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CAS Number: 78-40-0

EC Number: 201-114-5



Synonym: Ethyl phosphate; TEP; Ethyl Phosphate; TEP; Phosphoric Ether;TRIETHYL PHOSPHATE; 78-40-0; Triethylphosphate; Phosphoric acid; triethyl ester; Tris(ethyl) phosphate; Triethoxyphosphine oxide; ≥99.8%; ≥99% ;Triethylphosphate; Triethylphosphat; Triethylfosfat; Triethyl phosphate; Phosphate de triéthyle; phosphoric acid; triethyl ester; o-phosphoric acid; triethyl ester; phosphoric acid; triethyl ester; triethoxyphosphine oxide; triethylphosphate; Ethylphosphate; o-Phosphoric acid triethyl ester; TEP; Triethoxyphosphine oxide; TRIETHYL PHOSPHATE; Triethylphosphate; Tris (ethyl) phosphate; TEP;(C2H5O)3PO; Triethylfosfat; AURORA KA-1638; Triethylphosph; ETHYL PHOSPHATE; Phosphoric ether; Triethyl Phospate; TRIETHYL PHOSPHATE; TRIETHYL PHOSPHAYE; Phosphoric Acid Triethyl Ester; Ethyl Phosphate; Fyrol TEP; Levagard TEP; Levagard TEP-Z; NSC 2677; TEP; Triethoxyphosphine Oxide; Phosphoric Acid Triethyl Ester; Ethyl Phosphate; Fyrol TEP; Levagard TEP; Levagard TEP-Z; NSC 2677; TEP; Triethoxyphosphine Oxide; Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; Triethoxyphosphine oxide; Tris(Ethyl) phosphate; Ethyl phosphate; Phosphoric acid triethyl ester; Triethyl orthophosphate;  Ethyl phosphate; TEP; Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; (C2H5O)3PO; Ethyl phosphate ((EtO)3PO); Tris(ethyl) phosphate; Triethylfosfat; o-Phosphoric acid triethyl ester; NSC 2677; Triethoxyphosphine oxide; Ethyl phosphate, tri-;4-01-00-01339 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); AI3-00653; BRN 1705772; CCRIS 4882; EC 201-114-5; EINECS 201-114-5; Ethyl phosphate ((EtO)3PO); Ethyl phosphate (VAN); HSDB 2561; NSC 2677; Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; TEP; Triethoxyphosphine oxide; Triethyl phosphate; Triethylfosfat; Triethylfosfat [Czech]; Triethylphosphate; Tris(ethyl) phosphate; UNII-QIH4K96K7J; Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; Triethyl phosphate; Superlist Names Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; Triethyl phosphate;;Triethyl phosphate;Ethyl phosphate; o-Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester; TEP; TEP;Phosphoric acid, triethyl ester;Ethyl phosphate; (C2H5O)3PO;Ethyl phosphate ((EtO)3PO);Tris(ethyl) phosphate; Triethylfosfat;o-Phosphoric acid triethyl ester; Phosphoric ether; Ethyl phosphate, tri-; Triethyl phosphite;






The pyrolytic decomposition of triethyl phosphate (TEP) has been studied at one atmosphere, from 706 to 854 K, in an isothermal quartz-lined, 4.5-cm-ID turbulent flow reactor with residence times between 15 and 85 ms. TEP was initially present at levels between 30 and 125 ppm, in N2. CO was used as an internal standard for mixing. Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry preceded by conversion to trimethylsilyl derivatives were used to measure TEP and its products in samples extracted through quartz sampling tubes. Ethene, ethanol, diethyl phosphate, monoethyl phosphate, and orthophosphoric acid were observed as products. A multistep decomposition mechanism has been proposed, involving parallel pathways producing ethanol and ethene. Overall uni-molecular rate parameters for TEP decomposition have been obtained. Wall reactions affect the ethanol-to-ethene ratio, and may also affect the TEP decomposition rate. The production volume of Triethylphosphate (TEP) is ca. 2000 t/a in Germany, less than 5000 t/a in the USA and import volumes to Japan are less than 600 t/a and less than 200t/a to Canada. TEP is mostly used in ketene synthesis and as flame retardant and plasticiser in plastics industry. TEP is stable in neutral solution and is classified as “inherently biodegradable” (with industrial inoculum) with a “low bioaccumulation potential”. The most sensitive environmental species to TEP is Daphnia magna (21dNOEC= 31.6 mg/l). the derived PNEC is 632 µg/l. For toxicological endpoints, the NOAEL is 1000 mg/kg bw for subacute toxicity, a NOEL of 625 mg/kg bw/day for teratogenicity and about 33 mg/kg bw for fertility effects. Dueto missing data on carcinogenicity, a comprehensive description of the toxic effects of TEP is not possible. On the basis of all data on genotoxicity, a mutagenic effect of TEP is not assumed. The substance is harmful with a narcotic effect and, at high doses, shows certain neurotoxic properties (inhibition of cholinesterase) without indicating delayed neurotoxicity. Sol-gel sealing fluids for sealing anodized films of aluminum alloy were fabricated. The effects of triethyl phosphate on performance of anodized films with sol-gel sealing on aluminum alloy were studied. The morphology of the films was obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of triethyl phosphate concentration on corrosion resistance of anodized films was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and salt spray test. The adhesive force between the coating and the anodized films was estimated by scribe test, and the mechanism of corrosion inhibition and sealing evaluated. The results demonstrate that the optimal concentration of triethyl phosphate is 2% (mass fraction), which makes the films uniform and dense; and demonstrate excellent corrosion resistance Effect of Triethyl Phosphate on Performance of Anodized Aluminum Alloy with Sol-Gel Sealing. Importers and Suppliers of Triethyl Phosphate (TEP) and Trimethyl Phosphate (TMP) on regular basis at best competitive prices. Triethyl phosphate (TEP), a chemical warfare simulant, has absorption peaks in the mid-infrared. Using a single mode slot wave guide we were able to detect TEP, with a detection limit down to 75 ppm. This provides enhanced sensitivity while simultaneously achieving device miniaturization.




