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EC Number 231-659-4 
CAS Number 7681-11-0



Antistrumi; Iodide, Potassium; Ioduro Potasico Rovi; Iosat; Jod beta; Jodetten Henning; Jodgamma; Jodid; Jodid dura; Jodid Hexal; Jodid ratiopharm; Jodid; Verla; Jodid-ratiopharm; Mono Jod; Mono-Jod; Pima; Potassium Iodide; SSKI; Thyro Block; Thyro-Block; Thyroprotect; potassium iodide; 7681-11-0; Potassium iodide (KI); Pima; Kali iodide; Thyro-Block; Knollide; Kisol; Asmofug E; Potassium diiodide; Potassium monoiodide; Thyroshield; Joptone; Potide; Kalii iodidum; Iodure de potassium; Potassium iodide (K2I2); Potassium iodide (K(I2)); Tripotassium triiodide; Caswell No. 694; iodopotassium; K1-N; Potassium iodide (K3I3); UNII-1C4QK22F9J; HSDB 5040; EINECS 231-659-4; NSC 77362; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 075701; AI3-52931; 1C4QK22F9J; CHEBI:8346; Potassium saltof hydriodic acid; MFCD00011405; Iosat; Potassium iodide solution; p otassiumiodide; Antistrumin; Thyrosafe; Kalium iodatum; Iodine Solution, 0.1N (N/10); Potassium iodide [JAN]; Kaliumiodid; potasium iodide; potassium iodid; Potassium iodide [USP:JAN]; potassium-iodide; CCRIS 8168; Thyroblock (TN); potassiumiodide ts; potassium ion iodide; Potassium Iodide,(S); ACMC-1BDBB; AC1Q1TQM; Nesslers Reagent Solution; Potassium Iodide USP/FCC; D02URS; WLN: KA I; EC 231-659-4; AC1L1J5K; AC1Q1TQ8; CHEMBL1141; DSSTox_CID_14836; DSSTox_RID_79208; DSSTox_GSID_34836; Potassium Iodide Neutral ACS; POTASSIUM IODIDE, ACS; KSC377K3H;Potassium iodide, ACS reagent; Potassium iodide (JP17/USP); Potassium iodide, 99% 50g; DTXSID7034836; CTK2H7533; Potassium iodide, LR, >=99%; MolPort-000-158-373; NLKNQRATVPKPDG-UHFFFAOYSA-M; HMS3651G04; CS-B1801; KS-000002OZ; NSC77362; Potassium iodide, AR, >=99.8%; Tox21_301293; ANW-46028; NSC-77362; s1897;Mercuric and potassium iodide solution; AKOS015833375; AKOS016371890; DB06715; LS-3213; LS41972; Potassium iodide, BioXtra, >=99.0%; RP22855; RTC-063831;TRA-0206473; NCGC00257542-01; Potassium iodide solution, 15 % (w/v); Potassium iodide, ReagentPlus(R), 99%; KB-59821; SC-18247; CAS-7681-11-0; Potassium;iodide, Vetec(TM) reagent grade; AB1002916; Potassium iodide, ACS reagent, >=99.0%; Potassium iodide, plant cell culture tested; TC-063831; TL8005264; FT-0645116; P1721; Potassium iodide, BioUltra, >=99.5% (AT); Potassium iodide, tested according to Ph.Eur.; C08219; D01016; Potassium iodide, SAJ first grade,>=99.5%; Y-9233; AB01274864-01; AB01568251_01; Potassium iodide, >=99.99% trace metals basis; Potassium iodide, JIS special grade, >=99.5%; Potassium iodide,purum p.a., >=99.0% (AT); I14-102509; Potassium iodide, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, >=99.0% (AT); Potassium iodide, suitable for oxidant determination,>=99.5%; Potassium iodide, anhydrous, beads, -10 mesh, 99.998% trace metals basis; Potassium iodide, puriss. p.a., reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur.,>=99.5%;Potassium iodide, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; Potassium iodide, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ACS reagent, >=99%;Potassium iodide, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ReagentPlus(R), 99%; Potassium Iodide, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified ReferenceMaterial; 106449-25-6; 39448-53-8; 59216-96-5; 61456-02-8; Potassium iodide, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph.??Eur. BP, USP, 99.0-100.5% (calc.to the dried substance); potasiyum iyodür; potasiyum iodür; potasium iodide; potasyum iodür; potasyum iodüre; potassum odde; potassium odde; potasyum iodür




Properties of potassium iodide

Molecular Weight:166.003 g/mol
Boiling point:1325 °C (1013 hPa)
Density:3.23 g/cm3 (25 °C)
Melting Point:685 °C
Solubility:1430 g/l



  Potassium iodide (KI) is a salt of stable and nonradioactive iodine. It’s known to help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland,the part of the body most sensitive to the mentioned substance. Once a person takes potassium iodide, stable iodine in the supplement or solution can beabsorbed in the thyroid.

