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CAS NUMBER:8001-20-5

EC NUMBER:232-272-3



SYNONYMS:TUNG OIL; chinawood; CHINA WOOD OIL; TUNG OIL PARAFORMALDEHYD; TUNGMEAL; Tungoel; Einecs 232-272-3; Tung oil [oil, misc.]; TUNG OIL; chinawood; CHINA WOOD OIL;TUNG OIL PARAFORMALDEHYD;TUNGMEAL;Tungoel;Einecs 232-272-3;Tung oil ;China wood oil;Tungoel;TUNGMEAL;TUNG OIL; chinawood; CHINA WOOD OIL;Einecs 232-272-3;Tung oil substitutes;Tung oil [oil, misc.];Tung oil,China wood oil;TUNG OIL PARAFORMALDEHYD;ung oil;Tung oil substitutes; Tung oil; Tung oil [Oil, misc.];Bodied tung oil;Heat bodied tung oil; Polymerized tung oil;Tung oil polymer;Tung oil, bodied;Tung oil, heat polymerized;Tung oil, heatbodied;Tung oil, homopolymer;Tung oil, polymerized;tungoil; tung oil; çinya; çin ya; TUNGOIL; TUNG OIL; ÇNYAI ÇN YAI;







Tung oil or China wood oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seed from the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii). Tung oil hardens upon exposure to air, and the resulting coating is transparent and has a deep, almost wet look. Used mostly for finishing/protecting wood, after numerous coats the finish can even look plastic-like. Related drying oils include linseed, safflower, poppy and soybean oils.[1] The oil and its use are believed to have originated in ancient China and appear in the writings of Confucius from about 400 B.C. Raw tung oil tends to dry to a fine wrinkled finish; the US name for this is gas checking: this property was used to make wrinkle finishes, usually by adding excess cobalt drier. To stop this, the oil is heated to gas-proof it, and most oils used for coating are gas-proofed, also known as “boiled”.The name is often used by paint and varnish manufacturers as a generic name for any wood finishing product that contains the tung oil and/or provides a finish that resembles the finish obtained with tung oil.Tung oil is a type of natural drying oil commonly used as a finish in woodworking projects. When applied to a raw surface, the oil hardens to protect and add luster to the wood. After sanding and cleaning the wood surface to remove any previous finish, spread the oil along the grain pattern using a clean, lint-free rag. Allow the oil to soak into the surface for an hour, then sand lightly to promote adhesion. Wait a 3-7 days to apply followup coats. Tung oil may take several weeks to cure completely, but once it does it will provide a resilient, long-lasting layer of protection.oday the term Tung, refers to the large, dark green, heart shaped leaves of the Tung tree. This is a fast growing, deciduous tree that reaches a height of about forty feet when mature. The life span of a Tung tree is about thirty years. Fruit bearing begins in the third year of tree growth.The Tung fruit occurs in clusters, each of which bear four or five nuts. When the nuts are dried and pressed they yield about twenty percent oil. Under favorable conditions an acre of Tung trees will produce about two tons of nuts and eight hundred pounds (one hundred gallons) of raw Tung Oil annually. Successful cultivation of Tung trees requires exact climatic conditions, including the proper ratio of warm and cool days. The major growing areas include China, Argentina, Paraguay, and parts of Africa.This pure tung oil doesn’t contain additives or distillates. It provides a professional finish that penetrates deep into the wood, but doesn’t leave build-up or a glossy surface. The finish is water-resistant and protects against marring. It is Grade 1 Yellow Chinese Tung Oil, the highest quality available. The oil is FDA approved for food contact.Apply to wood with a clean rag and wait 40 – 90 minutes between coats. It may take up to 30 days to fully cure. It can be diluted with things like turpentine to decrease drying time. Keep the oil in an air-tight container, away from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold.





Tung oil is very popular today because of two properties: First it is natural or “green” product when it has dried. Secondly, after it cures (5 to 30 days,weather/temperature related), the result is a very hard and easily repaired finish. This is why it is used on boat decks and now on floors. The oil is often diluted with hydrocarbon thinner so that the viscosity is very low and enables the oil to penetrate the finest grain woods. This thinning vehicle evaporates within 15 to 20 minutes and results in a totally green residual finish. As mentioned above, when applied in many fine/thinner coats over wood, tung oil slowly cures to a satin “wetted wood” look with slight golden tint. Tung oil resists liquid water better than any other pure oil finish and does not darken noticeably with age and is claimed to be less susceptible to mould than linseed oil. Most importantly, of all the oil finishes, tung oil is the only drying oil that will polymerize 100% (completely harden). Linseed oil, for example, never completely hardens.Since tung oil has become popular as an environmentally friendly wood finish, some products labelled as “tung oil” are actually blends containing other oils, varnishes, solvents, or chemical driers, and may even containing no tung oil at all Products labeled “Danish oil” may be tung oil or they may be polymerized linseed oil. The product packaging will usually clearly state if it is pure tung oil.Heating tung oil to about 500 °F (260 °C) in an oxygen-free environment will substantially increase the viscosity and film-forming quality of the product. Most polymerized tung oils are sold mixed with mineral spirits to make them easier to work with.[citation needed] Limonene and D-limonene are less toxic alternatives for mineral spirits.






