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CAS NUMBER : 79-21-0

METATAGS : PERACETIC ACID; Peroxyacetic acid; Ethaneperoxoic acid; Acetic peroxide; Estosteril; C2H4O3; CH3COOOH; acetic acid + hydrogen peroxide -> peracetic acid; [OaO]2-; CH3COOH + H2O2 ↔ CH3CO-OOH + H2O ; CH3CO3H; Peroxyacetic acid; PERACETIC ACID; PEROXYACETIC ACID; Osbon AC; 4,4`-Di(methoxy)-azobenzene; Acide peracetique; acideperacetique; acideperacetique; acideperoxyacetique; LCAP; Oxypel; Ozonit NA 2131; Acecide; Peresal; TsunaMi; Osbon AC; desoxon1; Perasafe; CB4399742; C2H4O3; CH3C(O)OOH; Peracetic acid; Acetic peroxide; Acetyl hydroperoxide; Peroxacetic acid; Peroxyacetic acid; Acide peracetique; Desoxon 1; Estosteril; Hydroperoxide, acetyl; Kyselina peroxyoctova; Monoperacetic acid; NA 2131; Osbon ac; Peroxoacetic acid; Proxitane 4002; UN 2131; Oxymaster; PAA; Proxitane; Peracetic Acid; Ethaneperoxoic Acid; Peroxyacetic Acid; Acetyl Hydroperoxide; perasitik asit; perasidik asit; per asidik asit; per asitik asit; PERASDK AST; PERASTK AST;PER-ASDK AST; PER-ASTK AST; PER ASDK AST; PER ASTK AST; PERASIDIK ACID; PERASIDIK ASIT;-PERASIDIKASIT; PER-ASIDIK ASIT; ASIDIK ASIT; ASDK AST; ASTK AST; PER ASTL AST; AST OKST; PERACETIC ACID (PERASETK AST);

Peracetic acid is a colorless liquid with a strong, pungent acrid odor. Used as a bactericide and fungicide, especially in food processing; as a reagent in making caprolactam and glycerol; as an oxidant for preparing epoxy compounds; as a bleaching agent; a sterilizing agent; and as a polymerization catalyst for polyester resins.

PERACETIC ACID is a liquid that functions as a strong oxidizing agent. Peracetic acid has an acrid odor and is used as a disinfectant.
Bleaching agent for food starch. Peracetic acid is a component of antimicrobial washes for poultry carcasses and fruit. Peracetic acid (also known as peroxyacetic acid, or PAA), is a organic compound with the formula CH3CO3H. This organic peroxide is a colorless liquid with a characteristic acrid odor reminiscent of acetic acid. Peracetic acid can be highly corrosive. Peracetic acid can be used as a bleaching agent especially for Kraft pulp. is used at weakly acidic pH and relatively low temperature. Peracetic acid is a relative efficient and selective bleaching agent, and it is often used as an alternative to chlorine dioxide and elemental chlorine in totally chlorine free bleaching sequences (TCF). Peracetic acid is however relatively expensive, and is difficult to store due to its high reactivity. This has limited its use. Peracetic acid is a much weaker acid than the parent acetic acid, with a pKa of 8. 2. Peracetic acid is an ideal antimicrobial agent due to its high oxidizing potential. Peracetic acid is broadly effective against microorganisms and is not deactivated by catalase and peroxidase, the enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide. Peracetic acid also breaks down in food to safe and environmentally friendly residues (acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide), and therefore can be used in non-rinse applications. It can be used over a wide temperature range (0-40 ∞C), wide pH range (3. 0-7. 5), in clean-in-place (CIP) processes, in hard water conditions, and is not affected by protein residues. Peracetic acid has been shown to exhibit anti-spectic function (PMID: 6180573). Peracetic acid belongs to the family of Organic Hydroperoxides. These are organic compounds comprising the hydroperoxide functional group, with the general formula [OaO]2-.

What are the applications of peracetic acid?

Peracetic acid is used mainly in the food industry, where it is applied as a cleanser and as a disinfectant. Since the early 1950`s, acetic acid was applied for bacteria and fungi removal from fruits and vegetables. It was also used for the disinfection of recicled rinsing water for foodstuffs.
Nowadays peracetic acid is applied for the disinfection of medical supplies and to prevent bio film formation in pulp industries. It can be applied during water purification as a disinfectant and for plumming disinfection.
Peracetic acid is suitable for cooling tower water disinfection; it affectively prevents bio film formation and controls Legionella bacteria.

How does peracetic acid disinfection work?

Peracetic acid as a disinfectant oxidizes the outer cell membranes of microorganisms. The oxidation mechanism consists of electron transfer. When a stronger oxidant is used, the electrons are transferred to the microorganism much faster, causing the microorganism to be deactivated rapidly.

Peracetic acid affectivity;

Peracetic acid can be applied for the deactivation of a large variety of pathogenic microorganisms. It also deactivates viruses and spores. Peracetic acid activity is hardly influenced by organic compounds that are present in the water. However, pH and temperature do influence peractetic acid activity. Peracetic acid is more effective when the pH value is 7 than at a pH range between 8 and 9. At a temperature of 15 C and a pH value of 7, five times more peracetic acid is required to affectively deactivate pathogens than at a pH value of 7 and a temperature of 35 C.

Discharge demands of peracetic acid;

When cooling tower water is tapped from a river or lake, and must be discharged into the same water body after it has been used, it must meet certain discharge demands. Aditionally, the water temperature may not be too high, because warm water has a low oxygen content, which promotes algal growth. This can cause fish mortality and a decrease in water biodiversity.

Germicidal effects of peracetic acid;

Peracetic acid has outstanding disinfectant properties. It is effective against bacteria, yeasts, molds and virus. The reason for the excellent and rapid antimicrobial effects of peracetic acid is the specific capability to penetrate through the cell membrane. In the cell, peracetic acid irreversibly disrupts the enzyme system, which in turn leads to destruction of the microorganism. Our products have shown superior disinfectant properties in relevant efficacy tests.

Peracetic acid is a colorless liquid with a strong, pungent acrid odor.

Used as a bactericide and fungicide, especially in food processing; as a reagent in making caprolactam and glycerol; as an oxidant for preparing epoxy compounds; as a bleaching agent; a sterilizing agent; and as a polymerization catalyst for polyester resins.

