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CAS NO: 141-22-0
EC NO: 263-060-9

METATAGS:InChI Key :WBHHMMIMDMUBKC-QJWNTBNXSA-N; C18H34O3; 12-D-hydroxy-9-trans-octadecenoic acid; 12-hydroxy-9-octadecenic acid; 12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid; 12-hydroxyoctadec-cis-9-enoic acid; 9-octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (9E,12R)-; ricinelaidic acid; ricinoleic acid; ricinoleic acid, (R-(E))-isomer; RICINOLEIC ACID; Ricinolic acid; Ricinic acid; 141-22-0; Kyselina ricinolova
(R,Z)-12-Hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; Castor oil acid; 12-Hydroxy-cis-9-octadecenoic acid; Nouracid CS 80; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, [R-(Z)]-; UNII-I2D0F69854; Kyselina 12-hydroxy-9-oktadecenova; l’acide ricinoleique; 12-hydroxyoleic acid
NSC 281242; (R)-12-Hydroxy-cis-9-octadecenoic acid; D-12-Hydroxyoleic acid; CHEBI:28592; 12-Hydroxyoctadeca-9-enoic acid; Oleic acid, 12-hydroxy-; 12R-hydroxy-9Z-octadecenoic acid; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (9Z,12R)-; 12-D-Hydroxy-9-cis-octadecenoic acid; I2D0F69854
12-Hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid; AK-59237; Acide ricinoleique [French]
Kyselina ricinolova [Czech]; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (R-(Z))-; DSSTox_CID_21567; DSSTox_RID_79777; DSSTox_GSID_41567; Riconoleic acid; l’Acide ricinoleique [French]; W-108189; (9Z,12R)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; HSDB 5634; EINECS 205-470-2; Acide ricinoleique; CAS-141-22-0; (9Z,12R)-12-Hydroxy-9-octadecensaeure; (R-(Z))-12-Hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (Z)-; AI3-17956; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (cis)-
Kyselina 12-hydroxy-9-oktadecenova [Czech]; 7431-95-0; NCGC00161336-02
(cis,R)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; 9-Octadecenoicacid, 12-hydroxy-; Ricinolsaeure; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-; (9Z)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; 9-Octadecenoic acid,12-hydroxy-,(Z)-; NCGC00181322-01; 61789-44-4; VESPULA PENSYLVANICA B708568K062; RICINOLEICACID; AC1LD7QR; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (theta-(Z))-; SCHEMBL18144; Flexricin 100 (Salt/Mix) ;83903_ALDRICH; R7257_SIGMA; BML2-F10; Jsp002440; CHEMBL3186422; DTXSID0041567; 83903_FLUKA; MolPort-003-939-239; (9Z)-(12R)-Hydroxyoctadecenoic acid
(Z,R)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; 12-OH 9c-18:1; NCGC00161336-01; (9Z)-12-Hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid #; AJ-63147; LP003967; (Z,12R)-12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid; 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (R-(Z))- (9CI); I14-100469; 17026-54-9; RSNOLEK AST; risinoleik asit; risinoleyik asit; ricinoleik acid; ricinoleic asit.





Appearance: Clear Amber Liquid
Boiling Point: 416.4 °C
Density: 0.94 g/mL
EINECS Number: 205-470-2

Ricinoleic acid, formally called 12-hydroxy-9-cis-octadecenoic acid is a fatty acid. It is an unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid[1] and a hydroxy acid. It is a major component of the seed oil obtained from mature Castor plant (Ricinus communis L., Euphorbiaceae) seeds or in sclerotium of ergot (Claviceps purpurea Tul., Clavicipitaceae). About 90% of the fatty acid content in castor oil is the triglyceride formed from ricinoleic acid.

Ricinoleic acid is manufactured for industries by saponification or fractional distillation of hydrolyzed castor oil. The zinc salt is used in personal care products, such as deodorants.

The first attempts to prepare ricinoleic acid were made by Friedrich Krafft in 1888.

Ricinoleic acid (12- hydroxy-9-cis-octadecenoic acid) is a light coloured, unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid that naturally occurs in mature castor plant (Ricinus communis L., Euphorbiaceae) which constitutes for about 90% of the castor oil.

Production Process:

Ricinoleic acid is obtained from castor oil through hydrolysis, usually carried out under basic conditions. Industrially, ricinoleic acid is manufactured by saponification or fractional distillation of hydrolyzed castor oil.

Ricinoleic acid serves as an excellent reactant for the synthesis of several different derivatives including Sebacic acid, Undecylenic acid, Methyl ricinoleate, Hydroxy stearic acid(HSA) etc.


· Primary uses include, coatings, plastics, inks and cosmetics.

