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UNICELL; unicell;UNICELL BF; unicell BF; UNICELL bf;unicell bf; UNICELLBF; unicellBF; UNICELLbf;unicellbf;UNICELL-BF; unicell-BF; UNICELL-bf;unicell-bf; UNICELL BF 500; UNICELLBF500;UNICELLBF 500;UNICELL BF500;UNICELL BF-500; UNICELLBF-500; unicell bf 500; unicellbf500;unicellbf 500; unicell bf500;unicell bf-500;unicellbf-500;UNICELL BF 500-BAMBOO FIBER;unicellbf500;unicell BF; unicell bf; Unicell BF; Unicell bf;Unicell Bf; UnicellBF;UnicellBf;Unicellbf;unicell-BF; unicell-bf; Unicell-BF; Unicell-bf;Unicell-Bf; UnicellBF;UnicellBf;Unicellbf;unicell BF 500; unicell bf 500; Unicell BF 500; Unicell bf 500;Unicell Bf 500; UnicellBF500;UnicellBf500;Unicellbf500;Bamboo fiber; bamboo fiber;BAMBOO FIBER; BAMBOOFIBER; unicell BF-500; unicell bf-500; Unicell BF-500; Unicell bf-500;Unicell Bf-500;unicell BF-500; unicell bf-500; Unicell BF-500; Unicell bf-500;Unicell Bf-500;bambu lifi; Bambu Lifi; Bambulifi;bambulifi




Grade (µm):500

Water binding capacity: (%)1200

Oil binding capacity:(%)1000




Unicell BF 500 is a natural insoluble bamboo fiber obtained from fiber rich parts of the bamboo plant. It combines the strengths of bamboo with the benefits of dietary fiber to provide a unique natural fiber for various food products. This product is ideal for hamburgers, ground and canned meat, processed cheese, wafers, and pretzels. Unicell BF 500 provides a better food texture, longer-lasting freshness, and less chance of crumbling or collapsing. This product is gluten-free. Unicell BF 500 has a max of 85% through a 32µm screen or sieve


UNICELL BF products are natural insoluble bamboo fibers obtained from fiber rich parts of the bamboo plant.They combine the strength of bamboo with the benefits of dietary fiber to provide a unique natural fiber for various food products. UNICELL BF fibers are available in five lengths, 30, 75, 90, 200 and 500 microns.The final product resembles a flavorless and tasteless fibrous white powder. UNICELL BF fibers are used to increase freshness of meat and fish products as well as dough yield of baked goods.



Unicell BF 500 LD is a concentrated, low dust, natural bamboo fiber of white color and neutral taste and flavor. Unicell BF fibers increase freshness, improve texture, and prevent crumbling in hamburgers, canned meat, processed cheese, wafers, and pretzels. Unicell BF 500 LD has a max of 85% through a 32µm screen or sieve.






Hamburgers, earthenware and canned meat, processed cheese, waffles, pretzels No spray during cooking with pots






Much better, texture

Fresher longer

Less chance collapses or collapses












Snf (µm): 500

Su balama kapasitesi: (%) 1200

Ya balama kapasitesi: (%) 1000


Unicell BF 500, bambu bitkisinin lif bakmndan zengin parçalarndan elde edilen doal çözünmez bir bambu elyaftr. Çeitli gda ürünleri için esiz bir doal lif salamak üzere, bambularn güçlü yönlerini diyet lifinin faydalaryla birletirir. Bu ürün hamburger, yer ve konserve et, ilenmi peynir, gofret ve simit için idealdir. Unicell BF 500, daha iyi bir gda dokusu, daha uzun ömürlü tazelik ve daha az parçalama veya çökme ans salar. Bu ürün glutensizdir. Unicell BF 500, 32µm ekran veya elek ile maksimum% 85’e sahiptir.


UNICELL BF ürünleri, bambu bitkisinin lif bakmndan zengin parçalarndan elde edilen doal çözünmez bambu lifleridir. Çeitli gda ürünleri için esiz bir doal lif salamak üzere, bambularn gücünü, liflerin yararlaryla birletirir. UNICELL BF lifleri, 5, 30, 75, 90, 200 ve 500 mikron uzunluklarda mevcuttur. Son ürün, tatsz ve tatsz lifli beyaz bir tozu andrr. UNICELL BF lifleri, et ve balk ürünlerinin tazeliini ve frnlanm ürünlerin hamur verimini arttrmak için kullanlr.



Unicell BF 500 LD, beyaz renkli ve nötr tat ve aroma içeren konsantre, düük tozlu, doal bir bambu elyaftr. Unicell BF lifleri tazelii artrr, dokuyu gelitirir ve hamburger, konserve et, ilenmi peynir, gofret ve simitlerde parçalanmay önler. Unicell BF 500 LD, 32µm’lik bir ekran veya elek ile maksimum% 85’e sahiptir.






Hamburger, hamur ileri ve konserve et, ilenmi peynir, gofretler, krakerler Tencere ile piirirken sprey yok






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