Peracetic acid is composed of an equilibrium of acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and water. It is thought to act as an oxidising agent, denaturing proteins and disrupting cell walls

Peracetic acid (also known as peroxyacetic acid, or PAA), is an organic compound with the formula CH3CO3H.

This organic peroxide is a colorless liquid with a characteristic acrid odor reminiscent of acetic acid. It can be highly corrosive.

Peracetic acid or peroxyacetic acid (PAA) is an oxidizing agent that functions in much the same way as hydrogen peroxide, through denaturation of protein, disruption of cell wall permeability, and oxidation of sulfhydryl and sulfur bonds in proteins, enzymes, and other metabolites

Peracetic acid will inactivate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and yeasts in less than 5 minutes at less than 100 ppm. In the presence of organic matter, 200 to 500 ppm is required. For viruses the dosage range is wide (12 to 2250 ppm), with poliovirus inactivated in yeast extract in 15 minutes with 1500 to 2250 ppm. A processing system using peracetic acid at a temperature of 50 C to 56 C can be used for processing heat-sensitive semicritical and critical devices that are compatible with the peracetic acid and processing system and cannot be sterilized by other legally marketed traditional sterilization methods validated for that type of device (e.g., steam, hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, vaporized hydrogen peroxide). After processing, the devices should be used immediately or stored in a manner similar to that of a high-level disinfected endoscope.156-158 The sterilant, 35% peracetic acid, is diluted to 0.2% with tap water that has been filtered and exposed to ultraviolet light. Simulated-use trials with the earlier version of this processing system have demonstrated excellent microbicidal activity,74,158-161,162 and three clinical trials have demonstrated both excellent microbial killing and no clinical failures leading to infection

Peroxyacetic, or peracetic, acid was the first germicide used to sterilize isolators and is still used because of its effectiveness, low cost, and compatibility with most plastics. It is effective at low concentrations and temperatures, and, in liquid form, in the presence of organic matter, although it does not penetrate parasite cysts and arthropod eggs (van der Gulden and van Erp, 1972). It is available from laboratory chemical suppliers as a liquid containing 40% peracetic acid. A major advantage of peracetic acid is that it is effective in vapor and liquid phases (Block, 2001; Trexler, 1984). The vapor generated when a 12% solution is sprayed at room temperature will inactivate the most resistant bacteria and mold spores within 15 min, and direct application of the liquid achieves the same action within 1 min (Trexler, 1984). Peracetic acid is sometimes used at a concentration of 4%, but there is no evidence from actual gnotobiotic applications that this is more effective than 1% (R. Orcutt, personal communication, March 2014). Optimal sporicidal activity in the vapor phase is achieved at 80% relative humidity. Peracetic acid solution should always be prepared immediately before use, because it loses about half of its strength within 24 h. Thirty minutes of contact time is sufficient. Peracetic acid is corrosive, and it is irritating to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Personnel using peracetic acid should wear gloves, disposable clothing, and a full-face respirator with chemical filter cartridges.

Combining peracetic acid with hydrogen peroxide results in synergistic antimicrobial activity (Block, 2001). Spor-Klenz (Steris Life Sciences), a ready-to-use sterilant solution containing 1% hydrogen peroxide and 0.08% peracetic acid, has broad sporicidal efficacy and completely inactivates Mycobacterium spp. after 20 min of contact time at 20C (Rutala et al., 1991). It has become an accepted sterilant for gnotobiotics. A contact time of 1 h is recommended. Other products combining peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are available

Peracetic Acid

S.C. Gad, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Peracetic Acid (PAA) is a highly corrosive chemical used in hospital endoscopy, sterilization, poultry & meat processing, food processing, and many other industries. On this page we will cover the chemical properties, microbial activity, applications for use and hazards & risks. If you are strictly looking for the regulations that have been set for Peracetic Acid or the monitoring solutions that we offer to protect employees from over-exposure to PAA, visit one of those other pages.

Exposure and Exposure Monitoring

Routes and pathways (including environmental release)

Peracetic acid production and usage as a disinfectant may result in its release through various waste streams or directly into the environment. The probable routes of peracetic acid are eye, dermal, inhalation, and ingestion.

Human exposure

Occupational exposure to peracetic acid may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where it is produced or used. Monitoring and use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to peracetic acid via ingestion of food and through dermal contact with products treated with peracetic acid.

Environmental exposure (monitoring data in air, water, sediment, soil, and biota)

Peracetic acid is formed in the environment through a series of photochemical reactions involving formaldehyde and photo oxidant radicals. This compounds high water solubility enables it to become a constituent in acid rain.


C.P. Chauret, in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition), 2014

Peracetic Acids

Peracetic acid is an organic acid generated by reacting acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Several commercial formulations are available. In solution, peracetic acid dissolves and forms back acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Peracetic acid is used at concentrations of 150200 ppm on various food-contact surfaces. It is efficient in removing biofilms and works well at colder temperatures. Peracetic acid is believed to function in a similar fashion as other oxidizing agents by reacting with cellular proteins and enzymes. In a recent study, peracetic acid at 30 mg l−1 was shown to be more efficient than 250 mg l−1 of sodium hypochlorite at removing biofilm cells of S. aureus from stainless steel and polypropylene surfaces. Another study suggests that peracetic acid sanitizers may have some sporocidal activity against suspended bacterial spores in an aqueous solution on stainless steel surfaces. However, sporocidal activity was minimal against spores adhering to stainless steel without the presence of an aqueous suspension.

Infection Control Programs for Dogs and Cats

Jane E. Sykes, J. Scott Weese, in Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases, 2014

Peracetic acid

Peracetic acid belongs to the peroxygen family of compounds. When used at 50C to 56C in a specific peracetic acid reprocessing system (Steris System 1, Steris), 0.2% solutions achieve sterilization in very short time periods (30 to 45 minutes). Peracetic acid is active in the presence of organic matter and may actually enhance its removal. Nevertheless endoscopes must still be thoroughly cleaned before sterilization to avoid fixation of blood onto the instrument. After sterilization, the processor rinses the instrument thoroughly. Peracetic acid is stable but can be corrosive and causes discoloration of endoscopes over time. It is more expensive than other chemical sterilants. Peracetic acid concentrates can cause irritation to mucous membranes and are corrosive to the eye and skin, but 0.2% solutions are generally nonirritating.

