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CAS NO: 7059-16-7
METATAGS: Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters, zinc salts; Phosphorodithioic acid O,O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters zinc salts; Melaleuca alternifolia oil; Melasol; Tea-tree oils; EINECS 272-028-3; Dialkyl(C1-C14)dithiophosphoric acid, zinc salt; SCHEMBL164653; Zinc Dialkylphosphorodithiloate; zinc diheptoxy-sulfido-thioxo-$l^{5}-phosphane; ZINC(2+) ION BIS(O,O-DIHEPTYL SULFANIDYLPHOSPHONOTHIOATE); Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters, zinc salts;ZINCDIALKYLDITHIOPHOSPHATES;ZINCALKYLDITHIOPHOSPHATE;Dialkyl-C1-14-dithiophosphoric acid, zinc salt;Dialkyl(C1-C14)dithiophosphoric acid, zinc salt;Einecs 272-028-3;Zinc Dialkylphosphorodithiloate Rubber Accelerator ZDTP-1;Zinc Dialkylphosphorodithiloate; zinc bis(O,O-dioctyl) bis(dithiophosphate);Zinc, bis(O,O-dioctyl phosphorodithioato-S,S’)-, (T-4)-;Bis(dithiophosphoric acid O,O-dioctyl)zinc salt;Zinc bis[O,O-dioctyl dithiophosphate]; Zinc, bis(O,O-dioctyl phosphorodithioato-kappaS,kappaS’)-, (T-4)-;Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-dioctyl ester, zinc salt;Zinc bis(O,O-dioctyl) bis(dithiophosphate);Zinc, bis(O,O-dioctyl phosphorodithioato-S,S’)-, (beta-4)-;zinc bis(O,O-dioctyl phosphorodithioate);bis(dioctoxyphosphinothioylsulfanyl)zinc; Phosphorodithioic acid O,O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters zinc salts; Zinc dialkylphosphorodithiloate;
Phosphorodithioic acid o,o-di-c1-14-alkyl esters zinc salts
, 99%; ÇNKO DOKST DTYOFOSFAT; ZINC, DIOCTYL, DITHIOPHOSPHATE; ZINC DIOCTYL DITHIOPHOSPHATE; zinc, dioctyl, dithiophosphate; zinc dioctyl dithiophosphate; çinko, dioktil, ditiyofosfat; çinko dioktil ditiyofosfat.






Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (often referred to as ZDDP) are a family of coordination compounds developed in the 1940s[1] that feature zinc bound to the anion of dithiophosphoric acid. These uncharged compounds are not salts. They are soluble in nonpolar solvents, and the longer chain derivatives easily dissolve in mineral and synthetic oils used as lubricants. They come under CAS number Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (often referred to as ZDDP) are a family of coordination compounds developed in the 1940s[1] that feature zinc bound to the anion of dithiophosphoric acid. These uncharged compounds are not salts. They are soluble in nonpolar solvents, and the longer chain derivatives easily dissolve in mineral and synthetic oils used as lubricants. They come under CAS number 68649-42-3. In aftermarket oil additives, the percentage of ZDDP ranges approximately between 2-15%.

The alkyl groups can be branched and linear alkanes between 1-14 carbons length, 2-butyl, pentyl, hexyl, 1,3-dimethylbutyl, heptyl, octyl, isooctyl (2-ethylhexyl), 6-methylheptyl, 1-methylpropyl, dodecylphenyl, and others. A mix of zinc dialkyl(C3-C6)dithiophosphates come under CAS number 84605-29-8. List of other examples with their CAS numbers is here. In aftermarket oil additives, the percentage of ZDDP ranges approximately between 2-15%.

The alkyl groups can be branched and linear alkanes between 1-14 carbons length, 2-butyl, pentyl, hexyl, 1,3-dimethylbutyl, heptyl, octyl, isooctyl (2-ethylhexyl), 6-methylheptyl, 1-methylpropyl, dodecylphenyl, and others. A mix of zinc dialkyl(C3-C6)dithiophosphates come under CAS number 84605-29-8. List of other examples with their CAS numbers is here

RD202/RD203B is a zinc thiophosphate, which is prepared from thiophosphoric acid made from butyl octyl alcohol. When added into oils, it can inhibit oil oxidation. It has antioxidant, anti-wear and corrosion proof. The product is multi-function additive with antioxidation and anti-wear and anticorrosion.
Special Features
1. Better antioxidant
2. Better abrasion resistance
3. Better thermal stability
1. Primarily used for various internal combustion engine oils.
2. Used for gear oils, hydraulic oils, bearing oils, rail oils and metalworking oils, but it can not be used with silver parts.
3. The recommend dosage: 0.5 to 3.0%
Item Typical Value

