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CAS NUMBER:79-01-6




SYNONYMS:TRI;TCE;F1120;Nialk;R1120;Triad;Trial;Triol;C2HCl3;Fluate;1,1,2-Trichlorethen;1,1,2-Trichloroethene;1,1,2-Trichloroéthène;201-167-4; 2131; 290YE8AR51; 79-01-6;Ethene, 1,1,2-trichloro-;Trichloroethene; tri klor etilen ; triklor etilen; trikloretilen; trichlor ethylene; tri chlor ethylene; trichlorethylene; TRKLORETLEN; TRKLOR ETLEN; TR KLOR ETLEN;TRICHLOR ETHYLENE; TRI CHLOR ETHYLENE; TRICHLORETHYLENE;1,1,2-Trichloroethene,1,1-Dichloro-2-Chloroethylene,1-Chloro-2,2-Dichloroethylene,Acetylene Trichloride, TCE, Trethylene, Triclene, Tri, Trimar, Trilene, HCC-1120;Trichloroethene; TCE; acetylene trichloride; Ethinyl trichloride ;







Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic chemical that is commonly used as a solvent. It is a clear, colorless liquid that has a sweet odor and is highly volatile, meaning that it quickly produces vapors. The majority (~84 percent) of the 250 million pounds used each year is used in closed systems as an intermediate chemical for manufacturing refrigerant chemicals, ~15 percent as a solvent to remove grease from metal parts – particularly in the automotive industry and metal machining industry, and the remaining small percentage accounts for other uses including use in consumer products. Consumer products include spray degreasers, lubricants, paints, paint removers, adhesives such as protective coating to finish prints or artwork, and as spot removers and rug-cleaning fluids. Trichloroethylene is an effective solvent for a variety of organic materials.When it was first widely produced in the 1920s, trichloroethylene’s major use was to extract vegetable oils from plant materials such as soy, coconut, and palm. Other uses in the food industry included coffee decaffeination and the preparation of flavoring extracts from hops and spices. It has also been used for drying out the last bit of water for production of 100% ethanol.From the 1930s through the 1970s, both in Europe and in North America, trichloroethylene was used as a volatile anesthetic almost invariably administered with nitrous oxide. Marketed in the UK by ICI under the trade name Trilene it was coloured blue (with a dye called waxoline blue) to avoid confusion with the similar smelling chloroform. Trichlorethylene replaced earlier anesthetics chloroform and ether in the 1940s, but was itself replaced in the 1960s in developed countries with the introduction of halothane, which allowed much faster induction and recovery times. Trilene was also used as a potent inhaled analgesic, mainly during childbirth. It was used with halothane in the Tri-service field anaesthetic apparatus used by the UK armed forces under field conditions. As of 2000, however, TCE was still in use as an anesthetic in Africa.It has also been used as a dry cleaning solvent, although replaced in the 1950s by tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene), except for spot cleaning where it was used until the year 2000.Trichloroethylene was marketed as ‘Ecco 1500 Anti-Static Film Cleaner and Conditioner’ until 2009, for use in automatic movie film cleaning machines, and for manual cleaning with lint-free wipes.Perhaps the greatest use of Trichloroethylene has been as a degreaser for metal parts. The demand for TCE as a degreaser began to decline in the 1950s in favor of the less toxic 1,1,1-trichloroethane. However, 1,1,1-trichloroethane production has been phased out in most of the world under the terms of the Montreal Protocol, and as a result trichloroethylene has experienced some resurgence in use as a degreaser.Trichlorethylene has also been used in the United States to clean kerosene-fueled rocket engines (TCE was not used to clean hydrogen-fueled engines such as the Space Shuttle Main Engine). During static firing, the RP-1 fuel would leave hydrocarbon deposits and vapors in the engine. These deposits had to be flushed from the engine to avoid the possibility of explosion during engine handling and future firing. TCE was used to flush the engine’s fuel system immediately before and after each test firing. The flushing procedure involved pumping TCE through the engine’s fuel system and letting the solvent overflow for a period ranging from several seconds to 30-35 minutes, depending upon the engine. For some engines, the engine’s gas generator and LOX dome were also flushed with TCE prior to