Instrument Preparation, Sterilization, and Antiseptics

David E. Freeman, Jrg A. Auer, in Equine Surgery (Fourth Edition), 2012

Peracetic Acid

Peracetic acid or peroxyacetic acid (PAA) is an oxidizing agent that functions in much the same way as hydrogen peroxide, through denaturation of protein, disruption of cell wall permeability, and oxidation of sulfhydryl and sulfur bonds in proteins, enzymes, and other metabolites.24 PAA is available under numerous brand names with different chemical formulations (Nu Cidex 0.35%, STERIS 0.20%, Anioxyde 1000, and Sekusept Aktiv). The STERIS Corporation has marketed STERIS 20 Sterilant Concentrate, a 35% peroxyacetic acid concentrate, for use in the STERIS System 18 (Figure 9-8). An arthroscopic camera and telescope can be processed, rinsed, and dried in this system in a 20-minute cycle. It is routinely used to sterilize flexible endoscopes as well. A contact time of 10 or 15 minutes and a concentration of greater than 0.09% PAA are recommended for destruction of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and spores, if used manually.9 Compared with glutaraldehyde, PAA has a similar or even a better biocidal efficacy and is claimed to be less irritating for staff and safer for the environment. PAA does not fix proteins and therefore does not create a biofilm. It has the ability to remove glutaraldehyde-hardened material from biopsy channels, and its activity is not adversely affected by organic matter.

Potential adverse effects are strongly linked to the pH value of the application solution, with minimal effects in a pH range of 7.5 or higher. PAA is less stable than glutaraldehyde, can be corrosive, and has a strong, vinegar-like odor. PAA has additional drawbacks when used on immersible instruments; it can cause serious eye and skin damage in a concentrated form, it can dull aluminum anodized coating, instruments treated with it cannot be stored, and it is expensive.9,27 PAA is also a weak carcinogen.28 Therefore, when using manual immersion methods, PAA should be used with adequate ventilation and personal protective measures. PAA also causes cosmetic discoloration of endoscopes, but without any functional damage, if used manually; the STERIS System 1 sterilizer does not have this problem, however, because adequate rinsing is automatic.

Sterilization of Pharmaceuticals

Shruti Moondra, … Rakesh K. Tekade, in Dosage Form Design Parameters, 2018 Peracetic Acid

Peracetic acid is presently utilized in several sterilization procedures. For the decontamination, disinfection, or sterilization of products, such as isolators and vapor-phase producers, peracetic acid was used. Peracetic acid, which is soluble in water, has a pungent odor and is a colorless liquid. In the market, it exists as a 35% or 40% solution. It is mostly found to be unstable, and easily decomposable (when in contact with oxygen, acetic acid, and other degradation products including hydrogen peroxide and water).


J. Fisher, in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003

Peracetic acid

Peracetic acid was introduced in 1955. The material is supplied as an equilibrium mixture:

It is soluble in water and is completely biodegradable, breaking down to harmless products:

As supplied, peracetic acid is corrosive and has a very irritating smell, similar to vinegar; because of these properties, it is unpleasant to handle, and manual use is not recommended. It is suitable for CIP, as it is nonfoaming.

Peracetic acid is a highly reactive material. As an in-use solution, it is not very stable and will react with organic materials. Peracetic acid may attack plant materials, such as rubber gaskets, and at higher concentrations, corrosion may be a problem.

Peracetic acid has a wide antimicrobial spectrum, which includes bacterial spores and viruses. This activity is fast and is maintained at temperatures lower than ambient.

Disinfection, Sterilization, and Control of Hospital Waste

William A. Rutala, David J. Weber, in Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett`s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (Eighth Edition), 2015

Peracetic Acid

Peracetic, or peroxyacetic acid, is characterized by a very rapid action against all microorganisms. A special advantage of peracetic acid is its lack of harmful decomposition products (i.e., acetic acid, water, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide); it enhances removal of organic material155 and leaves no residue. It remains effective in the presence of organic matter and is sporicidal even at low temperatures. Peracetic acid can corrode copper, brass, bronze, plain steel, and galvanized iron, but these effects can be reduced by additives and pH modifications

IUPAC name: Ethaneperoxoic acid. Other names: Peroxyacetic acid; Acetic peroxide; Acetyl hydroperoxide; Proxitane.CAS Number:79-21-0;EC Number:201-186-8;PERACETIC ACID

;Peroxyacetic acid; Ethaneperoxoic acid;79-21-0;ethaneperoxoic acid; PAA; PERACETIC ACID

Acetic peroxide

Acetyl hydroperoxide

Acide peracetique

Acide peroxyacetique

Acido peroxiacetico

Desoxon 1


Hydroperoxide, acetyl

Kyselina peroxyoctova

Monoperacetic acid

Osbon AC


Peracetic acid is a weaker acid than the parent acetic acid, with a pKa of 8.2.

Very soluble in ether, sulfuric acid; soluble in ethanol

Peracetic acid is produced industrially by the autoxidation of acetaldehyde:


It forms upon treatment of acetic acid with hydrogen peroxide with a strong acid catalyst:

H2O2 + CH3CO2H ⇌ CH3CO3H + H2O

As an alternative, acetyl chloride and acetic anhydride can be used to generate a solution of the acid with lower water content.

Disinfectants Peracetic acid

Peracetic acid

Peracetic acid (C2H4O3) is a mixture of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a watery solution.

It is a bright, colorless liquid that has a piercing odor and a low pH value (2,8).

Peracetic acid is produced by a reaction between hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid:


|| ||

CH3-C-OH + H2O2 -> CH3C-O-OH + H2O

acetic acid + hydrogen peroxide -> peracetic acid

Peracetic acid can also be produced by oxidation of acethaldehyde. Peracetic acid is usually produced in concentrations of 5-15%.

When peracetic acid dissolves in water, it disintegrates to hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, which will fall apart to water, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Peracetic acid degradation products are non-toxic and can easily dissolve in water.

Peracetic acid is a very powerful oxidant; the oxidation potential outranges that of chlorine and chlorine dioxide.

What are the applications of peracetic acid?

Peracetic acid is used mainly in the food industry, where it is applied as a cleanser and as a disinfectant.

