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CAS NO: 9005-25-8 (STARCH)

METATAGS:WHEAT; STARCH;WHEAT STARCH; BUDAY; BUDAY UNU; BUDAY LF; BUDAY NASTASI; 9005-25-8; Amylomaize Starch; Amylum; Cornstarch; D013213; Keoflo; Starch; Starch, Amylomaize





New U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules allow wheat starch in gluten-free foods if the wheat starch is specially processed to remove gluten. Some food companies say it can improve flavor and texture in certain products.

But gluten-free consumers who have long gone by the rule that any food that contains wheat, barley or rye in any form is forbidden may have some trouble adjusting to the idea that certain kinds of wheat starch are now allowed.

It has already appeared in a chocolate and tangerine treat in one of GoPicnic’s gluten-free packaged meals. And Dr. Schär, a European company that has made foods for special diets for 93 years, will introduce gluten-free plain and chocolate-filled croissants containing wheat starch in the United States early this year. Dr. Schär currently sells gluten-free croissants in Europe that list wheat starch as a main ingredient.

Wheat starch processed to remove gluten, called Codex wheat starch, has been allowed in gluten-free food in Europe for more than a decade based on studies that show it is not harmful to those who have celiac disease. But wheat starch was not allowed in the United States until the recent finalization of the FDA rules for gluten-free foods.

Although some food companies plan to begin using wheat starch, don’t expect many to follow quickly. Overall, use of wheat starch in gluten-free food appears to be a tough sell to both food makers and consumers.

Product Description
A powdery substance obtained from wheat kernels. It is best to stir it into water first before it is added to other foods, so that it can be more easily incorporated without creating lumps.

Wheat flour is the grain of wheat ground up with the bran and germ mostly milled off. Relative to whole wheat, this leaves a product that is a bit lower in fibre but can contain up to 14% protein. Wheat flour is mostly starch (carbohydrate), but still contains some fibre and lots of protein as I said. This protein is gluten, which is stretchy and makes flour great for baking.

Wheat Starch is likely processed through dissolving the water soluble starch and evaporating the water, leaving 99%+ starch. This results in a smaller particle than flour. Since gluten (protein) is the sticky/gummy/stretchy part of flour, wheat starch does not have those glutinous properties. Most wheat starches are still have enough trace protein that they wouldn’t be ‘gluten free’.

Starch or amylum is a polymeric carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by most green plants as an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in human diets and is contained in large amounts in staple foods such as potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), rice, and cassava.

Pure starch is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that is insoluble in cold water or alcohol. It consists of two types of molecules: the linear and helical amylose and the branched amylopectin. Depending on the plant, starch generally contains 20 to 25% amylose and 75 to 80% amylopectin by weight. Glycogen, the glucose store of animals, is a more branched version of amylopectin.

In industry, starch is converted into sugars, for example by malting, and fermented to produce ethanol in the manufacture of beer, whisky and biofuel. It is processed to produce many of the sugars used in processed foods. Dissolving starch in warm water gives wheatpaste, which can be used as a thickening, stiffening or gluing agent. The biggest industrial non-food use of starch is as an adhesive in the papermaking process. Starch can be applied to parts of some garments before ironing, to stiffen them.





Yeni ABD Gda ve laç daresi (FDA) kurallar, buday niastas gluteni uzaklatrmak için özel olarak ilenmise, glutensiz gdalarda buday niastasna izin verir. Baz gda irketleri, baz ürünlerdeki lezzeti ve dokuyu iyiletirebileceini söylüyor.

Ancak, buday, arpa veya çavdarn herhangi bir biçimde herhangi bir ekilde verilmesinin yasaklanmas ile uzunca bir zaman geçmi olan glutensiz tüketiciler, belirli türde buday niastasna artk izin verilmesine karar vermekte sorun yayor olabilir.

GoPicnic’in glütensiz paketlenmi yemeklerinden birinde çikolata ve mandalina tedavisinde zaten görülüyor. Ve 93 yldr özel diyetler için gdalar hazrlayan Avrupal ​​bir irket olan Dr Schär, bu yln banda ABD’de buday niastas içeren glutensiz düz ve çikolata dolgulu kruvasanlar tantacak. Schär u anda Avrupa’da glutensiz kruvasan satyor ve bu liste buday niastasn ana madde olarak listeliyor.

Codex buday niastas olarak adlandrlan, gluten kaldrmak için ilenmi buday niastas, çölyak hastal olanlara zararl olmadn gösteren çalmalara dayanarak Avrupa’da glutensiz bir gdada on yldan fazla bir süre verildi. Ancak, buday niastasna, FDA’nn glütensiz gdalar için kurallar getirilene kadar Birleik Devletlerde izin verilmedi.

Baz gda irketleri buday niastas kullanmaya balamay planladklarna ramen birçok kiinin çabucak gelmesini beklemeyin. Genel olarak, glutensiz gdada buday niastasnn kullanlmas hem gda üreticilerine hem de tüketicilere zorlu bir sat olarak görünmektedir.

Ürün Açklamas
Buday çekirdeklerinden elde edilen toz halindeki bir madde. En iyisi dier gdalara eklenmeden önce suya kartrmaktr, böylece topaklar oluturmadan daha kolay bir ekilde eklenebilir.

Buday unu, kepek ve tohumun çounlukla öütüldüü buday tohumu tohumudur. Kepekli budaya göre, bu, elyafta biraz daha düük ancak% 14’e kadar protein ihtiva edebilen bir ürün brakr. Buday unu çounlukla niasta (karbonhidrat), ancak dediim gibi yine de bir miktar lif ve çok miktarda protein içeriyor. Bu protein gevrek olan ve unu piirme için harikulade yapan glutendir.

Buday Niastas muhtemelen suda çözünür niastann eritilmesi ve suyun buharlamasyla ilenir ve% 99 + niasta kalr. Bu, una göre daha küçük bir parçack ile sonuçlanr. Gluten (protein) unun yapkan / sakzl / gerilebilir ksm olduundan, buday niastasnn yap yap özellikleri yoktur. Çou buday niastasnda, hala ‘glütensiz’ olmamalar için yeterli miktarda protein bulunur.

Niasta veya amylum, glikosidik balarla birletirilmi çok sayda glikoz biriminden oluan bir polimerik karbonhidrattr. Bu polisakkarit çou yeil bitki tarafndan bir enerji deposu olarak üretilir. nsan diyetlerinde en yaygn karbonhidrattr ve patates, buday, msr (msr), pirinç ve manyok gibi temel gda maddelerinde büyük miktarlarda bulunur.

Saf niasta beyaz, tatsz ve kokusuz, souk su veya alkolde çözünmeyen bir tozdur. ki moleküllü molekülden oluur: dorusal ve sarmal amiloz ve dall amilopektin. Bitkiye bal olarak, niasta genellikle arlkça% 20 ila 25 amiloz ve% 75 ila 80 amilopektin içerir. [3] Glikojen, hayvanlarn glikoz deposu, amilopektinin daha dallanm bir halidir.

Endüstride niasta, örnein maltlarla ekere dönütürülür ve bira, viski ve biyoyakt imalatnda etanol üretmek için fermente olur. lenmi gdalarda kullanlan pek çok ekeri üretmek için ilenir. Niastay lk suda eritmek, younlatrc, sertletirici veya yapkan ajan olarak kullanlabilen buday unu verir. Niastann en büyük endüstriyel gda d kullanm, yaprak yapm sürecinde bir yaptrcdr. Niasta, ütü yapmadan önce baz giysilerin parçalarna uygulanabilir, onlar sertletirebilir.