· Poly (anhydrides) is hydrolytically degradable polymers which have been used as vehicles for controlled delivery of drugs. A new class of biodegradable polyanhydrides based on ricinoleic acid has been synthesized

· Ricinoleic acid is effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and molds. It’s successful as a topical treatment for ringworm, keratoses, skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal-infected finger- and toenails, acne, and chronic pruritus (itching). Generally, for these conditions the affected area is wrapped each night in a castor oil-soaked cloth. Ricinoleic acid is used also as a bactericide. Hence, washing wounds with ricinoleic acid at prescribed dilution levels is sometimes recommended.

· Ricin acts as a blood coagulant

· Macrolactones and polyesters can be derived from ricinoleic acid

· Ricinoleic acid has been used in contraceptive jellies

· Used in soaps, amine compounds, esters in cutting oils, industrial lubricants, emulsifiers, metal working compounds.

· Ricinoleate soaps have been patented as algaecides for aquaculture systems.

· Used in dispersion of pigments and dyes.

· Used in resins, thermosetting acrylics and non-drying plasticizing esters.

· Quaternary ammonium compounds based on ricinoleates and hydroxy stearates have been used in for cosmetics skin and hair care, personal products, germicides and textile processing agents.





Görünü: Berrak Amber Svs
Kaynama noktas: 416.4 ° C
Younluk: 0.94 g / mL
EINECS Numaras: 205-470-2

Resmi olarak 12-hidroksi-9-cis-oktadesenkoik asit olarak adlandrlan risinoleik asit bir yal asittir. Bu doymam bir omega-9 ya asidi [1] ve bir hidroksi asittir. Olgun Castor bitkisi (Ricinus communis L., Euphorbiaceae) tohumlarndan veya ergotun sklerotiyumundan (Claviceps purpurea Tul., Clavicipitaceae) elde edilen tohum yann önemli bir bileenidir. Hintya yandaki ya asidi içeriinin yaklak% 90′, risinoleik asitten oluan trigliserittir.

Ricinoleic asit, sabunlatrma veya hidrolize hint ya kesirli damtmas ile sanayiler için üretilmitir. Çinko tuzu deodorantlar gibi kiisel bakm ürünlerinde kullanlr.

Risinoleik asit hazrlamaya yönelik ilk giriimler 1888 ylnda Friedrich Krafft tarafndan yaplmtr.

Ricinoleic asit (12-hydroxy-9-cis-octadecenoic asit) doal olarak, hintyann yaklak% 90’n oluturan olgun tekerlekli bitkilerde (Ricinus communis L., Euphorbiaceae) meydana gelen, açk renkli, doymam bir omega-9 yal asididir .

Üretim süreci:

Ricinoleic asit, temel koullar altnda genellikle hidroliz yoluyla hintyandan elde edilir. Endüstriyel olarak, risinoleik asit, sabunlatrma veya hidrolize edilmi hint ya fraksiyonel damtma ile imal edilir.

Ricinoleic asit, Sebacic asit, Undecylenic asit, Metil risinoleat, Hidroksi stearik asit (HSA) vb. De dahil olmak üzere birçok farkl türevin sentezi için mükemmel bir tepkin madde olarak görev yapmaktadr.


· Birincil kullanimlar kaplamalar, plastikler, mürekkepler ve kozmetik içerir.

· Poli (anhidritler) ilaçlarn kontrollü sunumu için araç olarak kullanlan hidrolitik olarak parçalanabilir polimerlerdir. Ricinoleic acid’e dayanan yeni bir biyolojik olarak parçalanabilir polianhidrit snf sentezlenmitir

Ricinoleic asit, virüslerin, bakterilerin, mayalarn ve küflerin saysnn artmasn önlemede etkilidir. Beyazlatc, keratozlar, deri iltihab, anmalar, fungal enfeksiyonlu parmak ve ayak trnaklar, akne ve kronik pruritus (kant) için topikal bir tedavi olarak baarldr. Genellikle, bu koullar için, etkilenen alan her gece bir hintya ile slanm bir bezle sarlr. Ricinoleic asit bakterisid olarak da kullanlr. Bu nedenle, yaralar öngörülen seyreltme seviyelerinde risinoleik asit ile ykamak bazen önerilir.

· Ricin kan phtlatrcs olarak görev yapar

· Macrolactones ve polyesterler risinoleik asitten türetilebilir

· Risinoleik asit kontraseptif jölelerde kullanlmtr.

· Sabunlarda, amin bileiklerinde, kesme yalarnda esterler, endüstriyel yalama maddeleri, emülgatörler, metal ileme bileikleri kullanlr.

· Ricinoleate sabunlar, su ürünleri yetitirme sistemleri için yosun öldürücüler olarak patentlenmitir.

· Pigmentlerin ve boyalarn dispersiyonlarnda kullanlr.

· Reçineler, syla sertleen akrilikler ve kurutmayan plastikletirici esterlerde kullanlr.

· Ricinoleates ve hidroksi stearat bazl kuaterner amonyum bileikleri, kozmetik ciltleri ve saç bakm, kiisel ürünler, mikrop öldürücü ilaçlar ve tekstil ileme maddeleri için kullanlmaktadr.