Since the early 1950s, acetic acid was applied for bacteria and fungi removal from fruits and vegetables.

It was also used for the disinfection of recicled rinsing water for foodstuffs.

Nowadays peracetic acid is applied for the disinfection of medical supplies and to prevent bio film formation in pulp industries.

It can be applied during water purification as a disinfectant and for plumming disinfection.

Peracetic acid is suitable for cooling tower water disinfection; it affectively prevents bio film formation and controls Legionella bacteria.

How does peracetic acid disinfection work?

Peracetic acid as a disinfectant oxidizes the outer cell membranes of microorganisms.

The oxidation mechanism consists of electron transfer.

When a stronger oxidant is used, the electrons are transferred to the microorganism much faster, causing the microorganism to be deactivated rapidly.

Peracetic acid affectivity

Peracetic acid can be applied for the deactivation of a large variety of pathogenic microorganisms. It also deactivates viruses and spores. Peracetic acid activity is hardly influenced by organic compounds that are present in the water.

However, pH and temperature do influence peractetic acid activity. Peracetic acid is more effective when the pH value is 7 than at a pH range between 8 and 9.

At a temperature of 15 C and a pH value of 7, five times more peracetic acid is required to affectively deactivate pathogens than at a pH value of 7 and a temperature of 35 C.

Discharge demands

When cooling tower water is tapped from a river or lake, and must be discharged into the same water body after it has been used, it must meet certain discharge demands.

Aditionally, the water temperature may not be too high, because warm water has a low oxygen content, which promotes algal growth. This can cause fish mortality and a decrease in water biodiversity.

Peracetic acid is generated in situ by some laundry detergents.

This route involves the reaction of tetraacetylethylenediamine (TAED) in the presence of an alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution.

The peracetic acid is a more effective bleaching agent than hydrogen peroxide itself.

PAA is also formed naturally in the environment through a series of photochemical reactions involving formaldehyde and photo-oxidant radicals.

Peracetic acid is always sold in solution as a mixture with acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide to maintain its stability.

The concentration of the acid as the active ingredient can vary.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency first registered peracetic acid as an antimicrobial in 1985 for indoor use on hard surfaces.

Use sites include agricultural premises, food establishments, medical facilities, and home bathrooms.

Peracetic acid is also registered for use in dairy and cheese processing plants, on food processing equipment, and in pasteurizers in breweries, wineries, and beverage plants.

It is also applied for the disinfection of medical supplies, to prevent biofilm formation in pulp industries, and as a water purifier and disinfectant.

Peracetic acid can be used as a cooling tower water disinfectant, where it prevents biofilm formation and effectively controls Legionella bacteria.

A trade name for peracetic acid as an antimicrobial is Nu-Cidex.

In the European Union, Peroxyacetic acid was reported by the EFSA after submission in 2013 by the US Department of Agriculture .

Decontamination kits for cleaning fentanyl analogues from surfaces (as used by many police forces, amongst others) often contain solid peracetyl borate, which mixes with water to produce peracetic acid.


Although less active than more acidic peracids (e.g., m-CPBA), peracetic acid in various forms is used for the epoxidation of various alkenes.

Useful application are for unsaturated fats, synthetic and natural rubbers, and some natural products such as pinene.

A variety of factors affect the amount of free acid or sulfuric acid (used to prepare the peracid in the first place).


Peracetic acid is a strong oxidizing agent and severe irritant to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system.

ECHA InfoCard 100.001.079


Chemical formula:C2H4O3

Molar mass: 76.05 g/mol

Appearance: Colorless liquid

Density:1.0375 g/mL

Melting point: 0 C

Boiling point:105 C 25 C @ (1.6 kPa)

Acidity (pKa):8.2

Refractive index (nD):1.3974

Viscosity:3.280 cP

PERACETIC ACID; Peroxyacetic acid; Ethaneperoxoic acid; 79-21-0; Estosteril; Acetic peroxide; Peroxoacetic acid; Monoperacetic acid; Osbon AC; Acetyl hydroperoxide

;Proxitane 4002; Desoxon 1; Hydroperoxide, acetyl; Ethaneperoxic acid; Caswell No. 644; UNII-I6KPI2E1HD; Acide peracetique [French]; CCRIS 686; Acide peroxyacetique [French]

;Acido peroxiacetico [Spanish]; Kyselina peroxyoctova [Czech]; EINECS 201-186-8; Acide peracetique; Acido peroxiacetico; Acide peroxyacetique; F50;Kyselina peroxyoctova

;LCAP; Aceticperoxide; peractic acid; per-acetic acid; Peroxacetic acid; Peroxyacetic acid, ca.35wt.% sol. in diluted acetic acid, stabilized; acetic acid oxide

;Peroxy acetic acid; AcOOH; Acecide (TN); ACMC-20egd0; CH3CO2OH; Ethaneperoxoic acid, 9CI; CH3C(O)OOH

Peracetic Acid Sterilization

Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities

Peracetic acid is a highly biocidal oxidizer that maintains its efficacy in the presence of organic soil. Peracetic acid removes surface contaminants (primarily protein) on endoscopic tubing.711, 717 An automated machine using peracetic acid to sterilize medical, surgical, and dental instruments chemically (e.g., endoscopes, arthroscopes) was introduced in 1988. This microprocessor-controlled, low-temperature sterilization method is commonly used in the United States.107 The sterilant, 35% peracetic acid, and an anticorrosive agent are supplied in a single-dose container. The container is punctured at the time of use, immediately prior to closing the lid and initiating the cycle. The concentrated peracetic acid is diluted to 0.2% with filtered water (0.2 mm) at a temperature of approximately 50C. The diluted peracetic acid is circulated within the chamber of the machine and pumped through the channels of the endoscope for 12 minutes, decontaminating exterior surfaces, lumens, and accessories. Interchangeable trays are available to permit the processing of up to three rigid endoscopes or one flexible endoscope. Connectors are available for most types of flexible endoscopes for the irrigation of all channels by directed flow. Rigid endoscopes are placed within a lidded container, and the sterilant fills the lumens either by immersion in the circulating sterilant or by use of channel connectors to direct flow into the lumen(s) (see below for the importance of channel connectors). The peracetic acid is discarded via the sewer and the instrument rinsed four times with filtered water.

