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CAS NUMBER:9032-42-2



SYNONYMS:Methyl 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose;Methyl 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose;TYLOSE; tylose; TYLOSE ; tylose ; HS ;hs ; Hs ; 100000 ; Yüzbin ; 100bin ; YP2 ; YP ;yp ; Yp ; 2 ; Tylose Hs 10000 YP2 ; TYLOSE HS 100000 YP 2 i tylosehs 100000 yp 2 ; TYLOSEHS 100000YP2 ; TYLOSEHS 100000 YP2 ; TYLOSEHS100000YP2 ; tylose hs100000yp2 ; Tylose Hs100000YP2 ; diethanol disulfide, diethanol disulphide, bis(2-hydroxyethanol)disulfide ; 2-Hydroxyethyl cellulose ; Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine(triethanolamine) n-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N’-2-propenyl thiourea 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-(heptadecenyl)imidazoline 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-pyrrolidinone 1,3,5-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)triazine-2,4,6-trione Carboxymethyl cellulose Cellulose Cellulose acetate Ethyl cellulose ; Fuji HEC-HP;Fuji HEC-AG 15; NATRO-SOL 250HR; NATROSOL 250MH; NATROSOL 250G; CELLOSIZE QP 30000; TYLOSE H SERIES; NATROSOL 180L; NATROSOL 300H ; TYLOSE P-X; NATROSOL 250M; CELLOSIZE WP 4400; CELLOSIZE UT 40; NATROSOL 250H4R; Tylose H 20P; NATROSOL LR; TYLOSE MHB; NATROSOL 250HHP; HERCULES N 100; CELLOSIZE WP 300; TYLOSE P-Z SERIES; NATROSOL 250H; TYLOSE PS-X; Cellobond HEC 400; CELLOSIZE QP; CELLOSIZE QP 1500; NATRO-SOL 250; HYDROXYETHYL CELLULOSE ETHER; HESPAN; TYLOSE MHB-Y; NATROSOL 240JR; HYDROXYETHYL STARCH; CELLOSIZE WP; CELLOSIZE WP 300H; 2-HYDROXYETHYL CELLULOSE ETHER; BL 15; CELLOSIZE QP 4400; CELLOSIZE QP3; TYLOSE MB;CELLULOSE HYDROXY-ETHYLATE; CELLOSIZE WPO 9H17; CELLOSIZE 4400H16; CELLULOSE HYDROXYETHYL ETHER; Hydroxyethyl Cellulose ();Hydroxyl Ethyl Cellulose(HEC); Hydroxyethyl Cellulose 100H (celocell 100h); TYLOSE MH-XP; NATROSOL 250HX; Natrosol; Daicel EP 500;HEC-Unicel; HEC (Hydroxyethyl cellulose); Cellosize; HEC-Al 5000; Fuji HEC-AL 15; HEC-Unicel QP 09L; also Cellulose, ethers, 2-hydroxyethyl ether; Unicel QP 52000H; HEC-QP4400;SP 250 (cellulose);Hetastarch; Cellulose, ethers, 2-hydroxyethyl ether; Glutofix 600; FL 52; Fuji HEC-AX 15F; Tylose H300P; HEC-Unicel QP 300H;Tylose H 300;Daicel SP 550; Daicel SE 600;Unicel QP 15000;HEC-QP 100MH; HEC-QP 9H; OETs; Daicel EP 850; H. E. Cellulose; Cellobond 25T; Unicel QP 100MH; Tylose H 4000; polymer with oxirane ; see;SE 850K; Tylomer H 20; Daicel SE 850K; Tylose H 30000YP; Unicel QP 4400; SP 407; Tylose H 100000; Daicel SP 200; Culminal HEC 5000PR; Tylopur H 300; Daicel SP 750;Sanhec; BL 15 (cellulose derivative); Unicel QP 300H; Tylomer H 200; J 164; Tylose H 10; Tylose H 20; AH 15; Daicel SP 600; Daicel SE 900; HEC-Unicel QP 4400H; AX 15; Daicel SP 800; Fuji HEC-AW 15F; HEC-SE 850; HEC-A 5-25CF; Metolose 90SEW;AW 15 (polysaccharide); Cellobond HEC 5000; HEC-QP 100M; Cellobond HEC 15A; Tylose H 15000YP2; Walocel HT 6.000PFV; 2-Hydroxyethyl cellulose (Natrosol Type 250HRCS); Fuji HEC-BL 20;Fuji HEC-SY 25F; Telhec;HEC-SP 200;HEC-AH 15;HEC-Unicel QP 30000H;polymer with cellulose ;; see;HEC 10A; Daicel SP 400; Admiral 3089FS; Fuji HEC-A 5000F; HEC-SP 400; Hydroxyethyl Methyl Cellulose(HEMC); HYDROXYETHYL CELLULOSE (HEC); Hydroxyethyl Starch (CAS No:9004-62-0); Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose;”Natrosol” [Aqualon]; HEC; 2-HYDROXYETHYL CELLULOSE; NATROSOL 150L; TYLOSE MHB-YP; HYDROXYETHYL ETHER CELLULOSE; NATROSOL 250L; CELLOSIZE WP 400H; TYLOSE P; CELLULOSE, 2-HYDROXYETHYL ETHER; TYLOSE MH-K; NATROSOL 250HHR;