Physicochemical Property

It is colorless transparent liquid with pleasant fragrance. It is mixed soluble in water, alcohol and other organic solvent, for example, ether. It is stable under room temperature. In this work, hydrophobic poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for potential membrane distillation applications, with pore sizes ranging from ~ 0.05 to ~ 0.30 μm, were prepared by employing triethyl phosphate (TEP) as a substitute to the hazardous, commonly used, toxic solvents. Membrane morphologies and properties were tailored based on the main parameters, such as the casting solution composition and the operational conditions, which affect the phase inversion process. Experimental results showed that exposure time to controlled humid air and temperature, as well as additive content in the dope solution, strongly influence the membrane formation. The use of TEP as an alternative solvent may contribute to the development of sustainable separation operations.A method of removing trace levels of arsenic-containing impurities from raw triethylphosphate (TEPO) is disclosed. The method uses adsorption, or adsorption followed by a flash distillation. The method comprises contacting raw triethylphosphate (TEPO) with an adsorbent which selectively adsorbs the arsenic-containing impurities in the raw triethylphosphate (TEPO). The adsorbent is a base promoted alumina containing adsorbent represented by a formula: ZxWy; where x is the weight percentage of Z in the adsorbent ranging from 30% to 99.999%; y is the weight percentage of W in the adsorbent, and x+y=100%; Z is selected from the group consisting of alumina (Al2O3), magnesium-alumina based layered double hydroxide (MgO-Al2O3), alumina-zeolite, and mixtures thereof; and W is selected from the group consisting of at least one basic metal oxide, at least one basic metal carbonate, and mixtures thereof. The method will result in a final triethylphosphate (TEPO) with a few ppb to less than 1 ppb arsenic containing impurities.