Kinematic Viscosity (100℃),mm2/s
Flash point (COC) ℃ ≥180 ≥180
Chroma No. ≤2.5 ≤2.5
Zinc, m% 8.0-10.0 8.5-10.5
Phosphorus, m% 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.8
Sulfur, m% 12.0-18.0 12.0-18.0
Density(20℃), kg/m3 1080-1130 1060-1150
Water, m% ≤0.09 ≤0.09 GB/T260
Thermal decomposition temperature, ℃ ≥220 ≥223
The packing, marking, transportation, storage and delivery acceptance should meet the requirements of SH/T0164. Store in dry, clean and ventilating warehouses.
The product is packed in 200 liter metal drum (net weight: 200 kg/drum).






Çinko dialkilitiofosfatlar (genellikle ZDDP olarak anlr) 1940’larda gelitirilen, çinko ditiyofosforik asitin anyonuna bal koordinasyon bileiklerinin bir ailesidir. Bu arj edilmemi bileikler tuz deildir. Nonpolar solventlerde çözünürler ve uzun zincirli türevler kayganlatrc olarak kullanlan mineral ve sentetik yalarda kolaylkla çözünürler. Çinko, dithiophosphoric acid’in anyonuna bal özellikte olan 1940’larda gelitirilen koordinasyon bileiklerinin bir ailesi. Çinko dialkilitiyofosfatlar (genellikle ZDDP olarak anlr) CAS numaras altndadr. Bu arj edilmemi bileikler tuz deildir. Nonpolar solventlerde çözünürler ve uzun zincirli türevler kayganlatrc olarak kullanlan mineral ve sentetik yalarda kolaylkla çözünürler. CAS numaras 68649-42-3 ile gelirler. Sat sonras ya katklarnda, ZDDP yüzdesi yaklak olarak% 2-15 arasnda deiir.

Alkil gruplar, dallanm ve 1-14 karbon uzunluu arasndaki dorusal alkanlar, 2-bütil, pentil, heksil, 1,3-dimetilbutil, heptil, oktil, izooktil (2-etilheksil), 6-metilheptil, 1-metilpropil, dodesilfenil , ve dierleri. Çinko dialkil (C3-C6) ditiyofosfatlarn bir karm CAS numaras 84605-29-8 ile gelir. CAS numaral dier örneklerin listesi burada. Sat sonras ya katklarnda, ZDDP yüzdesi yaklak olarak% 2-15 arasnda deiir.

Alkil gruplar, dallanm ve 1-14 karbon uzunluu arasndaki dorusal alkanlar, 2-bütil, pentil, heksil, 1,3-dimetilbutil, heptil, oktil, izooktil (2-etilheksil), 6-metilheptil, 1-metilpropil, dodesilfenil , ve dierleri. Çinko dialkil (C3-C6) ditiyofosfatlarn bir karm CAS numaras 84605-29-8 ile gelir. CAS numaralarna sahip dier örneklerin listesi burada

RD202 / RD203B, butil oktil alkolden tiyofosforik asitten hazrlanan bir çinko tiyofosfattr. Yalara ilave edildiinde, ya oksidasyonunu engelleyebilir. Antioksidan, anmaya ve korozyona dayankldr. Ürün, antioksidasyon ve anti-anma ve antikorozyona sahip çok ilevli katkdr.
Özel Özellikler
1. Daha iyi antioksidan
2. Daha iyi anma direnci
3. Daha iyi termal kararllk
1. Öncelikle çeitli içten yanmal motor yalar için kullanlr.
2. Dili yalar, hidrolik yalar, yatak yalar, ray yalar ve metal ileme yalar için kullanlr, ancak gümü parçalarda kullanlamaz.
3. Önerilen dozaj:% 0,5 ila 3,0
Öe Tipik Deer

Kinematik Viskozite (100 ℃), mm2 / s
Parlama noktas (COC) ℃ ≥180 ≥180
Kroma No. ≤2.5 ≤2.5
Çinko, m% 8.0-10.0 8.5-10.5
Fosfor, m% 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.8
Kükürt, m% 12.0-18.0 12.0-18.0
Younluk (20 ℃), kg / m3 1080-1130 1060-1150
Su, m% ≤0.09 ≤0.09 GB / T260
Termal bozunma scakl, ℃ ≥220 ≥223
Ambalajlama, iaretleme, nakliye, saklama ve teslimat kabulü SH / T0164 artlarn karlamaldr. Kuru, temiz ve havalandrmal depolarda saklayn.
Ürün, 200 litrelik metal tamburda (net arlk: 200 kg / tambur) paketlenmitir.