  Since potassium iodide contains ideal amounts of stable iodine, the thyroid gland becomes “full” and can’t absorb any form of iodine for the next 24 hours.

  Take note, however, that potassium iodide doesn’t promise a 100 percent protection rate against radioactive iodine. There are three factors that can determine if protection to the thyroid gland can be increased, such as time after contamination, absorption and dose of radioactive iodine.

  Potassium iodide is taken orally, either as an oral solution, syrup, uncoated tablet or enteric-coated delayed release tablet. Note that the delayed release tablet generally isn’t recommended because it can cause serious side effects.4 Potassium iodide is mainly used in the form of a saturated solution. This is prepared by reacting iodine with a hot solution of potassium hydroxide, and then added to water, fresh fruit juice or raw grass fed milk before drinking.


Potassium Iodide’s Uses

  Potassium iodide is often used as an expectorant to help loosen and break up mucus in the airways. An expectorant allows the patient to cough up mucus so he or she can breathe more easily, especially if long-term lung problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema are present.

  Potassium iodide is also used with antithyroid medicines. Potassium iodide can assist in shrinking the size of the thyroid gland and decreasing the amount of thyroid hormones produced. This supplement may work for people who need to prepare the thyroid gland for surgical removal and address overactive thyroid conditions like hyperthyroidism.

  Meanwhile, a potassium iodide in iodine solution can be used in a radiation exposure emergency.8 As mentioned earlier, potassium iodide can block the thyroid from absorbing the radioactive iodine, helping protect it from damage. Ideally, this solution must be used along with other emergency measures that may be recommended.

  A saturated solution of potassium iodide was also shown to be potentially effective as an antifungal and help address external forms of cutaneous sporotrichosis, a fungal infection that can lead to skin lesions.



Side Effects of Potassium Iodide

Side effects can occur if you take potassium iodide. Although some complications are considered less common, consult your doctor if you notice these:

• Hives

• Joint pain

• Swelling of the arms, face, legs, lips, tongue and/or throat

• Swelling of lymph glands


  Other side effects that can occur because of potassium iodide supplements are diarrhea, nausea or vomiting and stomach pain. However, these do not usually

need medical attention and usually go away once the body adjusts to the supplement.


Health Benefits of Potassium Iodide

Numerous health benefits are attributed to potassium iodide, such as:

• Helps filter the body: Potassium iodide can help filter out harmful mercury, fluorides, chlorides and bromides from tissues and cells.

• Helping reduce arthritis risk: An iodine deficiency is linked to arthritis. Potassium iodide supplements may help people lower their risk for this disease.

• Promoting hormonal balance: Emotional disorders, malfunctioning glandular systems and weight gain associated with hormonal imbalance have been linked to an iodine deficiency. Potassium iodide supplements may help promote better hormonal health.

• Reducing chances of developmental problems: According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency is the biggest cause of mental retardation on a global scale.

   Because of this, many developing countries utilize potassium iodide supplements to lower the occurrence of growth and development problems such as goiter, Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ disease, miscarriage, generalized fatigue and impaired immune system function.

• Contributing to overall healthy thyroid function: Potassium iodide is known as the thyroid mineral, and helps keep iodine levels in the thyroid balanced. If iodine levels in the body aren’t optimized, this can cause either hyper or hypothyroidism, two conditions where the thyroid gland produces too much or too little iodine, respectively.

Potassium iodide serves as a treatment and preventive mechanism for these thyroid disorders by counteracting less-than-optimal iodine levels that occur because of dietary deficiencies. Furthermore, potassium iodide can aid in boosting colloid accumulation in the thyroid follicles by contributing to improved functioning.




Potasyum iyodürün özellikleri

Moleküler Arlk: 166.003 g / mol
Kaynama noktas: 1325 ° C (1013 hPa)
Younluk: 3,23 g / cm3 (25 ° C)
Erime Noktas: 685 ° C
Çözünürlük: 1430 g / l



  Potasyum iyodür (KI), stabil ve radyoaktif olmayan bir iyodin tuzudur. Radyoaktif iyotun, tiroid bezi tarafndan absorbe edilmesini engellemekte olduu bilinmektedir, vücudun söz konusu maddeye en duyarl ksm. Bir kii potasyum iyodür aldktan sonra, takviye veya çözelti içinde kararl iyot tiroid içinde absorbe edilebilir.

  Potasyum iyodür ideal miktarlarda stabil iyot içerdiinden, tiroid bezi “tam” hale gelir ve sonraki 24 saat boyunca herhangi bir iyot absorbe edemez.

  Bununla birlikte, potasyum iyodürün radyoaktif iyot’a kar yüzde 100 koruma oran vaat etmediini unutmayn. Tiroit bezinin korunmasnn, kontaminasyondan, emilimden ve radyoaktif iyot dozundan sonraki zaman gibi artrlabileceini belirleyen üç faktör vardr.