Trietil fosfatn (TEP) pirolitik ayrmas, bir atmosferde 706’dan 854 K’ya kadar bir atmosferde incelenmitir. izotermal kuvars kapl, 15 cm ile 85 ms arasnda kalma süreleri olan 4.5 cm’lik türbülansl ak reaktörüdür. TEP balangçta N2’de 30 ila 125 ppm arasndaki seviyelerde bulunur. Kartrma için dahili bir standart olarak CO kullanlmtr. Fourier dönüümü kzlötesi trimetilsilil türevlerine dönütürülerek önce spektrometri ve gaz kromatografisi / kütle spektrometresi kullanlmtr.TEP ve ürünlerini kuvars örnekleme tüpleri ile ekstrakte edilen örneklerde ölçmek. Eten, etanol, dietil fosfat, monoetil fosfat ve ortofosforik asit ürünler olarak gözlenmitir. Çok aamal bir ayrtrma mekanizmas olmutur önerilen, etanol ve eten üreten paralel yollar içerir. TEP için genel uni-moleküler oran parametreleri ayrma elde edildi. Duvar reaksiyonlar etanol-eten orann etkiler ve TEP’i de etkileyebilir ayrma oran. Trietilfosfatn üretim hacmi (TEP) ca. Almanya’da 2000 t / a, 5000 t / a’dan az ABD ve Japonya’ya ithalat miktarlar 600 t / a’dan az ve Kanada’ya 200 t / a’dan azdr. TEP çounlukla keten kullanlr plastik endüstrisinde sentez ve alev geciktirici ve plastikletirici olarak. TEP nötr çözümde kararldr ve snflandrlmtr “düük biyobirikim potansiyeli” ile “doal olarak biyobozunur” (endüstriyel inokulum ile) olarak. En duyarl TEP’e çevresel türler Daphnia magna’dr (21dNOEC = 31.6 mg / l). türetilmi PNEC 632 µg / l’dir. Toksikolojik için uç noktalar, NOAEL subakut toksisite için 1000 mg / kg bw, teratojenisite için 625mg / kg bw / gün NOEL ve yaklak 335 dourganlk etkileri için mg / kg bw. Kanserojenlik ile ilgili eksik veriden dolay, toksik etkilerin kapsaml bir açklamas TEP mümkün deil. Genotoksisite ile ilgili tüm veriler temelinde, TEP’in mutajenik bir etkisi varsaylmamtr. Madde Narkotik etkisi olan ve yüksek dozlarda zararl olan baz nörotoksik özellikleri gösterir (kolinesterazn inhibisyonu) gecikmi nörotoksisite belirtmeden. Alüminyum alaml anodize filmlerin szdrmaz hale getirilmesi için sol-jel szdrmazlk svlar fabrikasyon. Trietil fosfatn, alüminyum alam üzerinde sol-jel szdrmazlk ile eloksall filmlerin performans üzerindeki etkileri okudu. Filmlerin morfolojisi taramal elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ile elde edildi. Trietil fosfatn etkileri Eloksall filmlerin korozyon direncindeki konsantrasyon elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopisi (EIS) ile aratrld. Ve tuz püskürtme testi. Kaplama ile anotlanm filmler arasndaki yaptrc kuvveti, scribe testi ile tahmin edilmitir. Korozyon önleme mekanizmas ve szdrmazlk deerlendirildi. Sonuçlar, en uygun trietil konsantrasyonunun olduunu göstermektedir. Fosfat, filmleri tekdüze ve youn yapan% 2’dir (kütle fraksiyonu); ve mükemmel korozyon direnci gösterir. Trietil Fosfatn Eloksal Alüminyum Alamnn Sol- Jel Szdrmazlk ile Performansna Etkisi. thalatçlar ve Tedarikçiler Trietil Fosfat (TEP) ve Trimetil Fosfat (TMP) en iyi rekabetçi fiyatlarla düzenli olarak. Trietil fosfat bir kimyasal sava simülasyonu olan (TEP), orta kzlötesindeki absorpsiyon zirvelerine sahiptir. Tek bir mod yuvas dalga klavuzu kullanarak TEP’i tespit etme, 75 ppm’ye kadar bir tespit limitiyle. Bu ezamanl olarak artrlm hassasiyet salar cihaz minyatürünün elde edilmesi.



Fizikokimyasal Özellik

Ho kokulu renksiz effaf svdr. Suda, alkolde ve dier organiklerde çözülebilir çözücü, örnein eter. Oda scaklnda kararldr. Bu çalmada, gözenekli, potansiyel membran damtma uygulamalar için hidrofobik poli (viniliden florür) membranlar ~ 0.05 ila ~ 0.30 um arasnda deien büyüklükler, bir ikame olarak trietil fosfat (TEP) kullanlarak hazrlanmtr. Tehlikeli, yaygn olarak kullanlan, toksik çözücüler. Membran morfolojileri ve özellikleri ana parametrelere göre düzenlenmitir. Döküm çözeltisi kompozisyonu ve faz inversiyon sürecini etkileyen operasyonel koullar gibi. Deneysel sonuçlar, kontrollü nemli hava ve scakla maruz kalma süresinin yansra, Çözelti çözeltisi, zar oluumunu güçlü bir ekilde etkiler. TEP’in alternatif bir çözücü olarak kullanlmas, Sürdürülebilir ayrma ilemlerinin gelitirilmesi. Ham trietilfosfattan (TEPO) eser miktarda arsenik içeren safszlklarn giderilme yöntemi açklanmaktadr. Yöntem, adsorpsiyon veya adsorpsiyon, ardndan bir aktma damtma kullanr. Usul, ham trietilfosfatta (TEPO) arsenik içeren safszlklar seçici olarak adsorbe eden bir adsorban ile ham trietilfosfat (TEPO) ile temas ettirmeyi içerir. Adsorban, bir formül ile temsil edilen bir baz yükseltilmi alümina içeren adsorbenttir: ZxWy; burada x, adsorban içindeki Z’nin arlk yüzdesi% 30 ila% 99.999 arasndadr; y, adsorban içindeki W’nin arlk yüzdesi ve x + y =% 100; Z, alümina (Al2O3), magnezyum-alümina esasl katmanl çift hidroksit (MgO-Al2O3), alümina-zeolit ​​ve bunlarn karmlarndan oluan gruptan seçilir; ve W, en az bir bazik metal oksit, en az bir bazik metal karbonat ve bunlarn karmlarndan oluan gruptan seçilir. Yöntem, birkaç ppb’ye sahip olan 1 ppb arsenik içeren safszlklara sahip bir son trietilfosfat (TEPO) ile sonuçlanacaktr.
