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CAS NUMBER:8002-33-3

EC NUMBER:232-306-7




SYNONYMS:Turkey-red oil; sulfated castor oil; sulfonated castor oil; red oil; alizarin oil; alizarin assistant;Castor-oil sulfated sodium salt, Sulfated castor oil, Sulforicinolate sodium salt;Castor-oil sulfated sodium salt, Sulfated castor oil, Sulforicinolate sodium salt;Sulfated castor oil;TURKEY RED OIL;TURKEY RED OIL SODIUM SALT;Castoroil,sulfated;SULFATED CASTOR OIL;sulfonated castor oil;SULFORICINOLATE SODIUM SALT;CASTOR-OIL SULFATED SODIUM SALT;CASTOR OIL,SULFONATED; aquasol;castor oil sulfated;castor oil, sulfated;cordon NU 890/7;eureka 102;laurel R-50;sulfated ricinus communis oil; turkey red oil;turkey-red oil;Sulfonated castor oil;Castor oil,sulfonic;TURKEY RED OIL SODIUM SALT;Castoroil,sulfated; SULFATED CASTOR OIL;SULFORICINOLATE SODIUM SALT;CASTOR-OIL SULFATED SODIUM SALT;CASTOR OIL, SULFONATED;sulfonated caster oil;Turkey red oil;disodium;(Z,12R)-12-hydroxy-18-sulfonatooctadec-9-enoate;Castor oil, sulfated;Castor oil, sulfated;Turkey red oil;Sulfated castor oil;Turkey-red oil;Castor oil, sulphated , Ricinus oil, sulphated ; Sulfonated castor oil; 8002-33-3; Sulforicinolate sodium salt; Turkey red oil sodium salt; Castor-oil sulfated sodium salt; MFCD00132540;100ml;Turky red oil;TURKEY RED OIL;red turkey oil;Castoroil,sulfated;SULFATED CASTOR OIL;sulfated caster oil;Castor oil,sulfonic;Sulfonated tor oil;Castor oil sulfonate;Turkey redoil; Turkey-red oil;Actrasol C 75;ActrasolPSR; Alizarin oil;Aquasol;AtlasG 7205;Avirol 130;Fats and Glyceridic oils, Turkey-red;Freedom SCO 50;Freedom SCO 75;LaurelR 75;Monopole Oil MDD;Nopcocastor;Oils, glyceridic,Turkey-red;Red oil;Red oil, distilled;SCO 75;SV 102;Sulfated castor Oil;TO Sulfate 200;Sulfated Castor Oil 75%; Upopol SCO; Sulfated Castor Oil Sodium Salt Solution; Turkey Red Oil;Sulfated Castor Oil 75%; Upopol SCO; Sulfated Castor Oil Sodium Salt Solution; Turkey Red Oil;SÜLFONHNTYAI; SÜLFON HNT YAI; SÜLFON HNTYAI; sülfonhintya; sülfon hint ya; sülfon hintya; sülfonhint ya;sulfonecastoroil;sulfone castor oil; sulfone castoroil; SULFONECASTOROL; SULFONE CASTOR OL; SULFONE CASTOROIL; sulfonecastorol; sulfone castor oil; sulfonecastoroil; sulfone castor oil; sulfone castoroil;









What is Turkey Red Oil?


Turkey Red Oil is also known as Sulfated Castor Oil. It is the only oil that will completely disperse in water. The oil is expressed from the seed. Sulfated castor oil is created by adding sulfuric acid to castor oil, and is considered the first synthetic detergent. Turkey Red Oil has a distinct and heavy scent. It is a surfactant and therefore makes a wonderful base for a bath oil as it mixes well with water, producing a milk bath.To meet diversified needs of our esteemed clients all over the world, we are involved in offering a premium quality Turkey Red Oil. The offered oil is widely praised in the market for its long shelf life and purity. Our provided oil is processed using superior quality chemical compounds and cutting edge technology in line with industry norms. In addition to this, offered oil is checked against different quality measures so as to ensure its quality.Turkey Red Oil is also known as Sulfated Castor Oil. It is the only oil that will completely disperse in water. The oil is expressed from the seed. Sulfated castor oil is created by adding sulfuric acid to castor oil, and is considered the first synthetic detergent. Turkey Red Oil has a distinct and heavy scent. It is a surfactant and therefore makes a wonderful base for a bath oil as it mixes well with water, producing a milk bath.Turkey Red Oil chemical offered is known by synonyms of Sodium Sulphonated Castor Oil and has CAS No of 8002-33-3. Having molecular formula of C18H32Na2O6S & molecular weight of 422.49, the chemical is available in reddish viscous liquid form and can be offered in different strengths as per the specific requirements of the processes these are used in. Some of its properties include allows complete solubility in water, as a surfactant, it is suitable as base for bath oil, used as de- foaming agent & emulsifier in textile industries, sugar industry.