test firing. The F-1 rocket engine had its LOX dome, gas generator, and thrust chamber fuel jacket flushed with TCE during launch preparations. Trichlorethylene is also used in the manufacture of a range of fluorocarbon refrigerants[12] such as 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane more commonly known as HFC 134a. Trichlorethylene was also used in industrial refrigeration applications due to its high heat transfer capabilities and its low temperature specification. Many industrial refrigeration applications used Trichlorethylene up to the 1990s in applications such as car testing facilities.Although trichlorethylene has been used in the treatment of angina pectoris,1, 2 its action on the cardiovascular system has not been extensively investigated. Only two short reports dealing with its cardiovascular effects are available,3, 4 and both came from the same group of workers. Since trichlorethylene may be useful in the prevention and treatment of angina pectoris, an extensive study of its action was undertaken. In this paper the electrocardiographic changes produced by the administration of trichlorethylene to human, canine, and rabbit subjects are reported.Respiratory effects of trichlorethylene, halothance and methoxyflurane were studied in midcollicular decerebrate cats. One per cent trichlorethylene increased the respiratory frequency and decreased the tidal volume. Changes in minute volume and arterial blood pH and Pco2 were inconsistent. Two per cent trichlorethylene consistently increased the minute volume, markedly increased the respiratory frequency and decreased the tidal volume. One and 2% halothane decreased minute volume and tidal volume. Respiratory frequency also increased with 2% halothane, although not to the same extent as with trichlorethylene. One half and 1% methoxyflurane decreased minute volume, tidal volume and respiratory frequency. Significant hypercarbia and acidosis developed regularly with 2% trichlorethylene, 1% halothane and 0.5% methoxyflurane. In addition, all three agents depressed the ventilatory response to inhaled CO2, elevated the electrical stimulus threshold of the medullary inspiratory center, but not the maximal inspiratory response to supramaximal stimuli. The results indicate that these anesthetics are primarily respiratory depressants through their action on the central regulatory and integratory mechanisms.Tachypnea during trichlorethylene anesthesia was not prevented by bilateral vagotomy and carotid denervation. It was exaggerated by an increase in arterial Pco2 but still occurred when the arterial Pco2 was kept at control levels by artificial respiration. Thus, trichlorethylene caused tachypnea through its action on vagal efferents, central mechanisms and CO2 retention. This action appears different from that of diethyl ether. The basis for tachypnea during halothane anesthesia was not determined with certainty because of concomitant circulatory depression, but is probably similar to that during trichlorethylene or diethyl ether anesthesia. Methoxyflurane is distinct in its respiratory effect in that it decreased the respiratory frequency.Trichlorethylene, a strong, sweet smelling white liquid, was used in Germany during the Great War for removing grease from the metal parts of machinery and was also contained in a varnish used to cover the supporting surfaces of airplanes. Plessner,1 in 1915, presented before the Berlin Medical Society four workers suffering from the chronic effects of an acute poisoning. A study of these workers showed that they were exposed to trichlorethylene, and it was to this drug that these symptoms were attributed. Immediately following the exposure to this drug, these men developed vertigo, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the optic disks and bilateral anesthesia of the trigeminal area, without motor involvement. Within a few weeks, these acute symptoms subsided. At the time of Plessner’s presentation, eight months had elapsed since their exposure.