The traditional technique for applying pure tung oil is to dilute the oil 1:1 with solvent, then apply a succession of very thin films with a soft, lint-free, non-fuzzy cloth such as tee-shirt cotton. Diluents range from traditional spirits of turpentine to any of the new citrus-based thinners to naphtha. The choice of thinner should be guided by how fast the coating needs to set. Naphtha works well in spray-on applications in well ventilated studios. Primary coats may be laid down at a 1:1 oil-to-thinner ratio, and successive layers, if not absorbed into the wood, at higher solvent to oil concentrations. This technique brings out the deepest color of the wood while maintaining a matte finish.Tung oil finishes that start with polymerized oils or tung oil preparations are best applied in the fat over lean principle: thinned pure oil is applied to deeply penetrate the surface, to fill pores. Straight oil is then applied moderately to adhere to the surface and provide a good base for the thick gloss layers. The polymerized oil is then applied thickly as a single layer, allowed to fully dry, is buffed smooth with very fine sandpaper, then 0000 steel wool. The surface is wiped clean with a moistened rag, then allowed to dry. A final coat is applied fairly thickly (the oil will smooth itself into a glass-like coating) and allowed to dry for two to three days. Rags soaked with tung oil can spontaneously combust (burst into flame).











Tung ya veya Çin aac ya, tung aacnn (Vernicia fordii) somunundan tohuma baslarak elde edilen bir kurutma yadr.Tung ya havaya maruz kaldnda sertleir ve elde edilen kaplama effaftr ve derin, neredeyse slak bir görünüme sahiptir. Kullanlm Çounlukla ahab bitirmek / korumak için, birçok kattan sonra fini bile plastik gibi görünebilir. lgili kurutma yalar keten tohumu, aspir, haha ve soya fasulyesi yalar içerir. Petrol ve kullanmnn antik Çin kökenli olduu düünülmektedir ve Konfüçyüs’ün yazlarnda yaklak 400 B.C. Ham tung ya ince buruuk bir yüzeye kadar kurumaya eilimlidir; Birleik Devletler bunun ad gaz kontrolüdür: bu özellik genellikle fazla kobalt kurutucu ekleyerek krklk bitirmek için kullanlmtr. Bunu durdurmak için, ya gaz geçirmez, ve çou kaplama yalar, “halanm” olarak da bilinen, gaz geçirmezdir. Ad genellikle boya ve vernik üreticileri tarafndan kullanlan herhangi bir ahap kaplama ürünü için genel bir isim olarak kullanlr. Gerçek tung ya ve / veya tung ya ile elde edilen cilaya benzeyen bir yüzey salar.Tarm ya bir tür doaldr.Aaç ileme projelerinde yaygn olarak kullanlan kurutma ya. Ham bir yüzeye uygulandnda, ya korumak için sertleir ve oduna parlaklk katmak Önceki yüzeyleri temizlemek için ahap yüzeyini zmparalayp temizledikten sonra ya temiz, tüy brakmayan bir bez kullanarak tahl desen. Yan bir saat boyunca yüzeye çkmasna izin verin, ardndan hafifçe zmparalayn yapmay arttrmak. zleme katlarn uygulamak için 3-7 gün bekleyin. Tung ya tamamen sertlemek için birkaç hafta sürebilir, ama bir kez dayankl, uzun ömürlü bir koruma tabakas salayacaktr. Tung terimidir, büyük, koyu yeil,Tung aac yapraklar kalp eklinde. Bu, yaklak krk feet yükseklie ulaan hzl büyüyen, yaprak döken bir aaçtr olgun. Tung aacnn ömrü yaklak otuz yldr. Meyve yata aaç büyümesinin üçüncü ylnda balar. Meyve, her biri dört veya be kuruyemi olan kümelerde meydana gelir. Fndk kuruduunda ve preslendiinde yaklak yirmi yüzde ya. Elverili koullar altnda Tung aaçlarnn bir dönümü yaklak iki ton fndk ve sekiz yüz kilo üretecek yllk (yüz galon) ham Tung Ya. Tung aaçlarnn baarl bir ekilde yetitirilmesi, kesin iklim koullarn gerektirir. Scak ve souk günlerin uygun oran dahil. Balca büyüyen bölgeler Çin, Arjantin, Paraguay ve bölümlerini içermektedir Afrika. Bu saf tung ya, katk maddeleri veya damtma içermez. Ahabn derinliklerine nüfuz eden profesyonel bir yüzey salar, ancak birikinti veya parlak bir yüzey brakmaz. Fini suya dayankldr ve bozulmaya kar korur. Snf 1 Sar Çin Tung Petrolü, mevcut en yüksek kalite. Ya, gda temas için FDA onayldr. Temiz bir bezle ahaba tatbik edin ve katlar arasnda 40 – 90 dakika bekleyin. Tamamen tedavi etmek 30 gün sürebilir. Kuruma süresini azaltmak için terebentin gibi eylerle seyreltilebilir. Ya, dorudan güne ndan ve ar scak veya souktan uzakta hava geçirmez bir kapta saklayn.