Various Applications of Turkey Red Oil



Turkey Red oil is used in agriculture as organic manure, in textiles as surfactants and wetting agents, in paper industry for defoaming, in cosmetics as emulsifiers, in pharmaceuticals as undecylenate, in paints inks and as lubricants.For e.g. it is used to emulsify essential oils so that they will dissolve in other water-based products, or for superfatting liquid soap if you want the soap to remain transparent. This means that the oil will combine with the water in the tub, and not leave those little oil bubbles floating on the top of the water. It is of medium viscosity and is usually used in bath oil recipes along with fragrance or essential oils, or in shampoos. This oil also has great moisturizing abilities.




-Turkey Red oil is used in agriculture as organic manure, in textiles as surfactants and wetting agents, in paper industry for defoaming, in cosmetics as emulsifiers, in pharmaceuticals as undecylenate, in paints inks and as lubricants


-It is used to emulsify essential oils so that they will dissolve in other water-based products, or for superfatting  liquid soap if you want the soap to remain transparent


-This means that the oil will combine with the water in the tub, and not leave those little oil bubbles floating on the top of the water


-It is of medium viscosity and is usually used in bath oil recipes along with fragrance or essential oils, or in shampoos


-This oil also has great moisturizing abilities





Various Grades of Turkey Red Oil:

Various grades of Turkey red oil are available for different applications. Our TRO is made as per International Processand Standards.



1.Turkey red oil – Phenyl Grade

Used in manufacture of Black Phenyl and White Phenyl. Phenyl manufacturers generally face problems of layer separation while manufacturing white phenyl. Using our Phenyl Grade Turkey red oil this problem is eliminated. Also quantity of Turkey red oil to Pine Oil decreases from 1:3 to 0.8:3 resulting in substantial savings.

2.Turkey red oil – Textile Grade

Used in the process of Dyeing. Textile dyers generally face problems of oil floating on water during dyeing process, this results in the cloth getting contaminated with oil. Using our Textile Grade Turkey red oil this is totally eliminated.

3.Turkey red oil – Leather Grade

Used in production of Leather Boards.

4.Turkey red oil – Metal Cutting Grade

Used in manufacture of Metal Cutting Oil.



5.Turkey red oil – Distillery Grade

This grade is used in Sugar Industry and Distillery as a De-foaming agent.









Türk Krmzs Ya Nedir?


Türk Krmzs Ya, Sülfatlanm Hintya Ya olarak da bilinir. Suda tamamen dalan tek yadr.Ya tohumdan ifade edilir. Sülfatlanm hint ya, hint ya için sülfürik asit eklenerek oluturulur ve ilk olarak kabul edilir.Sentetik deterjan. Türk Krmzs Yann belirgin ve ar bir kokusu vardr. Bir yüzey aktif maddedir ve bu nedenle bir banyo banyosu için su ile iyi karan, bir süt banyosu üreten mükemmel bir temel oluturur. Dünyann dört bir yanndaki deerli müterilerimizin çeitlendirilmi ihtiyaçlarn karlamak için, kaliteli bir Türk Krmzs Ya sunmakla urarz. Sunulan petrol, uzun raf ömrü ve safl için piyasada yaygn olarak övgüyle karlanmaktadr. Salanan yamz, endüstri normlarna uygun olarak üstün kaliteli kimyasal bileikler ve son teknolojiler kullanlarak ilenmektedir. Buna ek olarak, sunulan ya kalitesini salamak için farkl kalite önlemlerine kar kontrol edilir. Türk Krmzs Ya da Sülfatlanm Hintya Ya olarak bilinir. Suda tamamen dalan tek yadr. Ya tohumdan ifade edilir. Sülfatlanm hint ya, hint ya için sülfürik asit eklenerek oluturulur ve ilk sentetik deterjan olarak kabul edilir. Türk KrmzSI Yann belirgin ve ar bir kokusu vardr. Bu bir yüzey aktif maddedir ve bu nedenle bir banyo banyosu oluturmak için harika bir baz oluturur, çünkü bir süt banyosu üretir. Türk Krmzs Ya kimyasal Sodium Sulphonated Castor Oil ile eanlaml olarak bilinir ve 8002-33-3 CAS No’suna sahiptir. . C18H32Na2O6S moleküler formülü ve 422.49 molekül arlna sahip olan kimyasal, krmzms viskoz sv formda mevcuttur ve kullanlan ilemlerin spesifik gereksinimleri dorultusunda farkl mukavemetlerde sunulabilir. Baz özellikleri arasnda suda tam çözünürlük salar. Bir sürfaktan olarak, tekstil endüstrisinde, eker endüstrisinde köpük giderici ajan ve emülgatör olarak kullanlan banyo ya için baz olarak uygundur.