Trikloroetilen (TCE), solvent olarak yaygn olarak kullanlan toksik bir kimyasaldr. Tatl bir kokusu olan ve oldukça uçucu olan, hzl bir ekilde buhar üreten berrak, renksiz bir svdr. Her yl kullanlan 250 milyon liralk çounluk (yüzde 84), kapal sistemlerde soutucu kimyasallarn üretilmesi için bir ara kimyasal olarak, özellikle de otomotiv endüstrisinde ve metal ilemede metal parçalardan gelen gresi gidermek için bir çözücü olarak yüzde 15 orannda kullanlmaktadr. Tüketici ürünlerinde kullanm da dahil olmak üzere dier kullanmlar için endüstri ve kalan küçük yüzde hesaplar. Tüketici ürünleri arasnda sprey ya gidericiler, yalayclar, boyalar, boya sökücüler, basklar veya resimleri tamamlamak için koruyucu kaplama gibi yapkanlar ve leke çkarclar ve hal temizleme svlar bulunur. Trikloretilen, çeitli organik malzemeler için etkili bir çözücüdür. lk kez 1920’lerde yaygn olarak üretildii zaman, trikloroetilenin ana kullanm, soya, hindistancevizi ve hurma gibi bitkisel maddelerden bitkisel yalar çkarmaktr. Gda endüstrisindeki dier kullanmlar arasnda kahve kafeinsizlii ve erbetçiotu ve baharatlardan lezzet verici özütlerin hazrlanmas yer ald. Ayrca,% 100 etanol üretimi için son su bitinin kurutulmas için kullanlmtr. 1930’larda, hem Avrupa’da hem de Kuzey Amerika’da, 1970’lerde, trikloretilen, neredeyse sürekli olarak nitro oksit ile birlikte uygulanan uçucu bir anestetik olarak kullanlmtr. ngiltere’de ICI tarafndan, Trilene ticari ad altnda pazarlanan, benzer kokulu kloroform ile karklktan kaçnmak için mavi renkte (balmumu mavisi denilen bir boyayla) renklendirildi. Trikloretilen, 1940’l yllarda daha önce anestezik kloroform ve eterin yerini ald, ancak 1960’larda gelimi ülkelerde halotan eklenmesiyle yerini ald, bu da daha hzl indüksiyon ve geri kazanm sürelerine izin verdi. Trilene ayrca, özellikle doum srasnda güçlü bir inhale analjezik olarak kullanld. ngiltere silahl kuvvetleri tarafndan saha koullarnda kullanlan Tri-servis alan anestezi cihaznda halotan ile birlikte kullanlmtr. Bununla birlikte, 2000 ylndan itibaren, Trikloroetilen hala Afrika’da bir anestetik olarak kullanlmakta idi. Ayrca, kullanld yerlerde leke temizlii hariç, 1950’lerde tetrakloroetilen (perkloroetilen olarak da bilinir) ile deitirilmesine ramen, bir kuru temizleme çözücü olarak da kullanlmtr. 2000 ylna kadar. Trikloroetilen, 2009 ylna kadar ‘Ecco 1500 Anti-Statik Film Temizleyici ve Saç Kremi’ olarak piyasaya sürüldü, otomatik film film temizleme makinelerinde kullanm için ve tüy brakmayan mendillerle manuel temizlik için. Belki de Trikloroetilenin en büyük kullanm Metal parçalar için ya giderici olarak. TCE için ya giderici olarak talep 1950’lerde daha az zehirli 1,1,1-trikloroetan lehine dümeye balad. Bununla birlikte, 1,1,1-trikloroetan üretimi, Montreal Protokolü kapsamnda dünyann çounda kaldrlm ve bunun sonucunda trikloretilen, ya giderici olarak kullanmda yeniden canlanma yaamtr. Trichlorethylene ayrca Birleik Krallk’ta da kullanlmtr. Devletlerin gazya ile çalan roket motorlarn temizlemesi (TCE, Uzay Mekii Ana Motoru gibi hidrojenle çalan motorlar temizlemek için kullanlmamtr). Statik ateleme srasnda, RP-1 yakt motorda hidrokarbon tortular ve buharlar brakr. Bu tortular, motor kullanm ve gelecekteki ateleme srasnda patlama olasln önlemek için motordan temizlenmelidir. TCE, motorun yakt sistemini her test atelemesinden hemen önce ve sonra ykamak için kullanld. Ykama prosedürü, motorun yakt sistemi üzerinden TCE’yi pompalamak ve çözücünün motora bal olarak birkaç saniyeden 30-35 dakikaya kadar bir süre boyunca tamasna izin vermeyi içerdi. Baz motorlarda motorun gaz jeneratörü ve LOX kubbesi de TCE ile atelemeden önce temizlendi. F-1 roket motoru, LOX kubbesi, gaz jeneratörü ve frlatma hazneleri srasnda TCE ile ykanm itme odas yakt ceketi vard. Trikloretilen ayrca daha yaygn olarak HFC 134a olarak bilinen 1,1,1,2-Tetrafloroetan gibi bir dizi florokarbon soutucu akkann imalatnda kullanlr. Trikloretilen, yüksek s transfer kapasitesi ve düük scaklk spesifikasyonu nedeniyle endüstriyel soutma uygulamalarnda da kullanld. Birçok endüstriyel soutma uygulamas 1990’l yllara kadar Trikloretileni, araba test tesisleri gibi uygulamalarda kulland. Trikloretilen, anjina pektorisin tedavisinde kullanlmasna ramen, 1, 2’nin kardiyovasküler sistem üzerindeki etkisi kapsaml bir ekilde aratrlmamtr. Kardiyovasküler etkileri ile ilgili sadece iki ksa rapor mevcut, 3, 4 ve her ikisi de ayn içi grubundan geldi. Trikloretilen, anjina pektorisin önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde yararl olabileceinden, bu konuda kapsaml bir çalma yaplmtr. Bu yazda trikloretilenin insan, köpek ve tavan denekleri tarafndan üretilen elektrokardiyografik deiiklikler rapor edilmitir. Trikloretilen, halotan ve metoksiflurann solunum yolu etkileri midcoculicular decerebrate kedilerde çallmtr yüzde bir trikloretilen.