Tyloses are outgrowths on parenchyma cells of xylem vessels of secondary heartwood. When the plant is stressed by drought or infection, tyloses will fall from the sides of the cells and “dam” up the vascular tissue to prevent further damage to the plant.Tyloses can aid in the process of making sapwood into heartwood in some hardwood trees, especially in trees with larger vessels.These blockages can be used in addition to gum plugs as soon as vessels become filled with air bubbles, and they help to form a stronger heartwood by slowing the progress of rot.The role of phenolic compounds in strengthening resistance of grapevine to young grapevine decline was analysed. The formation of tyloses has also been associated with this disease. A microscopic study showed that tyloses originated in parenchyma cells associated with the xylem and from there invaded the xylem lumen. As tyloses formed, there were changes in the cell wall, associated with the accumulation of crystalline structures. The cells surrounding the blocked xylem contained more polyphenolic compounds than the cells of intact xylem. Changes in the level and composition of polyphenolic compounds occurred in relation to the severity of infection. Tannin concentrations also increased with increasing numbers of xylem vessels containing tyloses. Root extracts added to fungal culture media inhibited mycelial growth of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Pm. inflatipes. Inhibition was greater with extracts from roots with tyloses, and was also correlated with polyphenol content. Extracts of the leaves, stems and berries of vines treated with Brotomax, which increases the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds, inhibited mycelial growth of the fungi compared to untreated control plants. This is a brand name for CMC so is effectively the same thing as CMC. It works in the same way and is again a chemical version. It is usually again cheaper than Gum Tragacanth due to its chemical nature. Ever had one of those moments when someone’s telling you about all of these wonderful sugarcraft products to help with your cake decorating, but you have no idea what they’re  CMC, Tylose and Gum Tragacanth often come under this category so we thought we’d give you a helping hand with a little guide. “Tylose” has undergone a bit of a name change. It’s now called “CMC.” They are exactly the same thing, but CMC is merely an abbreviation of the chemical composition of the powder.Tylose powder is added to make your gum paste easier to work with. Can be used with or in place of gum tragacanth. Tylose powder is a special variety of high grade CMC, this natural ingredient starts its life as wood fibre. It also acts as a hardening agent when added to fondant. That way you can control the amount added instead of purchasing a commercial gum paste.Being a physiologically harmless cosmetic additive,Tylose offers a multitude of applications in the field of personal care. Tylose hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) is our most widely used additive in the cosmetic field. Besides the ultra pure cosmetic types, our standard Tylose types can also be used. The thickening effect of Tylose grades is dependent on the degree of polymerisation (DP) or the molecular weight and the concentration used. When using the same concentration, the viscosity of the solution increases with an increased degree of polymerisation. An increase in Tylose concentration gives a strong increase in viscosity.