Tung ya iki özellikten dolay bugün çok popüler: lk önce kurutulduunda doal veya “yeil” ürün. kincisi, kürlendikten sonra (5 ila 30 gün, hava / scaklk ile ilgili), sonuç çok zor ve kolayca tamir bitirmek. Bu yüzden bot güvertelerinde ve imdi katlarda kullanlyor. Ya genellikle hidrokarbon ile seyreltilir. Tiner, viskozitenin çok düük olmas ve yan en iyi tahl odununa nüfuz etmesini salar. Bu inceltme arac 15 ila 20 dakika içinde buharlar ve tamamen yeil bir kalnt ile sonuçlanr. Yukarda belirtildii gibi, birçok uygulandnda ahap üzerine ince / inceltilmi katlar, tung ya yavaça hafif altn renk tonu ile bir saten “slanm ahap” görünümüne sertleir. Tung ya direnir sv su, herhangi bir dier saf yadan daha iyidir ve yala farkedilir ekilde kararmaz ve daha az olduu iddia edilir.Keten tohumu yandan daha hassastr. En önemlisi, tüm petrol sonlarnda, tung ya olacak tek kurutma yadr % 100 polimerize (tamamen sert). Keten tohumu ya, örnein, asla tamamen sertlemez. Çevre dostu ahap kaplama olarak, “tung ya” olarak etiketlenmi baz ürünler aslnda dier yalar içeren karmlardr.Vernikler, çözücüler veya kimyasal kurutucular ve hatta hiçbir tung ya içermeyebilir “Danca ya” etiketli ürünler olabilir tung ya veya polimerize edilmi keten tohumu ya olabilir. Ürün ambalaj genellikle saf tung ise açkça belirtecektir.Ya tung ya, oksijensiz bir ortamda yaklak 500 ° F’ye (260 ° C) kadar viskoziteyi önemli ölçüde artracaktr.Ürünün film oluturma kalitesi. Çou polimerize tung yalar, daha kolay hale getirmek için mineral ruhlarla kartrlarak satlmaktadr.le çalmak [kaynak belirtilmeli] Limonen ve D-limonen mineral ruhlar için daha az toksik alternatiflerdir.






Saf tung yan uygulamak için kullanlan geleneksel teknik, 1: 1 orannda ya çözücü ile seyreltmek ve daha sonra çok tiörtlü pamuk gibi yumuak, tüy brakmayan, bulank olmayan bir bezle ince filmler. Seyrelticiler geleneksel ruhlardan yeni turunçgil bazl tinerlerden naftaya kadar terebentin. Tiner seçimi ne kadar hzl yönlendirilmelidir kaplama ayarlanmas gerekiyor. Naphtha, iyi havalandrlm stüdyolarda sprey uygulamalarnda iyi çalr. lk katlar döenebilir 1: 1 orannda yadan tiner oranna kadar, ve daha sonra ahapta emilmediyse ardk tabakalar, daha yüksek çözücüde yaa konsantrasyonlar. Bu teknik, mat bir yüzey korurken ahabn en derin rengini ortaya çkarr.Polimerize yalarla veya tung ya müstahzarlar ile balayan bu yan en iyi yasz sv prensibine uygulanr: inceltilmi saf ya gözenekleri doldurmak için yüzeye derinlemesine nüfuz etmek için uygulanr. Düz ya daha sonra yüzeye yapmak için orta derecede uygulanr.Ve kaln parlak katmanlar için iyi bir temel salar. Polimerize ya daha sonra tek kat halinde kaln bir ekilde uygulanr, izin verilir tamamen kurur, çok ince zmpara ile parlatlr, daha sonra 0000 çelik yünü. Yüzey nemlendirilmi olarak silinir paçavra, sonra kurumaya brakld. Son kat, oldukça kaln bir ekilde uygulanr (ya, cam benzeri bir kaplamaya pürüzsüz olacaktr) ve iki ila üç gün kurumaya braklr. Tung ya ile slatlan paçavralar kendiliinden yanabilir (aleve dönüebilir).

