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CAS NUMBER: 55566-30-8
EC NUMBER: 259-709-0



SYNONYMS: TETRAKIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE; 55566-30-8; THPS; Bis[tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium] sulfate solution; Retardol S; Pyroset TKO; YIEDHPBKGZGLIK-UHFFFAOYSA-L; CCRIS 316; HSDB 4215; NCI-C55050; EINECS 259-709-0; Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulphate(2:1); TETRAKIS HYDROXYMETHYL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE; Octakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate
Bis(tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium)sulfate (salt) Phosphonium, tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)-, sulfate (2:1); AK115997; Phosphonium, Tetrakishydroxymethyl)-, sulfate (2:1) (salt); bis[tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium] sulfate; Tetrakis(Hydroxymethyl)Phosphonium Sulfate,ca. 70-80% in Water; Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate [Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)phosphonium salts]; UNII-5I8RSL9E6S; tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate; DSSTox_CID_1331; 5I8RSL9E6S; ACMC-1B11Z; DSSTox_RID_76086; DSSTox_GSID_21331; KSC269I3F; SCHEMBL195676; AC1L25U7;
cHEMBL1549844; DTXSID0021331; CTK1G9432; YIEDHPBKGZGLIK-UHFFFAOYSA-L; LS-78 KS-000010PZ; Tox21_200928; ANW-41198; AKOS016010449; LS00071; RL04096; RTR-019586; TRA0072727; Tetrakis Hydroxymethylphosphonium Sulfate; NCGC00091951-
01; NCGC00091951-02; NCGC00258482-01; tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphanium sulfate; AN-40341; OR072238; OR289857; Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl-Phosphonium sulfate; Octakis(hydroxymethyl)diphosphonium sulfate; CAS-55566-30-8KB-260969; TR-019586; FT-0659692; tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate (2:1); J-519902; 58591-11-0; 65257-04-7; thps;pyrosettko; nci-c55050;Retardol S;HISHICOLIN THPS;Ncgc00091951-01;Tetrakis hydroxymethyl); Phospho;Tetrahydroxymethyl phosphonium sulfate; Bis[tetrakis(hydroxyMethyl) phosphoniuM; octakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphoniumsulfate; CB8461663;  8H24O12P2S; Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulphate (2:1); Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate; Bis[tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium] sulfate; Phosphonium, tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)-, sulfate (2:1) (salt); Treatment Microbiocide; THPS; tetrakishidroksimetil fosfonyum sülfat; tatrakishidroksimetil fosfonium sulfate; tetrakis; hidroksimetil fosfonyum sülfate; hydroxymethyl phosphonium; hydroxymethyl phosphonium sülfat; thps; thp






THPS is a kind of environmental anti-microbial reagent. TETRAKIS (HYDROXYMETHYL)PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE S characterized by its low solidity point and fine stability. It can be reserved for long time and can easily dissolve in water.

TETRAKIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE is a kind of new environmental pesticide with high efficacy, low toxicity and low rudimental.

In 1995, the EPA of the United States ratified it with zero toxicity and awarded it with US Green Chemical prize.


Clear colorless viscous liquid.
Color: Crystalline solid.
Boiling Point: 232° F at 760 mm Hg.
Melting Point: -31° F (NTP, 1992).
Vapor Pressure: 32 mm Hg at 124° F ; 150.5 mm Hg at 163° F (NTP, 1992).
Solubility: greater than or equal to 100 mg/mL at 64° F (NTP, 1992).


THPS is manufactured in a batch process that involves the chemical reaction of phosphine gas with aqueous formaldehyde in the presence of sulfuric acid and water. THPS exists in equilibrium with ris(hydroxmethyl)phosphine and methylene glycol.

TETRAKIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE is a broad-spectrum bactericide and fungicide that is used in a variety of in-can and process-water applications. It is also effective in controlling sulfate-reducing bacteria
and general aerobic bacteria, including microorganisms that contribute to biofilm formation in oil-field recovery, processing, and distribution applications and supporting systems.