Concern has been raised that filtered water may be inadequate to maintain sterility896. Limited data have shown that low-level bacterial contamination may follow the use of filtered water in an AER but no data has been published on AERs using the peracetic acid system161. Clean filtered air is passed through the chamber of the machine and endoscope channels to remove excess water719. As with any sterilization process, the system can only sterilize surfaces that can be contacted by the sterilant. For example, bronchoscopy-related infections occurred when bronchoscopes were processed using the wrong connector155, 725. Investigation of these incidents revealed that bronchoscopes were inadequately reprocessed when inappropriate channel connectors were used and when there were inconsistencies between the reprocessing instructions provided by the manufacturer of the bronchoscope and the manufacturer of the automatic endoscope reprocessor155. The importance of channel connectors to achieve sterilization was also shown for rigid lumen devices137, 856.

The manufacturers suggest the use of biological monitors (G. stearothermophilus spore strips) both at the time of installation and routinely to ensure effectiveness of the process. The manufacturers clip must be used to hold the strip in the designated spot in the machine as a broader clamp will not allow the sterilant to reach the spores trapped under it897. One investigator reported a 3% failure rate when the appropriate clips were used to hold the spore strip within the machine.718 The use of biological monitors designed to monitor either steam sterilization or ETO for a liquid chemical sterilizer has been questioned for several reasons including spore wash-off from the filter paper strips which may cause less valid monitoring898-901. The processor is equipped with a conductivity probe that will automatically abort the cycle if the buffer system is not detected in a fresh container of the peracetic acid solution. A chemical monitoring strip that detects that the active ingredient is >1500 ppm is available for routine use as an additional process control.

Mode of Action

Only limited information is available regarding the mechanism of action of peracetic acid, but it is thought to function as other oxidizing agents, i.e., it denatures proteins, disrupts cell wall permeability, and oxidizes sulfhydral and sulfur bonds in proteins, enzymes, and other metabolites654, 726.

Microbicidal Activity

Peracetic acid will inactivate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and yeasts in

Simulated-use trials have demonstrated microbicidal activity 111, 718-722 and three clinical trials have demonstrated both microbial killing and no clinical failures leading to infection90, 723, 724. Alfa and co-workers, who compared the peracetic acid system with ETO, demonstrated the high efficacy of the system. Only the peracetic acid system was able to completely kill 6-log10 of Mycobacterium chelonae, Enterococcus faecalis, and B. atrophaeus spores with both an organic and inorganic challenge.722 Like other sterilization processes, the efficacy of the process can be diminished by soil challenges.902 and test conditions.856


This automated machine is used to chemically sterilize medical (e.g., GI endoscopes) and surgical (e.g., flexible endoscopes) instruments in the United States. Lumened endoscopes must be connected to an appropriate channel connector to ensure that the sterilant has direct contact with the contaminated lumen.137, 856, 903 Olympus America has not listed this system as a compatible product for use in reprocessing Olympus bronchoscopes and gastrointestinal endoscopes (Olympus America, January 30, 2002, written communication).


C.P. Chauret, in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition), 2014

Peracetic Acids

Peracetic acid is an organic acid generated by reacting acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Several commercial formulations are available. In solution, peracetic acid dissolves and forms back acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Peracetic acid is used at concentrations of 150200 ppm on various food-contact surfaces. It is efficient in removing biofilms and works well at colder temperatures. Peracetic acid is believed to function in a similar fashion as other oxidizing agents by reacting with cellular proteins and enzymes. In a recent study, peracetic acid at 30 mg l−1 was shown to be more efficient than 250 mg l−1 of sodium hypochlorite at removing biofilm cells of S. aureus from stainless steel and polypropylene surfaces. Another study suggests that peracetic acid sanitizers may have some sporocidal activity against suspended bacterial spores in an aqueous solution on stainless steel surfaces. However, sporocidal activity was minimal against spores adhering to stainless steel without the presence of an aqueous suspension.

Peracetic Acid in the Fresh Food Industry

By Richard Warburton, ChemDAQ

Peracetic Acid in the Fresh Food Industry

The big issue in the food industry today is food safety; and microbial contamination is the number one enemy of the food supply. Chemical treatments with compounds such as peracetic acid are among the most effective methods for control of microbial contamination.

Peracetic acid has the chemical formula CH3C(O)OOH and is formed in an equilibrium mixture of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.


It is almost always used is water solution with acetic acid and vinegar, although the proportions of each component vary from one manufacturers blend to the next. Peracetic acid has a strong vinegar-like smell around 0.1 ppm but becomes significantly irritating above about 1 ppm. Peracetic acid is a very effective antimicrobial compound, even more effective than hydrogen peroxide.

In addition to being an effective against bacteria, any biocidal chemical that will be applied directly to food must not leave any harmful residues. Peracetic acid is very reactive and quickly decomposes to acetic acid (acid in vinegar), oxygen and water. This process is so complete that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations exempt peracetic acid residues from tolerances in food products treated up to 100 ppm per application on fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, cereal grains, herbs and spices and with solutions of less than 500 ppm applied to equipment;[1] and U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations provide that peracetic acid may be directly applied to foods that are NOP certified as organic.[2] These features of good efficacy, essentially no toxic residues, easy application (in water solution) and relatively low cost have made peracetic acid an increasingly popular antimicrobial in many food and beverage-related industries. Peracetic acid blends have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved as sanitizer on food contact surfaces (21 CFR 178.1010) and for direct food contact with fruits, vegetables (21 CFR 173.315) and meat, poultry and seafood (21 CFR 173.370).

Bottling and Beverage

Many bottling plants use peracetic acid as a sanitizer and disinfectant to reduce microbial contamination. Peracetic acid is also widely used as a sanitizer for the brewing industry.

One of the more recent trends has been toward completely eliminating microbial contamination with aseptic packaging whereby both the container and the bottle are sterilized. Aseptic packaging offers longer shelf life and reduced shipping costs and is used for milk products, low acid and high acid beverages.[3, 4] For example one large midwestern company produces dairy products aseptically using peracetic acid and can ship their product anywhere in the U.S. without the need to refrigerate, thus greatly reducing shipping costs. The items of course are refrigerated at the point of sale in the grocery store in order to meet customer expectations.

