüsyonlar alkalin pH’ta uzun vadeli stabil deildir.

Scaklk kararll;
Önerilen azami kullanm scakl 80 ° C’dir.