• Oil field and petrochemical operations – for use in fluids for drilling and stimulation of oil and gas wells, injection water, water holding tanks, disposal-well water, recirculating-water handling systems, and pipelines.

• Heat-transfer systems and industrial and commercial cooling and wastewater systems – for control of microbial growth in the holding and processing tanks of industrial fresh-water systems and in water for pulp and paper mills,
textile mills, and other manufacturing facilities.

• Air-washer systems – for control of bacteria and fungi in air-washer systems that have misteliminating components.

• Paper and paperboard manufacturing – for use as a slimicide in the manufacture of paper and paperboard products and adhesives that do not come into contact with food.

• Coatings, pigments, and filler slurries – for use as a preservative to retard microbial growth in nonfood-contact, water-based coatings, starches, pigments, and filler slurries.

• Emulsion and solution preservation – for the preservation of solutions, emulsions, adhesives, and other aqueous liquid products that do not come into contact with food.


When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of /phosphorous oxides & sulfur oxides/.

Decomposition products depend upon temperature, air supply, and the presence of other materials. These decomposition products can include and are not
limited to phosphines, phosphorus oxides, and sulfur oxides.

Methods of Manufacturing
THPS is manufactured in a batch process that involves the chemical reaction of phosphine gas with aqueous formaldehyde in the presence of sulfuric acid and water. THPS exists in equilibrium with tris (hydroxymethyl)phosphine and methylene glycol. Under manufacturing and shipping conditions, the equilibrium strongly favors the formation the formation of THPS.

The salts are produced by the reaction of formaldehyde with phospine in the appropriate aqueous acid. /Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium salts/.

Physical Hazard Information

TETRAKIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE is water soluble and slightly acidic, with a characteristic aldehyde odor. The active substance THPS has a low vapor pressure; however, the 76.5% aqueous solution has a higher vapor pressure due to its water content. The product is thermally stable under typical use temperatures, and hazardous polymerization of the product is not expected to occur. The active substance can decompose at temperatures above 160°C (320°F). Under recommended storage conditions, the product is stable in its packaging for a minimum of 12 months.

Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents
Flame retardants Processing aids, specific to petroleum production

Mainly used in water treatment systems, oil field operations, and paper-making industry. The advantage is it will soon degrade to a nontoxic substance immediately after use. Also it can be applied to fabric coating as
flame retardant, obviously improving flame retarding property.

Water Treatment Products










THPS, bir çeit çevresel anti-mikrobik reaktiftir. TETRAKIS (HDROKSMETL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE S, düük salamlk noktas ve ince stabilitesi ile

karakterizedir. Uzun süre saklanabilir ve suda kolaylkla çözünebilir.

TETRAKIS (HDROKSMETL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE, yüksek etkinlik, düük toksisite ve düük rudimental yeni çevre böcek ilac türüdür. TETRAKIS

(HDROKSMETL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE mikrop ve su bitkilerini öldürebilir. 1995 ylnda, Birleik Devletler EPA, bunu sfr toksisite ile onaylad ve US

Green Chemical ödülüyle ödüllendirdi.



Berrak, renksiz viskoz sv.
Renk: Kristal kat.
Kaynama Noktas: 232 ° F, 760 mm Hg’de.
Erime noktas: -31 ° F (NTP, 1992).
Buhar Basnc: 32 mm Hg, 124 ° F’de; 163 ° F’de 150.5 mm Hg (NTP, 1992).
Çözünürlük: 64 ° F’de 100 mg / mL’den büyük veya ona eit (NTP, 1992).


THPS, sülfürik asit ve su varlnda fosfin gaznn sulu formaldehitle kimyasal reaksiyonunu içeren bir toplu ilemde üretilir. THPS, tris (hidroksimetil) fosfin ve metilen glikol ile dengede bulunur.

TETRAKIS (HDROKSMETL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE, çeitli kutu içi ve proses suyu uygulamalarnda kullanlan geni spektrumlu bir bakterisit ve fungisiddir.