  Potasyum iyodür, oral bir çözelti, urup, kaplanmam tablet veya enterik kapl gecikmeli salm tableti olarak oral yoldan alnr. Gecikmeli salimli tabletin genellikle ciddi yan etkilere neden olabilecei için tavsiye edilmediini unutmayn.4 Potasyum iyodür esas olarak doymu bir çözelti formunda kullanlr. Bu, iyotun scak bir potasyum hidroksit çözeltisi ile tepkimeye sokulmasyla hazrlanr ve daha sonra içmeden önce suya, taze meyve suyuna veya çi çim beslenen süta eklenir.



Potasyum yodun Kullanmlar

  Potasyum iyodür genellikle hava yollarndaki mukusun gevemesine ve parçalanmasna yardmc olan bir balgam söktürücü olarak kullanlr. Bir balgam söktürücü hastann, özellikle de astm, kronik bronit veya amfizem gibi uzun süreli akcier problemleri varsa, daha kolay nefes alabilmesi için hastann mukusun öksürmesini salar.

  Potasyum iyodür ayrca antitiroid ilaçlarla birlikte kullanlr. Potasyum iyodür tiroid bezinin küçülmesine ve üretilen tiroid hormonlarnn miktarnn azaltlmasna yardmc olabilir. Bu destek, tiroid bezinin cerrahi olarak çkarlmas için gerekli olan ve hipertiroidizm gibi ar aktif tiroid rahatszlklarn ele alan kiiler için ie yarayabilir.

  Bu arada, iyot çözeltisi içindeki bir potasyum iyodür radyasyona maruz kalma durumunda da kullanlabilir.8 Daha önce de belirtildii gibi, potasyum iyodür tiroidin radyoaktif iyodu emmesini engelleyerek hasar görmesini engelleyebilir. deal olarak, bu çözüm önerilebilecek dier acil önlemlerle birlikte kullanlmaldr.

  Doymu bir potasyum iyodür çözeltisinin, bir antifungal olarak potansiyel olarak etkili olduu ve deri lezyonlarna yol açabilen bir mantar enfeksiyonu olan kutanöz sporotristozun d formlarna yardmc olduu gösterilmitir.



Potasyum yodürün Yan Etkileri

Potasyum iyodür alrsanz yan etkiler oluabilir. Baz komplikasyonlar daha az yaygn görülse de, bunlar fark ederseniz doktorunuza dann:

• Kurdeen

• Eklem ars

• Kollarn, yüzün, bacaklarn, dudaklarn, dilin ve / veya boazn imesi

• Lenf bezlerinin imesi

  Potasyum iyodür takviyeleri nedeniyle ortaya çkabilecek dier yan etkiler diyare, mide bulants veya kusma ve mide arsdr. Bununla birlikte, bunlar genellikle tbbi müdahaleye ihtiyaç duymaz ve genellikle vücut eke ayarlandnda ortadan kaybolur.



Potasyum yodinin Salk Faydalar

Çeitli salk yararlar, potasyum iyodür, örnein:

• Vücudu filtrelemeye yardmc olur: Potasyum iyodür, zararl civa, florür, klorür ve bromitleri doku ve hücrelerden ayrmaya yardmc olabilir.

• Artrit riskini azaltmaya yardmc olmak: yot eksiklii artrit ile ilikilidir. Potasyum iyodür takviyeleri insanlarn bu hastalk için risklerini azaltmalarna yardmc olabilir.

• Hormonal dengenin desteklenmesi: Duygusal bozukluklar, ilev bozukluu olan glandüler sistemler ve hormonal dengesizlie bal kilo alm iyot eksikliine balanmtr. Potasyum iyodür takviyeleri daha iyi hormonal sal tevik edebilir.

• Geliim sorunlarnn azaltlmas: Dünya Salk Örgütü’ne göre, iyot eksiklii küresel ölçekte zihinsel gerilemenin en büyük nedenidir.

  Bu nedenle, birçok gelimekte olan ülke, guatr, Hashimoto hastal, Graves hastal, düük, genel yorgunluk ve bozulmu baklk sistemi fonksiyonu gibi büyüme ve gelime problemlerinin ortaya çkmasn azaltmak için potasyum iyodid takviyeleri kullanmaktadr.

• Genel salkl tiroid fonksiyonuna katkda bulunmak: Potasyum iyodür tiroid minerali olarak bilinir ve tiroidin dengeli ekilde iyot düzeylerinin korunmasna yardmc olur. Eer vücuttaki iyot seviyeleri optimize edilmezse, bu durum hiper veya hipotiroidizme neden olabilir, tiroid bezinin srasyla çok fazla veya çok az iyot ürettii iki durum.

  Potasyum iyodür, diyetsel eksiklikler nedeniyle ortaya çkan optimal olmayan iyot seviyelerine kar mücadele ederek bu tiroid hastalklar için tedavi ve önleyici bir mekanizma olarak hizmet eder. Ayrca, potasyum iyodür, tiroid foliküllerinde artm fonksiyona katkda bulunarak kolloid birikimini arttrmaya yardmc olabilir.