Tyloses, sekonder öz odunun ksilem damarlarnn parankim hücreleri üzerinde üreme gösterir. Bitki kuraklktan etkilendiinde ya da enfeksiyon, daha fazla zarar görmesini önlemek için tilozlar hücrelerin kenarlarndan ve vasküler doku “baraj” düecek Bitkiler baz aaçlarda, özellikle de aaçlarda, öz odunlarda, öz odun yapmnda yardmc olabilir. Daha büyük gemiler.Bu gemiler hava kabarcklar ile dolduunda bu tkaçlar ek olarak sakz fileri kullanlabilir ve rotonun ilerlemesini yavalatarak daha güçlü bir öz odun oluturmaya yardmc olurlar. Güçlendirmede fenolik bileiklerin rolü Grapevinin genç asma düüüne direnci incelendi. Tilozlar oluumu da ile ilikili olmutur Bu hastalk. Mikroskobik bir çalma, tilozlarn ksilem ile ilikili parenkima hücrelerinden kaynaklandn ve ksilem lümeni istila etti. Trisozlar olutukça, hücre duvarnda, kristal yaplar. Bloke ksilemi çevreleyen hücreler, hücrelerden daha fazla polifenolik bileik içerir. Bozulmam ksilem. Polifenolik bileiklerin seviyesinde ve bileimindeki deiimler ciddiyetine göre meydana gelmitir enfeksiyon. Tanen konsantrasyonlar, tilozlar içeren artan sayda ksilem damarlar ile de artmtr. Kök ekstreleri fungal kültür ortamna ilave Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum ve Pm misel büyümesini inhibe etti inflatipes. nhibisyon, tilozlu köklerden elde edilen ekstraktlarla daha fazlayd ve ayrca polifenol ile korele edildi içerii. Brotomax ile muamele edilmi sarmaklar, saplar ve meyveleri özleri, fenolik bileikler, tedavi edilmemi kontrol bitkilerine kyasla mantarlarn misel geliimini inhibe etti. Bu bir marka addr CMC, etkili bir ekilde CMC ile ayn eydir. Ayn ekilde çalr ve yine kimyasal bir versiyonudur. Genellikle kimyasal yaps nedeniyle tekrar Gum Tragacanth daha ucuz. Birinin size söyledii anlardan biri vard. Pasta süslemenize yardmc olmak için bu harika sugarcraft ürünlerinin hepsi hakknda, ama ne olduklar hakknda hiçbir fikriniz yok.Tylose ve Gum Tragacanth sklkla bu kategoriye giriyorlar, bu yüzden size yardm eli vereceimizi düündük küçük bir rehberle. “Tylose” biraz isim deiikliine urad. imdi “CMC” olarak adlandrlyor. Tam olarak ayn ey ama CMC sadece tozun kimyasal bileiminin bir ksaltmasdr ile çalmak daha kolay. Sakz kitlesi ile veya yerinde kullanlabilir. Tylose tozu, yüksek dereceli CMC’nin özel bir çeididir. Bu doal içerik hayatn odun lifi olarak balatr. Ayn zamanda fondan eklendiinde sertletirici bir madde gibi davranr. Bu ekilde Ticari bir sakz macunu satn almak yerine eklenen miktar kontrol edebilirsiniz. Fizyolojik olarak zararsz bir kozmetik yapmak katk maddesi, Tylose kiisel bakm alannda çok sayda uygulama sunar. Tylose hidroksietil selüloz (HEC) Kozmetik alannda en çok kullanlan katk maddemiz. Ultra saf kozmetik çeitlerinin yan sra standart Tylose çeitlerimiz ayrca kullanlabilir. Tylose derecelerinin kalnlama etkisi, polimerizasyon derecesine (DP) veya moleküle baldr.Arlk ve kullanlan konsantrasyon. Ayn konsantrasyonu kullanrken, çözeltinin viskozitesi artm polimerizasyon derecesi ile artar. Tylose konsantrasyonundaki bir art, viskozitede güçlü bir art salar.