Ayn zamanda, ya sahas iyiletirme, ileme ve datm uygulamalarnda ve destekleme sistemlerinde biyofilm oluumuna katkda bulunan mikroorganizmalar

da dahil olmak üzere, sülfat indirgeyen bakterilerin ve genel aerobik bakterilerin kontrolünde etkili olur.

• Petrol sahas ve petrokimya operasyonlar – petrol ve gaz kuyularnn delinmesi ve uyarlmas, enjeksiyon suyu, su tutma tanklar, elden çkarma-

kuyu suyu, devridaim-su tama sistemleri ve boru hatlarnn svlar içinde kullanlmas içindir.

• Is transfer sistemleri ve endüstriyel ve ticari soutma ve atk su istemleri – endüstriyel taze su sistemlerinin muhafaza ve ileme tanklarndaki mikrobik büyümenin kontrolü için, ayrca kat hamuru ve kat fabrikalar, tekstil fabrikalar ve dier imalat tesisleri için mikrobiyal büyümenin kontrolü için.

• Haval ykama sistemleri – Havadan ykayc sistemlerde hatalardan arndrma bileenleri bulunan bakteri ve mantarlarn kontrolü için.

• Kat ve mukavva imalat – gda ile temas etmeyen kat ve mukavva ürünler ile yaptrclarn üretiminde bir zayflatc madde olarak kullanm içindir.

• Kaplamalar, pigmentler ve dolgu bulamaçlar – gda d temassz, su bazl kaplamalar, niastalar, pigmentler ve dolgu bulamaçlarnda mikrobiyal

büyümeyi geciktirmek için bir koruyucu olarak kullanlrlar.

• Emülsiyon ve solüsyonun korunmas – gdaya temas etmeyen solüsyonlarn, emülsiyonlarn, yapkanlarn ve dier sulu sv ürünlerin korunmas için.

ayrma arçalanmaya kadar stldnda, fosfor oksitler ve kükürt oksitler / çok toksik dumanlar yayar. Ayrm ürünleri scaklk, hava temini ve dier materyallerin varlna baldr. Bu bozunma ürünleri, fosfinler, fosfor oksitler ve sülfür oksitler içerebilir ve bunlarla snrl deildir.

malat Yöntemleri
THPS, sülfürik asit ve su varlnda fosfin gaznn sulu formaldehitle kimyasal reaksiyonunu içeren bir toplu ilemde üretilir. THPS, tris (hidroksimetil) fosfin ve metilen glikol ile dengede bulunur. Üretim ve nakliye koullar altnda, denge, THPS oluumunu kuvvetle destekliyor.

Sulu Kükürtleik Asitte Formometidin Fosfin le Reaksiyonu
Tuzlar formaldehidin uygun sulu asitte fonspit ile reaksiyonu ile üretilir. /Tetrakis (hidroksimetil) fosfonyum tuzlar /.

Fiziksel Tehlike Bilgileri
TETRAKIS (HDROKSMETL) PHOSPHONIUM SULFATE, suda çözünür ve hafifçe asidiktir ve karakteristik aldehit kokusudur. Aktif madde THPS’nin buhar

basnc düüktür; Bununla birlikte,% 76.5 sulu çözeltinin su içerii nedeniyle daha yüksek bir buhar basnc vardr. Ürün normal kullanm scaklklarnda termal olarak kararldr ve ürünün tehlikeli polimerizasyonunun olumas beklenmemektedir. Etken madde 160 ° C’nin (320 °F) üzerindeki scaklklarda ayrabilir. Önerilen saklama koullarnda, ürün ambalajnda ​​en az 12 ay stabildir.

Korozyon önleyiciler ve anti-ölçekleme maddeleri
Alev geciktiriciler
Petrol üretimine özgü ileme yardmclar


Özellikle su artma sistemleri, ya sahas ilemleri ve kat yapm endüstrisinde kullanlr. Avantaj, kullanmdan hemen sonra toksik olmayan bir maddeye dönüeceidir. Ayn zamanda, alev geciktirici olarak kuma kaplamaya uygulanabilir, açkça alev geciktirici özellii gelitirir.

Su Artma Ürünleri