Fresh Produce

To reduce pathogens, most fresh vegetables are washed in an antimicrobial solution. The traditional standby has been chlorine (aqueous hypochlorite solution) and in recent years there has been an increasing switch to peracetic acid washes.[5, 6] Most fresh vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and fruit such as strawberries are washed after picking before shipment.[7] However, it has been recognized in some products such as strawberries that the fungus that causes the rot are already in the berry before harvest and that treating the strawberries several days before harvest increases shelf life.[8]

Meats, Poultry and Seafood

In the meat production industry, antimicrobials such as chlorine and peracetic acid have been shown to be very effective at reducing pathogen levels if applied directly to the meat,[9, 10] and in the U.S., they are now being used for direct intervention.[11]

Some research has found that chlorine/hypochlorite can react with fats and proteins to form various chlorinated compounds[12] some which are potentially carcinogenic.[13] Even treatment of vegetables such as bean sprouts and cabbages with sodium hypochlorite were found to produce chloroform (CHCl3) a known carcinogen.[14] However, FDA does not believe that carcinogens are formed to a significant extent at the concentrations used in food production and chlorine and hypochlorite are both approved for direct intervention in fresh produce, meat and poultry in the U.S.[15]

As a consequence, Russia banned imports of chicken from the U.S. Intervention using peracetic acid does not have this problem, and in June 2010, Russia lifted its ban on poultry imports to allow chicken treated with cetylpyridium chloride, peroxyacetic acid or hydrogen peroxide.[16] Similarly, the EU had also not imported U.S. chicken since 1997 because of its concerns about the use of chlorine washes for poultry. The European Food Safety Authority has said that the use of pathogen reduction treatments such as peracetic acid is safe, but the EU has yet to lift the ban in large part because chicken processing plants in the EU focus on tighter process controls to limit bacterial contamination rather than broad chemical intervention.[17] Processing chickens without chemical intervention is not an option for US poultry plants wanting to meet the U.S. Department of Agricultures requirements for pathogen reduction.[18]

Peracetic acid has been found effective for reducing microbial contamination of seafood and for keeping seafood fresher for longer[19] and has been approved for direct contact with fish by FDA.[20]

Occupational Exposures to Peracetic Acid

As discussed above, the two key strengths of peracetic acid are its effectiveness as a biocide and its high reactivity which causes it to quickly degrade to harmless byproducts. This high reactivity though presents a risk to workers using peracetic acid food processing environment and anecdotal reports indicate that some workers in have been adversely affected by exposure to peracetic acid and similar chemicals.[21, 22]

The vast majority of employers wants to keep their people safe and would do so even without the legal duty to provide a safe work environment imposed by the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Peracetic acid has only recently become widely adopted and OSHA has not yet promulgated permissible exposure limits for peracetic acid. Until recently employers had to rely on their best judgment which often meant cranking up the ventilation until peracetic acid could not longer be smelt.

peracetic acid offers many benefits to food producers and processors from sanitization to sterilization. Peracetic acid is a very effective biocide but it quickly reacts in the environment to break down to harmless byproducts. Peracetic acid is finding application across the food spectrum from dairy to produce to meat processing and is being increasingly adopted.

Peracetic acid (PAA) is often incorporated as active ingredient of instrument disinfectants for reprocessing flexible endoscopes in manual and automatic procedures. Such instrument disinfectants are often used between room temperature and 40 C with short exposure times. By introducing PAA as active ingredient, a broad range of virucidal efficacy for instrument disinfectants can be achieved, as requested by the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (Kommission fr Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprvention, KRINKO) [1]. There is only a minor temperature stress for the instruments when using short exposure times with PAA and only aldehydes are able to demonstrate a comparative range of efficacy against viruses. But for aldehydes, higher temperatures are necessary in general for reaching a sufficient virucidal action resulting in a claim of these chemicals against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.

The virus-inactivating properties of PAA had been demonstrated earlier in detail by the group of Sprig.

Later it was questioned whether peracetic-acid-based formulations are suited for the cleaning step when reprocessing flexible endoscopes due to the fixation potential of PAA [4]. Current formulations on the market are always based on a two-step procedure including a cleaning step before the addition of PAA.

…% peroksiacto rūgtis (lt)

Acid peracetic (ro)

Acid peracetic sintetizat din tetraacetiletilenediamină (TAED) și percarbonat de sodiu (ro)

acid peracetic. . . % (ro)

acide peractique % . . (fr)

Acide practique (fr)

Acide practique produit partir de ttractylthylnediamine (TAED) et de percarbonate de sodium (fr)

Acido peracetico (it)

acido peracetico . . . % (it)

Acido peracetico ottenuto da tetracetiletilendiamina (TAED) e percarbonato di sodio (it)

Aċidu peraċetiku (mt)

Aċidu peraċetiku ġġenerat minn tetra-aċetiletilenedijamina (TAED) u perkarbonat tas-sodju (mt)

Kwas nadoctowy (pl)

kwas nadoctowy …% (pl)

Kwas nadoctowy uzyskany z tetraacetyloetylenodiaminy (TAED) i nadwęglanu sodu (pl)

kyselina peroxyctov (sk)

kyselina peroxyoctov (cs)

kyselina peroxyoctov … % (sk)

Kyselina peroxyoctov připraven z tetraacetyletylendiaminu (TAED) a peroxouhličitanu sodnho (cs)

No tetra-acetiletilēndiamīna (TAED) un nātrija perkarbonāta iegūta peroksietiķskābe (lv)

Per-azijnzuur (nl)

Peracetic acid (no)

Peracetic acid generated from tetra-acetylethylenediamine (TAED) and sodium percarbonate (sk)

perazijnzuur . . . % (nl)

Perazijnzuur, verkregen uit tetra-acetylethyleendiamine (TAED) en natriumpercarbonaat (nl)

Perecetsav (hu)

perecetsav % (hu)

pereddikesyre (da)

pereddikesyre . . . % (da)

Pereddikesyre genereret fra tetraacetylethylendiamin (TAED) og natriumpercarbonat (da)

pereddiksyre … % (no)

Pereddiksyre generert fra tetraacetylendiamin (TAED) og natriumperkarbonat (no)

Peressigsure (de)

Peressigsure . . . % (de)

Peressigsure, hergestellt aus Tetraacetylethylendiamin (TAED) und Natriumpercarbonat (de)