Türk Krmzs Yann Çeitli Uygulamalar



Türk Krmzs petrol, tarmda organik gübre olarak, tekstillerde yüzey aktif maddeler ve slatc maddeler olarak, kat endüstrisinde kullanlmaktadr.Köpük giderici, kozmetikte emülsifiye edici maddeler olarak, farmasötik olmayanlarda undesilenat olarak, boya mürekkeplerinde ve yalayclar olarak Uçucu yalar emülsifiye etmek için kullanlr, böylece dier su bazl ürünlerde veya süper sv svlarda çözülürler.Sabun sabunun effaf kalmasn istiyorsanz. Bu, yan küvetdeki suyla birleecei anlamna gelir ve suyun üstünde yüzen o küçük petrol kabarcklarn brak. Orta viskozitededir ve genellikle banyo yanda kullanlr.Koku veya esans yalar ile birlikte ya da ampuanlarda tarifler. Bu ya ayrca büyük nemlendirme yeteneklerine de sahiptir.




-Türk Krmzs ya tarmda organik gübre olarak, yüzey aktif maddeler ve slatc maddeler olarak tekstillerde, köpük giderme için kat endüstrisinde, emülgatör olarak kozmetikte, undecylenate olarak ilaçlarda, boya mürekkeplerinde ve yalayclarda kullanlr.


-Dier uçucu yalar emülsifiye etmek için kullanlr, böylece dier su bazl ürünlerde veya süper yada çözülürler. Sabunun effaf kalmasn istiyorsanz sv sabun bu, petrolün küvetdeki suyla birleecei ve suyun üstünde yüzen küçük petrol kabarcklarn brakmayaca anlamna gelir.


-Orta viskoziteye sahiptir ve genellikle banyo ya reçetelerinde koku veya esansiyel yalarla veya ampuanlarda kullanlr.


-Bu petrol de büyük nemlendirme yeteneklerine sahiptir.



Türk Krmzs Yann Çeitli Snflar:


Farkl uygulamalar için çeitli Türk krmzs ya dereceleri mevcuttur. Türk krmzs yamz, Uluslararas Süreç Standartlarna göre yaplr.



1.Türk krmzs ya – Fenil Snf

Siyah Fenil ve Beyaz Fenil üretiminde kullanlr. Fenil üreticileri genellikle katman ayrma problemleriyle karlarlar. Beyaz fenil üretirken. Phenyl Grade Türk krmzs ya kullanarak bu sorun ortadan kaldrlmtr. Ayrca çam ya için Türk krmzs ya miktar 1: 3’ten 0.8: 3’e düer ve önemli ölçüde tasarruf salar.

2.Türk krmzs ya – Tekstil Snf

Boyama ileminde kullanlr. Tekstil boyaclar genellikle boyama ilemi srasnda suda yüzen ya problemleriyle karlarlar.Kuman ya ile kirlenmesine neden olur. Tekstil Dereceli Türk krmzs yamz kullanmak tamamen ortadan kaldrlmtr.

3.Türk krmzs ya – Deri Derecesi

Deri Levha üretiminde kullanlr.

4.Türk krmzs ya – Metal Kesim Snf

Metal Kesme Ya üretiminde kullanlr.



5.Türk krmzs ya – Damtma Snf

Bu kalite eker Endüstrisinde ve Damtma Ünitesinde De köpüren bir madde olarak kullanlmaktadr.
