Table of Contents


METATAGS: POLYETHER; poly ether; poly ether resin; polyether resins; poly ether resins; poly ethers; pli eter; poli eter; poli eterler; Polydamas; polydent; Polydeuces; polydipsia; polydisperse colloidal system; polydispersity; Polydolopidae; Polydore Vergil; Polydorus; polydymite; Polyelectrolyte; Polyembryony; ; polyether; polyether resin; Polyethers and Polyesters; polyethylene; polyethylene glycol; polyethylene glycol distearate; polyethylene resin; Polyethylene Terephthalate; polieter; polyether; polyester; ether; poli; eter; poly



Polieter genel olarak ana zincirinde eter fonksiyonel grubu içeren polimerleri belirtir. Glikol terimi, genellikle bir hidroksil grubu olan uç grubun doas hala önemli olduu zaman, düük ila orta molar kütle polimerleri için ayrlmtr. “Oksit” terimi veya dier terimler, uç gruplarn polimer özelliklerini artk etkilemediinde yüksek molar kütle polimeri için kullanlr.


Polyether generally refers to polymers which contain the ether functional group in their main chain. The term glycol is reserved for low to medium range molar mass polymer when the nature of the end-group, which is usually a hydroxyl group, still matters. The term “oxide” or other terms are used for high molar mass polymer when end-groups no longer affect polymer properties.