Peretikkahappo (fi)

peretikkahappo . . . % (fi)

Perocetna kislina (sl)

perocetna kislina, pridobljena iz tetraacetil etilendiamina (TAED) in natrijevega perkarbonata (sl)

perocetna kislina…% (sl)

Peroctena kiselina (hr)

peroctena kiselina . . . % (hr)

Peroctena kiselina dobivena iz tetraacetiletilendiamina (TAED) i natrijevog perkarbonata (hr)

Peroksiacto rūgtis (lt)

Peroksiacto rūgtis, gauta i tetraacetiletilendiamino (TAED) ir natrio peroksokarbonato (lt)

Peroksietiķskābe (lv)

peroksyeddiksyre … % (no)

peroxyoctov kyselina…% (cs)

Perttiksyra (sv)

perttiksyra . . . % (sv)

Perttiksyra som framstlls frn tetraacetyletylendiamin (TAED) och natriumperkarbonat (sv)

Perdikhape (et)

Perdikhape % (et)

perdikhape, mis saadakse tetraatsetletleendiamiinist (TAED) ja naatriumperkarbonaadist (et)

Tetra-asetyylietyleenidiamiinista (TAED) ja natriumperkarbonaatista tuotettu peretikkahappo (fi)

Tetraacetil-etiln-diaminbl (TAED) s ntrium-perkarbontbl előlltott perecetsav (hu)

cido peractico (es)

cido peractico (pt)

cido peractico . . . % (es)

cido peractico . . . % (pt)

cido peractico generado a partir de tetraacetiletilendiamina y percarbonato de sodio (es)

cido peractico produzido a partir de tetra-acetiletilenodiamina (TAED) e percarbonato de sdio (pt)

Υπεροξικό οξύ (el)

υπεροξικό οξύ . . . % (el)

Υπεροξικό οξύ που παράγεται από τετρα-ακετυλοαιθυλενοδιαμίνη (TAED) και υπερανθρακικό νάτριο (el)

Пероцетна киселина (bg)

Пероцетна киселина, генерирана от тетраацетилетилендиамин (TAED) и натрив перкарбонат (bg)

пероцетна киселина…% (bg)

% paraetiķskābe (lv)

ethaneperoxoic acid; PAA; PERACETIC ACID

Peracetic acid

Peracetic acid anhydrous

Peracetic acid generated by perhydrolysis of N-acetylcaprolactam by hydrogen peroxide in alkaline conditions

Peracetic acid generated from 1,3-diacetyloxypropan-2-yl acetate and hydrogen peroxide

Peracetic acid generated from tetra-acetylethylenediamine (TAED) and sodium percarbonate

Peracetic acid generated from tetraacetylethylenediamine and hydrogen peroxide

peroxyacetic acid

Peroxyacetic acid – Aqueous stabilised solution

Peroxyethanoic Acid

Reaction mass of 64-19-7 and 7722-84-1

Reaction mass of hydrogen peroxide and water





Understanding Peracetic Acid

Peracetic Acid, also known as peroxyacetic acid or PAA, is an organic chemical compound that is used in a mixture with acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in water. It is a colorless liquid that has a strong vinegar like odor that can be smelt at very low levels. It is a strong oxidant and is highly reactive. However, it breaks down to acetic acid (vinegar) and water leaving no harmful residue, which makes it the chemical of choice when looking for a food-safe antimicrobial.

Peracetic Acid is produced by combining hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and water. PAA functions as a disinfectant by oxidizing the outer cell membrane of microbes. The more concentrated the Peracetic acid solution, the more effective it is as an antimicrobial, but the greater the vapor concentration and so the greater the exposure risk to everyone around. This highly biocidial oxidizer shows good efficacy against a broad spectrum of pathogens.

Microbial Activity: PAA will inactivate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and yeasts in

Proteins Processing

Peracetic Acid (PAA) is the predominant antimicrobial chemical used in poultry and meat processing.

Endoscopy/ Sterilization

The use of sterilants and High Level Disinfectants (HLDs) such as Peracetic Acid present a risk to those people performing these essential tasks. Gas vapor monitoring for equipment leaks or exposure due to work practices is an essential part of the means to ensure that these chemicals can be used safely.

Food Processing and Produce Disinfection

In addition to being effective against bacteria, any biocidal chemical that will be applied directly to food must not leave any harmful residues. Peracetic acid is very reactive and quickly decomposes to acetic acid (acid in vinegar), oxygen and water.

Aseptic Packaging

Peracetic Acid or Hydrogen Peroxide is the biocide of choice when it comes to Aseptic Packaging. These chemicals help to extend the shelf-life of low acid bottled products. Peracetic Acid does come with significant health risks, so it is important to take the necessary precautions to keep employees safe.

What are the dangers of Peracetic Acid

Peracetic Acid safety is a major concern for anyone potentially exposed because PAA is corrosive to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Exposure can occur from inhalation and / or direct contact with the liquid or aerosol. According to NIOSH, symptoms of acute exposure to peracetic acid vapor include cough, labored breathing, and shortness of breath; skin redness, pain, and blisters; severe deep burns to the eyes. Concentrations of 15% or higher, also give rise to fire and explosion hazards and reactivity issues. It is important to ensure that training for use and safety precautions for peracetic acid are in place.

Another major concern is that peracetic acid has a vinegar type odor, even at low levels, so the challenge becomes knowing if your level of exposure is safe… whether you smell it or not. If you are working around PAA and over time you do not smell it, it may be due to olfactory fatigue. Olfactory fatigue is also known as nose blindness or odor fatigue. In summary, your sense of smell is an unreliable means of protecting yourself from over-exposure to PAA. So, while making sure the items you`re disinfecting are safe for others, be sure to keep track of peracetic acid exposure levels for your own safety and others in the work environment.

Peracetic acid (CAS No. 79-21-0), also known as peroxyacetic acid or PAA, is an organic chemical compound used in numerous applications, including chemical disinfectant in healthcare, sanitizer in the food industry, and disinfectant during water treatment. Peracetic acid has also previously been used during the manufacture of chemical intermediates for pharmaceuticals. Produced by reacting acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide with an acid catalyst, peracetic acid is always sold in stabilized solutions containing acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and water. For the food and healthcare industries, peracetic acid is typically sold in concentrates of 1 to 5 percent and is diluted before use.

Many users know peracetic acid to be versatile and effective, and professionals with environmental responsibilities consider it to be environmentally friendly due to its decomposition products, which include acetic acid, oxygen, and water. However, industrial hygienists recognize that it is also highly corrosive and a strong oxidizer, and exposure to peracetic acid can severely irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

Perasetik asit gl, keskin kokulu ac kokusu olan renksiz bir svdr. Gda ilemede zellikle bakterisid ve fungisid olarak kullanlr; Kaprolaktam ve gliserol yapmnda bir reaktif olarak; Epoksi bileiklerinin hazrlanmas iin bir oksidant olarak; Bir aartma maddesi olarak; Bir sterilize edici ajan; Ve polyester reineler iin bir polimerizasyon katalizr olarak kullanlabilir.
PERACETIC ACID, gl bir oksitleyici ajan olarak ilev gren bir svdr. alkantl bir kokusu vardr ve bir dezenfektan olarak kullanlr.
Gda niastas iin aartc madde. Perasetik asit, kmes hayvanlar karkaslar ve meyveleri iin antimikrobiyal ykamalarn bir bileenidir. Perasetik asit (peroksiasetik asit veya PAA olarak da bilinir), CH3CO3H formlne sahip organik bir bileiktir. Bu organik peroksit, asetik asiti anmsatan, karakteristik ac bir kokuya sahip, renksiz bir svdr. Perasetik asit ok andrc olabilir. Perasetik asit, zellikle Kraft hamuru iin aartma maddesi olarak kullanlabilir. Zayf asidik pH`da ve nispeten dk scaklkta kullanlr. Nispeten etkili ve seici bir aartma maddesidir ve tamamen klor iermeyen aartma dizilerinde (TCF) klor dioksit ve elemental klora alternatif olarak kullanlr. Bununla birlikte, nispeten pahaldr ve yksek reaktiviteye sahip olmas nedeniyle depolamak zordur. Bu onun kullanmn kstlad. Perasetik asit ana asetik asitten ok daha zayf bir asittir ve 8 pKa`s ile. 2. Perasetik asit, yksek oksitlenme potansiyeli nedeniyle ideal bir antimikrobik maddedir. Mikroorganizmalara kar genel olarak etkilidir ve hidrojen peroksidi paralayan enzimler olan katalaz ve peroksidaz tarafndan deaktive edilmez.Perasetik asit ayn zamanda, gdalarda gvenli ve evre dostu artklara (asetik asit ve hidrojen peroksit) ayrlr ve bu nedenle durulama gerektirmeyen uygulamalarda da kullanlabilir. Sert su artlarnda, temiz yerinde ilemlerde geni bir scaklk aral (0-40 C), geni pH aral (3.0-0.7.5) boyunca kullanlabilir ve Protein artklarndan etkilenir. Perasetik asitin anti-spektrum fonksiyonu sergiledii gsterilmitir. Perasetik asit Organik Hidroperoksitler ailesine aittir. Bunlar, genel forml [OaO] 2- olan hidroperoksit fonksiyonel grubu ieren organik bileiklerdir.

Perasetik asitin uygulamalar nelerdir?

Perasetik asit esas olarak gda endstrisinde kullanlr, burada temizleyici ve dezenfektan olarak uygulanr. 1950`li yllarn bandan beri bakteri ve mantarlarn meyve ve sebzelerden uzaklatrlmas iin asetik asit uygulanmtr.Perasetik asit ayn zamanda, durulanm durulama suyunun gda maddeleri iin dezenfeksiyonu iin de kullanld.
Gnmzde perasetik asit, tbbi sarf malzemelerinin dezenfeksiyonu iin ve hamur endstrisinde biyo film oluumunu nlemek iin uygulanmaktadr. Su saflatrmas srasnda bir dezenfektan olarak uygulanabilir ve dezenfeksiyon iin uygundur.
Perasetik asit soutma kulesi su dezenfeksiyonu iin uygundur; Biyo film oluumunu etkili bir ekilde nler ve Legionella bakterilerini kontrol eder.

Perasetik asit dezenfeksiyonu nasl alr?

Bir dezenfektan olan perasetik asit, mikroorganizmalarn d hcre zarlarn okside eder. Oksitleme mekanizmas elektron transferinden oluur. Daha gl bir oksidan kullanldnda, elektronlar mikro organizmaya daha hzl aktarlr ve mikroorganizmalarn hzla deaktive edilmesine neden olur.

Perasetik asit duygulanm;

Perasetik asit, ok eitli patojen mikroorganizmalarn deaktivasyonu iin uygulanabilir. Ayrca virsleri ve sporlar deaktive eder. Perasetik asit aktivitesi, suda bulunan organik bileiklerden pek etkilenmez.
Bununla birlikte, pH ve scaklk peraktik asit aktivitesini etkiler. Perasetik asit, pH deeri 7 olduunda 8`den 9`a kadar olan bir pH aralndakinden daha etkilidir. 15 C`lik bir scaklkta ve 7`lik bir pH deerinde, patojenleri etkisiz bir ekilde etkisiz hale getirmek iin, pH`dan daha fazla perasetik asit gerekir. Deeri 7 ve scaklk 35 C`dir.

Perasetik asitten arndrma talepleri;

Soutma kulesi suyu nehirden veya glden atldnda ve kullanldktan sonra ayn su gvdesine boaltlmas gerektii zaman, belirli boaltma taleplerini karlamaldr. Ek olarak, su scakl ok yksek olmayabilir, nk lk su, alglerin bymesini tevik eden dk bir oksijen ieriine sahiptir. Bu balk lmlerine ve su biyoeitliliinde bir de neden olabilir.

Perasetik asitin mikrop ldrc etkileri;

Perasetik asit olaanst dezenfektan zelliklere sahiptir. Bakteri, maya, kf ve virslere kar etkilidir. Perasetik asidin mkemmel ve hzl antimikrobiyal etkilerinin nedeni, hcre zarnn iinden nfuz edebilme zelliidir. Hcrede, perasetik asit geri dnmsz bir ekilde enzim sistemini bozarak mikroorganizmann tahrip olmasna yol aar. rnlerimiz, ilgili etkinlik testlerinde stn dezenfektan zelliklerini gstermitir.
